Disclaimer: ....

For a change, I thought I'd try humorous poetry!!! Limericks, to be specific.

This is dedicated to Coolgirlgray, because she loves humour, and because the rhyming gives her spasms. ^^

"Phantom Limericks"

~The Summary~

Erik liked singing to her
There were in his songs many slurs.
Christine screamed "Oh dear!",
Left in less than a year,
Now Ayesha instead softly purrs.

~The Mask~

The opera ghost has a black mask.
What's behind it we don't even ask.
All that we know
Is that it was once quite a show
And that balancing it on one's nose is a task.

~The Viscount~

Raoul liked the colour pink.
With this liking he no longer think(ed) ^^;;;;
Philippe said "Aw, shit!"
Erik killed him with a single hit,
And Raoul's got his girl and his pink.

((A/N- These will be updated when I can think of more limericks. Enjoy these
three for now!))