The Pirates of the Caribbean: Re-cursed by the Black Pearl

It was beautiful wedding; Elizabeth was stunning in a flowing white gown. She had even worn a corset, just for him. William Turner stifled a chuckle as he remembered his wife informing him of the pain a simple item of clothing caused. He had laughed also at that time, and Elizabeth had threatened to make him wear one.

Will sighed happily as he shifted in bed. The wedding had been months ago, but Will remembered every detail to the types of flowers- white roses- to the glowing face of his bride. He even remembered the way Governor Swann had remained rather grumpy the duration of the ceremony, and constantly shot Will nasty looks.

William could care less of what his father in law thought of him, as long as he had Elizabeth. And he indeed had her. His brown eyes slid to the other side of the bed where Elizabeth Turner, he smiled broadly, slept soundly. She was illuminated by a single burning flame that sent shadows dancing across her body, casting a soft glow to her smooth skin. Will gently traced his finger over her arm, up to where her hair fell in soft curls to frame her face. He was sure there was no happier man in the world.

Quietly, the young man slipped from bed, bare feet touching the chill wooden floor. He didn't bother slipping a robe over his body, rather enjoying the night air. He grabbed a poker and stirred up the embers of a dying fire, trying uselessly to persuade it back to life. He replaced the tool and padded silently over to the window to peer out of the streaked glass.

The city was quiet, as it usually was on a normal night. Will couldn't suppress the memory of nearly a year ago, the image of cannons flying through the air; destroying all in its path. Houses were on fire, windows being broken, women and children screaming as they tried to escape the army of demon pirates unleashed on the city. Will felt a twinge of guilt, as he knew the pirates were looking for him, for his blood, the coin his father sent. Unconsciously, he rubbed his left hand where a slim scar was from a self-inflicted wound; the blood of his cut had been smeared on the coin.

He turned from the window with a shutter, eyes once more falling on the image of his sound wife. Yes, Elizabeth was beautiful, breath taking even. He had loved her from the moment he had opened his eyes to cough up water. He had been drowsy, fatigued, starved, but when he locked onto those kind eyes staring back at him, he knew this was the girl he wanted to marry. Odd, the thoughts of a boy of seven.

Will finally returned to bed, his arms wrapping securely around the young woman sharing the bed, holding her close. He pulled the blankets up over their shoulders, allowing his head to sink into the plush pillow as his eyelids slowly began to close. The warmth of the pan spread across his body, heating his cold feet. Slowly Will allowed himself to fall into sleep, no longer worrying about pirates or curses. Then, the warning bell rang throughout the city.

A.N: So, the movie was good, no? There were several holes in the plot line, which frustrates me, but the actors more than made up for it. Anyway, enough blabbering! I don't think idea has been used in a PotC fic yet, but we'll see. Reviews are always appreciated.