Title: Thirty Days

Author: Tanuki-chan

Summary: *sasunaru* It's a normal day . . . until Sasuke's rich and spoiled fiancée appears.  Now, Sasuke and Naruto have one month to either get rid of her, or face the consequences – lifelong doom/torture and the end of ramen.

Warning: Shounen-ai!  That means boy/boy love!  Any flames I receive about the pairing will be reflected back and laughed at!

Disclaimer: *shrugs* What do YOU think?  I could be Masashi Kishimoto . . . but I'm probably not.

Author's Notes:  *sweatdrops* Heh heh . . . gomen about the slow update! ^_^U Unfortunately, there isn't any shounen-ai in this chapter, and it's not as funny as I hoped, but  . . . well, just read it!  Oh, and a special thanks to Bronze Eagle, who pointed out that Naruto doesn't actually take place in Japan.  *feels stupid* I knew that . . .

Muse: *looks at lie detector* She's lying~!

TC: *bops muse* So for the purposes of this fic, let's assume that it IS in Japan.  Anyways, sankyuu to all the reviews!  I thought I was only going to get, like, two . . . *hands Sasuke-shaped cookies to reviewers*

//. . .// indicates thoughts

~*~*~_O_O=^-^=~*~*~ indicates scene change

Before a war occurs, there must be a plan.  This particular one takes place in a room filled with hundreds of females, ages ranging from ten to twenty.  A pink-haired girl banged a gavel against the podium.

"Attention!"  Sakura called out.  "This emergency meeting of the Club of Rampaging Uchiha Sasuke Hunters (C.R.U.S.H.) is now in session.  I would like to start off with a review of our rules."

There were a few groans, but Sakura ignored them and whipped out a large poster.


1. Members may flirt with Sasuke as much as they want; however, intimate touching is forbidden unless Sasuke initiates it.

2. If a member succeeds in capturing Sasuke's heart, she must inform the entire fanclub.

3. There will be absolutely NO backstabbing.

4. All members must join together and mob Sasuke on a holiday (i.e., White's Day, Valentine's Day, Christmas, etc.).  For a complete list of the 196 mob-able holidays, see Sakura.

5. ONLY SINGLE GIRLS ARE ALLOWED.  No, Naruto, your 'Sexy no Jutsu' form does NOT count as a girl!

6. The fanclub will band together and get rid of any threat that stands in their way.

7. No violence against other members.

8. All members must support the girl Sasuke chooses.

"Okay, now that that's over, I'd like to congratulate all of you on the excellent mob yesterday.  Remember, National Hug Day is only two months away, so mark your calendars!"

Sakura cleared her throat.  "And now . . . the real reason why I organized this meeting.  It's come to my attention that Sasuke has a fiancée."

The room went dead silent.

Then . . .


"No way!"

"What should we do now?!"

"It's not possible!"

Sakura tried to shout over the babble of voices, but to no avail.  "Damn!" she cursed.  Just then she felt a hand on her shoulder, and turned to see Ino flash her a brief smile.  "On the count of three, okay?" whispered the blond girl.

"One . . .

Two . . .


"QUIIIII~IIIIET!!!" the two girls screamed.

Sakura quickly took advantage of the ensuing hush that followed.  "Don't worry – Sasuke obviously hates the girl. "  There were sighs of relief all around.  "But we have to act quick – from what I've heard, they're getting married in a month."

She removed the 'Rules . . .' poster and replaced it with a large photograph of Hime's face.  "This is the face of your target, Merisu Hime.  See it.  Memorize it.  Know it.  I don't care how many rumors you spread or how low you stoop as long as we get rid of her.  Even if," she swallowed, "Even if we have to ruin Sasuke's reputation."

Horrified murmurs spread throughout the room and slowly changed into determined assents.  Sakura grinned in relief – it seemed everyone understood the circumstances and were willing to make sacrifices.  "Alright then!" she cried.  "Let's go make Hime's stay at Konoha a living hell!" 

The girls cheered and charged out the door, whooping.  Sakura slumped into a chair and closed her eyes briefly.  When she opened them, she found Ino staring at her with her hand out.  "What do you want, Ino-pig?" she grumbled.

Ino scowled, but continued sticking out her hand.  "A temporary truce.  Until this Hime problem is solved."

Sakura eyed Ino suspiciously, wondering what the blond could be up to.  After a minute, she shrugged.  "Fine," she said, shaking Ino's outstretched hand.

Ino grinned slightly and sat down. "So, what's the real plan?"


Ino rolled her eyes.  "You're supposed to be intelligent, remember?  You must've come up with something else besides a couple of rumors and a few lousy pranks."

Sakura chuckled.  "You know me pretty well, ne?  I do have another strategy, but that's only as a last resort." 

"Whatever. By the way . . ." Ino glanced at Sakura, "You are sure Sasuke hates this girl, right?  I mean, we don't want to get rid of his true love, or anything."

The pink-haired ninja snorted.  "Trust me, Sasuke despises her.  In fact, I bet you he already came up with his own plan . . . ."

Meanwhile . . .


"Listen, dobe, do you want Ichiraku to be torn down? It's the only way!"


"Fine, but don't blame me if you never eat another bowl of ramen again!"





Why are our two favorite ninjas (or my two favorite ninjas, at any rate) fighting?  In order understand this, you must go back four years to where the two rivals first locked gazes and felt that surge of hate flash between them.

Or you could just go back several hours . . .


Sometime ago . . .

"So what's your extra special idea that requires my assistance?" asked Naruto, perched lazily on his bed.

Sasuke fidgeted slightly, wanting to put that topic off until the last possible moment.  "First of all, you have to know a few things about Hime."  He hefted out a thick book about six inches wide. 

Naruto blanched.  "I am NOT reading that!"

Sasuke shrugged.  "It doesn't matter – I've already gone through it ten times.  This is the contract for our marriage."

Naruto's eyes grew huge.  "Waaah! It's enormous!"

Sasuke snorted.  "I've gotten the best lawyers in the country to look at it.  There are NO loopholes whatsoever."

Naruto flipped through the papers avidly, and then paused when he reached the last page.  "Sasuke . . . isn't this Itachi's signature?"

"Of course it is, dobe.  Hime's pledged to marry the heir to the Uchiha clan, and Itachi was the heir when this contract was created."  Sasuke rolled his eyes.  "Sometimes, I think the only reason my brother massacred our parents was to get out of marrying her."

"Wait a minute . . . Hime was the one who persuaded her parents to arrange this, right?"

"Yeah – she used to have a HUGE crush on Itachi."

Naruto blinked.  "And Itachi hated her?"

Sasuke stared at him incredulously.   "Have you been listening to me, or are you just thick?  Of course he hated her!  Hell, who doesn't?"

"So why didn't he just kill her?"

"Well . . . remember when Kakashi said Hime wasn't a ninja?  That's not entirely true – she does know one attack.  But it's powerful enough to defeat anyone . . . even my brother."

Naruto whistled, impressed.  "Wow . . . what's it called?"

"It's called . . ."

Naruto leaned in slightly.

". . . the glomp."

The blond boy fell over, twitching.  "That's it?  Itachi lost to a hug?"

Sasuke glared at him, miffed at the suggestion that any Uchiha could possibly fall to a mere embrace.  "Not a hug, the GLOMP.  As in, THE glomp.  She invented it, mastered it, and fine-tuned it enough to annoy someone but not kill them."

"You want me to believe Itachi, who's possibly even stronger than Orochimaru and Kakashi, was conquered with a glomp?!"

Sasuke scowled.  "Hey, I was there, okay?  She latched onto his waist for FIVE days, and the only times she let go was to go to the bathroom!  We had to feed her because she insisted on staying in his lap!  We barely managed to pry her off, and the only reason she succumbed was because the circulation to his legs was cut off!"

Naruto sweatdropped.  "Okay, okay, I get the point.  So how do you plan on getting rid of her?"

"Technically, I can't.  The contract specifically states that if I withdraw from the marriage, I'd be forfeiting my title, fortune, and land.  Unfortunately, the term 'ninja' counts as a title, so I've got two options – either she drops dead of her own accord, or she breaks the marriage before me."

"So all we got to do is kill her!"

Sasuke gave him the Are-You-Really-This-Stupid-Or-Are-You-Just-Trying-To-Piss-Me-Off-Look™ (not to be confused with the 'Are-You-Really-This-Annoying-Or-Do-You-Just-Want-Me-To-Beat-You-Up-Look™').  "I know this may be a new experience for you, but try to think, dobe," he snapped, ignoring Naruto's indignant snarl.  "We can't kill her – that would make us murderers and we'd probably be outlawed.  If she dies of a heart attack, we'd be let off, but I think doctors would realize that a shuriken stuck in someone's throat usually doesn'tinficate heart failure."

Naruto glared at the black-haired shinobi, still seething. "So, genius, what's this supreme plan?"

"There are three things Hime hates in the world more than anything else."  He held up three fingers.  "One – poor people, or commoners.  Two – insubordinates."  He sighed as he saw Naruto's blank expression.  "People who don't listen to her," he clarified.

"I knew that, dumbass!"

"Whatever, dobe.  And three – homosexuals.  She's the biggest homophobic I've ever seen – and trust me, I've met quite a few."

"So she's afraid of gay people?"

"That's generally what the term 'homophobic' implies, yes."

"Shut up!  And how do you know that, anyway?!"

"It's called a vo-cab-u-lary, dobe.  Try using it sometime, it's very helpful."

The blond flushed angrily.  "That's not what I meant, bastard!  How do you know she doesn't like faggots?"

Sasuke winced slightly at the crude term, but ignored it.  "Because her expression turns to pure disgust when she sees anything that may suggest homosexuality; because she's considers 'gay' to be the one of the ultimate insults, second only to 'poor'; and because she's tried to pass several laws prohibiting gay rights."

"What does any of this have to do with anything?"

"Itachi tried to get rid of her by pretending he had a boyfriend in order to disgust her enough to call it quits.  It almost worked, except . . ." Sasuke trailed off.

"Except what?" prompted Naruto.

Sasuke shrugged.  "Hime's the densest person in all three worlds.  He couldn't say he was gay outright in case our parents decided to kick him out or something.  She left in a week none the wiser.  A few days after that . . ." Sasuke laughed bitterly.  "Well, you know what happened."

Naruto stared at the genius shinobi, fascinated.  This was the first time he had ever heard Sasuke talk about Itachi and his parents' deaths without using the words 'kill', 'bastard', and 'revenge'.  Obviously, Sasuke loathed the girl enough to ignore his hatred of his brother, and was desperate to get rid of her.

Desperate enough to do anything . . . .

The wheels in Naruto's brain started to click together.

"You can't expect me to . . ." whispered Naruto hoarsely.

Sasuke managed to grimace and smirk at the same time.  "I believe we should continue where my brother left off, ne?"


Back to the present . . .


"Moron!  And I've got a hundred more insults to throw at you, so unless you wanna stay here for another hour, I suggest you shut up!"

Naruto sighed.  "Listen, Sasuke, I know I'm hot and you can't resist me, and I'm sorry for breaking your heart, but I don't swing that way!  Besides, I like Sakura!" [1]

Sasuke's eye twitched.  "Don't flatter yourself.  I only date people, not brainless slugs who can't tell the difference between mud and humans."  He realized, too late, that offending someone is usually not the best way to go when you want their help. Oops . . .

Naruto fumed.  "Oh yeah?  Well, you can take your plans and shove them up your ass!"

Sasuke opened his mouth, about to retort, when his brain finally caughtup with his anger.  Guess I better swallow my pride for now.   "Listen, I'm . . ." He choked, but managed to force the word out. ". . . sorry."

Naruto grinned.  "Really?"

No, I'm not, asshole!  "Yeah."

"All right, I'll do it."

Sasuke gaped at the blond, not sure he heard correctly.  "What?"

"Are you deaf? I said, I'll do it."

Yes! Sasuke cheered mentally.

"For a price, of course."

Damn!  "Fine.  What do you want?" asked Sasuke warily.

"First of all, I want you to buy me ramen for a month."

That wasn't too bad – Naruto usually begged him for money anyways.  "All right, what else?"

"Secondly, I want you to use my name.  No more 'dobe' crap."

"Okay, anything else, do--" Sasuke shut his mouth. 

The blond smirked.  "You can do it, Sasuke.  Na-ru-to."

"Anything else, Na…ru…to…?"  Sasuke ground out.

"Yeah, I want you to be my slave for a day."


"Do it or I won't help you."

Sasuke felt like slamming his head against a wall.  "Fine!  That's only if it works, though!"

Naruto grinned.  "Very well, Sasuke-chan."

I will not kill him.  I will not kill him.  I will not kill him.  Sasuke repeated over and over.

This was going to be a long month.


Author's Notes: Well, how was it.  Anyways, expect some yaoi goodness in the next chapter!  Oh, and Itachi shows up as well!  Review, please!