A/N: Thanks for all the reviews. I enjoyed writing this and maybe one day I'll develop a plot and everything! :)
"I thought that if anyone would do it big, you would," Hermione said, checking off the comfortable wine-plush chairs that Ginny and Ron were conjuring.
"Because I'm the only girl?" Ginny said with a puff as she heaved a chair into its position on the lawn.
"Yeah," Hermione said, watching Ron in amusement as he attempted to keep two of the chairs from mauling each other.
"I think you and Ron pulled that one off for me, thankfully. Mum was a little disappointed, but Dad was happy. It perked Mum considerably when we said we wanted it here, though," Ginny said as she collapsed into a chair in the front row. Hermione began pointing at the chairs with her quill, counting them under her breath.
"One-ten. Better make it twenty, just in case," Hermione advised Ginny. Ginny sighed and pointed to Hermione's list.
"Make a note and we'll take care of it tomorrow." Hermione obliged and made a note next to the box checked for "Seating."
"Put that one here, Ron," Hermione said, pointing to the seat next to Ginny. With a heave, Ron managed to subdue the chair into the front row, while its mortal enemy glowered in the back row of the bride's side.
"Only you would manage to come up with wrestling chairs," Hermione said, shaking her head in disbelief.
"I don't see you getting dirty," Ron puffed, leaning his palms against his bent knees as he gulped air.
"Someone needs to delegate," she said lightly, ruffling his hair.
"Miss I-got-the-highest-ever-scores-in-all-the-history-of-N.E.W.T.S and O.W.L.S," Ron continued to grumble. Hermione bent down and gave him a kiss, which seemed to brighten his mood considerably.
"When's Harry coming?" Hermione asked as she eased Ron into one of the chairs. He reached for her, trying to pull her into his lap, but Hermione slapped him away and kept her gaze on Ginny.
"Tomorrow," Ginny responded, a smile lighting her face. Their engagement had been a quick one: a proposal on February eighth and a wedding on the twenty-second. Many had thought it impossible. But after Ginny's training with Hermione's large wedding, she had learned what corners to cut and how to speed up some processes. The only problem had been Chessie. With her increasing size, she was unable to contribute much, and she hadn't actually been fit for her dress until a few days ago. Ginny knew her sister-in-law was due sometime that month. What Chessie had neglected to mention was that she was actually due on the twentieth. She and Bill would arrive tomorrow for the rehearsal, as would Charlie and Danica and Percy and Luna. Hermione was, of course, the maid-of-honor. Percy, by some miracle, had found a date and had begged Ginny that she might be in the wedding party. For tactful reasons, Ginny had to decline the request and paired him with Luna instead.
"Are you ready?" Hermione asked, slapping away Ron's hand again as he reached up for her again.
"I guess," she said hesitantly. She wasn't sure exactly how it was supposed to work, she realized as she mused about the future. Would she live with Harry at Hogwarts? She would have to use Floo to get to work, she supposed. What would it be like to live at the school again?
"You're ready," Ron said confidently.
"Thanks, Mr. Nervous Wreck," Ginny said flatly.
"You were what?" Hermione asked, finally turning to look at Ron. He flushed and gave Ginny a dirty glare.
"I was fine," Ron said weakly. Ginny smirked and stole away as Hermione's attentions were now focused on Ron.
"Are you alright?" Bill whispered to Chessie as they took a seat in the kitchen. Members of the wedding party crowded around them, jabbering excitedly. Ginny had her arm tucked into Harry's and both of them looked very pleased with themselves. Ron and Hermione weren't too far away, with Ron leaned back in his chair, an arm draped across the back of Hermione's chair and his hand playing with her hair absently.
"Fine," Chessie hissed back as she slapped Zack's hand away from an extra cream puff. The boy's lip trembled dangerously as Bill pulled his son away from the testy mother.
"You look a little—"
"Don't say it, Bill." Chessie looked up from her plate with murder gleaming in her eyes. He took her advice and swallowed his next words.
"This is Ginny's thing. I'll be fine for another day. I've done this before, you know," she hissed.
"Not too often, I hope," Bill said as Zack climbed into his father's lap. Chessie shrugged and turned back to her plate nonchalantly.
"Wouldn't you like to know?"
"I certainly would," Fred said, stealing over Chessie's shoulder and nabbing the same cream puff Zack had attempted to pilfer moments ago.
"Beat it, wouldn't you, dear?" Chessie said sweetly, snatching the puff out of Fred's hand just as he poised to pop it into his mouth.
"Letting that baby get to you again?" Fred asked, planting a smacking kiss on Chessie's cheek.
"Would you like to have the next one?" she said, plastering a sarcastic smile on her face.
"Might consider it," Fred responded, sauntering off.
"If that's not disturbing, I'm not quite sure what is," Bill remarked as he watched his brother saunter back to the crowd. "Watching your wife discussing impregnating your brother, that is."
"You're just over-tired," Chessie said, patting Bill's hand as she popped the cream puff into her mouth.
"You could act a little nervous or something," Hermione said, helping Ginny into her jacket. She smoothed the back of the jacket and stepped back and admired her friend in awe.
"I feel like the cat that swallowed the canary," Ginny said, unable to reduce the smile breaking her face. She picked up her bouquet of daisies as she wriggled comfortably in her dress. Mrs. Weasley stood in the corner of Ginny's room, dabbing her eyes and sniffling now and again.
"Our little baby," she garbled through her tears repeatedly.
"Now, Mum, you will pull yourself together, won't you?" Ginny said gently, taking her mother's elbow and planting a soft kiss on her mother's damp cheek.
"Oh, oh," was Mrs. Weasley's only response as she tried not to clutch Ginny too tightly and wrinkle her gown. Her own mother-of-the-bride dress was the same lovely lilac she had bought for Ron and Hermione's wedding. She had added the light touch of a crème hat, which gave the ensemble a new look.
"Zack's tied down for the moment. Might want to get a move on, Gin," Chessie said, closing the door behind her as she entered the room. Ginny took a deep breath and clutched her bouquet.
"I guess…this is it," she said, glancing at the mirror and then at Hermione. Her best friend gave her an ecstatic grin in return. Danica turned away from her place at the window.
"Ron keeps checking his watch, Charlie's already taken off his tie and Bill looks like he might collapse at any moment," she informed them. "I guess we'd better go save our men folk. Ironically enough, Percy's the only normal-looking one down there."
"It's about time," muttered Luna who was physically sick at the though of linking arms with Percy to walk down the aisle.
The ladies filed out of the room; Danica took Mrs. Weasley's arm and lead her. Hermione gave Ginny's hand a quick squeeze and Ginny could see tears shining in Hermione's joyful eyes. Hermione leaned forward and gave her friend a kiss on the cheek.
"I'm so happy for you," she said, trying to hold back her tears.
"Stop," Ginny said, trying to laugh as she felt her own emotion rising.
"You look beautiful," Hermione said, pursing her lips and wiping away a stray tear.
"What is this?" Ginny said, as Hermione pulled a hanky out of her powder blue handbag—dyed to match her dress.
"I know. I'm just so happy for you, for Harry, for me, for Ron, for Chessie and Bill…oh God, my mascara's running!" Hermione said, laughing shakily as black streaks appeared on the hanky. She quickly recovered herself and patted her eyes dry. Ginny whipped out a tube of mascara hidden in Hermione's purse and Hermione quickly reapplied her makeup.
"OK. I think we can go now," Hermione said, clipping the purse shut and nodding resolutely to Ginny. The two girls descended the stairs to where the remainder of the wedding party waited. Mr. Weasley had taken Danica's place beside his wife. Ginny was touched to see her parent's clasped hands, her father's free arm around his wife's shoulders. She glanced at Chessie and Bill who had just exchanged a quick kiss; Hermione and Ron were smiling coyly at each other as Hermione slipped her arm through Ron's proffered elbow. Ginny suddenly felt as though she were being inducted into a very elite society and she felt her heart leap as she caught a glimpse through the window of Harry waiting by the minister. She took her place beside her parents, taking her father's arm and clasping her mother's hand. She gave a nod and moments later, the music began and the party stepped forward.
Harry waited anxiously by the official Ministry of Magic minister who kept beaming soppy smiles at everyone. Harry felt his breath catch as the party moved forward out of the house and down the makeshift aisle created on the back lawn. The canopy overhead emanated a warm light breeze over the crowd to counter-act the nippy February air. Only a wizarding family would attempt to have an outside wedding in the middle of February.
The instant Ginny's feet touched the grass, Harry's eyes were locked on one object only. He never thought she could look more beautiful than she had at Ron and Hermione's wedding, but he was very wrong. Her satin A-line champagne dress complimented her red hair, which swung down and carefully curled around her glowing face. The beaded lace trim of the molded brocade bodice just barely caught glimmers of light under a graceful bolero jacket. Ginny caught Harry's eye and her smile widened. The look of admiration on his face pleased her and she was barely aware of touching the ground. His champagne tie and vest matched her dress and gleamed with the smooth reflection of satin under his clean black tux jacket.
Ginny barely felt her father kiss her cheek lightly before she stepped forward to join Harry.
"Hi," he breathed, holding his hand out for her to take it.
"Hi," Ginny smiled, grasping his fingers tightly. Her eyes traveled over him head-to-toe before she met his eyes. "Hi," she said again. Harry grinned and turned in unison with her to face their officiator.
"Bill, I think your wife is playing some sort of game," Charlie leaned forward and whispered to his brother standing slightly ahead of him. Bill didn't really need the alert: his eyes had been pinned on Chessie since the beginning of the ceremony. Chessie would clutch her flowers tightly from time to time, causing the petals to shake off the daisies. A small crease appeared on her delicate brow and Bill thought he detected beads of sweat forming on her temples.
"Aw, hell, Bill, is she going into labor right now?" Charlie chuckled as Chessie regained her composure.
"Damn," was the only response Charlie received. Bill watched his wife carefully as she brushed fallen daisy petals off her taut belly.
"She's okay," Bill breathed aloud, reassuring himself. He continued to watch her, glancing indiscreetly at his watch. Five minutes…eight minutes…ten…and still no follow-up contractions yet. They were safe…for a little while longer anyway.
"Good trooper you've got there," Charlie said. Danica caught his exchange with Bill and shot him a death look.
"One you've got isn't too bad either," Bill sniggered as Charlie retreated into submission.
"Welcome for the first time as man and wife—Harry and Virginia Potter!" George said regally as Harry and Ginny turned from their kiss and started down the aisle. The reception was being held in the far corner of the backyard, in a wizard tent. Guests stepped inside to a simple but cozy ballroom with buffet tables, a dance floor, and appropriate music wafting through the air from enchanted speakers.
Harry and Ginny quickly took places inside the door and greeted their entering guests. Bill caught Chessie at the door, with a warm jacket in one hand and Zack in the other.
"Sorry, kids, but we've got an unexpected visitor," Bill said, kissing his sister. Chessie did the same and followed through with giving Harry a warm hug and kiss as well.
"I held this one off as long as possible but I'd best get going before my water breaks and ruins the party," Chessie winked as Bill helped her into the coat.
"Give us a call when things start up," Ginny called after their retreating forms. "I'd hate for Mum and Dad to miss the arrival just because of this silly reception."
"At least you think so, too. I only came for the food," said a bright voice. Ginny turned in surprise to see Albus Dumbledore, Minerva McGonagall, and Madame Pomfrey standing before her. She blushed and laughed as she embraced them.
"Take the food and go. We paid a fortune for it, so it ought to be the best thing at the party," Harry laughed.
"I'll be the judge of that," Dumbledore said, tapping his nose.
"Don't forget to send those owls to Maria," McGonagall warned Harry before she joined Dumbledore at the buffet table.
"She'll manage without me, Professor," Harry grinned. At her look of severity, he laughed and held up his hands in surrender. "But I'll keep her on task."
"I'm sure there's nothing Potter would like more to do on his honeymoon than to owl a sixteen-year-old Quiddich captain," Pomfrey said, rolling her eyes as she pecked the newlyweds on their respective cheeks.
"Better not be," Minerva growled as she left Madame Pomfrey behind her. The school nurse rolled her eyes again and gave them a hasty "congratulations" before scampering off to join her colleagues.
"I'm afraid Professor McGonagall has a strange idea of a holiday," Harry said bemusedly.
"Comes from never having taken one, I suppose," replied Lupin. Tonks was at his side, and though they weren't exactly arm-in-arm, they were standing awfully close…
"Congratulations, Harry," Lupin said, clapping the young man on the shoulder. "I think you know it, but…we're all proud of you."
"Thank you, sir," Harry said, trying to hide the thickness threatening to break his voice. Ginny slipped her fingers into his palm and gave him a reassuring squeeze.
"Thank you, Lupin," she said softly, leaning forward to kiss the man on the cheek. He nodded, his eyes overflowing with emotion for Harry. Tonks grinned through all the emotion and gave Harry and tight hug.
"Now all you need to do is work on all those little Potters," she said. "Especially that brilliant little one, Tonks."
"We'll think about it," Ginny laughed as she hugged Tonks as well.
The guests continued to move past Harry and Ginny, all of them faces previously seen at Ron and Hermione's wedding just a few months before. Neville was already flirting shamelessly with one of Ginny's cousins, while Lee was working on attracting Katie Bell's attention away from Oliver Wood. Dean and Seamus arrived singly, but they two were already working on earning a few girls of their own. Hagrid had found the Hogwarts professors table and had joined his coworkers. Snape gave the chair a doubtful look but it seemed to hold its own under the giant. The Creevy brothers were busy snapping pictures as well as chattering incessantly. Luna, in turn, was sitting at the wedding party table, sipping wine and looking quite disgusting with Percy and his girlfriend. Though it was probably just the former. Fred and George were chatting up Angelina and a friend she had brought. Ginny's boss, Yvonne, was getting along splendidly with her widower Uncle Myron…she'd worry about that later.
"Think they're ready?" Harry asked when the line disappeared. He took Ginny's hand and squeezed it.
"Ready or not, here we come," Ginny responded as they stepped into the room amid applause and cries of delight. The world had never looked brighter.
This was great fun and look I even wrote an Epilogue!!! (if you haven't noticed that by now, I'd be a bit worried) Thanks for all the yummy reviews! School has kept me busy, but I haven't forgotten about this. I want to make a sequel--you know the whole "when they have kids" thing that's overly done ;) –so we'll see…maybe one day… :) In the meantime, thank you thank you thank you for reading this and loving it and reviewing it and holding it close to your heart! OK now I'm getting carried away. Farewell, good readers! Till we meet again!