Disclaimer: Blah blah I don't own HP blah…
A/N: This fic is kind of an alternative universe where Sirius takes Harry with him the night James and Lily are killed and moves to HAWAII!!!! At first it's all sad and dark…but gets MUCH lighter later…and trust me living with Sirius turns out to be VERY cool for Harry!!!!!!!!!
Sirius Black ran a hand through his silky hair still fighting the tears that were fighting to flow, and never stop. James, Jamesie, Prongs…his best friend was gone…forever! He wanted to kill Peter, to rip him apart…but one look in Harry's eyes (so like Lily's, almost identical) told him not to! The way the small baby cried in Hagrid's arms…his parents gone…now an orphan…Sirius realized couldn't leave him!!! Killing Peter would only bring trouble for him…Dombledore probably already thought of him as a murderer…a betrayer…and so would the rest of the wizarding world, though Sirius did not disagree! But now was no time to mourn in self-pity, no…he couldn't believe what Hagrid had just said!!!
"You can't be serious," Sirius said, clenching his teeth together to stop them from chattering, "Dombledore can't seriously sent Harry to the horrible Durseleys!!!!"
"Well that's where he told me to take him!" Hagrid answered his own eyes full of tears.
"B-but…I remember going to Lily's for Christmas with James…they were terrible!!! Hagrid they will despise Harry!" Sirius said his eyes getting blurry, his voice almost pleading, he couldn't let them do this…he couldn't let them sent his godson to years of hell.
"Sorry Sirius…but Dombledore's orders…no can do!" Hagrid said beginning to leave, with Harry in his arms, and Sirius realized there was only one thing to do.
"I'm sorry Hagrid!" Sirius whispered and with that he got on his motorbike, and suddenly gracefully zoomed in front of Hagrid, "Accio baby!" and before Hagrid had the chance to protest he zoomed up in the sky and disappeared in the clouds.
It was taking Sirius his every ounce of self-control to not go after Peter, and torture him until the hole the loss of James had left in his heart was gone. But then looking at the small baby held tightly against his chest, made his heart swell up, and realize the only way to help the hole heal, was to take care of what Prangs loved most…his son…Harry. It was as though Harry's little heart beating against his own was calming him down, giving him strength and clearing up his head. Sirius knew what he had to do…
"I'll make sure you have the most wonderful time possible Harry…trust me…the way James once did!" Sirius whispered to the baby, his handsome face screwed up in determination.
* * *
"This is the life," Sirius said holding a giggling baby Harry against his chest as he lay back on his VERY comfortable bed.
Three months had passed…and now all he had to do was finished…he was now officially hidden amongst muggles. Shutting his eyes, Sirius thought back to the past few months; first thing he had done was convert all his wizard money to muggle ones…and as his uncle had left him a pretty huge fortune…well he could buy anything he pleased, like his brand new condo. After bagging all the money (shrinking charms were always great!) he and Harry flew to Hawaii…and started their new lives as muggles, and since their was no Ministry of Magic there, as no wizards would pick an ordinary muggle island to live on instead of their own amazing ones, the two were completely cut off from the magic world…meaning of course safety for them!
"I'm sorry baby, but this is Friday night I'm gonna leave you in the baby day care! See I don't ever wanna leave you alone…even with those people…but I gotta go out sometimes! That's why I decided to make a scedual," Sirius sat Harry up talking to him as though he was older, though Harry was hardly older than 1, "I'll have 2 nights a week to go out and be a really bad boy…but that's it ok…I don't need to work to make money so we got the rest of the week together. I'm only gonna be gone when your sleeping on Fridays and Saturdays and when you wake up I'll be there baby…I promise!"
"Sirie," Harry said giggling, and reaching towards his godfather's shiny black hair.
"You know I love you right?" Sirius said now pulling him close and covering the now giggling even harder baby with gentle kisses, "If it weren't for you, I'd probably have spend the passed 3 months drinking away my sorrow…never beginning to heal…ah what the hell am I telling a baby this…" he scratched his head and shrugged now tickling little Harry, "aaah come on, I'll give you a little bath, before we go out for lunch."
Sirius felt a little uneasy after living his godson's side for the first time in three months, but then sighed, and told himself it wouldn't hurt the baby to spend a couple of hours away from him 2x a week. Still he made sure he had his cell phone with him, for the tenth time before entering the dance floor.
Vaguely Sirius remembered how he had once visited a tropical island before, a magic one with James and his parents. He ran a hand threw his dark hair and suddenly ripped open his button down Hawaiian shirt, knowing he probably looked pretty good, and grinned at the pretty blond dancing not too far from him. She looked him up and down, and grinned back before nudging her friend and suddenly Sirius was sandwiched between two hot teenage girls. Getting into the rhythm, Sirius half envied muggles for their cool music, though their clubs were much like the wizard ones.
For a few hours Sirius was lost between hot sweaty bodies, music vibrating through him, and lips with mixed taste of alcohol and tobacco. He forgot just about anything as he kept his head empty of all thoughts and emotions, until he was beat and had to take a break, slowly he made his way towards the bar, and ordered a beer, gulping down the whole bottle and ordering another one. This time though it took him longer to drink as he descided to get a little time out and fresh air, so he walked out…off the grass and now on the sand.
For a long time he walked along the sand, taking swings at his bottle, wondering if he had came out too fast that he wasn't ready for fun yet James' death still being too fresh…until his flip flops came in contact with something rather soft, and he look down to see a yellow sundress lying on there on the sand…and then suddenly for the first time he realized that far away in the water he could see someone swimming…and she seemed to have noticed him as she was making her way towards the shore.
Sirius watched as the most beautiful girl he had ever seen slowly yet gracefully walked out of the water. Her long wet hair was pulled back from her makeup-less face, her perfect stocked curvy body was only covered in a semi-see-through white strapless bikini, and her long elegant legs and arms shone in the moonlight. Sirius held his breath as she came so close to him; he could almost feel the coolness of the water on his own skin.
"You must love walking…the club is far from here. I've never seen another person here, other than myself," She said in this gentle yet sassy voice.
"I had a lot on my mind," Sirius said looking down at his beer bottle and suddenly before he'd thought about it he threw the rest in the water.
"Nice arm," she gave a low whistle and unlike he had expected, didn't say a word about littering the ocean.
"Thanks," he said now looking at her more closely and for the first time realized a rather large bruise on her right cheek, "Are…are you ok?" Sirius said not sure if he should say something, but to his surprise she laughed, though a rather bitterly.
"If you're talking bout my bruise, I'll live," she said grimly, "don't worry, I'm way past caring who knows I have an abusive father."
"It still hurts though, not physically but…" Sirius trailed off looking away, remembering his own father and mother screaming at him.
"you…wow…is that why you're here?" her eyes were now wide in shock.
"Naw…I ran away to my best friend's place at 16…I haven't seen them for so long now 5 years almost," now it was Sirius turn to laugh bitterly.
"Wow you're brave…I'm so scared of leaving…that's why I come here! It's so quiet and peaceful here…I can think, calm down, make the pain fade away…" Sirius watched as her eyes filled up with tears, and without realizing it he had pulled her towards himself, cressing her wet hair, "listen I have a really big place…a nice guest room."
She didn't say anything just gave a small grateful sniff, and Sirius slowly, still holding her in his arms, made his way towards his convertible outside the club. Knowing that he wasn't gonna get lucky with some girl(s?) gave him a sense of relief as thinking he wasn't healed yet for dirty heartless fun he used to have before…and kissed the beautiful girl beside his gently on her wet cheek before pulling away and getting in the driver's side.
A/N: OK this girl will play an important part…but uh this story is gonna jump a few years…but don't worry Sirius'll still be cool and so will Harry…it's kind of the kind of amazing life Harry could've had with Sirius away from all the pain and dangers of the wizarding world…HAWAIIAN STYLE!!!!!!! Oh and things are gonna get much much MUCH lighter and happier in the next chapters…you'll be surprised at the kind of guy Harry turns into, and Sirius decides he is bored without a job…so he gets one…an interesting one!
A/N: This fic is kind of an alternative universe where Sirius takes Harry with him the night James and Lily are killed and moves to HAWAII!!!! At first it's all sad and dark…but gets MUCH lighter later…and trust me living with Sirius turns out to be VERY cool for Harry!!!!!!!!!
Sirius Black ran a hand through his silky hair still fighting the tears that were fighting to flow, and never stop. James, Jamesie, Prongs…his best friend was gone…forever! He wanted to kill Peter, to rip him apart…but one look in Harry's eyes (so like Lily's, almost identical) told him not to! The way the small baby cried in Hagrid's arms…his parents gone…now an orphan…Sirius realized couldn't leave him!!! Killing Peter would only bring trouble for him…Dombledore probably already thought of him as a murderer…a betrayer…and so would the rest of the wizarding world, though Sirius did not disagree! But now was no time to mourn in self-pity, no…he couldn't believe what Hagrid had just said!!!
"You can't be serious," Sirius said, clenching his teeth together to stop them from chattering, "Dombledore can't seriously sent Harry to the horrible Durseleys!!!!"
"Well that's where he told me to take him!" Hagrid answered his own eyes full of tears.
"B-but…I remember going to Lily's for Christmas with James…they were terrible!!! Hagrid they will despise Harry!" Sirius said his eyes getting blurry, his voice almost pleading, he couldn't let them do this…he couldn't let them sent his godson to years of hell.
"Sorry Sirius…but Dombledore's orders…no can do!" Hagrid said beginning to leave, with Harry in his arms, and Sirius realized there was only one thing to do.
"I'm sorry Hagrid!" Sirius whispered and with that he got on his motorbike, and suddenly gracefully zoomed in front of Hagrid, "Accio baby!" and before Hagrid had the chance to protest he zoomed up in the sky and disappeared in the clouds.
It was taking Sirius his every ounce of self-control to not go after Peter, and torture him until the hole the loss of James had left in his heart was gone. But then looking at the small baby held tightly against his chest, made his heart swell up, and realize the only way to help the hole heal, was to take care of what Prangs loved most…his son…Harry. It was as though Harry's little heart beating against his own was calming him down, giving him strength and clearing up his head. Sirius knew what he had to do…
"I'll make sure you have the most wonderful time possible Harry…trust me…the way James once did!" Sirius whispered to the baby, his handsome face screwed up in determination.
* * *
"This is the life," Sirius said holding a giggling baby Harry against his chest as he lay back on his VERY comfortable bed.
Three months had passed…and now all he had to do was finished…he was now officially hidden amongst muggles. Shutting his eyes, Sirius thought back to the past few months; first thing he had done was convert all his wizard money to muggle ones…and as his uncle had left him a pretty huge fortune…well he could buy anything he pleased, like his brand new condo. After bagging all the money (shrinking charms were always great!) he and Harry flew to Hawaii…and started their new lives as muggles, and since their was no Ministry of Magic there, as no wizards would pick an ordinary muggle island to live on instead of their own amazing ones, the two were completely cut off from the magic world…meaning of course safety for them!
"I'm sorry baby, but this is Friday night I'm gonna leave you in the baby day care! See I don't ever wanna leave you alone…even with those people…but I gotta go out sometimes! That's why I decided to make a scedual," Sirius sat Harry up talking to him as though he was older, though Harry was hardly older than 1, "I'll have 2 nights a week to go out and be a really bad boy…but that's it ok…I don't need to work to make money so we got the rest of the week together. I'm only gonna be gone when your sleeping on Fridays and Saturdays and when you wake up I'll be there baby…I promise!"
"Sirie," Harry said giggling, and reaching towards his godfather's shiny black hair.
"You know I love you right?" Sirius said now pulling him close and covering the now giggling even harder baby with gentle kisses, "If it weren't for you, I'd probably have spend the passed 3 months drinking away my sorrow…never beginning to heal…ah what the hell am I telling a baby this…" he scratched his head and shrugged now tickling little Harry, "aaah come on, I'll give you a little bath, before we go out for lunch."
Sirius felt a little uneasy after living his godson's side for the first time in three months, but then sighed, and told himself it wouldn't hurt the baby to spend a couple of hours away from him 2x a week. Still he made sure he had his cell phone with him, for the tenth time before entering the dance floor.
Vaguely Sirius remembered how he had once visited a tropical island before, a magic one with James and his parents. He ran a hand threw his dark hair and suddenly ripped open his button down Hawaiian shirt, knowing he probably looked pretty good, and grinned at the pretty blond dancing not too far from him. She looked him up and down, and grinned back before nudging her friend and suddenly Sirius was sandwiched between two hot teenage girls. Getting into the rhythm, Sirius half envied muggles for their cool music, though their clubs were much like the wizard ones.
For a few hours Sirius was lost between hot sweaty bodies, music vibrating through him, and lips with mixed taste of alcohol and tobacco. He forgot just about anything as he kept his head empty of all thoughts and emotions, until he was beat and had to take a break, slowly he made his way towards the bar, and ordered a beer, gulping down the whole bottle and ordering another one. This time though it took him longer to drink as he descided to get a little time out and fresh air, so he walked out…off the grass and now on the sand.
For a long time he walked along the sand, taking swings at his bottle, wondering if he had came out too fast that he wasn't ready for fun yet James' death still being too fresh…until his flip flops came in contact with something rather soft, and he look down to see a yellow sundress lying on there on the sand…and then suddenly for the first time he realized that far away in the water he could see someone swimming…and she seemed to have noticed him as she was making her way towards the shore.
Sirius watched as the most beautiful girl he had ever seen slowly yet gracefully walked out of the water. Her long wet hair was pulled back from her makeup-less face, her perfect stocked curvy body was only covered in a semi-see-through white strapless bikini, and her long elegant legs and arms shone in the moonlight. Sirius held his breath as she came so close to him; he could almost feel the coolness of the water on his own skin.
"You must love walking…the club is far from here. I've never seen another person here, other than myself," She said in this gentle yet sassy voice.
"I had a lot on my mind," Sirius said looking down at his beer bottle and suddenly before he'd thought about it he threw the rest in the water.
"Nice arm," she gave a low whistle and unlike he had expected, didn't say a word about littering the ocean.
"Thanks," he said now looking at her more closely and for the first time realized a rather large bruise on her right cheek, "Are…are you ok?" Sirius said not sure if he should say something, but to his surprise she laughed, though a rather bitterly.
"If you're talking bout my bruise, I'll live," she said grimly, "don't worry, I'm way past caring who knows I have an abusive father."
"It still hurts though, not physically but…" Sirius trailed off looking away, remembering his own father and mother screaming at him.
"you…wow…is that why you're here?" her eyes were now wide in shock.
"Naw…I ran away to my best friend's place at 16…I haven't seen them for so long now 5 years almost," now it was Sirius turn to laugh bitterly.
"Wow you're brave…I'm so scared of leaving…that's why I come here! It's so quiet and peaceful here…I can think, calm down, make the pain fade away…" Sirius watched as her eyes filled up with tears, and without realizing it he had pulled her towards himself, cressing her wet hair, "listen I have a really big place…a nice guest room."
She didn't say anything just gave a small grateful sniff, and Sirius slowly, still holding her in his arms, made his way towards his convertible outside the club. Knowing that he wasn't gonna get lucky with some girl(s?) gave him a sense of relief as thinking he wasn't healed yet for dirty heartless fun he used to have before…and kissed the beautiful girl beside his gently on her wet cheek before pulling away and getting in the driver's side.
A/N: OK this girl will play an important part…but uh this story is gonna jump a few years…but don't worry Sirius'll still be cool and so will Harry…it's kind of the kind of amazing life Harry could've had with Sirius away from all the pain and dangers of the wizarding world…HAWAIIAN STYLE!!!!!!! Oh and things are gonna get much much MUCH lighter and happier in the next chapters…you'll be surprised at the kind of guy Harry turns into, and Sirius decides he is bored without a job…so he gets one…an interesting one!