Chapter 10: Memories Forgotten
"I won't forget you Van. Not ever."
She turned her head on the pillow, but the words still reverberated in her brain, as if echoing from a distant place, combining with odd images that formed disjointed events and disturbing noises. In her dream, his face was overshadowed by the darkness looming before her. But now, she could see him more clearly. Those eyes....They seemed so familiar.....Dark mahogany eyes.....She lifted her hand and touched his cheek....So warm...
But then, someone roughly grabbed her from his warm embrace.
"Hitomi....Hitomi....." She could hear him. Van was calling her. But she couldn't see him anymore.
Tried as she might to struggle free, the man holding her had his hands clamped tightly around her. She fought, she struggled.....and then she felt it.....
The cold metal piercing through her skin. The sharp stab of pain surging in her chest. She could see the blood staining the white linen of her dress....
Propelled by mounting fear and terror, Hitomi opened her eyes. Sudden movements at her side made her shiver in panic. Forcefully, she heaved herself up and swiveled to the other side of the bed. But the face that appeared before her silenced the screams that were about to escape her mouth.
"Hitomi! Are you alright? Have you had another nightmare?" Van asked concernedly. He prompted to hold his place at the other side of the bed for he could still see the fear reflected in her eyes. And the wisest thing he could do now was to wait until she calmed down.
"VAN!" Hitomi shoved herself toward him that made Van drew a sharp intake of breath in wild surprise. Impulsively, he wrapped his arms around her shivering body and realized how he had wanted to do just that.
"What was it Hitomi?" He muttered near her ears.
"Van....I.....I...." Hitomi bit her lips. She couldn't seem to express in words the mixed emotions she had---of finally knowing everything; of finally remembering that valued part of her memory that lay hidden in the shadows of her mind for a long time; of finally discovering the deepest feeling she had for this man.
But at the same time, having that premonition of death---her own death.....
'If only we could stay like this forever..." she whispered.
Hearing another voice inside the room, Hitomi abruptly looked past Van's shoulders and saw four people standing at the foot of the bed, staring disbelievingly at both of them. Van on the other hand, slowly released her and stood up. Hitomi did the same.
"You left the door opened, Lord Van. You couldn't blame us to suddenly...." Merle started to explain.
"...barged in here and intervened much to our regret," Millerna continued and smiled warmly.
""Hitomi! It's been so long." Allen came forward and took hold of Hitomi's hand. Bowed his head and slowly laid a kiss on it to the surprise of everybody inside the room. Van's jaw tightened and his expression turned ominous.
"Hello Allen. I'm also glad to see you." Hitomi smiled and curtsied amiably.
Again, everyone in the room was taken aback. Pure shock was visible on each face staring hard on Hitomi. She knew it.
Merle was the first to recover. "So you remember Allen, Hitomi?" She asked still wide eyed.
"Of course Merle. How could I forget the gallant knight of Asturia?" She answered innocently, her deep emerald eyes beaming with delight. Then she turned to Dryden and Millerna who were still stunned. "How are you doing Millerna? Dryden?"
"You-you remember us?" Millerna queried in a shock voice.
Hitomi only nodded her head.
"Ho-how come? We thought you've lost your memory? "Dryden questioned.
"I just- I've regained it....."Hitomi replied. She then shifted her gaze toward Van whose eyes were searching hers but she hastily avoided them. Then she added. "But not entirely."
"I knew it! Hitomi will regain her memory back! Do you remember me Hitomi? "Merle asked excitedly.
Hitomi tapped Merle's head fondly and said. "I remember the cat girl who once said she'll make my leg a scratching post."
"I didn't say that! " Merle protested. Then as an afterthought, she admitted. "Yes, maybe once. But just once! It was because I was afraid you'll take Lord Van away from me. Do you remember Lord---"
But Van hastily cut in. "Merle! Maybe we should let Hitomi be. It's been a hard day for her. "
"Van don't you think we should tell Hitomi about the prophecy? Now that she had regained part of her memory back...." Dryden voiced out his opinion.
"No. Not now Dryden." Van said in a low voice.
But Hitomi interjected immediately, concern written on her face. "What prophecy Dryden?"
Dryden exchanged confused looks with Millerna. His wife shook her head in silent disapproval. After a minute of indecision, he said. "Maybe tomorrow, Hitomi. You still need a lot of rest. By the looks of it, your face is pale as paper to me. Tomorrow I'll tell you everything I promise. "
"Maybe we should leave Hitomi for now, everyone. "Millerna suggested.
"But I—"Hitomi started to protest.
"It won't be a good idea to stress you out too much Hitomi. " Van said silently.
"Don't treat me like a child Van." Hitomi retorted coldly. "I can take care of myself."
"Now, everyone, let's bid Hitomi goodnight and take our own much needed rest." Millerna urged in a desperate attempt to soothe the situation. "We'll see you tomorrow morning Hitomi." She walked toward her and gave her a light hug.
As everyone sensed the rising tension in the air, Dryden, Merle and Allen followed suit. They each bid Hitomi goodnight and walked toward the door leaving Van and Hitomi alone.
"Aren't you bidding me goodnight as well?" Hitomi asked.
"I must say that was a magnificent event we had a little while ago---you, retrieving your memory back and recognizing Allen first and foremost. " Van told her sarcastically. The amount of jealousy building inside him eversince Hitomi recognized Allen with complete friendliness seemed out of control. He couldn't help it. To feel this way was surely out of place. How incongruous it was for him to want Hitomi to remember him first. But it was common knowledge that Hitomi had once fell to the charms of the Asturian knight. And it isn't impossible for that to happen again especially with the way Allen had looked adoringly at her.
Hitomi couldn't believe her ears. Was it jealousy imbedded in his tone? She turned her back to him for him not to notice the smile that curved in her lips. But instantly, she mentally scolded herself for wallowing in girlish flattery feelings. "So this is what it's all about, Van? How childish and stubborn of you---"
Van immediately held her shoulders and turned her around. "Tell me, Hitomi. Do you remember me?" He asked almost sounding desperate.
Hitomi gave him a long glance, and then said in a firm tone. "NO. I DON'T." Her face hard and unfeeling though in truth she was suppressing the urge to shove herself back in the warmth of his arms. 'It's for the best Van. I hope you could forgive me. I saw my own death and I don't want to pain you anymore than I did.' She thought.
Van was lost for words. He couldn't seem to comprehend what she had said. And as if on cue she confirmed his fear.
"I still don't remember anything about you Van." She said in stony silence.
With those words, Van's brain simply shut down. "Well, Goodnight." He said, his voice expressionless. He nodded and backed out of the room.
Hitomi walked in the depths of the night through the castle's corridors. She couldn't sleep and wouldn't want to with the way things had turned out. She wanted to think; to reevaluate her past and seek the truth of what the future beholds for her.
Yes, she remembered. Remembered it all. It was as if a light flickered in that part of her brain where all the memories she had of this place and its people had been all this time lay dormant and still. And now, all that memories came flooding back through her. From the first time she had set foot on this planet, the violent times of the Destiny War, till that moment of parting she and Van had had.
She remembered them clearly now. Everything. The hardships. The pain. The love.
But with it comes a price. She remembered yet she also saw the end of her life. Hitomi clutched her chest. 'Who was that man?'
"Hitomi? What are you doing here?"
Hitomi didn't notice that she had ended up at the fountain near the palace's garden. And with the voice that came from behind her, she quickly whirled around to find out who it was. "You scared me, Allen."
"Why? You shouldn't be wandering around at this time of the night." He said, walking towards her.
"I couldn't sleep. Thought I'd have a little walk." She explained.
"I see. Well, since we're both here, you won't mind if we'll have a little chat? For old times' sake." He said teasingly.
Hitomi smiled dryly. "No, of course not Allen. Besides I want to know what Dryden was supposed to tell me a while ago."
"Maybe we could settle ourselves first in that bench over there." Allen suggested, gesturing his gaze toward Hitomi's side. She nodded and afterwards led the way.
Sitting down, Hitomi noticed for the first time that Allen hadn't change at all since the last time she saw him. Same stature, same quiet elegance, and same handsome face that almost had her fell for him way back in her teenage days. The few years that passed only added to the charisma he already has.
"You've grown to be such a beautiful and wonderful lady Hitomi." Allen said admiringly, gazing down at her jade green eyes which shimmered under the bath of moonlight.
Hitomi felt her cheeks burned a little with his words. "Now, don't start with me Allen." She abruptly changed the subject. "Tell me some news about you. About Millerna and Dryden. And your sister Celena."
Allen let out a sigh. He knew he was starting to make her feel uncomfortable. But he couldn't help it if he was so transfixed with her. After all these years, he didn't imagine Hitomi Kanzaki, the girl anyone would mistake for a boy with her cropped hair would turn out to be like a goddess.
After staring at her for another minute, he answered. "Celena just married Gaddes a few months ago. Maybe you'll meet with her tomorrow morning. She was already pregnant with their first child. Dyrden and Millerna have been the King and Queen of Asturia. And they too have two beautiful daughters, Agatha and Aria. And Chid has been growing to be a fine young man and leader of his country, Freid."
Hitomi gasped. "So much has happened while I was gone. And you what about you Allen?"
"Me? Nothing has changed much about me. I'm growing old. "He replied jokingly.
Hitomi smiled. "Well, if you put it that way."
"And you Hitomi?" Allen asked in return.
Hitomi's smile faded. She avoided Allen's stare and looked up in the night sky. She heaved a deep breath. 'It wouldn't hurt to tell the truth, would it?' she thought.
"I---I was about to get married before I came back here." She revealed that made Allen speechless.
"I was on my way to the altar when that pillar of light took me in and brought me back here in Gaea. Back then, I don't remember anything about this place. You could imagine my shock when I found out I was suddenly transported here without any idea where I am."
Hitomi looked back at Allen and found him still staring hard at her. "That was the case until I was able to retrieve my memory Allen, when we you saw me a while ago."
"Well, I'm glad you've had your memory back. With all the problems we're having, the prophecy of doom that looms before Gaea, we need you Hitomi." Allen said despairingly.
"What are you trying to say Allen?" Hitomi uttered silently.
"I'm not in the position to tell you all about it Hitomi. Tomorrow, Dryden will be the one to inform you. And I hope you will help us Hitomi."
It was Hitomi's turn to stare at him with searching eyes.
"It's late. Let me escort you to your bedchambers Hitomi." Allen stood up.
"Alright." Hitomi pulled herself up and walked back up to the palace with Allen by her side.
Everyone gathered in the council chamber could feel the anxiety and stress filling the air. Although outside, the morning air was crisp and refreshing, no one paid attention to the warm welcome of a fine new day and unusually bright sky.
Dryden, Millerna, Allen, Van and Hitomi sat side by side on the round table in the middle of the room.
"Now, that everyone's here, maybe we should start with the matter, Dryden?" Van asked and motioned for Dryden to begin.
Dryden looked at Hitomi and saw her listening intently. "Hitomi, the first time you came here in Gaea, you've known of this planet's origin and its relation with the people of Atlantis. After the destruction brought about by the Destiny War, we've thought no such havoc and doom would befall on Gaea once again. But how wrong that assumption was."
"What do you mean Dryden?" Hitomi asked.
"It was prophesied that darkness and destruction would soon be laid on Gaea. Ancient power, the said Atlantian curse would be unleashed. And there is nothing we could do to stop everything from happening. Unless...." Dyrden hesitated.
"Unless what? "Hitomi questioned looking at him with intense eyes.
"Unless the seeress from the Mystic Moon, the protector of Gaea would come and save us all from great destruction." He answered.
Hitomi fell silent for a moment. Then she asked, "What is it I must do Dryden?"
But before anyone could speak a word, someone knocked on the door that broke the stiff silence enveloping the room.
A handmaiden entered. "Lord Van, a visitor came and said he needs to see you."
"Tell him to wait. I'm in the middle of a meeting." Van said coldly.
"But he said he needs to speak with you about some urgent matters." The handmaiden reasoned.
"Alright. Send him in." Van ordered.
The handmaiden moved to the side and the man entered.
Van, Hitomi and all the other people in the room held their breaths in wild shock as the man stood before them.
"B-Balgus?" Van asked, his eyes roaming the man clad in black armour.
"I'm not Balgus milord. I'm Mortar, Balgus' brother." He answered. Though his eyes stayed and lingered only on one person alone. The girl from the Mystic Moon. His mind focused on one mission.
Kill her with any means possible. And he will do that.
Just in a matter of time.
a/n: Yep, at last the 10th installment of this story. A few chapters more and my first Esca fic will finally have its conclusion. Bear with me minna! And thank you so much to those who reviewed the last chapter. Your reviews are very much appreciated.
Dedication: mic, Twilight Hacker, Dalafanole, manda, Dark Trinity (thank you for the suggestions, I actually used some of them ^_~, I hope you'll like this chapter),keistje, Angel girl, RebelleRose, AyaMiaka (Thank you for the support friend!), The lady winged Knight. S, snow blossoms, aradow (thanks so much for pointing out my mistakes, I really appreciate it ^_^) and Avelyn Lauren. Love you all guys! I hope you'll like this chapter.
Thanks for reading and please review!
"I won't forget you Van. Not ever."
She turned her head on the pillow, but the words still reverberated in her brain, as if echoing from a distant place, combining with odd images that formed disjointed events and disturbing noises. In her dream, his face was overshadowed by the darkness looming before her. But now, she could see him more clearly. Those eyes....They seemed so familiar.....Dark mahogany eyes.....She lifted her hand and touched his cheek....So warm...
But then, someone roughly grabbed her from his warm embrace.
"Hitomi....Hitomi....." She could hear him. Van was calling her. But she couldn't see him anymore.
Tried as she might to struggle free, the man holding her had his hands clamped tightly around her. She fought, she struggled.....and then she felt it.....
The cold metal piercing through her skin. The sharp stab of pain surging in her chest. She could see the blood staining the white linen of her dress....
Propelled by mounting fear and terror, Hitomi opened her eyes. Sudden movements at her side made her shiver in panic. Forcefully, she heaved herself up and swiveled to the other side of the bed. But the face that appeared before her silenced the screams that were about to escape her mouth.
"Hitomi! Are you alright? Have you had another nightmare?" Van asked concernedly. He prompted to hold his place at the other side of the bed for he could still see the fear reflected in her eyes. And the wisest thing he could do now was to wait until she calmed down.
"VAN!" Hitomi shoved herself toward him that made Van drew a sharp intake of breath in wild surprise. Impulsively, he wrapped his arms around her shivering body and realized how he had wanted to do just that.
"What was it Hitomi?" He muttered near her ears.
"Van....I.....I...." Hitomi bit her lips. She couldn't seem to express in words the mixed emotions she had---of finally knowing everything; of finally remembering that valued part of her memory that lay hidden in the shadows of her mind for a long time; of finally discovering the deepest feeling she had for this man.
But at the same time, having that premonition of death---her own death.....
'If only we could stay like this forever..." she whispered.
Hearing another voice inside the room, Hitomi abruptly looked past Van's shoulders and saw four people standing at the foot of the bed, staring disbelievingly at both of them. Van on the other hand, slowly released her and stood up. Hitomi did the same.
"You left the door opened, Lord Van. You couldn't blame us to suddenly...." Merle started to explain.
"...barged in here and intervened much to our regret," Millerna continued and smiled warmly.
""Hitomi! It's been so long." Allen came forward and took hold of Hitomi's hand. Bowed his head and slowly laid a kiss on it to the surprise of everybody inside the room. Van's jaw tightened and his expression turned ominous.
"Hello Allen. I'm also glad to see you." Hitomi smiled and curtsied amiably.
Again, everyone in the room was taken aback. Pure shock was visible on each face staring hard on Hitomi. She knew it.
Merle was the first to recover. "So you remember Allen, Hitomi?" She asked still wide eyed.
"Of course Merle. How could I forget the gallant knight of Asturia?" She answered innocently, her deep emerald eyes beaming with delight. Then she turned to Dryden and Millerna who were still stunned. "How are you doing Millerna? Dryden?"
"You-you remember us?" Millerna queried in a shock voice.
Hitomi only nodded her head.
"Ho-how come? We thought you've lost your memory? "Dryden questioned.
"I just- I've regained it....."Hitomi replied. She then shifted her gaze toward Van whose eyes were searching hers but she hastily avoided them. Then she added. "But not entirely."
"I knew it! Hitomi will regain her memory back! Do you remember me Hitomi? "Merle asked excitedly.
Hitomi tapped Merle's head fondly and said. "I remember the cat girl who once said she'll make my leg a scratching post."
"I didn't say that! " Merle protested. Then as an afterthought, she admitted. "Yes, maybe once. But just once! It was because I was afraid you'll take Lord Van away from me. Do you remember Lord---"
But Van hastily cut in. "Merle! Maybe we should let Hitomi be. It's been a hard day for her. "
"Van don't you think we should tell Hitomi about the prophecy? Now that she had regained part of her memory back...." Dryden voiced out his opinion.
"No. Not now Dryden." Van said in a low voice.
But Hitomi interjected immediately, concern written on her face. "What prophecy Dryden?"
Dryden exchanged confused looks with Millerna. His wife shook her head in silent disapproval. After a minute of indecision, he said. "Maybe tomorrow, Hitomi. You still need a lot of rest. By the looks of it, your face is pale as paper to me. Tomorrow I'll tell you everything I promise. "
"Maybe we should leave Hitomi for now, everyone. "Millerna suggested.
"But I—"Hitomi started to protest.
"It won't be a good idea to stress you out too much Hitomi. " Van said silently.
"Don't treat me like a child Van." Hitomi retorted coldly. "I can take care of myself."
"Now, everyone, let's bid Hitomi goodnight and take our own much needed rest." Millerna urged in a desperate attempt to soothe the situation. "We'll see you tomorrow morning Hitomi." She walked toward her and gave her a light hug.
As everyone sensed the rising tension in the air, Dryden, Merle and Allen followed suit. They each bid Hitomi goodnight and walked toward the door leaving Van and Hitomi alone.
"Aren't you bidding me goodnight as well?" Hitomi asked.
"I must say that was a magnificent event we had a little while ago---you, retrieving your memory back and recognizing Allen first and foremost. " Van told her sarcastically. The amount of jealousy building inside him eversince Hitomi recognized Allen with complete friendliness seemed out of control. He couldn't help it. To feel this way was surely out of place. How incongruous it was for him to want Hitomi to remember him first. But it was common knowledge that Hitomi had once fell to the charms of the Asturian knight. And it isn't impossible for that to happen again especially with the way Allen had looked adoringly at her.
Hitomi couldn't believe her ears. Was it jealousy imbedded in his tone? She turned her back to him for him not to notice the smile that curved in her lips. But instantly, she mentally scolded herself for wallowing in girlish flattery feelings. "So this is what it's all about, Van? How childish and stubborn of you---"
Van immediately held her shoulders and turned her around. "Tell me, Hitomi. Do you remember me?" He asked almost sounding desperate.
Hitomi gave him a long glance, and then said in a firm tone. "NO. I DON'T." Her face hard and unfeeling though in truth she was suppressing the urge to shove herself back in the warmth of his arms. 'It's for the best Van. I hope you could forgive me. I saw my own death and I don't want to pain you anymore than I did.' She thought.
Van was lost for words. He couldn't seem to comprehend what she had said. And as if on cue she confirmed his fear.
"I still don't remember anything about you Van." She said in stony silence.
With those words, Van's brain simply shut down. "Well, Goodnight." He said, his voice expressionless. He nodded and backed out of the room.
Hitomi walked in the depths of the night through the castle's corridors. She couldn't sleep and wouldn't want to with the way things had turned out. She wanted to think; to reevaluate her past and seek the truth of what the future beholds for her.
Yes, she remembered. Remembered it all. It was as if a light flickered in that part of her brain where all the memories she had of this place and its people had been all this time lay dormant and still. And now, all that memories came flooding back through her. From the first time she had set foot on this planet, the violent times of the Destiny War, till that moment of parting she and Van had had.
She remembered them clearly now. Everything. The hardships. The pain. The love.
But with it comes a price. She remembered yet she also saw the end of her life. Hitomi clutched her chest. 'Who was that man?'
"Hitomi? What are you doing here?"
Hitomi didn't notice that she had ended up at the fountain near the palace's garden. And with the voice that came from behind her, she quickly whirled around to find out who it was. "You scared me, Allen."
"Why? You shouldn't be wandering around at this time of the night." He said, walking towards her.
"I couldn't sleep. Thought I'd have a little walk." She explained.
"I see. Well, since we're both here, you won't mind if we'll have a little chat? For old times' sake." He said teasingly.
Hitomi smiled dryly. "No, of course not Allen. Besides I want to know what Dryden was supposed to tell me a while ago."
"Maybe we could settle ourselves first in that bench over there." Allen suggested, gesturing his gaze toward Hitomi's side. She nodded and afterwards led the way.
Sitting down, Hitomi noticed for the first time that Allen hadn't change at all since the last time she saw him. Same stature, same quiet elegance, and same handsome face that almost had her fell for him way back in her teenage days. The few years that passed only added to the charisma he already has.
"You've grown to be such a beautiful and wonderful lady Hitomi." Allen said admiringly, gazing down at her jade green eyes which shimmered under the bath of moonlight.
Hitomi felt her cheeks burned a little with his words. "Now, don't start with me Allen." She abruptly changed the subject. "Tell me some news about you. About Millerna and Dryden. And your sister Celena."
Allen let out a sigh. He knew he was starting to make her feel uncomfortable. But he couldn't help it if he was so transfixed with her. After all these years, he didn't imagine Hitomi Kanzaki, the girl anyone would mistake for a boy with her cropped hair would turn out to be like a goddess.
After staring at her for another minute, he answered. "Celena just married Gaddes a few months ago. Maybe you'll meet with her tomorrow morning. She was already pregnant with their first child. Dyrden and Millerna have been the King and Queen of Asturia. And they too have two beautiful daughters, Agatha and Aria. And Chid has been growing to be a fine young man and leader of his country, Freid."
Hitomi gasped. "So much has happened while I was gone. And you what about you Allen?"
"Me? Nothing has changed much about me. I'm growing old. "He replied jokingly.
Hitomi smiled. "Well, if you put it that way."
"And you Hitomi?" Allen asked in return.
Hitomi's smile faded. She avoided Allen's stare and looked up in the night sky. She heaved a deep breath. 'It wouldn't hurt to tell the truth, would it?' she thought.
"I---I was about to get married before I came back here." She revealed that made Allen speechless.
"I was on my way to the altar when that pillar of light took me in and brought me back here in Gaea. Back then, I don't remember anything about this place. You could imagine my shock when I found out I was suddenly transported here without any idea where I am."
Hitomi looked back at Allen and found him still staring hard at her. "That was the case until I was able to retrieve my memory Allen, when we you saw me a while ago."
"Well, I'm glad you've had your memory back. With all the problems we're having, the prophecy of doom that looms before Gaea, we need you Hitomi." Allen said despairingly.
"What are you trying to say Allen?" Hitomi uttered silently.
"I'm not in the position to tell you all about it Hitomi. Tomorrow, Dryden will be the one to inform you. And I hope you will help us Hitomi."
It was Hitomi's turn to stare at him with searching eyes.
"It's late. Let me escort you to your bedchambers Hitomi." Allen stood up.
"Alright." Hitomi pulled herself up and walked back up to the palace with Allen by her side.
Everyone gathered in the council chamber could feel the anxiety and stress filling the air. Although outside, the morning air was crisp and refreshing, no one paid attention to the warm welcome of a fine new day and unusually bright sky.
Dryden, Millerna, Allen, Van and Hitomi sat side by side on the round table in the middle of the room.
"Now, that everyone's here, maybe we should start with the matter, Dryden?" Van asked and motioned for Dryden to begin.
Dryden looked at Hitomi and saw her listening intently. "Hitomi, the first time you came here in Gaea, you've known of this planet's origin and its relation with the people of Atlantis. After the destruction brought about by the Destiny War, we've thought no such havoc and doom would befall on Gaea once again. But how wrong that assumption was."
"What do you mean Dryden?" Hitomi asked.
"It was prophesied that darkness and destruction would soon be laid on Gaea. Ancient power, the said Atlantian curse would be unleashed. And there is nothing we could do to stop everything from happening. Unless...." Dyrden hesitated.
"Unless what? "Hitomi questioned looking at him with intense eyes.
"Unless the seeress from the Mystic Moon, the protector of Gaea would come and save us all from great destruction." He answered.
Hitomi fell silent for a moment. Then she asked, "What is it I must do Dryden?"
But before anyone could speak a word, someone knocked on the door that broke the stiff silence enveloping the room.
A handmaiden entered. "Lord Van, a visitor came and said he needs to see you."
"Tell him to wait. I'm in the middle of a meeting." Van said coldly.
"But he said he needs to speak with you about some urgent matters." The handmaiden reasoned.
"Alright. Send him in." Van ordered.
The handmaiden moved to the side and the man entered.
Van, Hitomi and all the other people in the room held their breaths in wild shock as the man stood before them.
"B-Balgus?" Van asked, his eyes roaming the man clad in black armour.
"I'm not Balgus milord. I'm Mortar, Balgus' brother." He answered. Though his eyes stayed and lingered only on one person alone. The girl from the Mystic Moon. His mind focused on one mission.
Kill her with any means possible. And he will do that.
Just in a matter of time.
a/n: Yep, at last the 10th installment of this story. A few chapters more and my first Esca fic will finally have its conclusion. Bear with me minna! And thank you so much to those who reviewed the last chapter. Your reviews are very much appreciated.
Dedication: mic, Twilight Hacker, Dalafanole, manda, Dark Trinity (thank you for the suggestions, I actually used some of them ^_~, I hope you'll like this chapter),keistje, Angel girl, RebelleRose, AyaMiaka (Thank you for the support friend!), The lady winged Knight. S, snow blossoms, aradow (thanks so much for pointing out my mistakes, I really appreciate it ^_^) and Avelyn Lauren. Love you all guys! I hope you'll like this chapter.
Thanks for reading and please review!