Hehhehehe I just got this idea for a sequel, see I'm the sort of writer that never explains WHY something happens, it just does. But I got an idea to WHY this happened so I figured I already tied the knot on the first story, so why not make a sequel??? *jumps up and down* I really should wait for more reviews but I'm afraid I'll forget this if I put it off. O yes that's right I DON'T own Yu Yu Hakusho (though I'm wishing right now that I did) SO REMEMBER THIS DISCLAIMER for I shall not have it up again ^_^

Chapter 1: small pizza shopper place thingy

Kat turned off the tv and settled into her covers. She gave a light yawn and turned over to look at her clock. 1:00am. She sighed and thought, "I really should be going to bed earlier, though I have nothing to do....so does it matter?" She rolled over again and was about to go to sleep when she heard a soft sound come from above her. She quickly sat up. Was there someone entering her house??? She slowly and quietly got out of bed and walked up to her door. She slid through the half-way open door and quietly approached the stairs. She walked up them quickly and came to the top, crawling on all fours. "This is ridiculous, my cat must have just knocked something over," she thought as she began to crawl away from the stairs. She stopped however when she came to a pair of feet. She slowly looked up to see who it was and saw it to be none other than Hiei. She gave a sigh of relief and stood up. "What the hell are you doing here? I heard a noise and came to check and you're standing here"

"Check on all fours, is that how they do it now?"

"I was tired, give me a break," she said as she walked over to the kitchen table in the dark and sat down. He did the same, "As to why I'm here, you do remember Kurama telling you that Koenma helped us, but wasn't able to figure out why we were, well we were? Well he thinks he knows now," Hiei started. Kat leaned back in the chair a bit and said, "Uh-huh, go on..."

"Well, he thinks it was being controlled by a remote of some sort, and that...."

"Yah, yah and??" she leaned back farther in the chair. "That we could switch back at any time." CRASH. She fell back in the chair and hit the ground. Kat poked her head from over the side of the table and looked at Hiei with wide eyes, "What!"

"I'm not too happy about it either, I just came to tell you," he said. Kat yawned, "Well you could have told me at an earlier hour." She yawned then slowly blinked. When she opened her eyes again, she saw a totally different scene. There.... she was sitting on the floor looking across the table at.....her? She sighed, "Well you didn't say NOW anytime," she said standing up. "Hn, don't act like I would have known when this was going to happen..." he said standing up slowly. At that a noise was heard down the hall. "What was that?" Hiei said turning towards Kat. "Like I know?" she said. He gave her a look like DUH you can find out. She looked over to the front door, nothing. Kat then took off the bandanna that Hiei wore (A/N IM SORRY but I HATE the word bandanna, it makes me think of those ugly ones that....yah moving along now) she saw green then something slip under the door. She pulled out the Katana and ran after it. She caught it and stuck the blade through it, pinning it to the grass. "Lord why did this have to happen now??" she thought as Hiei came running up to her. The thing (A/N it was more of a blobish like thing....Yah like that explains it...) started to hiss at her, "Letssss meeesss gooooeesssss"

"Hello it hisses," she said. Hiei gave her a no DUH look, "Who are you?"

"Yah and what the hell were you doing in my house?"

"Gooooeesssss... The bossss won't beeee pleasssed," it hissed (but from where, no one shall ever know). "What?" Kat asked, blinking. She opened her eyes and saw she was in a different position again. She looked up at Hiei. "Ok if this thing keeps on going like this, I swear to god," she said, pulling back her hair. "So tell us what you were doing in her house," Hiei said. "If you letssss me go-" it started, but it was engulfed in smoke. When the smoke disappeared, it was gone. "Ok now that was utterly pointless, but what the hell was it doing in my house?" Kat said standing back up. "Hn, how should I know?" Hiei said resheathing his blade. She looked at him, put her hands up in the air and walked back towards the front door, "Whatever!" She was about to walk inside when she turned around, "Maybe we could all meet tomorrow somewhere, and talk this over, say at that small pizza shopper, place....thingy? Wait you know what I'm talking about right"

"Yes, fine," he said as he disappeared from sight. She sighed and walked back into her house. "Lucky for me it's the summer and not school time...."


Kat, Beth, Jess, and Amy sat at Joe's pizza place. "Now why are we here again?" asked Jess. Kat growled, "I already told you why"

"O yah... You don't have to get so touchy." Kat sat there quite ticked off. Amy annoyingly slurped her soda, Kat took it away, "Do you MIND? It's getting a little ANNOYING"

"Kat get a grip," said Amy taking back her soda and continuing her annoying slurpage. The door rang, signaling new customers. All four turned to see Kurama, Yusuke, Kuwabara, and Hiei walk through the door. They came and sat down at the table Kat and them were already at. "Hey long time no see!" said Amy as she stopped her slurping for two seconds. "Yes it has been awhile hasn't it?" said Kurama. Kat rolled her eyes and sat back in a slouch. "Well? You didn't really explain anything last night," said Kat looking in Hiei's direction. "Explain, last night? What are you talking about?" asked Kuwabara. Kat stared at him then pointed at him with her thumb, "Why did you bring him along?"

"It's like a sore, it won't go away," said Hiei. Kat chuckled. Kuwabara sat there for a second thinking, then gave a "HEY that wasn't nice!"

"You are slow aren't you. I give you a perfect example of modern science. How to make bodily functions without the usage of a brain," Kat said sarcastically. "You two enough," said Kurama and Jess together. Kat rolled her eyes again and asked, "Well?"

"Well, Koenma had been thinking into this for awhile now. He said the weirdest thing was that it couldn't have been a random person," started Kurama. Kat looked at him with a I'm-sorry-what look on her face. He continued despite her current confused state. "There must have been a device that when used can switch two people at the will of the user. But it cannot be just any two people, there are certain people that have a sort of, how to put it, connection, they might not know each other, but they are still connected. Also he guessed that you could pick one person at will to switch, the rest is up to the device as to who it is with," finished Kurama leaving four girls and two boys with a what??? look on their faces. Kat put her head down on the table. She was still tired from last night. "Ok, so wha-" she started but stopped then opened her eyes. She was now sitting next to Kurama in the corner of the booth. "Ok this is going to get interesting," she said as she laid her head down on the table.

A/N hiyah ^_^ ok I'm not sure but I keep thinking some characters are out of well.. character, if that's true can yah tell me? I'm trying but I'm a bit distracted... *sigh* maybe it's the music I'm playing *is playing the song where peter sings can't touch me, over and over again* well I hope you like it, or should I stop??? Review your opinions!! ^_^ thankies much!