Summary: Will finally comes to a decision.

A/N: Took him long enough! Oh, and there maybe might be a hint of a suggestion of slash in this, too. grin

Will woke up on the floor, sun burning his sleepy eyes. Startling himself awake, he sat up, jumped to his feet a bit too quickly.

"Oh," he groaned, putting a hand to his dizzy head, sitting down slowly on the couch. A minute passed and he felt better, so he stood up again, but not as quick this time.

He knew he should get out and just walk around today, even though he didn't want to. But it was better than sitting in his cramped house when he was feeling so mad.

Not angry mad, but crazy mad. He hadn't gotten a proper sleep, had spent far too much time analyzing his current situation, and was plagued with a horrible dream when he had fallen asleep.

It was something about having to choose either Jack or Elizabeth to save from Barbossa. And that damned monkey was in his dream! He could scarcely remember ever seeing it, but it kept screeching in his ear.

Finally, just before the dream ended, he'd saved one of them, very dramatically. Untying the knots around their wrists, carrying them to safety - after defeating the skeleton captain, obviously. He had managed to rescue-

"Damn!" Will cursed as he tripped over his shirt as it lay on the floor. Sighing, he knelt down and picked it up, then continued to his bedroom to get cleaned up and dressed.

Opening the door, he gasped and jumped back, dropping his shirt as received the shock of a lifetime.

Sprawled out on his bed, legs stretched out and crossed in front if him, beaded hair pushed back from his face, hat resting beside him, was none other than-

"Miss me?"

"What- what are you doing here?" Will asked nervously, glancing at the open window above the bed.

"Don't forget, mate, I'm Captain Jack Sparrow!" he grinned, jumping off the bed to stand in front of Will.

Will smiled at the man. "Sometimes, Jack, you truly frighten me." He felt his unease leave him as he adjusted to the fact that Jack had come back from wherever he was, tracked him down, and climbed in through his window, and was now examining his half-naked body.

Jack grinned, showing off the teeth that he was so proud of. Then he expression softened, and his eyes flicked between the bed and Will for a moment. "Why didn't you come to bed last night?"

Will was taken aback, but didn't say anything as Jack stepped up to him, breathing softly in his face.

"It was cold in here," the pirate added.

They both knew what might, what possibly, what could happen, but Will wasn't sure enough to have it happen again. So instead, he glanced over at the window, then back at Jack, a small smile on his face. "You could have closed the window."

Jack smiled his drunken smile, shaking his head slowly. He clapped Will on the shoulder gently, laughing.

Will knew he had probably been one of the first to turn Jack down, but didn't care. Jack had that quality about him - he was brash, arrogant, daring, brave, strong, captivating, mysterious - and that's why everyone wanted him.

Men wanted to be seen with someone like that, and women just wanted him.

Remembering Ana Maria, Giselle, Scarlett and their infamous slaps, Will knew that could get out of hand.

Grinning, Will relaxed as Jack increased the space between them, sitting back down on the bed. He patted the blanket beside him, asking Will to sit next to him. But he shook his head, declining the offer. Instead, he leaned against the doorframe, arms crossed over his bare chest.

"And what about my other offer?" Jack started.

"I... I was thinking about it."

"And have you come to a decision?" the pirate captain asked.

"No," Will glanced down at the ground, noticed his forgotten shirt and realized he should probably put it on.

"How much more time do you need?"

Will stopped before he bent down. "I don't know. How much time do I have?"

Jack spoke, a thoughtful expression on his face. "Only until tonight. Midnight, at the latest. We've got to leave by then."

"Where are you going?" His shirt forgotten once again, Will remained still, leaning on the doorframe.

Jack smiled broadly, standing. "Oh, that's a secret, sh." He put his a finger to his lips, as if hushing a small child. "Only the crew knows."

Will knew what Jack was getting at - that he really badly wanted him to come with him.

"I don't need until midnight," Will blurt out, losing his composure. "I want to come with you now."

Jack raised an eyebrow, smiled, pressed his fingers together as if concocting some ultimate plan. "Pack your bags, mate, we're off!"

Will and Jack had met up with Jack's beloved Ana Maria wandering the streets near Will's house, waiting for Jack to return. Will was glad she wasn't dressed as a man, because she really did look lovely in her long, navy blue dress.

She offered to take Will's bag from him, but he persisted; "It's too heavy, I don't want-"

Ana Maria raised an eyebrow and grabbed his bag from it, holding it with little effort. "Don't want what?"

Will shrugged, looking down.

"Don't worry about me, Mr. Turner. I'm a big girl. I can take care of myself... and your bag." She winked at him, then walked down the street and turned the corner.

But the two men pressed on, towards a certain, huge house where Will enjoyed spending time.

"Go on, Will," Jack urged, hiding down the walkway, concealed by trees that no one really bothered paying attention to, and it wasn't as if he was afraid of being found.

Knocking on the heavy door, Will waited patiently.

The butler opened the door to Will, nodded. "Come in, please." He was obviously unsure of what to do, for no one had announced any plans of visitors that day.

"No, I'm sorry. I know I'm not expected. I was just wondering - Could I see Miss Swann?" Will walked with the butler into the large entry-way, doors and hallways leading into other big rooms, and the curved stairs leading up, to all the bedrooms.

"Certainly," the butler nodded, closing the door, then walked up the stairs to find the girl.

Only a moment later, Will heard Elizabeth coming down the hallway, saw her making her way down those stairs he wanted in his house one day, and she greeted him.

"Hello, love," he spoke quietly, uneasily.

"What's wrong?" she asked worriedly, clasping his worked hands in her soft ones, lacing her fingers through his.

"I'm leaving. Today."

"Where are you going?" Elizabeth's usual calm was gone, and she was worried, upset.

He tried to hide a smile. "With Jack," he whispered in her ear.

She gasped. "I thought he was gone!"

"So did I. But," Will shrugged, trying to not look in Elizabeth's soft eyes. "He said I could come with him."

He didn't have to look at her to know what she was doing - thinking with her mouth open, closing her mouth and licking her lips, then blinking away any tears that might try to come into her eyes.

"Have fun," she whispered, leaning to kiss his cheek.

Will kissed her back, on her cheek, scarcely missing her lips. Then he kissed her hands. "I won't be away forever."

"I'll wait for you?" She asked it more than stated it, in the careful tone she normally spoke in.

"I would like that," he smiled.

Both jumped as a sudden thud resounded from the outside of the house, followed by what sounded like muffled cursing.

Will rolled his eyes, feeling relaxed as Elizabeth smiled carefully at him. "And that would be Jack. I guess I have to be going then." He chuckled as another thud was heard, followed by more cursing.

Elizabeth just winced, shaking her head. "I guess so. For nothing other than to stop Jack's attempts to break a window."

Will nodded, still smiling slightly.

"I'll see you out then," Elizabeth opened the door just in time to see Jack pulling back his hand to toss another stone.

"Jack Sparrow! I would appreciate it if you stopped putting dents in my house!" she called out, smiling at him, her hands resting carefully on her hips.

"Elizabeth? Oh, aye, of course. Nice house it is too," Jack grinned, dropping the stone beside him. "Come on, Will. Time to be off. Hate to keep the crew waiting, they might decide to run off with me ship and leave us behind, savvy?"

"All right. Farewell, Elizabeth." Will kissed Elizabeth's hand once more before running down to where Jack waited for him. They waved shortly, then turned and quickly departed down the walk.

Elizabeth watched with tears in her eyes as the two men disappeared from her sight, knowing that if Will returned, he would not be welcomed as a blacksmith, but as a pirate.

A/N: Wouldn't you like to wake up and find Jack in your bed? Or Will? grin Too bad Will hadn't slept in his bed, though... Anyway, a huge thank you to Tael (my beloved beta!) for all her help in this! Now, what did you all think of this? Like or not? Thanks!