Harry Potter sat on his bed, with his computer on his lap.

Since when did he have a computer?

Since now dammit!

As I was saying

He was sitting on his computer, writing up a very interesting fanfiction about himself, and Draco Malfoy. Being the weirdo that he is, he was writing a romance fic.

He loved Draco Malfoy

Is that a crime?

Well, while sitting and typing his wonderful fic (Harry and Draco Get It On In A Pepsi Factory) he was interrupted by a faint fluttering noise.

"What in bloody hell was THAT?!" Harry exclaimed loudly.

He looked around his room suspiciously. Perhaps Voldemort was here.

Or perhaps not. . .

How would he get here anyways, and if he was here, where was he? Under his bed? In the closet? No Voldemort had a little more dignity than that.

Harry is kind of a dumbass, and blames everything on Voldemort.

Ok, ok, I'm sorry for insulting a very important person to the Harry Potter Fan fiction genre, but! Inside Harry's room was a fluttering.

Now, what flutters?

Taking another look around he saw something on the wall.

Something ugly

Something small

Something utterly annoying.

A Moth.

That's right, a freaking moth! And what was it doing now? It was sitting on his screen, twirling it's antennas around.

No wait. . . that's a different moth. The other one is still on the wall.


Oh god.

There's a leaf colored one on the other wall.

Listen these Moths must not be very smart.

A) Moths have very small brains

B) It's a leaf colored Moth

C) It's a leaf colored Moth trying to camouflage into the WHITE FREAKING WALL!

He hated moths

They were the most detested things in the whole wide world.

And what could he do?

Well, he could go on a Moth killing rampage

But Harry Potter doesn't kill things,


Not Saint Potter


SO he leaves the moths, to fly and flutter around the room.

Big mistake.

Soon there are four more moths.

Five more moths

Add a dozen onto that

Minus one, his owl ate it.

Well, to make a long story longer, add about




Minus another one (the owl must be hungry)

Plus two more.

What do you get?

How the hell should I know?

What am I supposed to be keeping track?

No, I don't think so.

Lets just say

There were a lot

A Hell of a lot more than is tolerable

SO he summoned



"What the hell do you want Saint Potter," Draco Malfoy snarled.

"You're the evil bad guy, kill these moths, for I'm a hero and I do not kill things," Harry ordered Draco.

"You see, I think I want to be the bloody hero just once. I'm really not all that bad of a person." Draco protested.


Harry stares at Draco

"I hate you," Draco muttered.

Then he turned on Harry and killed him.

"That's better, now lets see what he was writing?" Draco smiled, jumping onto Harry's bed and was reading the words on Harry's screen.

"Interesting, I never even considered that before!" Draco gasped at Harry's writing.

"I didn't know he had that in him!" Draco finished the book, now greatly regretting destroying Saint Potter.

Oh well.

Moral of the Story?

Kill the moths yourself, or else Draco Malfoy will come and kill you.

The End

Author's note: If you didn't catch it, then I'm sure you will. I DON'T OWN HARRY POTTER. Sorry I forgot to put that in the beginning, and I am way to lazy to do so now.

Ok I know, that had to be the stupidest thing written EVER. And I am really sad that I did it, but it is 3 in the morning, and these stupid effing moths are everywhere. Plus there's a huge spider in the window, and the stupid green moth is still sitting on the stupid whilte wall. No wait. . . now it's crawling in to the Aquafina. Like I said, stupidest insects ever. AHH HUGE mosquito looking one. GOTTA GET OUT OF THIS ROOM NOW! BYE!