Summary: When on his travels Briar is given a choice, turn back to his thieving ways or loose the only one he has ever truly loved. When he turns down the offer he will do anything in his power to protect those whom he loves.

The Threat of a Love Ch. 1

A young girl, with sun streaked brown hair sat atop a city wall, hugging her knees, gazing out at the wide spread ocean. She felt so lonely, all her friends had gone out on their adventures with their teachers, but she, Lady Sandrilene fa Toren had stayed back at their humble home, also known as Discipline. She had decided that there was not much adventure out there for a mage with such ability as hers. She was gifted in the craft of weaving silk and thread, she created clothing and was in control of all sort of fabrics. With the slightest movement of her finger she could cause rogue threads to pile neatly in her hand.

With a sigh Lady Sandrilene- also known as Sandry- got up, deciding that it was time to go back to the cabin. She slowly made her way back down the wall and up the path toward the house. As she reached the garden gate she paused, sensing some kind of familiar magic behind her. She quickly turned, scanning the area around her, and saw nothing out of the ordinary. Shrugging to herself, she continued down the path. Just as she reached for the door handle someone grabbed her from behind. The someone lifted Sandry off her feet and spun her around. Sandry let out a little yelp of surprise before the stranger let her down.

"Did 'ya miss me?" came a voice in Sandry's ear. She spun around to come face to face with Briar Moss, one of 3 people she met while living at discipline.

"Briar!!" Sandry shrieked before being swept up into another hug "you're back early". Briars stunning grey-green eyes met Sandry's blue ones. The corner of his lips played up in a small smile.

"You never answered my question." He said in mock offence "Did you miss me?" Sandry couldn't help but smile.

"Of course" she said. Briars face broke out in a large grin which caused Sandry's stomach to do flip-flops. Once again Briar swept her up into a hug, this time her arms had snaked around his neck, and her fingers found their way through his hair. Briar pulled back and tried to get a better look at Sandry. Over the years Sandry had developed from a pretty young girl, to a beautiful, strong, young woman, and Briar noticed it.

"You better have" he said teasingly "cause I sure as light of day missed you". Briar released Sandry.

There was a gentle breeze which caused Sandry's hair, normally pulled into two thin braids, to blow in her face. Briar raised a large hand and brushed a strand of hair out of Sandry's eyes. For a breathless moment they were incredibly close, but the moment was broken when a familiar voice broke the silence

"Oi! Is anyone going to help me with these here bags?" Sandry looked up with pure joy on her face. "Daja!" she cried "You're back as well!" Sandry ran over to her friend and enveloped her in a large hug, the joy swelling up inside at the fact she was no longer alone.

Briar made his way over to welcome Daja home also. "Well.." said Daja "Looks like you beat me home after all". Sandry shot Daja a confused look, Daja caught her look and said

"I ran in to Briar on the roads, I told him that we'd be heading home soon but looks like he beat me" she smiled "Ran in to Tris also- she should be home in a few days".

"I should be what now?" came Tris's voice as she stepped around Daja's carriage. Sandry looked up shocked, it was all too much for her, all her friends, who she had missed dearly were now home. She looked around at each one of their faces and took in the change in growth and appearance. Briar looked much more mature, with a muscular chest that filled his shirt perfectly. Daja still had a head full of short raven black braids, but she had gotten taller and had a much more defined face. Tris had lost much weight but still had a head of bouncy red curls and small eyes framed by metal rimmed glasses. Seeing the four of them together once again brought tears to Sandrys eyes.

"What? No hug for me?" Tris questioned Sandry. Quickly Sandry wiped the escaped tears away and ran to Tris.

"I can't believe you are all home" she mumbled into Tris's hair as she gave her a large hug. Tris released Sandry "I missed you all so much, it's been so lonely here!" Once again tears welled up in her eyes.

"Are you crying?" asked Tris, when she realized the tears in Sandry's eyes. Sandry quickly looked away

"No" she mumbled as she tried to blink the tears away. "Well.. let's go then, Lark will be glad to see you all." Sandry turned to walk into the house, trying to distract everyone from the fact that silent tears fell down her cheeks, but someone grabbed her hand and pulled her into a hug. Sandry looked up and smiled appreciatively at Briar as he hugged her closed.

"What's with the water works?" inquired Briar, not letting go of Sandry.

"It just.. you've all been gone so long and I've been so.. now you're all home and.." Said Sandry between sobs "It's just.. I've missed you so much". With that Sandry buried her face in Briars chest, and Briar, almost impulsively hugged her closer.

"And we've missed you" came Daja's voice. Sandry looked up and smiled broadly, wiping away tears she said "Come on, Lark will be upset that you didn't come to see her immediately, she's missed the lot of you 'ya know?". Briar released Sandry, picked up his bags and followed her into the house, shooting Daja and Tris a hefty grin and motioning for them to follow.

"Sandry? Is that you?" came Lark's gentle voice and the four entered the house. Sandry looked at Tris, Daja and Briar; she placed a delicate finger to her lips telling them not to say a word.

"Yes, just back from my walk." She turned to the others and winked. Just then Lark came around the corner,

"I was beginning to worry.. it was getting dark and..." But Lark was cut off "Who's that with you?" she questioned. "Oh my. could it be? Have our friends decided to finally grace us with their presence?" They all smiled, Lark was like their mother, along with Rosethorn. The two women had raised the kids since they were 10, guiding them on the right paths in life and teaching them to control their magic.

Once the hugs and the welcome homes were over with, they all retreated into the sitting room. As they all made themselves comfortable- Sandry in one of the over sized arm chairs and Briar, Tris, and Daja on the couch- Lark served hot-chocolate. After everyone had a glass of the steaming liquid, Lark sat down also. After a few moments of silence, Lark turned to Briar and said

"Where's Rosie?" At the mention of Rosethorn's name, Briar had to stifle a laugh.

"When we tried to enter Winding Circle, Crane showed up and gave us a bit of a hassle; I wouldn't be surprised in the slightest if she was still there yelling at him". Lark smiled,

"That's my Rosie". Lark raised a small hand cover a yawn "It's late and you've all had a long day, off to bed with you. Look we've already lost Sandry." She gestured towards Sandry who had fallen asleep in her chair. The woman reached out to nudge Sandry awake, but was stopped by Briar.

"Don't wake her" he said, walking over to pick Sandry up. He gently lifted Sandry off the chair and carried her to her room. The others watched as he did this then left to their own rooms. Briar entered Sandry's room and placed her on the bed; he quietly removed her shoes and stockings, and pulled the covers on top of her sleeping body. Once Sandry was in her bed, he knelt by her side for a moment, gently brushing the hair from her face. He stared at her sleeping body and noted how peaceful and beautiful she looked. Before exiting Sandry's room Briar gently kissed the top of her head, then turned and exited the room, pausing once, to glance at the sleeping Sandry. ~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~* ~*~*

Hey everyone, this is my first Tamora Pierce fic so please be nice!!! Thanks!