A/N: My, my, my – aren't you a brave soul for reading my first EE fanfic attempt :) I've been thinking about this idea for days now and have finally decided to give it a shot. Basically, this is a 'what if' story… the ending changed… actually, stretching the ending on is more like it. I'd love to get everyone's advice, opinions and feedback so a review would be much appreciated! Thanks so much.

Disclaimer: Most of the characters (i.e. Ella, Prince Char, Hattie etc) don't belong to me and never will. Oh, and that little passage down there, is not mine either. It's from chapter 28. All these are creations of the esteemed Gail Carson Levine. But those that aren't familiar to you, as well as the general plot is mine and belong to me. So please don't copy!


An Ella Enchanted Fanfic: Escape of the Ogres

by: naughty little munchkin

Chapter 1: Captured

This story begins in the middle of Chapter 28. I will say no more on what to expect now, but here's the previous passage of the chapter to get you started…


In the afternoon, I slipped out of the manor to the greenhouse near the menagerie. There I picked daisies and wove the flowers into a garland to replace Lucinda's tiara. If I was to stay at the ball after midnight, I couldn't wear Lucinda's jewels.

My gown for the last ball was my favourite: white, with a low neckline edged in lace. The skirt parted in front to reveal a petticoat with three lace flounces. In back, my skirt was tied with a large bow that flowed into the graceful sweep of my train.

I faced myself in the mirror and began to set the garland in my hair, but Mandy stopped me.

"Here's something better, love." She handed me two packages wrapped in tissue paper. "Open them."

They were a tiara of woven silver leaves and a silver chain on which hung an aster made of lapis.

"Oh, Mandy!"

"I bought them at the market. They won't disappear at midnight." She placed the tiara on my head and fastened the chain around my neck. "You make them beautiful, sweet."

I looked in the mirror. Mandy's selections added something that Lucinda's creations hadn't – just right for my gown and just right for me.


This is where my story begins…

"Are you sure you want to go through with this, sweet?" Mandy asked me solemnly. "Your heart will only break again. Do you really think it's worth the pain?"

I felt my lip tremble. "It's worth it, Mandy. You couldn't possibly know how much." My voice was nothing more than a whisper. I feared that if I raised it any louder, the tears I had been fighting to hold back would flow. "Even if it's only to see and hear him for one night more, even if he won't know who I am, I have to. Just this one last time."

A strange look crossed her face. I was startled to see tears glistening in her eyes. "Very well then, Lady," she said in a strangled sort of voice. I frowned at her in surprise, but then she rushed forward to engulf me in a fierce hug. "Take care of yourself. And be careful." She stepped away and held me at arm's length. With a jolt, I realised the look in her eyes was one of pride.

"You are beautiful, sweet. Just like your mother in every way. The very image of her."

I was stunned. Mother had been beautiful, kind and witty. She always managed to charm everyone who knew her. I knew that I wasn't even half of those things, but it meant a lot all the same. My eyes filled with tears. I forced a shaky smile to my lips and hugged Mandy again.

Meanwhile, Lucinda had been standing off to one side, silently watching our exchange. Eventually she stepped forward. She now looked almost exactly as I had first seen her at the giants' wedding, except for the rather noticeable mole next to her nose – although it was much smaller now.

"My dear child, I know that tonight is the final night of the ball, and that you will not have any need of me after this; so instead I would like to give you a parting gift to remember me by."

The smile froze on my lips.

"Have you forgotten already, halfwit?" Mandy shrieked before I could say a word. "Remember your promise? No–big–magic!"

I was scared by the sharp look of undisguised fear in her eyes. I had never seen Mandy frightened before. She was the bravest person I knew. That one moment scared me more than ever.

Lucinda looked startled for a moment before giving a twinkling laugh, making Mandy's scowl deepen. "Oh no; no, no, no! Of course I haven't forgotten. Would you have let me do that so soon?"

Mandy grunted, but she still didn't look convinced.

Lucinda turned back to me. "I only wanted to give you this, my dear."

She held out to me a small silver ring, engraved with the patterns of maple leaves twining around each other. They appeared to be inlaid with precious white gold! I took the ring in wonder, marvelling at the beauty of such extraordinary craftsmanship. Its fine make reminded me of my Agulen wolf.

"It was originally crafted in the Gnome Caverns, but I have placed a small enchantment on it to make it a little more… interesting."

I stopped at her words. I would be forever wary of Lucinda, even if she had renounced big magic forever. I still thought that some things about her could never be changed, whatever she said – especially her naïve foolishness.

"What did you do to it?" I asked slowly, fighting to keep the tremor from my voice.

"Oh, nothing big, of course," she said hastily, catching the look on my face and Mandy's ferocious glare.

"Then what did you do?" Mandy growled.

"The ring will grant the owner alone three wishes. But only small wishes though. It is only small magic after all," Lucinda added quickly as Mandy swelled up like a bullfrog. "As long as the ring is slipped on your finger, you can wish for whatever it will allow you. Just keep in mind that you only have three and you must speak them aloud."

A fairy trifle. Thankfully, that's all it was. But instead of feeling happy and grateful, my heart filled with sorrow. I only had two wishes after all, and neither was small: the first was to be free from this wretched curse. And the second? To marry Char, my only love.

But instead I said hoarsely, "Thank you, Lucinda. It means a lot to me."

The fairy beamed with pride, apparently oblivious of my lack of enthusiasm for her gift. But Mandy seemed aware of my thoughts and she looked at me sympathetically.

A hand suddenly touched me on the shoulder. "Lady, the night wears on," the coachman said with a pointed look.

I nodded, surprised at his concern. After all, he was only a large white rat under a spell. But I still saw that he did indeed speak the truth and so I climbed into the enchanted carriage, aided by one of the lizard footmen with a dashing smile. I couldn't help staring at him in amazement as he helped me up.

Finally seated inside, I waved frantically back at the two figures – one plump and the other thin – until we passed through the gates and they disappeared from my sight.


It was not far to the castle, but the silence still offered time for much thought. After tonight I would never see Char again, except at a distance and in my dirty servant's garb if he chanced to pass through the streets of Frell.

But it was for the best this way. It had to be. I was cursed and he would be too if he knew who Lela really was. It was much better like this. Yet, why did my heart feel as if it was ripping itself in two? Screaming silently in agony to me that what I was doing was horribly wrong? Perhaps Mandy was right. Maybe it wasn't worth breaking it again. I felt a single tear slide down my cheek. No, as soon as the ball ended tonight, my heart would break every single moment until the day I died. One more time was nothing when compared to that fate.

I could see his face floating in front of me: his sweet smile, the warmth to his eyes, his soft tawny curls. But I especially loved the light dusting of freckles across his nose. I grinned. Somehow they only served to make him seem all that more adorable.

But the smile vanished from my face and Char's image disappeared. The pain of loss was almost unbearable.

Suddenly I felt rage flare up inside me, shocking me. Damn Lucinda and her wretched curse! Something close to hatred stirred within me. But as suddenly as it had come, it died. No, I could not hate her, but the damage was done. The moment the curse was laid, she had destroyed all my chances for happiness. I hoped she felt guilty. The fairy had ruined my life forever. A small reasonable part of me knew that she did indeed feel a terrible remorse for what she had done to me, and to so many others. But it was a poor consolation. I would live with the curse forever until my dying day. Guilt could eventually abate with time or be ignored.

The curse could never be ignored.

I heard a faint noise come from outside and glanced out of the pumpkin carriage's window. The evening was cloudy and the moon had hidden itself, leaving the streets of Frell in complete darkness. There were lights from candles or oil lamps stationed in some house windows, but other than that it was pitch black.

I sighed and closed my eyes, leaning back against the velvet seat. I would not be gloomy or miserable tonight. What poor company I would be to Char. I couldn't let his last impressions of Lady Lela be displeasing. No, instead I would pretend to be happy and try to forget my misery. It was my last night with Char and it should be enjoyed while it lasted.

I suddenly heard the noise again and this time I leaned fully out of the window, frowning into the darkness. It had been louder this time. And although I was sure I was quite mistaken, it had sounded a lot like a grunt.

I was squinting out of the window looking for the source of the noise, when the sweetest voice I had ever heard floated over to me from within the shadows:

"I can take the curse away from you, Ella dear. Lucinda the fairy is with us and she has seen sense and wants to end your suffering. You will be free from the gift she first bestowed upon you."

The end of the curse? Immediately I was filled with intense excitement. A dopey grin of joyousness spread across my face. Yet even through my ecstatic haze, I was a little confused. Just who exactly was us? But all thoughts flew out of my head as the heavenly voice spoke again:

"The prince of your heart is also here. He knows that you are really the Lady Lela of Bast and knows all about your curse. He wants to speak with you. Come out of the carriage and you can marry your prince, free from any danger."

That was it. Before I had even given a thought as to what on earth I was doing, I had yelled out "Stop!" to the coachman and leapt out of the carriage before it had even completely come to a halt. It was one of the few orders in my life that I was eager to obey, which made me react all the more faster.

"Char? Lucinda?" I called out eagerly to the night. "I'm so sorry that I had to lie to you Char, but – "

I finished instead with a scream as a pair of big, strong and hairy arms grabbed me instead of Char's desired embrace. I was slung roughly over the creature's hairy shoulders like a sack of potatoes and he carried me off, running down through the darkened streets of Frell. There was the sound of grunting coming from all around me and the sudden realisation kicked me soundly in the stomach: Char wasn't here. He was at the ball and dancing with hundreds of eligible young maidens. But I would never join them – I had been captured by ogres.

"Put me down and let me go," I said in my best Ogrese. If it had worked once, it would work again. But the ogre that carried me paid no attention to my commands. It looked as if he had not even heard me. I would have to speak louder. "It has been a long journey and you are so very tired. All you want to do is lie down on the comfortable ground and go to sleep. I am so heavy that you cannot carry me any further tonight. It would be best to let me go. I am very small and scrawny. I would not fill you up."

My voice was louder but it had also sounded a little hoarse from the fear that had coated my throat. Nevertheless, I was still sure that it would work. But the ogre still ran on, acting as if I had not said word! I was well and truly frightened now. What was going on? Why didn't they listen to me? And how did these ogres get inside Frell?

I could see the large, vague shapes of the other ogres running beside the one that carried me in the darkness. Swallowing nervously, I tried to persuade them instead.

"The one that carries me is very greedy. He doesn't want to share me with you. Instead he plans to eat me tonight when you are all sleeping and you will go hungry in the morning. The only way to stop him eating me all by himself is to fight him."

But the ogres paid me no attention either and kept on running! What was going on? I tried a different tactic: I kicked and rained blows upon the ogre, crying out in rage and frustration; but he simply shifted me to a more comfortable place on his shoulder and said, "Stop and be quiet!" with a loud voice in Kyrrian.

Immediately my limbs and voice slackened and I lay like a limp rag doll on his shoulders. They kept moving steadily throughout the streets of Frell. I felt despair rise up inside me. I would never see Char again. How I longed to escape! But I couldn't.

I was a prisoner.


2nd A/N: Okay, so what did you think? I did originally have another one, but seriously only a quarter of this length! I couldn't stand it so I elaborated a lot :) This I hope was sufficient enough (and a much better) introduction of how I'm going to take this. Hope to hear from you with your opinions, comments and constructive criticism. Also, let me know if there are any spelling/grammatical errors in it. I'm always seeking to improve :) Oh, and also looking for better title suggestions as well. Thanks!