~Chapter Six~
Gage was struggling with his doctor to let him out of bed when Syd returned. "Francis I'm right here and I'm fine," she shouted to him pushing her way past the medical people to get to him.
Seeing her Gage fell back against the pillows his hand clamped to his chest in pain as he heaved for air. Doctor Stevens was ordering a sedative to administer to his patient to make sure he could be kept calm.
"I'm all right," Gage struggled to say not wanting any medication with Sydney in danger. He was in a loosing battle as the nurse handed the doctor the needle, which he administered into the IV.
"Gage it wasn't me they were after it was you and I'm not leaving you I'm going to be right here with you so please Honey just lay back and relax so I can take you home soon." Syd cried letting her husband grasp her hand tightly.
The drugs were all ready starting to effect him he could feel his eyes closing his body getting heavy. "Syd did you get him?" he questioned.
"He got away Gage but I'm going to make sure he doesn't get back in," she told him.
"Okay Syd." His grip lessened, his eyes closed as he whispered, "Be careful Honey."
"We have to keep him calm Mrs. Gage," Doctor Stevens sternly chastised her.
"I know that but we have to keep him alive too," she snapped back at him.
Looking at the delinquent office she ordered him back to his post telling him he had better not even advert his eyes to that nurses' station.
"I'm sorry Ranger," he replied knowing he had made a grave mistake. Turning he went back outside to take up his position.
"I'm sorry Doctor Stevens," Syd apologized for being short with him as she pulled out her phone. "It is just my husband and I tend to get a little crazy when the other is in danger."
The doctor nodded his acknowledgement as he checked his patient's vitals and Syd dialled Walker.
Alex's office
Alex had risen as early as Walker had that morning intent on stopping by the office to pick up some files before going to join Sydney at the hospital. She was going to suggest that Sydney let the kids come home with her and Walker for the night so Julie and her would have one less thing to worry about.
Stepping off the elevator she headed towards her office only to discover a figure moving about in her office. Quickly she pulled her phone from her purse to dial Walker when the door suddenly opened. Alex barely had time to duck in a doorway before a junior ADA, Michael Augustine, came out of her office carrying a file folder. Alex watched until the elevator doors opened and Michael stepped in. As the doors closed Alex made a beeline to her office unlocking the door she scooted inside going right for her desk, thumbing through the numerous files that were scattered there.
Within moments Alex realized what was missing the Blanchard file that contained all the details of the story that had been planted to support Gage's cover plus Chafe and Trivette's. Alex had the phone to her ear dialling for Walker explaining what had happened almost before he had picked up the phone.
"Slow down Alex," Walker had tried to calm her so he could understand what she was saying.
"Walker Michael Augustine broke into my office and stole the Blanchard file he just went down the elevator. We have to stop him," she cried into the phone.
Without saying another word to his wife Walker dropped the phone running from the office in hopes of intercepting the young ADA.
Rushing down the stairs Walker made it just in time to see Augustine open his car door. "Michael," Walker shouted out to him, "Have you got a minute?"
"Ranger Walker what are you doing here?" Augustine asked nervously turning to face the ranger.
"I might ask the same of you," Walker replied.
"Just picking up a file I forgot," the ADA answered holding the file up for Walker to see.
"I see," Walker, answered, "That wouldn't be the file that you helped yourself to from Alex's office would it?"
Knowing he had been caught red handed Augustine made a swing at Walker with his brief case. Walker easily blocked it and in a matter of minutes had the ADA under control. The elevator doors opened and Alex hurried over to where her husband and Augustine were. Reaching down she picked up the file one glance confirmed that it was her missing file.
Taking Augustine by the arm Walker along with his wife escorted him back upstairs to question him.
Entering interrogation B Alex's phone began to ring. "He's right here Sydney," she said handing the phone to her husband.
Sydney quickly explained what had happened at the hospital. "All right Syd I'm doubling up the guard. Any idea who this guy was?" Walker asked.
Syd answered no quickly describing the assailant. Walker flipped through the Blanchard file as Syd talked stopping on the picture of Paulie Burke feeling sure that it was he who had made the second attempt on Gage's life.
Walker put a name to the face for Syd adding, "Stay there and make sure that your husband is protected."
"Don't worry Walker I'm not going anywhere," Sydney told him hanging up the phone.
Turning back to the ADA Walker put his hands on the table leaning over to look the young man straight in the eye. "What was it Michael money? How much did they pay you to sell us out?"
"You wouldn't understand," Augustine answered adverting his eyes from both Walker and Alex.
"Try us," Alex demanded leaning on the table like her husband was.
"It was easy for you," he glared at Alex, "You had money. You didn't have to scrounge for everything that you ever wanted. Beauty, brains and money what would you know about me?"
"You're right I know nothing about you, I don't know what makes someone sell out their friends and colleagues," Alex stood firm.
Hanging his head Augustine remained silent knowing he would have to live with the fact yes he had sold his friends and colleagues out for that all mighty dollar. Looking up at Walker he asked, "What do you want to know?"
It took only a few minutes to extract the rest of the story from Michael Augustine. The Blanchard organization had taken him under their wing so to speak his first year of college. When the position had come up in the DA's office they had strongly urged him to take. For a time it had paid off for all of them…
Walker held the door open as they exited the interrogation room. "Alex when you get to the hospital let Sydney know that I've put an all points out on Paulie Burke," Walker was saying before Alex cut him off.
"Where are you going to be?"
"I'm heading to Houston before Trivette and Chafe end up in a real jackpot. Call Agent Barber and let him know what's going on," Walker told her hurriedly kissing her cheek.
"Be careful Walker," Alex called after him watching him take off down the empty corridor.
"Aren't I always," he called back to his wife.
"Yeah right Cowboy," she mumbled under her breath.
St Mathew's Hospital
The sun shone through the slats of the blind casting a shadow across the bed where Gage lay peacefully sleeping. Sydney laid her head back against the chair she sat in quietly watching his chest move up and down. She glanced at her watch it was close to eleven thirty, her eyes closed as she went over in her mind what had happened that morning glad that she had come there early who knows what might… she shuddered as she thought about it.
Her thoughts went again to what had transpired after the attack on her husband. She had talked to Walker and he had arranged for Gage to be moved to a private room which to her was a lot better from a security point of view. A second officer had been assigned which made her feel better too.
Syd had all ready talked to Julie and the kids explaining that Gage would probably sleep most of the morning so they were going to wait until after lunch to come over to visit.
"Nothing is wrong?" Julie had anxiously asked before letting the kids know it was their mother on the phone.
"Not now," Syd had told her explaining what had lead up to the doctor giving Gage the sedative. "He's resting comfortably for now and is going to be glad to see the kids when they get here," she had assured her sister-in-law.
"Syd," Gage mumbled slowly becoming conscious again.
"Right here Gage take it slowly," Syd, warned him putting her hand on his shoulder.
"Did you get the number of the train that hit me?" he asked trying to make light of things.
Leaning down Syd gave him a light kiss teasing his lips slightly with her tongue. "Didn't see a train but if you're up to it I'll tell you what's been going on since you took your nap."
"Umm," Gage smiled, "How bout just another kiss."
"Feeling a little better I see," she smiled as she spoke to him.
Gage grinned his answer to her.
Syd kissed him again a little deeper her fingers running through his hair. "Umm," Gage moaned slightly, "You're good medicine."
"You think so do you?" she kidded.
"I know it," he replied his fingers going to her cheek.
"Did you want to know what Walker had to say?" Syd asked teasing his nose, his cheeks and finally his lips with more kisses.
"You better tell me Honey you're starting something I can't finish here."
Smiling Syd quickly explained that Walker had put a name to his assailant and that he was definitely one of Blanchard's people. She ended by saying that an all points had been put out for the man.
There was a slight rap on the door and Alex stuck her head inside. "Hi up for a visit," she asked seeing Gage was awake.
"Come in Alex," Syd invited taking hold of her husband's hand smiling down at him.
"How's everyone doing?" she questioned in her best lawyer persona.
"If I didn't have to breathe I'd be fine," Gage informed her.
"Well this might let you breathe just a little easier," Alex told them quickly explaining about Michael Augustine.
"That still doesn't explain why Blanchard wants me dead," Gage spoke up wincing a little from the tightness in his chest.
"You're right it doesn't," Alex agreed. "Walker is on his way to Houston they hope to be able to take down Blanchard using the information that that Augustine provided us with. Maybe once Joey Blanchard is in custody we can find out what this is all about."
"I just hope we can get his goons called off," Syd added.
"Amen to that," Alex answered noting Gage's eyes had closed again. "I didn't mean to wear you out Gage," she added.
"I don't think it was you Alex," Syd was quick to say taking Gage's hand again.
"I'm just generally tired," Gage agreed.
"All the same I'm getting out of here so you don't fall asleep when the kids get here," Alex told them saying, "Who by the way are welcome to come spend the night at the ranch if you like."
"Thanks for the offer Alex but I think I want to keep them close by," Syd smiled.
"I'll call as soon as I hear from Walker," she told them before saying good bye.
Pulling the door open she was met by Julie and the children. "You've got lots of company now," Alex smiled moving back to let the kids in.
Chris had picked up Cat and was walking towards their father's bed, Piper had gone to Sydney who put her arm around her daughter and walked beside her.
"Hey guys I'm really glad to see you," Gage smiled up at them wishing he could reach up and take Cat in his arms.
"Are you coming home soon Daddy," Cat demanded to know.
"As soon as they let me," Gage answered reaching out to take Piper's hand.
"Something wrong Pipe?" he asked seeing the distressed look on her face.
Piper shook her head no at the same time crying out, "Why does this keep happening to you and Mom?"
Looking over at his sister Gage pleadingly asked, "Jules why don't you Chris and Cat take Syd out and make sure she gets something to eat?"
Sydney was about to protest until she caught Gage's face. "We won't be gone long Francis," she warned giving Piper a quick squeeze.
"Didn't think you would be," Gage smiled to her reassuring her they'd be fine.
"Piper…" Gage began only to be cut off by his ten year old.
"Dad it happens all the time," Piper began.
"I guess it does kind of seem that way," Gage agreed with her. "Pipe your mother and I we tend to make a lot of enemies in this business, people who are bad and want to break the law. If we were to quit what we were doing those people would still be out there hurting other people we just feel we have to take a stand against them."
Piper grasped his hand a little tighter, "I know that Dad but…"
"But what Honey?"
She stood staring down at their fingers tears in her eyes a lump in her throat not speaking. Gage reached out hooking his finger under her chin lifting her head so he could see her face thinking to himself so like Sydney. "Honey I know it has been hard, it's not just me that gets hurt but your mother too. And I know it's not just scratches that a bandage and a kiss will fix. It's scary I know how scared I was last time your mom was hurt and I know she was scared this time too… We just have to have enough faith to know that what we are doing is right no matter what the out come. We just have to have to put it behind us and know we are going to have more good times then the bad. Pipe we have to know that we have each other to help get us through these scary times."
Wiping her face with her hand she half smiled at her father, "Okay Daddy," she whispered leaning down to give him a kiss.
A minute later the door opened and Sydney was back with Julie and the other two. She could see Gage was pretty well played out. "I think we had better cut this visit short so Daddy can get some sleep," she told them only to be interrupted by Gage.
"Syd before they go I think there is something we have to tell Piper and Cat."
"Francis," Syd began to object.
"Come on Syd the wedding is over and I'm not good with secrets," he teased.
"Then you tell them," she challenged back.
"Okay I will," he grinned motioning Chris to lift Cat to the edge of his bed still holding on to Piper's hand. "The Gage family is about to get a little bigger," he began.
"It is?" Cat asked.
"It is there is a new brother or sister on the way," Gage proudly announced.
"Mom a baby? I knew it!" Piper cried forgetting about her father and running to Syd her previous worries put to rest for now.
Joey Blanchard's Home Houston Texas
"Hey Mad Dog where you been the boss has been hot to see you?" one of Blanchard's bodyguards greeted him. "Who's this with you?" was his next question seeing Trivette.
"Old friend I ran into in Dallas Pete Johnson. Just tell Joey I'm here," Chafe cut off the conversation quick.
"Mad Dog." Chafe turned hearing his undercover name spoken.
"Joey," he greeted Blanchard. "This here is my old pal Pete Johnson I think he might be just the man to fill Billy Tiller's shoes."
Trivette nodded a subdued hello to Blanchard.
"That's why I brought him here for you to meet I want to know that you haven't got anything against him like Ranger Gage. What was that big problem anyway?" Chafe fished for an answer.
"Just a little thing," Blanchard said, "a debt I had to pay to an old friend. I was just a kid and me and my buddy knocked over a convenience store. We almost got away with it too until the Texas Rangers came rushing in. We fired at them I got a way but Ranger Francis Gage shot and killed my associate," he relayed the story to Chafe and Trivette. "Then you would know all about that being cops wouldn't you?"
As the word cops came out of Blanchard's mouth his men drew their weapons holding them on Trivette and Chafe.
"Hey Mad Dog what kind of a mess have you got me into," Trivette sputtered. "Why in hell does he think we're cops?"
"Oh I don't think it," Blanchard told him coming to stand right in front of Chafe staring into his eyes. "I have it from a very reliable source. You don't get much higher then the DA's office," he smirked at the two of them.
"You got it wrong Joey," Chafe tried in vain to save the situation and their lives.
"I've got nothing wrong Agent Chafe," he said through gritted teeth. "You're both cops and you tried to get inside my organization and now you are going to pay for it. If you don't think so just look at Ranger Gage I always repay my debts.
Get them out of here," he barked at his men.
Walker had just joined Agent Barber in the surveillance van that was parked outside the Blanchard estate in time to hear Barber shout, "Every available unit inside they've been made."
Cars came racing from every direction battering through the front gate Walker and Barber jumping from the van in time to see Chafe and Trivette being lead out. With out a moment's hesitation both men headed towards their partners taking their captors out with very little difficulty.
Chafe made for the house Walker right behind him Blanchard and two of his people were hightailing it out the back. With one flying leap Chafe was on him knocking Blanchard hard to the ground. The man was no stranger to fighting and was back up in seconds on the attack swinging at Chafe. He blocked the punch easily delivering two of his own following through with a kick to the stomach that brought Blanchard to the ground to stay.
"You're under arrest Blanchard," Chafe barked out snapping the cuffs on him and hauling him to his feet.
St. Mathew's Hospital
"That's great I'll let Gage know as soon as he wakes up," Sydney said into the phone saying good bye and hanging up.
"Tell Gage what?" her husband asked his eyes still closed.
"Laying there faking it Gage?" Syd teased.
"No and answer my question," he replied.
Getting up Syd sat on the edge of the bed and took her husband's hand. "They just finished taking down Blanchard and his whole organization," she told him.
Gage closed his eyes again sighing in relief holding Syd's hand a little tighter.
"Do you remember a Donnie Fuller?" his wife suddenly asked.
"What's that got to do with anything?" Gage asked a frown coming across his face.
"Your turn answer my question," Syd told him.
"He was a young kid seventeen he and another guy knocked over a convenience store just as my partner and I were headed in. We identified ourselves and yelled out to stop they fired on us." Gage paused a moment the recollection of what had happened darkening his memory. "I hit one of them, Donnie Fuller, the other kid got away. Fuller died at the scene and we never did catch his accomplice," he finished the story.
Syd could tell that the incident had weighed heavily on Gage and still did even now. Quietly she told him, "We got the other guy today. The other guy was Joey Blanchard when he heard that Chafe had hooked up with you it didn't matter what cover was set up he decided he needed some pay back for Donnie Fuller."
Gage looked incredibly at Sydney shaking his head. "I almost died over an incident that happened more then fifteen years ago."
Syd nodded her head yes leaning down to kiss Gage's cheek and wrap her arms around his neck she whispered, "But you didn't."
They stayed silent for several more minutes until a nurse interrupted them coming in to check on her patient.
"Gage I'm going to go grab something to eat and drink while the nurse is looking after you," she told him.
"That's a good idea Honey after all you are eating for two," Gage teased. Syd didn't mind though it had at least brought a smile back to his face.
"I'll be right back hot shot," she told him shaking her head and grinning.
"It's okay Syd I have this nice nurse to keep me company while you're gone," he added.
"Just wait until I get you home Francis," Syd warned opening the door and stepping into the corridor to miss hearing his last remark.
She hurried to the elevator and down to the cafeteria all the same even though she knew it was over she still hated to leave Gage too long. "You're being silly Cooke," she chided herself, "he's your husband not one of your kids." All the same she hurried off the elevator to get where she was going and get back.
Even though it took her only a few minutes she still couldn't shake the feeling of worry that had crept over her.
"Ranger Cooke," the officer who was guarding Gage's door was waiting for her as she stepped from the elevator. "They just sent me for you your husband has had some sort of relapse," he told her trailing behind her as she ran for Gage's room her hand on her gun.
Shoving open the door she caught sight of Paulie Burke levelling his gun at Gage. The motion of the door opening made just enough noise that Burke's attention was taken from what he was doing and the shot missed it's target hitting the mattress inches from Gage's head.
Seeing Sydney at the door Burke turned to fire at her. Gage was all ready trying to get out of bed to stop the shot as Syd squeezed the trigger hitting the assailant in the chest. Kicking the gun out of Burke's reach Syd ran to Gage catching him in her arms before he collapsed to the floor. Gage's not so nice nurse who had helped set Gage up tried to sneak out the door only to be stopped by the young officer and was taken into custody.
"Gage I can't leave you alone with another woman for even a minute can I?" Syd gasped holding him tight tears in her eyes.
"I wasn't worried Syd I knew you wouldn't let anything happen to me," he whispered back holding just as tight to her as she was to him just as shaken as her.
Two Weeks Later Syd and Gage's
"They're here Mommy," Cat called from the living room window. "Matt and Anna B are here," she cried running out the front door to greet the Honeymooners.
Gage had started to get up from the couch only to be told by Sydney, Piper and Julie to sit down. Gage looked pleadingly from Walker to Trivette to Chafe for a little help only to hear from Walker, "We know better then to interfere Gage." Trivette and Chafe whole heartedly agreeing.
"Francis Gage you got shot at our wedding?" Anna B could be heard calling to him even before she made her entrance.
"And a new baby on the way?" Sumner asked following close behind his wife.
"I see Cat has told you all our news," Gage smiled as Anna B bent to kiss his cheek.
"Kind of makes two weeks in Hawaii seem sort of ho hum," Matt laughed.
"Well not all parts I hope," Trivette teased eliciting laughs from everyone.
"Well we want to hear all about your ho hum honeymoon," Alex spoke up the rest of the women agreeing whisking Anna B away from Matt to hear all the details.
Watching his wife go off with the rest Sumner turned to Chafe and asked, "So Robyn think that you can stand to be part of this family? All you have to do is get around Gage."
"Hey I'm not that bad," Gage tried to defend himself.
"Not that bad?" Trivette questioned a grin from ear to ear.
"They do make a good point Gage I still can feel your hand around my throat the last time you questioned me," Chafe smiled rubbing his neck to emphasize his point.
"Hey you treat my girls right we don't have a problem," Gage told them not giving an inch.
"Well Gage," Walker spoke up, "maybe this next one will be a boy and you'll have one less thing to worry about."
Everyone broke into laughter even Gage as he eyed Sydney wondering if the next one was to be a boy or a girl.
The End