A.N. Hello! I'm back with chapter five, three more chapters and I'm halfway done… man I got to hurry my butt up! - Anyway, I'd like to say thank you for reviewing and reading my fic. A lot of people have given me some great reviews and have hit on a few of my subtle hints on who the mother is, and others have given me good plausible reasons as to why they think they know the answer. Just to let you know I will use references from the two movies I have seen of Inuyasha and most of the episodes I've seen in Japanese so if you don't understand something please write me at: and ask me and I'll explain. - All right, now on to my thanks! Kaye, Aewi, ShadowStalker2008, Fun-KillinReportCard, NeonDark, Pharaun, StarrFire, Sammie, Wingweaver, W?W?Su, Wolfdemon198, SilentSlayer, and Blood Unicorn 15. And I'd Like to Give a very BIG thanks to StarrFire for translating my song. Thank you so much you are the greatest!

The Black Haired Hanyou

Chapter 5

The night was cold and dark, like the deepest depths of the ocean. The stillness of the forest as unsettling as the darkness and feeling of doom that clung to the air with each frigid breath that was drawn in and exhaled.

It was well into the night, the moon barely a sliver in the black sky, dark clouds rolling in from the west blocking out the stars and the sky. Inumaru stepped over the fallen tree in front of him, the bark cold and wet under his hands the slime dirtying his palms and his outer haiori and the knees of his hakama.

He was almost frightened in the dark, cold, silent forest. He didn't even have the soft sound of a cricket or a frog to calm his over alert senses. Onigumo had left him saying that he couldn't let Inuyasha know he was there, that Inuyasha and he where not on the best of terms. He hadn't elaborated on the issue but said that perhaps Inumaru shouldn't mention his name around anyone he traveled with.

It's our secret. We'll steal the Shikon no Tama right from under Papa's nose.

Some how the thought wasn't as appealing as he'd hoped it would be. Inumaru hugged himself as he slid down the other side of the log ruining the butt of his clothes but not really caring anymore. He was tired, cold, and felt down right dirty.

He didn't like the thought of not telling anyone about his new friend. He always was truthful to his Papa. Papa would be disappointed in him if he kept something from him.

"Look, Pup, stay back out of the way where it's safe! Or next time I won't save your puny ass, I'll let Tetsuiaga carve you up, get it!"

Inumaru growled and brought his head up high. That man was not his Papa, so he had no business knowing what Inumaru was up too. Inumaru kicked a twig on the ground his eyes fixing on the mud that incased his feet and clothes.

His eyes softened as he wiggled his toes against the cold earth. Moma had worked so hard to make his clothes just for him. He'd begged and pleaded for the outfit, wore it even before he could fit into it, and now it looked like that. He sniffed, upset, his mind bringing up images and sorrowful thoughts that perhaps this was a symbol. If the clothes where ruined his mother was dead. He shook, scared beyond reason at his own morbid thoughts.

He grabbed his head shaking it hard, "No! Moma!"

He sank to his knees and pulled his hands from his head trying desperately to recall her face, voice, anything that would sooth his fears. He looked at his grubby hands, opening and closing them slowly. The soft squishing noise of the mud as it sank in between his fingers reminded him of splashing water. Distantly, like through a curtain of fog, he heard his mother's laughter surrounding him.

The room was bright and blurry, muffled noises all around him. The world was so big, and he was just learning how to crawl in it.

Warm water encased him in its hold as wet black curls swam around him. He grabbed a hand full of the silky strands and brought it to his mouth chewing on it with his milk teeth and gums.

"Inumaru, baby, no, we don't eat mommy's hair." The laughing sound and gentle hands eased the hair from being devoured, and he found his eyes locked onto his mother's face; her voice calming. He wished he could understand her, her words made little sense to him, but the voice she used made him smile and wave his small chubby arms.

His mother's own smile made him warm and he placed his head against her chest laying his hands on the place he fed from. He could hear a deep thrum from inside her and his eyes slid shut enjoying the sound.

He felt a large hand ease its way down his back and he purred happily. Opening his lazy golden eyes, he had to tilt his head all the way back to catch a glimpse of his father's face from where his Papa rested behind his Moma.

The tall man looked down on him with such soft proud eyes, his larger hand rising from Inumaru's back to softly stroke his small head, careful not to hurt his soft folded ears. His Papa crooned low in his chest, the sound so much deeper then his Moma's voice. Inumaru shivered and yawned looking up at the man with wide eyes.

The man only smiled, golden eyes filled with so much emotion it was hard to look away. Inumaru's eyes began to drift closed, and another puppy yawn escaped him.

Inumaru shook his head and nearly toppled over from the force. His mother's gentle hands steadied him and he looked up at her, his eyes crossed.

A loud bark of laughter startled Inumaru and he buried his tiny face into his mother's shoulder. After a moment his mother's voice took on a reprimanding quality and the laughing quieted and again Inumaru felt his father's hand on his head. He nuzzled into the palm leaning against it and finally allowing his body to rest.

He loved bath time, it was warm and tranquil; safe, as he rested in his mother's arms, she in his father's.

The smell of his parents surrounded him and he allowed his mind to shift out of consciousness, the moment becoming a fuzzy memory of his past as early dreams set in, like the memory, doomed to be all but forgotten in time.


Inumaru's head shot up his tears shattering on the breeze as he whipped around; ears alert. Crouched on his toes, arms around his knees he sat, his heart pounding in his ears, hope filling him.

Silence fell again, and Inumaru whimpered burying his face in his knees. He was lost, he didn't want to admit it, but he was, and on top of that the other's had probably stopped looking for him.

Inumaru squeezed his arms tighter and pictured the small group in his mind. He missed Shippou. The Kit was fun to play with, now that he wasn't so much older then he was. And now, inumaru felt almost like he belonged or could actually grow into the man he wanted to become. If Shippou had done it, so could he.

But lost and alone, in the woods, now reminded him of how far he had left to go. His mind lingered over the faces of those he held dear. Kagome's face came to mind and stayed there, her comforting smile making him rock back and forth to try and comfort himself.

"Inumaru!" Again the sound of a feminine voice filtered over to him and this time Inumaru leaped to his feet, hope filling his chest with deep warmth, "Moma!" His voice was barely above a whisper as he listened in the quiet night.

"Inumaru!" The voice sounded again, fallowed quickly by a deeper more masculine bellow.

"Oi, Inumaru!"

He swallowed hard chocking back a sob at the sound of his hero's voice, forgetting completely how angry he was at the teen. Only one thought remained in his mind; his Papa was looking for him, his papa still cared.

"PAPA!" The cry tore from his throat as he bolted in the direction he heard the voice, his nose raising into the air catching the smell of the wild woods and winds.

He didn't hear the startled exclamation or the sound of running feet; he didn't notice the sting of the bushes he pushed through, the only thing he knew was his father was near, just a little farther and he was almost there.

Inumaru forced his way through the final brush ignoring the soft sting of pain as the brush cut into the softer skin of his chapped cheeks making small cuts, already healing with the help of his demon blood, and caught sigh of his father's form, his long silver hair shining in the moonlight. His hero turned to face him, his golden eyes widening in shock at the many cuts and mud all over Inumaru's tiny form, his mouth opening in a soft gasp of surprise.

Inumaru broke into a smile and ran strait up to his papa, threw his arms around Inuyasha's waist, his tiny face pressed into his father's belly. He breathed in deeply and fisted his hand into the cloth of his father's outfit. Finally, safe in his father's arms, all thoughts and fears of Onigumo's plan and the earlier day pressed far away from his mind as he felt the solid form of his father; he was real, not a dream, his papa was there. Inumaru held him tighter with a muffled whimper.

His father stiffened under his touch and Inumaru heard his garbled and hardly understandable attempts at talking.

"Wha—what.. ah.. uh… O—oi!"

Inumaru pulled himself closer ignoring his father's cries of confusion, his voice muffled as he spoke through the cloth. Needing to hear his father's deep voice, harsh with a canine gruffness, as he consoled him and reassured him that he was safe but most of all, he wanted to hear his father's low growl of comfort, a sound he missed more then the strong embrace and deep resonant voice.

"Papa… I was scared Papa…"

Inuyasha quit struggling; his body relaxing at the words the tiny child spoke. Suddenly, Inumaru felt his father's arms hesitantly glide around him and pull him closer hugging him back. He released a whimper and curled in closer feeling his father's arms shake about him.

Inumaru could smell fear and worry on his father's being and felt his eyes moisten, knowing that he was the cause of it and oddly felt both happy and guilty at this reaction. He buried his nose into the rough fire-rat fur of his father's outfit. He'd missed the scratchy feel of his Pap's clothes; the smell of the wild woods and wind, Inumaru's hands clutched desperately at his father's back his fingers becoming numb as the blood flow was restricted in the fabric.

His chest was tight and painfully warm and Inumaru couldn't stop the trembling in his legs. He pressed his nose more firmly against his father until he felt the hard muscles of his father's stomach beneath the clothing he wore.

Papa, I love you so much Papa… I'm sorry I scared you Papa… Papa, Papa…

Inuyasha began to laugh, the sound much different from the crooning growl Inumaru was anticipating, when his father's stomach muscles began to contract against his nose, Inumaru pulled back a ways and looked up at the tall man, his arms pulling taunt as he tried to keep the giant Hanyou with in his grasp afraid he'd disappear and Inumaru would be left, once again, alone.

"Oi! You got yourself lost huh?" The mocking tone in Inuyasha's voice made a cold bolt of hurt shoot through his tiny being, his heart freezing in his chest.

He'd wanted his father, and instead he was once again facing the immature and inadequate teenager. Inumaru froze, wanting to cry in his confusion and hurt. He was lost, and alone, his father wasn't there, the hanyou Inumaru was stuck with was a man who barely knew how to take care of himself, let alone a pup, and somewhere deep inside himself Inumaru was aware of that fact.

Inumaru's lips trembled and his hearing seemed to muffle. Inuyasha looked almost worried as he bent down to regard him, and Inumaru was slowly dragged back to reality.

His father wasn't coming back, his father left and this man before him had done the same. Inumaru swallowed and pushed his heart into a corner and glared back up at Inuyasha yanking away as hard as he could, the force knocking him back onto his rump. His entire body cried out in pain, not yet fully healed and exhausted from his exertions of the day.

"What the hell's wrong with you?"

Inumaru brought his eyes open fearfully at Inuyasha and growled trying to stand, his body screaming at the action. Inumaru settled for scooting away on his rump still growling his warning.

Inuyasha looked at him like he was insane, his own growl emanating from his chest as he lost his patience with the smaller pup. "What the hell! First you hug me then you hate me? What the fuck is your problem? You either hate me or you don't! Choose one or the other!"

Inuyasha's loud voice made Inumaru's heart leap in his chest, and he jumped scooting farther away, trying to escape the danger in the loud tone. Inumaru didn't notice how Inuyasha flinched in pain at his action. He was only aware of how much louder Inuyasha's growl had become and increased his own trying to sound intimidating but his cowering position deflated any chance of looking thus.

Inuyasha continued to growl at him, his expression deadly and Inumaru had to look away several times. Inuyasha's eyes gleamed with a stony-fire, his emotions locked up and hidden but those hidden emotions made his eyes appear to glow. Real fear crept up Inumaru's spine and into his heart and he swallowed hard his growl squeaking slightly. Inuyasha's hair had bushed out like a hedge-hogs, and Inumaru would have laughed and teased him violently had they been in a happier setting.

Inuyasha looked more demon then hanyou and Inumaru was suddenly feeling sick to his stomach. His head hurt and his body ached, all he wanted to do was curl up and disappear. But with a surety far beyond his few years he knew that nothing would change; his mother was still dying, his father had abandoned him, he was stuck in the past alone and in the care of a young hanyou who had no clue what to do.

Inumaru felt his unwanted tears well up in his eyes, vaguely surprised he still had tears left to shed. He was terrified but he wasn't going to show it, He'd show his Papa. He'd prove himself to everyone, that he was better then Inuyasha. He'd get the Shikon No Tama right from under his nose, and then he show everyone that he didn't need his father, he could do this all on his own.

Onigumo said we could do it… and with so many jewel shards what's there to stop us?

Inuyasha took a step forward and effectively stalled Inumaru's half-crazed thoughts, and again he scooted back on his rump. Inumaru trembled at the angry glare on Inuyasha's face and focused his mind on working his legs intending to bolt when a small delicate hand grasped Inuyasha's shoulder interrupting the moment.

The change was immediate and its abruptness shocked Inumaru back into his motionless state also ending his growling.

The moment that small hand touched Inuyasha's tensed shoulder, his growling stopped and his hair soothed over, his eyes lost their angry gleam and for a moment Inumaru could see every emotion in his father's golden eyes before the taller hanyou turned to look at the person behind him, his muscles slowly relaxing as he turned.

Kagome stood behind Inuyasha her hand gently squeezing his shoulder as they made eye contact. They seemed to speak but neither said a word to the other. Inumaru blinked in wonder trying to figure out what had just happened, a small portion of his mind telling him that somehow this was an important scene, but his child mind couldn't grasp the concept as to why.

Kagome smiled gently and pulled back, eye contact now broken, Inuyasha let out an annoyed snort and crossed his arms over his chest, petulant frown once again intact on his face.

"Feh, whatever." Inuyasha turned away from both of them turning his back, and for a moment Inumaru's stomach bottomed out. He could still see it; in the shadowy depths of his mind, the dark night when his father had left. The image wouldn't leave his mind dragging him back into painful memories.

The night was dark and colder then any he could remember. The soft sobs and coughing his mother let out echoed through him and kept the warmth of his bed from lulling him to sleep. It was hard to keep his tears at bay, but his mother needed him to be strong, Papa had said so.

His ears were strained to their max as he listened through the shrine's rice paper walls, waiting for any sound that could alert him to any trouble, or any hope for his mother. He nearly leapt from his skin when the footsteps of his father passed by his room, the loud noise deafening to his over alert ears.

When his father's footsteps quieted, Inumaru pushed himself out of bed, shoving the heavy blankets back as he ran from the room grabbing his haiori on his way out the shoji door, pulling the light thing open and tumbling out into the hallway running after his father. The ruff fur of the red shirt slid soundlessly over his under cloth yukata bunching the slightly shorter sleeves up around his shoulder as he carelessly threw the garment on, but he hardly noticed. He didn't bother to tie the front closed as he rounded the corner to the front entrance.

Inumaru stopped a few feet from where the wooden floor ended in a step that held the dirt landing where his father stood, his back facing Inumaru.

Inuyasha's long silver hair glowed in the night a vast contrast to the shadows that contorted his back. Inumaru watch him for a moment coming closer to his father. He stopped dead in his tracks as his father threaded the Tetsuiaga through his belt, Inumaru suddenly felt sick to his stomach. Papa never took Tetsuiaga with him unless he was going father then the village. Inumaru watched in a haze of disbelief.

"Papa?" His voice didn't seem to be any louder then the wind outside, he himself had barely heard it, but he knew his father had heard him, but the strong hero before him only paused for a moment before tightening his belt and standing up strait. He never turned as he slid the wooden slated door open and flipped the hanging mat aside with a single arm. Inumaru had to use both of his to even lift the heavy woven cloth, but his father did it so effortlessly as he stepped through it.

"Papa! Wait… wait, Papa, I'm coming too."

Inumaru ran forward and jumped down off the step and sprinted toward the door and into his father's back side. A little startled, he looked up, Inuyasha still hadn't looked down, but Inumaru could now see his profile in the night. His face was haunted, and pained, he looked scared, and younger then he'd ever seen his father look.


His father closed his eyes and set his larger hand on Inumaru's head, and Inumaru had to fold his ears back against his head to keep them from being pinned.

When he managed to lift his head, the comforting weight of his father's strong yet gentle hand weighing it down, he saw his father looking at him sadly, and some thing in him knew he wasn't going with his father that he would never see his father again. And some part of him knew that if his papa left now, Moma would die, and his father would not return. Papa would stay with the lady who lives in the forests of the well.

A light weight startled Inumaru and he jerked back away from it his eyes wide and alarmed; shaken from his memories. The soft brown eyes that met him reminded him of his mother's though they where too young to be hers. He swallowed hard blinking his golden eyes and shaking all over.

Kagome was kneeling in front of him her hand raised in the air where it had been touching his head. She looked shocked, but her eyes softened and she smiled lowering her hand.

"Shh, It's okay, Inumaru." He watched her every move only half registering on the startled expression Inuyasha was now wearing openly on his face where he'd turned to look over his shoulder at the two of them.

Kagome slowly bent over to her side to reach into her pocket and pull out a small square of white cloth from a pocket in her green pleated skirt. When she had it she scooted closer to him kerchief outstretched. This time Inumaru didn't jerk away as she gently placed the cloth to his lip. It stung a little, he hadn't realized he'd split it.

"You're a mess." Kagome's voice was gentle and calmly chiding, he'd heard her use it with Shippou, and when she spoken to him after he'd woken up in the village. He swallowed again and leaned into her hand when she passed it over his cheek. She slowly wiped away the dirt and blood from his hurts and when she was finished she pocketed the dirtied cloth, returned her eyes to his, and placed a warm hand to his cheek.

"How about we go back to camp? Everyone was worried about you; even Inuyasha was scared sick looking for you." She smiled softly and only rolled her eyes when Inuyasha snorted behind her.

Papa was worried… really?

Inumaru glanced over her shoulder at the tense and muttering hanyou, the older boy's ears pinned back, a scowl on his face. He glanced back to Kagome's warm brown eyes, and she nodded her head, silently answering is question.

Inumaru let out a whimper and threw his arms around Kagome's neck his muddy clothing sticking to her own and staining her white blouse. She was still for a moment, but quickly recovered wrapping her arms around his tired fragile body and lifted him into her arms as she stood up.

She was so warm and soft, he pressed his nose into her neck smelling her, she was so much like his moma. More so then Inuyasha was like his father, she was so much more mature but she still was so different from his mother at the same time. Inumaru sighed and relaxed into her embrace, letting his thoughts rest. For the moment he was safe, that's all that mattered.

When they passed by Inuyasha Inumaru didn't miss the low growl that had risen in his chest and looked up over Kagome's shoulder. Inuyasha looked green with jealousy and he was baring his teeth slightly, but his eyes where soft and confused. Mustering up the last of his strength Inumaru stuck his tongue out In Inuyasha's direction, and snuggled closer into Kagome's arms. He smiled evilly as Inuyasha let out a shout and came running up barking his anger out all the way back to camp.

The steam hung heavy in the area that surrounded the small hot spring, like a dense fog in the early morning air. Both moist clouds where familiar in this land this time where demons and humans walked the lands, where lords and princesses lived and ruled, where the well of the Sunset Shrine led to; the place where Inuyasha existed, and lived.

Kagome breathed deeply for a moment nostalgia filling her unexpectedly. It was odd how normal the thought of bathing in a hot spring had become, she still preferred bath tubs, but the hot spring had become almost second nature to her.

Kagome came back to reality as the small child in front of her started twisting out of his filthy clothes, his arms twisting at an odd angle as he tried to remove his outer haiori. Kagome felt a warm feeling of protectiveness and love swell in her chest. Inumaru looked ridiculous as he freed one arm of the clothing and decided to shake it off his other arm instead of tugging.

He looks so much like Inuyasha. I wonder if He was ever this clueless when it came to taking his shirt off. He does it with such ease now it's hard to imagine him being so helpless.

The cloth flapped around insanely as Inumaru whipped his small arm up and down. Kagome rolled her eyes and grabbed his arm gently and pealed the garment from him slowly, suddenly knowing what her mother felt like when Sota had been younger.

After the clothing had been removed from his body, Inumaru looked up at her and grinned his good ear flipping about as he attacked his pants next. Kagome lovingly folded his shirt over her arm her expression turning sad. Inumaru's ear was still injured, it had been over a day but it was still limp against his head. When Inuyasha was so badly injured during the battle with Yura of the hair, it had taken him only a half a day to heal up completely.

She began to wonder if it was because Inumaru was less then half demon making his demon blood less potent then Inuyasha's was, but that speculation hit a dead end when Inumaru threw off his hakama and under yukatta baring his back, only slightly pink where he'd been burned.

Maybe their ears are extremely sensitive, and heal more slowly. I know Inuyasha hates it when people mess with his ears… and never once have I seen a Youkai attack his ears as a target. Maybe it's like a cheap shot… a kick to the balls or something like that.

Kagome shrugged her shoulders bending over to retrieve the rest of Inumaru's discarded clothing, folding those over her arm as well. When she'd adjusted the clothes she let her eyes come up and rest on Inumaru's back as he stood by the hot spring's edge looking down at the water apprehensively. His little arms were pulled up against his chest as he placed his weight on the balls of his feet. Kagome's eyes rested on the tiny feet almost sadly noticing the dirt and blood covering them. Small cuts surrounded the top and sides of his feet, the arcs looked a little bloody as well. The heel and ball of his feet seemed fine, and (as she had assumed with Inuyasha) it was most likely that Inumaru had harder calluses on those surfaces since both Hanyous seemed to like walking barefoot.

Carefully Kagome placed the clothing in the small bucket that held her bathing necessities, and lifted the bucket up to move closer to the spring. Inumaru turned to look at her as she sat down lifting his yukatta first and soaking it in the water bringing out her soap bar to lather the clothing down as she had done so many times to both her own and Inuyasha's clothes in the past.

Inumaru crouched down beside her to watch, eyes fascinated by her movements. Kagome caught his childlike glance from the corner of her eye and smiled speaking like her mother tended to do. "You should get in before you get cold."

Inumaru looked up at her and blinked a few times himself his ears high on his head, the wounded one rising just slightly proof that his demon blood was healing him, if painfully slowly. Kagome smiled and lifted one soapy finger to dab the froth on the tip of his nose.

He went cross eyed for a moment his nose wiggling about before he sneezed, the bubbles falling off of his nose. Kagome giggled a bit and Inumaru smiled creeping over the edge of the spring, placing his foot on a well placed slab of stone that served to be a perfect seat. The moment his foot touched the water he cringed scrunching his nose up tightly his arms flinging out to the sides of his body, hooked at the elbows fingers spread wide as if ready to attack the water.

Kagome shook her head sympathetically; she understood what it felt like to have the warm bubbling sensation of hot water on freshly healing cuts. "Be careful, Inumaru, it's kinda hot."

"Feh." Inumaru said walking out a bit further before crouching low arms once again crossed protectively over his chest, water covering him up to just below his nose, his hair billowing out behind him like a cape.

Kagome lifted his yukatta from the water a rung it out shaking it a bit before hanging it over a low tree branch and reached for his haiori to repeat the process of washing it as well.

Kagome sunk her hands into the warm water her eyes locked on the boy who seemed content just to have the warmth of the water ease away all his cramping muscles. Kagome again lifted the now clean garment from the water and wrung the water from it, again placing it over a neighboring branch of the one his yukatta hung on.

Kagome could feel Inuyasha's presence near by as she grabbed Inumaru's hakama and lathered it up as well. She couldn't help but smile knowing that he was near. Inuyasha could pretend he didn't care, but she could tell he was deeply concerned and confused about the boy, he'd stated so himself.

Kagome could still feel Inuyasha's warmth where she'd held him just a few hours before, she was always standing silent vigil over his wounded heart, and she always would, but sometimes it hurt so much to watch him as he suffered with his own pain, unable to do anything but hold him.

I wish I could go back and protect him from everything he'd faced as a child…

A splash of water caught her attention and she nearly fell over laughing as she watched as Inumaru doggie paddled around in a circle blowing bubbles in the water ears cocked back to prevent water from irritating the sensitive hairs inside. Kagome smiled and shook her head finishing up with Inumaru's laundry hanging the last of it up to dry. Once completed she stretched allowing over strained and stressed muscles to contract, she needed a good soak to completely relax, but first she had to be sure that Inumaru was cleaned warm and snugly safe in bed before she tended to her own fatigued body.

The area had gone silent and Kagome felt a bolt of fear shoot up her spine and she turned back to the steaming water half frantic. For a frightening moment all she could see was the mist rising from the water. Then she could see the small dark cloud of hair on the water's surface, and she let out her pent up breath, shoulder's sagging in relief.

"Inumaru, you scared me. What's wrong?" Kagome noticed that the child was silently crouched back on the slab of rock that jutted out of the pools side, the one he'd previously occupied, his face still half way submerged. But the thing that bothered her was the fact his ears where up as high as he could get them, as if he was searching for any type of danger.

When he continued to remain silent, Kagome made her way closer to him and crouched down, "Inumaru—" Kagome's voice cut short as the child suddenly raised his face from the water, sending droplets flying in all directions before spewing forth a thick stream of liquid all over her front.

The warm water startled Kagome and she leaped to her feet shaking it from her in shock.

That little brat! He's no better then Sota, little runt… and he's laughing!

Sure enough the sharp barking laughter was the kid's and Kagome was almost certain she could hear Inuyasha's own chuckle from the forest area. She let out a huff and fixed her eyes on Inumaru's face. His golden eyes practically glowed with laughter and mischief. He looked so happy, and carefree, for a moment she was looking at Inuyasha on those rare occasions he let go and simply enjoyed life. Kagome found her annoyance dribble away as once again the laughing boy took on the appearance of having white hair, a care free child, willing to love and be loved, before the harsh cruelty of life had destroyed that innocence.

Inuyasha holds so many shadows now, his eyes always seem to be harboring a deep and distant pain. I wonder why he left so suddenly?

"Alright you smart ass, come here so I can wash you." Kagome bent down and removed her shoes and socks and retrieved her soap and wash cloth. Once finished she placed her feet in the water and sat on the rocky and wet edge. Inumaru looked at her, a cocky grin still plastered to his face, slowly he inched towards her still chuckling his head off. He sounded like a little demon, Kagome blinked at the irony in it and motioned for him to hurry up. Finally when he had settled between her feet, Kagome lunged forward and ran her fingers up his sides immediately finding his ticklish spots.

"AHH! No! Kagome n—no fair!" Inumaru chocked out between his fits of giggles. Kagome only grinned ignoring the fact that she was now not only caked with the mud reminisce from his clothes earlier, but also soaked through to the bone.

"Alls fair in love, war, and water fights!" Kagome stated finally easing off her attack when she thought he was beginning to actually dislike the torture, "That's for making me worry about you so much."

Inumaru looked up at her with startled eyes as if he couldn't believe she had been scared for him. "You where worried about me? That much?"

Kagome smiled and tapped the tip of his nose with her index finger, "You better believe it kid. Now c'mon, I gotta get you cleaned up and in bed, Inuyasha's going to want to move out bright and early just so that he can get revenge on you for scaring him as well." When Inumaru rolled his eyes and sat back turning his back to her Kagome snickered and lathered up the cloth.

"Papa—Inuyasha, doesn't really seem to care about anyone at all, how do you know he was worried?" His voice was almost bitter, the question pensive as if he was asking himself. Kagome felt her chest tighten and she gently pulled him back and into a hug before sweeping his hair from his back and running the cloth around it, being sure to ease the soap over his remaining sore spots with her hand instead of the coarse cloth.

"It's alright, I won't tell him if you call him Papa." Kagome whispered in his good ear and wasn't too surprised when Inumaru looked at her from over his shoulder. "How did you—"

Kagome winked at the dark haired boy, "You two aren't all that different, and I have a father myself. It's only natural to want him around." Kagome then leaned down close to his ear as if telling him a secret. "Even if Inuyasha can't act like one, his heart is in the right place."

She continued to scrub down Inumaru's small back, marveling at how delicate and tiny he really was. Once she was satisfied that he was clean she cupped a hand full of water and let if fall down his back cleansing it of all soap.

"You have to understand Inumaru, Inuyasha, he still is a kid himself right now. He's still coming to except himself and sometimes he makes stupid mistakes, but he is still the man you know and love, he's just a little more like you are." Kagome moved to get the shampoo and conditioner from her bag, and as she did that Inumaru turned to face her, placing his arms on her knees and resting his head on his crossed limbs.

"Kagome?" He asked tentatively eyes wide and worried.


"He—he wouldn't really… cut me up would he?" the uncertainty in his voice broke her heart, and Kagome was sure Inuyasha was hurting much worse then she was From where he was hiding in the bushes, she could feel it as clearly as her own.

Had his leaving shaken Inumaru's trust so completely?

"Inumaru, would your father ever hurt you?" Kagome said sternly unknowingly giving Inumaru the look. Inumaru averted his eyes and shook his head. "Then, why do you need to ask. Inuyasha was only worried, and when he is scared, like he was today, he tends to react painfully. He doesn't like to be hurt, so as a shield for himself, he strikes out at the thing that scared him. Trust me, I'd know." Inumaru nodded his head closing his eyes as Kagome massaged the herbal shampoo into his hair, easing away the grim and filth of the passed few days.

Kagome let her fingers sift through his soft hair and smiled at the soft purr the child released. Kagome let herself relax as well finishing the last of her thoughts on Inuyasha, "He's the greatest man I know Inumaru, you just got to get through his tough exterior to find it."

Inumaru nodded his head once she pulled her fingers away, then, at her direction, he paddled off to rinse his hair in a deeper part of the spring and Kagome rose and gathered everything she needed, and pulled out a big fluffy towel.

When she stood back up her eyes locked with a pare of startled gold ones, hidden in the shadows of the bushes before her. Kagome was startled her self at first but after a moment smiled kindly in his direction, nodding her head in acknowledgment confirming her own words.

I do think you're great. You just tend to be an ass sometimes.

A splash of water again drew her attention and when she looked back, Inuyasha was gone, most likely returned to camp so as not to let anyone know that he cared. Kagome smiled to her self falling in love with the crazy hanyou all over again as she lifted his son from the water and wrapped the towel securely around his form.

"If you carry my bucket I'll carry you back to camp, deal?"

Inumaru nodded his head enthusiastically and lifted the bucket into his arms wrapping it up in the towel as he did so. He was light and easy to lift as Kagome walked her chest feeling full and warm.

I wish things could just stay like this, peaceful, happy… please god let us stay like this, please.

The pup's face was alight with childlike wonder and happiness as Kagome quickly rubbed the towel up and down him causing his hair to gain a slight static bounce to it. Once she was satisfied that the little guy was dry she wrapped the towel around him, the corner flopping up and over his good ear making him looks years younger then he was.

Inuyasha snorted a bit but couldn't tear his eyes from the scene, it was so much like what his mother used to do, he almost wanted to walk up and burry his face in Kagome and hold her close to himself, and just have her hold him.

She said, so much on my behalf down at the spring. But can she really mean it?

Inuyasha watched the golden firelight flicker over Kagome's gentle face and she lifted up one of her night shirt, looked at it contemplatively, shrugged, and then returned to the pup who was busily chattering with the kitsune.

She always means it when she says it…always.

"Alright Inumaru arms up!" Kagome said with a happy tone and Inuyasha couldn't stop the goofy smile that crawled up his face at her motherly tone.

The pup's arms rose up and he disappeared in the billow of fabric before finding the right hole for his head and popping it out with a shake, his injured ear flopping about.

Inumaru found the sleeves easily enough and stuck his arms through, the cuffs landing a few inches below his elbow. Kagome smiled and rubbed his head affectionately. She'd been doing that a lot lately, acting just like a mother to the pup. At first it had pissed him off, it was like he'd become some sort of prize for sucking up to the pup. But quickly after the thought had come Inuyasha had felt guilty for ever toying with the idea. Kagome had never treated him as a thing, had always let him choose his life, and stood by his side in whatever choice he made, and here he was acting like he had the first week they'd traveled together.

Inuyasha closed his eyes for a moment still feeling like everyone was just coddling the kid to make sure it was Kagome's and not Kikyou's. Sure he didn't really want Kikyou to be a mother as she was now, but… perhaps with a wish on the jewel, she could be as she once had been…

A sharp squeal of laughter caused him to look back up, and for once he noticed the connections he'd missed before, Kagome was holding Shippou in her lap tickling his sides. Inuyasha smiled again calm for the most part, his conflicting emotions, not settled, but calm enough to be set aside for now.

"Please Kagome! I wanna wear a night shirt too!"

"Shippou-chan!" Kagome gasped but still smiled at him, the same loving smile she used with Inumaru and reached for another shirt in her bag.

Kagome may not be playing a game, maybe its just her way, being motherly and whatnot… but there's still …

Shippou held his arms out in his new sleeping gear the shirt looking more like his own sleeping bag, especially where his tail bulged out in the back. Inuyasha chuckled to himself and reclined in his tree branch. He had become more comfortable sitting with the group over their travels, but with his thoughts and the pup he'd needed the comfort of his tree. Out of the corner of his eye he saw Miroku's own appreciated gaze for Kagome's motherly habits. His eyes skimming over the young woman in a habitual way that Inuyasha knew far too well.

Immediately Inuyasha's good mood faded away and he growled barking out at Miroku missing the sweet moment of Kagome lifting both boys into her arms and bouncing them up slightly making them laugh. "Oi! Just what the hell are you looking at you lech?" Inuyasha dropped from his tree, less then willing to leave Kagome alone with Miroku, the priest had been part of the reason he'd started sleeping on the forest floor (Kagome, and feeling for once like he fit in being the other part.)

His outburst had the reaction he'd wanted, Miroku was suddenly drawn away from Kagome and Sango was already reaching for her Hiraikotsu. The monk blinked his eyes in confusion and Inuyasha growled low in his throat just daring him to try and deny anything.

"Inuyasha! Nock it off, I need to get Inumaru to bed and your yelling isn't helping." Kagome snapped, already at her sleeping bag tucking the pup and jumping Kitsune in. Inuyasha snorted rolling his eyes at her annoyed by her stupidity.

I try sticking up for her and what do I get? Bitching, why can't she just make up her mind, she either thinks I'm great, or she thinks I'm a baka!

Inuyasha rolled his eyes and sucked in a breath ready to let another round of arguments fly, ready to argue with Kagome until he felt better, or she sat him and left to clean the mud off her self. Either way, it was routine and in this bizarre day it was something he really needed.

When he turned back around his argument died on his lips. Kagome had placed Inumaru's fire rat haiori and Hakama over the spit they'd made to cook their dinner, to dry the garments, like she'd done with his clothes so many times before, and Inumaru's yukatta was draped over the tree branch closest to the burning logs. The familiar scene was made complete when he spotted Kagome gently stroking through Inumaru's bangs, a low hum vibrating from her, the tune, haunting and nostalgically recognizable to him.

How could she know this?

Inuyasha was near panicking at the tune she so gently made deep with in herself. Her voice had always calmed him, and it did now, but his insides kept twisting at the memories the melody was inflicting on him.

"Kagome-chan…" Sango's voice was barely audible but Inuyasha could hear the amazement in it as it matched his own. Why Kagome had started singing in the first place was beyond him, but all he knew was he didn't want her to sing it, and yet he didn't want her to stop either.

He hadn't heard the song in so long, the lyrics had all but been forgotten, yet the bed time lullaby would never leave his mind. Could never leave his mind.

Inuyasha couldn't look away from the scene as Inumaru stuck his thumb into his mouth looking at her with wide, trusting, golden eyes as her tune rose into song. Inuyasha never heard her sing, (in front of anyone at least) he had heard her hum and sing a few lyrics of odd songs, but she'd always been half joking with it, never letting her full voice flow.

His mouth hung open as he watched her smiling face, her eyes warm and soft, telling the words to his son, and before Inuyasha knew it he too was wrapped deeply into her story, the emotions rising up and over whelming him.

"Oyasumi Nasai, chisai no ko (Good night little one)
Oyasumi Nasai, Watashi no Itoshigo. (Goodnight my beloved Child)
Hatake ga kaeru kara, hiruma okaeru kara (Come away from the fields, Away from the day.)
chisai kodomo (little child)
Anata wa (You)
Oyasumi nasai, chisai no ko (Good night little one)
Oyasumi Nasai, watashi no Itoshigo (Good night my beloved child)
Houyou no naka ni nemuri yo (Sleep in my loving embrace)
Watashi wa anata no itami wo mameru kara (I'll keep (protect) you from
chisai yumemiro (Little dreamer)
Anata wa (You)
Oyasumi nasai, chisai no ko (Good night little one)
Oyasumi nasai, watashi no itoshigo (Good night my beloved child)
Kaze no ue ni tobu de (fly on the wind)
Shinrai no tsubasa wo shiyou (with the wings of faith.)
chibi Ai (little love)
Anata wa (You)
Oyasumi nasai, chisai no ko (Good night little one)
oyasumi nasai, watashi no itoshigo (Good night my beloved child)
Shiro yuusha wa zutto wo tobu to (As your white hero flies)
Kagayaki wa kinro no me. (and the golden eyes shine.)
chisai yuusha (Little hero)
Anata wa
Oyasumi nasai, chisai no ko (Good night little one)
oyasumi nasai, watashi no itoshigo (Good night my beloved child)
Anata wa itsu mezameru watashi wa koko ni aru (I'll be here when you wake)
Anata no sekai no koto wa kaeru (come back from your world.)
watashi no kodomo (my child)
aishiteru (I love you)
anata wa (You)
Oyasumi nasai." (Good night)

Kagome's voice softened out till it was barely back to a hum again her fingers lightly drifting over both Inumaru and Shippou as they lay on their sides like two happy brothers. Kagome slowly stood up, her smile still on her face, the fire light made her smile look even softer in its warm golden glow, and Inuyasha still could not find the will to move.

"Yatta!" Kagome whispered under her breath both fists raised up near her shoulder's in her usual victory sign. She turned around quickly with a giant grin on her face and Inuyasha found his senses slowly returning with her movements, the surrealistic veil rising to allow reality back in.

How the in all the seven hells does she know that song!

"I did it! Just like mama used to do, did… you… guys… uh, what's wrong?" Kagome asked as her arms lowered to her sides her face thoughtful and confused.

Inuyasha blinked back at her unable to put any of his thoughts into words. He was desperately hoping Miroku or Sango would jump in and say something anything to give him a chance to escape from the scene; give him time to mull over his own thoughts and turbulent feelings.

For a few terrifying moments, nothing but silence rang through the air and Inuyasha felt his heart beat thunder in his ears as a slight bit a panic sank in. It was too much, just too much for him to handle at the moment.

Kagome swung her gaze to meet his own, and Inuyasha felt his stomach bottom out as her deep brown eyes searched his own questioningly. He swallowed, stepping back and away from the girl arms raised in defense.

"That was magnificent Kagome!"

Never had the hanyou been so relieved to hear the perverted Monk speak. Miroku seemed to almost know what was happening and interrupted at the crucial moment as Kagome had narrowed her eyes and stepped closer to him, looking as concerned as ever for him. Kagome turned her attention to the Hoshi her arms lowering ;a small smile lifting the concern on her face.

"You really think so?" Kagome glanced back at the sleeping children smiling wider, "Mama used to sing that to me when I was younger. It always made me fall asleep quickly. I'm surprised it worked."

Her … Mother… her mother knows this song…?

"You are so good with children Kagome." Miroku gushed, and if his panic hadn't been dire, Inuyasha would have hit the man, just knowing that the compliment was leading to something vile.

Inuyasha vaguely heard the monks "famous" question and the loud clobbering noise as Sango's boomerang connected with his thick head, but he didn't grasp its significance as his mind gnawed over the startling information he'd been given.

"I'm going to go wash up now." Kagome's voice dragged Inuyasha out of his revere long enough for his mind to process what she'd said. Kagome looked down at her clothes in a show of her need to become clean, and earned a smile from the demon exterminator.

"I'll stay back and make sure this pervert leaves you alone, Kagome-chan." Sango said as she sat next to the incapacitated monk. Miroku garbled out some half audible mumbling as Inuyasha silently leaped into the trees escaping soundlessly from the group.

The steam from the hot spring hung like a gauzy curtain in the cool night air not quite blocking anything but at the same time think enough to hide in. Inuyasha rested in the taller branches of the giant tree Kagome had previously hung Inumaru's clothing on to dry while the pup had been washing up. Inuyasha was confident that he was high enough up that he would not be spotted like he had earlier. Kagome may be able to sense him but if she couldn't confirm it with her eyes she usually brushed the thought aside as nerves.

Or she's just come to accept the fact that I am here to guard her when I'm not babysitting the monk and the fox brat.

Inuyasha wasn't sure if that thought comforted him or not, and he scowled in indifference. If she was aware that he tagged along whenever she bathed when no one was looking then she could very well think him a pervert, no better then the "monk". That wasn't a comforting idea to him at all.

I'm not a pervert, I never look at her… okay I do but only after she's completely covered. Inuyasha nodded to himself and folded his arms more comfortably across his chest. He never truly fallowed for a peep show, it was just a habit he'd picked up when he had started watching over Kikyou; a precaution, a way to keep her safe.

Inuyasha became pensive and quiet as he remembered the priestess he'd fallen in love with over five life times ago. He sighed his heart and stomach feeling like he'd eaten something rotten. He could still remember the first time he'd fallowed her, the beginning of his "bath-outlook" routine.

He'd merely fallowed the Miko, confused by her odd behavior that day. She'd left with out her arrows and bow and had said goodbye to her little sister. He had fallowed out of concern when Kaede seemed to watch her sister until she was out of sight, the same way he used to watch his mother when the town's people had become violent.

But of course he'd told himself he was going for the Shikon No Tama and not to see if a little gaki's fears where relevant for not. He stood over the edge of the cliff and looked over cautiously when he heard the sound of splashing water.

Kikyou had looked like… there was no words for it the way her clothes had clung to her body and had become nearly see through by the water. His breath had left him in a rush as he felt his stomach tighten and his skin to heat. Some part of him felt dirty for looking and he averted his eyes to her head but couldn't find the strength to look away. She paused and tilted her head in his direction, he knew she could sense him, and he slouched low to the ground and scooted away so he couldn't see her but close enough that he could see the area around her.

He'd never believed in Buddha before, never cared for his soul, corrupt and twisted from birth. But in that moment he felt a need to ask for the fat man's forgiveness for looking at her body as he had. Yet, after that day, he fallowed her to waterfall where she continued to douse her self with its cold water. He was never sure why she did that instead of bathing with a group like the others in the village, but he had been certain it had to be a miko thing.

Then when Kagome came he'd simply fallowed out of habit and watched her as he had Kikyou. Staying far enough away not to see her, but close enough to see everything else. She'd even chosen the same damn waterfall spot Kikyou had. After a while he chided himself on his actions and snuck close to try and relieve the old woman of her shikon shard, but it was at that moment that Kagome had sprung from the water.

He froze unable to look away as his body began to tingle and heat up from the sight of her. But unlike before as he tried to look away he found no reason to. He felt no guilt for looking at her as she bathed, this realization made him blink and he wasn't aware that she'd caught him until he'd fallen from the cliff by her command.

Inuyasha snorted at the memory tossing it aside and out of his mind. He'd never intentionally meant to peep on her at all. It had merely been an old reaction transferred to her from Kikyou. And with Kikyou it had always been placid and very chaste.

Yeah, I'm not a pervrt! I didn't start touching myself until after I saw Kagome.

Inuyasha nodded to himself then paused a little confused his eyes bugging slightly. Wait…

"Wai! It's so nice to be able to bathe!" Kagome's cheerful exclamation drew his attention from his own trap and Inuyasha averted his gaze to the young girl at the edge of the spring.

Kagome really did look like she'd been through hell and back, covered in dark blood smears and globs of mud. He briefly wondered if he looked like that, but the thought passed just as quickly through his mind not really careing if he did, Kagome didn't seem to mind if he did or not anyway, so why bother. Inuyasha felt a corner of his mouth lift in a soft smile as he spotted the smear of mud on the under side of her chin. He hadn't noticed it before but it stood out drastically now.

The teen smiled and stretched lifting herself up and onto the balls of her feet, already bare, and lifting the short school top exposing her soft belly and ribcage. Inuyasha blushed and looked away, turning his head completely to the side.

"Ohhh, the water's so warm!" Kagome moaned and giggled slightly and Inuyasha's blush deepened. For a moment he remained facing the opposite direction but slowly his eyes crept to the corner and he turned to look at her fully.

Kagome had stripped and sat wrapped in one of her towel things, her feet in the water lightly kicking in child like joy. His blush faded as he continued to watch her innocent display and relaxed into the tree his golden eyes locked onto her face. He crossed his arms behind his head and reclined against them to get comfy.

Kagome is always so full of life; so childlike, it was… refreshing, yes that was the word he was looking for, refreshing to be with her. She 'd adamantly drag him into her good mood, always coaxing him to relax, always insisting he was safe. Inuyasha closed his eyes as Kagome slipped into the water resting against the side of the spring for a moment before dunking her head beneath the water to shake the grime from her.

He gave Kagome her privacy, keeping his eyes closed just listening to her bathing noises; letting his mind wander.

How long has it been? I can't really remember… It feels like we've always hunted Naraku and the shards… but we didn't…

Inuyasha's eyes slid open to gaze up at the stars questioningly searching his mind for the events that had happened, and as he remembered each event, each moment he found he missed it. Everything had changed, so quickly it was almost like he was running through an endless dream.

He missed traveling alone with Kagome, though at the time he'd distrusted her. She'd been so much like Kikyou, yet she seemed more free, and alive. She held all of Kikyou's good qualities, but at the same time she'd been so different from the sad Miko who walked the path of carnage all those years ago.

He'd just grown to care for her, enough that he was scared of himself when Shippo appeared. The battle with the thunder Brother's seemed so long ago, but the fear he'd felt at Kagome's near passing was still sharp in his mind.

I would have said it then… Would have said the words Kikyou wouldn't let me say…

A particularly loud splash turned his golden eyes to Kagome as she broke the surface to apply her shampoo to her hair. He watched her through the fog, her back was too him for that he was grateful.

Back then… were the words meant for her? Or was I saying them to Kikyou, the part of her that still lived inside of Kagome?

Inuyasha blinked his eyebrows drawn down in a contemplative scowl. He wasn't sure. After Kikyou had returned so had his previous aloofness, and he found it felt wrong after all that had happened, and then all the puzzle pieces fell into place, and instead of facing his Kikyou, the Miko who'd chosen the sealing Arrow instead of the purification arrow, he found himself facing someone he didn't know. Everything that he'd known to be Kikyou was left with Kagome and all that was left was the sad, blood soaked miko filled with hate.

Inuyasha cringed at the memory and closed his eyes on a sigh. I truly lost her that day… I wanted her back but if she was to stay the way she had become … I would rather have Kagome protect her soul then see her like that… but…

Inuyasha looked again at Kagome as she busily washed her clothes and hung them on the tree beside his own. She was already out and dressed in her pink nightclothes. Her wet hair made dark spots on her back and shoulders as the locks curled in unruly waves.

Now… I'm not sure… who I want… who I see in who… Inuyasha sighed feeling cold inside, as he always did when he dwelled on those thoughts, it always hit a dead end either way he looked at it. He didn't have a future as he saw it. Well… until now… The pup had changed everything, Inuyasha hadn't noticed how much until he really looked over what had happened. Before they'd ran on hopeful dreams of a future, where the jewel was gone and Naraku was defeated. On hopes that things wouldn't change once the quest was over, that he wouldn't be dragged to hell, that perhaps Kikyou could find peace. But now, it wasn't a dream built on hopes alone, they had solid proof, his child. It should have made him happy, but it didn't. It made him feel cold, uncertain. Obviously he had chosen, but he didn't want to nothing was clear, and as far as he could tell things weren't well. He didn't like it, not one bit. He couldn't provide for a family, he just didn't fit in… could never fit in. Kagome packed her things and began to make her way back toward the camp, Inuyasha fallowed behind her silently, his mind still a jumble of thoughts, his insides still cold.

The sun was warm, awakening the forest with a gentle prodding. The soft waking noises of the land were accompanied by the insistent lapping of the water against wood.

The noises made Inuyasha's ears twitch as sleep was slowly stripped from him. Grumpily the hanyou rolled over and absently threw his hand over his head as if he could vanquish the sounds with his actions.

He was startled when his motions caused the solid ground to rock crazily from side to side. Ice wetness sloshed over his body suddenly, jolting him out of his slumber and sending him careening over the side of the flimsy raft and strait into the lake he'd been precariously lying on.

Breaking the surface of the water like a cat thrown in water he scrabbled halfway onto the raft gasping for air his ears laid back, his bangs clinging to his face.

Breathing heavily he cast his gaze about the area more then a little befuddled on how he'd gotten out there in the first place. And how he'd wound up naked, no less. He was pretty sure he'd fallen asleep at the base of the big tree next to Kagome, and he was certain he'd been fully clothed.

Still heaving in big gulps of air Inuyasha wracked his brain for any tidbits of information it might hold. While doing this his eyes scanned the area for his clothes.

He spotted a flash of red near the shore line and his heavy breathing stalled as he narrowed his eyes to get a better look.


Again he spotted the color and this time recognized what it was. Inuyasha made a face and gazed longingly at his clothes, now knotted around stones under the water line more then forty feet from him on the shore line.

For a moment he simply sat with an annoyed look on his face. Then, his eyes twitched, fallowed by his ear, and then his lip rose in a snarl as he lifted a shaking fist growling beneath his breath the entire time.

A soft chuckle tickled his ears and the last thread snapped as Inuyasha howled into the air shattering the serene morning with his angry bellow,

"Shippou! Inumaru!"

In the green foliage of the bank, the two children toppled over and onto the forest floor overcome with fits of laughter. Inumaru held his midriff as cramps spread through his spasming stomach. He rolled from side to side his feet lightly kicking out accidentally tapping against Shippou as the kitsune mimicked the larger boy's actions.

"Did, you see… his face!" Inumaru choked out between giggles gasping for breath as the memory sent him sprawling to the floor again this time bringing tears to his eyes.

"Did you hear him?" Shippou countered Inumaru's question and both stilled for a moment, completely silent just staring at the other. Then, Shippou snorted, Inumaru coughed and they fell over again into the muddy dirt effectively ruining Kagome's shirts from the night before. (Of course Shippou's had been knotted in the back so as not to trip him as he walked, courtesy of Inumaru.)

After awhile the wild fits had faded leaving the boys breathing heavily through the mouths and chuckling every so often. Inumaru was reclined back on his elbows looking over at Shippou who was curled up on his stomach like some one had socked him in the gut.

Inumaru giggled again lightly kicking Shippou's head to get the kit's attention, "Oi, you alright?"

Shippou squinted up at him with a lopsided grin, "Great! Couldn't be better. Where did you have time to plot this?" Shippou asked genuinely wondering, and like a light Inumaru's face became bright with elation. "You gave it to me."

Shippou blinked and sat up with a confused look on his face, "Huh? But you're the one who came up with the idea of putting him on the raft as he slept and to remove his clothes."

Inumaru grinned and sat completely up crossing his legs Indian style and grasped his ankles leaning in to talk to him in a conspirative whisper. "In my time you always come up with these crazy idea's that just drives Papa crazy! It's great. One time you took tetsusiaga and painted the rusted blade with markers and stuck it in the ground so it stuck strait up and then tied a pink ribbon around the handle.

"And then, another time you told me about pulling this prank and thought maybe we should try and pull it off together, but…" suddenly all the excitement drained from the small boy and Shippou, who had been shocked to hear that Inumaru knew him from before, felt almost cold at the boy's sudden silence.

"What?" Shippou asked repositioning to sit on his folded legs.

Inumaru blinked several times his face screwing into a painfully angry look. "Papa left before you came back from a trip…"

Shippou closed his mouth and looked down into his lap. What could he say to that? There was nothing he could say to help ease his friend's pain. Shippou let out his breath in a rush looking back up and out at the lake where Inuyasha frantically doggie-paddled for the shoreline.

"Well, it was a great idea, wasn't it." Shippou felt Inumaru stir and grinned turning to face the boy as he stood up one hand raised in a victory punch, "It's payback for all the punches I've received from that baka Inu!"

Inumaru smiled at him and Shippou felt slightly empowered. "He didn't know what to think when he hit that icy water!" That brought a laugh out of Inumaru and Shippou found he couldn't contain his humor either. As the mood dissolved into giggles the bushes shook before them and they looked up adrenaline rushing into their systems at the thought of facing the wet hanyou's vengeance.

"Shippou-chan, Inumaru?" Kagome's voice reached them just before she entered the clearing they where crouched in. The bushes made a clear rustling sound as she pushed through them, the leaves clinging gently to her school skirt and white shirt. Shippou was amazed she'd actually gotten the white thing clean again after all that had been on it the night before.

Kagome looked around a bit before returning her gaze to the two boys. "What are you doing out here?" Her voice was curious and concerned all at the same time. Shippou didn't miss the quick sweep she made with her eyes as she looked Inumaru over for any injuries.

Kagome is still shaken over last night… Sudden anger swept through the tiny Kit and he glared in Inuyasha's general direction. Inuyasha no baka! Always doing stupid stuff and making Kagome even more hurt. Shippou's attention was brought back to the present when Kagome took a step closer looking around again. "… and where is Inuya—"

Kagome's voice was silenced as Inuyasha burst through the bushes with a growl and landed in a crouch before Shippou and Inumaru.

"Feh, that's it you bastards!" Inuyasha snarled as he rose to his feet, flexing and cracking his knuckles as he did so. Shippou's stomach bottomed out in fear and he backed away preparing to call out to his one and only savior, Kagome, but froze when he hear the girl's gurgled gasp.

The small sound brought everyone's attention to the girl from the future, her brown eyes wide, her expression blank. Shippou was a little confused as to why Kagome looked so shocked, and out of pure habit looked to Inuyasha for advice. The Hanyou looked just as confused and merely shrugged his shoulders. Shippou didn't notice that Inuyasha was still very much naked and that Kagome had a clear view of Inuyasha's well-built body but after a nicely placed chill breeze the Hanyou did.

Shippou scratched his head and looked to Inumaru, but the kid was trying to keep from laughing and ruining the humorous interlude.

"Kagome-chan? Have you found them?" The taboo of silence was shattered at Sango's loud voice, very close to where they all stood.

The reaction was immediate, both Kagome and Inuyasha jumped back turning a lovely hue of cherry red. Shippou snorted back a laugh as Kagome opened her mouth drawing in a deep breath.

"Oh shit!" Inumaru squeaked out as he quickly threw himself to the forest floor knowing what was coming.

"Osuwari!" The loud crash fallowing her exit shook the leaves loose from the trees to drift listlessly around the group. Shippou fell onto his back his hands pressed desperately over his mouth to stop his laughter. He wasn't stupid enough to push it with Inuyasha as mad as he probably was at the moment. Oh, no, he would save the teasing for a later date, when Kagome was close by.

"Ka—Kagome… You…" Inuyasha struggled to lift his head from the forest floor his left eye twitching slightly as he watched the empty space the teen had once stood in.

A deep sense of pain and anger burned in his chest as he dug his claws deep into the soil of the earth beneath him. It wasn't like she hadn't seen him naked before, and it also wasn't the first time she'd struck out at him for seeing him naked.

Inuyasha was still deeply growling under his breath when the sound of hushed laugher reached his sensitive ears. A single white tufted ear flicked into the direction the sound came from before he turned to glare at the small pup flatted just to his side.

"And just what is so funny, runt?" Inuyasha growled as Inumaru continued to grin at the white haired boy showing off all of his tiny teeth.

Inuyasha's ears folded back against his head and a growl escaped his throat, Shippou stepped back a bit knowing that usually meant his head was the hanyou's next target.

"You are dead you tiny bastard…"

Shippou swallowed hard and looked at the pup in danger and nearly fell over as the kid grinned even wider and then lifted his middle finger in Inuyasha's direction.

"Keh! Try it."

Shippou slapped a hand to his forehead and shook it at the boy's stupidity.

Better get Kagome back before Inuyasha can move again…

"Inumaru! Inumaru, Shippou, be careful up there!" Kagome's voice rang through the forest as the teenage girl continued to call up to the boys who had volunteered to scout out a path by climbing up a tree.

Inuyasha stood next to the girl with a scowl on his face, still hurt from the incident earlier that morning. "What are you yelling about, baka? They're just fine stop screeching like some stupid crow and pipe down."

Kagome's fists clenched and shook at her sides, and red flushed her face, as her anger grew with each passing second. Her dark hair cascaded down and around her face like a veil, her bangs shielding her eyes from Inuyasha's.

Inuyasha watched the all too familiar sequence of events with an alarming sense of glee, although it meant his ultimate death in the end of all of it. Death by "Sit" it was the most painful way to go, and yet that stupid Hanyou was grinning about it.

Keh. Flip me off, well paybacks one hell of a bastard, pup…

Inuyasha's grin widened just picturing the little run careening out of the tree and onto the floor. The fall wouldn't kill the runt, but it was sure to leave one hell of an impression.

He hadn't understood the hand gesture at first but after asking Kagome about it in privet, several miles back at a rest stop he'd called for a "demon scent" he'd caught, (for which he ended up blaming on Inumaru), Inuyasha had decided that the punk had it coming to him, and he intended to deal it to him.

"Inuyasha…" Kagome practically growled out, and Inuyasha shuddered from the sound, not quite sure if it was from fear of her command, or whether it was due to the fact that she just growled at him.

"What now, wench?" Inuyasha snapped back, knowing full well that attitude would cost him dearly at this point. He forced his body to relax knowing it would hurt less if he fell to the ground relaxed then if he was tensed up, a lesson he'd learned through experience, and closed his eyes to wait for the usual painful command.

Nothing came.

Inuyasha opened a single tawny eye and looked in the girl's direction only to find her giving him a withering look her arms crossed over her chest. "I know what you're trying." Kagome tossed her head, her dark hair flying over her shoulder at the action and she looked away stepping over to Sango's side. "Besides, I don't want to her Inumaru."

Inuyasha blinked, his jaw snapping loose to gape after her.

What! She… ah…

Inuyasha growled, his shoulders tensing up at the sound of the monks muffled laughter from behind him. "Keh! What are you getting at wench!" Inuyasha snapped at Kagome's retreating back. The girl didn't even bother to answer him, just gave him a bored look from over her shoulder turning back to the Youkai Taiji.

"Looks like your little jealousy issue has been noted." Miroku said from Inuyasha's side.

"What did you say?" Inuyasha said, turning his aggravation on the nearest person, and Miroku stared back at him, lifting his hands up in a peaceful gesture.

"Just that you may want to re-think your planning when using Kagome's power against your son—"

"That brat is not my Pup damn it! He's—" Inuyasha cut himself off as a stray breeze rushed passed his sensitive nose bringing with it a familiar scent, and he spun, hand flying to Tetsuiaga's hilt.

"Inuyasha?" Miroku's voice was slightly worried and it drew the attention of the girl's back to them just as the figure stepped through the trees, his tall frame framed by the dark emerald of the leaves.

Kagome let out a breath, stepping back enough so that Inuyasha could grab her arm and yank her behind him, his ears laying flat in challenge.


The taller demon looked down his nose at Inuyasha with an indifferent glare. From the way he glared one could clearly tell that he had not intended to run into them, but all the same, Inuyasha took his battle stance baring his teeth at his brother.

"Inuyasha, I did not come for a fight, but if you insist on one, I have no problem with defeating you again."

Inuyasha tensed and gave a harsh bark of laughter, "Yeah, right, let's just see who wins this shall we?"

Inuyasha jumped as Kagome's hand reached up to grip his shoulder with a nervous shake, her breathy voice tickling his ear and instilling a sudden fear in his heart. "Inumaru…"


Inuyasha straightened slightly, and Sesshoumaru gave him a questioning look. "What is it, Inuyasha?"


Don't come down pup…

The wide expanse of green seemed to trail on forever and the brightly colored wings of the butterflies that swarmed around the two little children painted the sky with vibrant colors.

Inumaru grinned widely, looking about him with a great sense of joy swelling inside of his chest.

"It just goes on forever!" Inumaru gasped and felt Shippou chuckle beside him.

"You act as if you've never climbed up a tree before."

Inumaru turned to face the small kit with a sheepish smile, unsure of how to word his next sentence, and the Kitsune sobered to look at him worriedly. "You have climbed trees before right?"

"Yeah, I've climbed them… it's just… usually I'm with my Papa, and, well, we never traveled this deep into the woods. Mom, was always afraid that… something would call us away and we'd never return." Inumaru said looking around once more.

He could feel Shippou's stare burning holes into his scull, and he closed his eyes smiling widely. "Besides, I don't think butterflies would stick around if Papa were tearing through."

A silence fell between them for a while, and Inumaru enjoyed the momentary bliss as the dancing butterflies floated around him.

"See anything?" Shippou asked and Inumaru blinked, confused.


"You said that you could see jewel shards!" Shippou accused and Inumaru gave him an annoyed look.

"Feh, of course I can, I got my mom's eye sight you know!"

The fox child lifted his paws into the air shaking his red head with a sigh, "Then do you see any shards?"

"Oh. Right." Inumaru quickly scanned the area again, a light flush coloring his face. Shippou laughed.

"You sure are a lot like Inuyasha."

"Feh!" Inumaru huffed turning his face away to hide his small smile. "… I don't see any."

"All right, looks like we're walking blindly forward then." Shippou said placing a leaf on his head and transforming into a giant pink bubble with stick arms and legs, hovering long enough for the small hanyou to jump onto his back.

Inumaru bounced slightly when he landed and laughed, flopping onto his side. "Hey! Knock it off! You'll fall, and you're not exactly light you know!"

"I'm lighter than papa's fat ass!" Inumaru snickered and this time, Shippou joined in his humor as they began to descend toward the ground.

Inumaru arranged himself so that he was seated comfortably on Shippou's head, his eyes becoming distant.

"Hey, Shippou?"


Inumaru paused biting his lip and Shippou's large eyes rolled up to look at him. "Inumaru? What is it?"

"Am I… am I really like Papa?" To his question, Shippou laughed, and Inumaru pouted, his brows lowering in a scowl as his good ear cocked back against his head.

"Are you kidding! If I didn't know any better, I'd swear that you were from the past and were Inuyasha himself!"

Inumaru smiled widely, sitting up straighter at his answer and breathed in deeply, basking in the glory of the moment.

"Uh-oh." Shippou said suddenly stopping in the air. Inumaru crawled forward to look over the edge of Shippou curiously.

"What is it?" His eyes fell below him catching sight of the problem before Shippou could even respond, and his eyes lit up happily.

"Uncle Sessho!" Inumaru cried out, getting to his feet and jumping off of his friend.

"Inumaru! Wait no! He's not how you think!" Shippou cried piteously after him, and Inumaru all but ignored him as he dived straight down and on to the regal demon's back his arms locking onto his shoulders in a bear hug. "Uncle Sessho!"

Inumaru buried his face into the soft cloth of his uncle's haiori, breathing him in, he missed the familiar scent and felt tears sting the backs of his eyes as he grinned gripping close to the man who owned but one arm. "I missed you so much!" He clung to the clothes, a part of him knowing that Sesshoumaru did not know who he was, and the other part fiercely ignoring that rational side, needing the comfort of familiarity.

"Inumaru!" Kagome's panicked voice made Inumaru squeeze tighter to the man, her fear somehow ruining the image he was trying to build.

No, this is uncle Sessho! I won't let go!

"You damn brat!" Inuyasha's grating growl made Inumaru's insides tense and he lifted his head and stuck out his tongue at the teenager. Inuyasha looked shocked for a moment before his white ears laid back and he scowled openly.

"Bite me, fleabag!" Inumaru said, trying not to flush at his crude language. If his Mother had been there to hear that, he wouldn't have been able to sit for a week, but the reaction he received from his young father was well worth it.

Inuyasha's jaw dropped in shock and he gaped openly at him. Looking quiet silly, Inumaru giggled knowing what his uncle would say before he'd say it.

"You look stupider then normal, Inuyasha!" Inumaru taunted, his voice a near perfect mimic of the hanyou's conceited brother. Kagome blinked in shock as she watched the small boy stick his nose in the air and look down it at Inuyasha.

He looks… just like him…

Kagome smiled a bit, finding the smallest hint of humor in the whole scenario. Her eyes hovered over the boy, unconsciously stepping forward, ready to strike out at Sesshoumaru if the demon dared to try and hurt the boy.

For the most part, Sesshoumaru seemed bored and slightly confused as he glanced lazily over his shoulder at Inumaru, his eyes then dragging back to Inuyasha, who had forgotten his brother's existence in favor of arguing with his future son (whom was currently kicking his ass in the verbal brawl), and then his eyes shifted back to Inumaru.

Kagome wondered why he hadn't tried to attack Inumaru, and her mind recalled the small girl that seemed to follow Sesshoumaru.

I wonder if he has a weakness for children? And if he does… why didn't he have one for Inuyasha?

Kagome's pondering came to an abrupt end, when she realized that Sesshoumaru's golden gaze had settled upon her with a tired glare. Kagome swallowed stepping back slightly but held firm as her eyes darted to Inumaru.

Kagome squared her shoulders and moved back to her previous position with a glare of her own.

Sesshoumaru's gaze moved back to the squabbling pare and he closed his eyes with a sigh. "Finally."


Kagome felt her shock give way to hot embarrassment at the implications that Sesshoumaru was hinting at. Miroku chuckled from her right, and her hot face burned brighter. "Wh—what do you mean!" Kagome choked out glaring to cover up her embarrassment.

I'm a girl from the Twentieth Century, not some simpering girl from the Sengoku Jidai!

Kagome squared her shoulders, placing her hands on her hips and facing off against Inuyasha's brother. Her insides clenched slightly, Sesshoumaru was no easy fight, but she couldn't back away from him. Her woman's pride and Inumaru's safety rested on it.

Kagome had not noticed that Inuyasha had gone silent and now stared at her with an embarrassed look. She figured he would lecture her on being reckless again, but she could deal with that.

Kagome was slightly surprised when Sesshoumaru answered her question, though, and blinked startled at his reasoning.

"I figured my brother would take a human woman for his mate… I'm simply surprised he had the balls to get on with it so quickly. Though it comes as no real surprise."

He said it so calmly, so matter-o-fact, that Kagome's mouth fell open as her face heated to make her look like a cherry tomato. She could hear Miroku break into hysterical fits behind her and she glanced at Inuyasha, who also shared her red faced appearance, and Kagome quickly turned away.

He thinks that we… we…

Kagome's eyes widened to the size of dinner plates and she let out a strangled cry.

He thinks that I had sex with Inuyasha!

Inuyasha had opened his mouth, finally regaining his usual temper, and was ready to start another verbal fight when Kagome cut him off with a quick denial, more meant for the sake of societies sense of morals than for her own dislike of the idea.

"No! It's not like that! Inumaru's from the future, he isn't Inuyasha's… and.. and… my.. my— I'm not his mother!"

Sesshoumaru lifted an eyebrow, scanning the faces around him with mild disinterest. His brother's human girl seemed flustered and a bit upset by her own confession, it was easily readable on her face that, although she was not the pup's mother, she wished it was, and from the look his baka brother was giving her, Inuyasha was more than a little put out that she had so quickly denied having a physical relationship with him.

They are so simple minded it's insulting.

Sesshoumaru sighed. Had things been different, he wouldn't have bothered with the pleasantries and simply beaten his brother to a bloodied pulp and left but as things were, he could no do so. Rin was only a few yards away; he could not chance her safety because his baka brother had unexpectedly shown up.

Not to mention the appearance of the spawn that was currently resting on his back was interesting to say the least. Sesshoumaru tried not to notice how the pup cuddled against him lovingly, and ignored the remembered pain of a similar embrace.

"Well, it could be! We don't know who his mother is, the brat won't tell us, not that it's any of your business anyway." Inuyasha said haughtily and Sesshoumaru repressed an annoyed sigh at the hanyou's lack of tact and simple stupidity. It was an insult to his entire lineage to be related to the moron.

"Doesn't matter anyway."

Inuyasha glared at his response and Sesshoumaru would have continued the, 'oh so witty banter' with the buffoon, had Inuyasha's offspring not spoken up from over his shoulder at that moment.

"Thankfully, I received Moma's brains." The pup's comment seemed to irk Inuyasha more than Sesshoumaru's own comment, and again he found himself raising an eyebrow at the runt in slight amusement.

At Inuyasha's growl, the pup grinned, flashing dull canines evilly, "Like I'd tell you who Moma is so you won't get together, and I won't be born. What do I look like, a baka like you?"

"Feh! Just you wait punk…"

Wasting his time, arguing with his own pup…

Sesshoumaru was quickly tiring of the stupidity of those that surrounded him and reached up to remove the child from his back and blinked in surprise when he found that he couldn't get a good grip on the brat.

Sesshoumaru twisted his arm back and behind him to try and reach the boys ankle, but with a childish giggle, the little imp curled up tighter, his foot just out of reach.

Damn it… is this taught or are hanyous simply born with this innate power to annoy?

"Heh. Give it up Sesshoumaru." Inuyasha laughed to his side and Sesshoumaru shot him a glare. "I've tried everything, he'll get off when he's ready to."

He's enjoying this isn't he?

Sesshoumaru debated on weather to transform or not, but Rin's nearness to danger held him still, he was stuck until the kid left of his own accord.

In the end it was Inuyasha's woman who saved him, much to Sesshoumaru's chartagin. The dark haired woman walked up to him and over to the growth on his back, her arm lifting up to scratch the boy behind his one good ear, Sesshoumaru noticed the damaged one with a bit of anger.

What had been done to the pup?

He let the question slide as the boy's grip slackened and he tumbled from his back and into the girl's arms. Sesshoumaru watched with a still face as the woman turned and passed by Inuyasha with a shake of her head. "C'mon, Sango, I need a bath, lets set up camp."

The demon exterminator seemed just as confused as Inuyasha was, but followed her anyway and Sesshoumaru had a feeling that the miko knew that he could not attack Inuyasha at this time.

She isn't stupid… emotional and reckless… but not stupid…

Sesshoumaru regarded her for several minutes before turning to his brother once more. The hanyou was yelling at the rest of his pack as they left him behind.

"Some friends you are! Leaving me to face him alone, you cowards!"

"But Inuyasha, you never let us fight anyway." The monk replied turning back around.

"Oh, Inuyasha, we believe you can do it." The miko said with a saucy grin and Sesshoumaru rolled his eyes as Inuyasha jumped back away from her wink with a blush.


I'll find another road to take…nothing is worth putting up with this insanity…

The joyous laughter that drifted from behind the bushes where the two girls bathed, the small children playing in the water by their sides, splashing and diving beneath the surface of the steaming water in a game they made on their own and with their own rules.

"Kagome, how did you know that scratching Inumaru's ear would work?" Sango asked and the girl from the well smiled broadly.

"Well, I once did it on Inuyasha when he was carrying me on his back. It was before Miroku had joined us. My bike had been lost in the woods and he was yelling at me for making him help me find it so I tried to get him to shut up by scratching his ear, it usually works on dogs in my time so I hoped his Inu-youkai side would react the same." She paused for a moment and Sango leaned in closer.

"What happened?"

"Inuyasha forgot to jump and we crashed into a tree."

The laughter that followed made Inuyasha's ears lay back and he crouched lower to the ground remembering that incident clearly and with more that a little aggravation.

It's not funny wench…and I'm not a fucking dog!

Inuyasha kept from growling and giving away his position inside the bushes. He wasn't sure why he was even there, but he was angry and felt like taking it out on the brat, but the little pup was in the water having a grand old time.

Yeah, just laugh it off punk… I'll teach you to touch tetsuaiga…

Inuyasha was still angered by the occurrence that had taken place moments before he'd stormed into the camp ready to skin each and everyone of his so called friends alive for leaving him alone.

Miroku's explanation that Kagome had figured that, if Sesshoumaru had intended on fighting, he would have done it by then, had not lessoned his anger in the least.

No shit he wasn't interested in fighting… the fucker just wanted to make fun of me!

Inuyasha tensed, his mind recalling the horrid conversation with his brother, and he shuddered, involuntarily.

Inuyasha turned back to his brother, betrayed anger bubbling up inside of him. He just couldn't believe that Kagome had left him to fight alone. He let out an angered breath and readied himself to fight his brother, his hand dropping to his side.

"Prepare to loose Sessho—" Inuyasha's eyes widened when he hand met nothing but air. Glancing down at his hip, Inuyasha was horrified to realize Tetsuaiga was no longer there. Fear crawled up his throat as he turned accusing eyes on the taller demon before him, wondering how Sesshoumaru could have gotten his father's fang with out him knowing it.

Sesshoumaru gave him a disgusted look, his eyes traveling over Inuyasha's shoulder to rest on something behind him.

Inuyasha turned slowly, not trusting his brother enough not to expect a trap. As he glanced back a sort of shocked anger filled him when he found his beloved sword held tightly in the pup's grasp as the brat grinned at him from over Kagome's shoulder.

Inumaru stuck out his tongue and wagged the sword at him mockingly. Inuyasha growled, his shoulders tensing, ready to give chase and pummel the smirk right out of that brats hide.

"She's near her heat period." The comment made Inuyasha swing around, scalded by the words his brother spoke. Jealously and rage mingling deep inside.

"Fuck off!" Inuyasha yelled, baring his teeth his fists clenched tightly at his sides. Sesshoumaru all but ignored him, his eyes continuously fallowing Kagome's form.

"Doesn't that maternal warmth coming from that human woman of yours, make her more appealing?" Sesshoumaru asked and Inuyasha lost it. He jumped forward to hit him, but Sesshoumaru casually stepped aside and Inuyasha ran head long into a tree. He swung back around harshly, eyes flashing dangerously.

"Keep your fucking eyes on your opponent!" Inuyasha reached for his sword again only to be reminded of its absence and growled readying his hands, praying that he wouldn't loose control.

Damn brat… has no consideration for my well being…

"What's the matter, Inuyasha? Jealous of a stupid human wench?"

Inuyasha charged again, his claws arching down in a slashing motion and found himself pinned painfully to the ground as Sesshoumaru whispered into his ear. "Or is it fear that you're nothing but a prize to be won for playing mother to your pup."

The truth of his own fears rang in his mind and Inuyasha struggled cussing at the demon above him and was surprised when Sesshoumaru stood and walked off the way he'd come.

Inuyasha glared after him, too angered and worried to say anymore, doubt of Kagome's intentions settling deep in his gut.

"Fucking bastard…" Inuyasha muttered under his breath and realized a moment too late, his mistake.

"Inuyasha!" Kagome's angered voice burned his ears and Inuyasha jumped to his feet to run, noticing the grinning face of the pup as the girl covered her chest sucking in a deep breath.

Inumaru's humor soon turned to terror as he looked down at the water around him and then began to bolt for the shore, but he was too slow as the command came from the girl's mouth.


The last thing Inuyasha saw before his face was permanently filled with dirt was the image of the brat falling into the water. Inuyasha laughed to himself at the sound of the water splashing.

Serves you right brat!

His humor dried up as Kagome cried out rushing to the boy's side. "Oh, Inumaru, I'm sorry!" He heard her lift the pup out of the water and carry him to the shore apologizing the whole way.

Inuyasha lay still on the ground, long after the spell had worn off, his blood cold in his veins, his brother's words echoing in his mind.

"Doesn't that maternal warmth coming from that human woman of yours, make her more appealing?"

Inuyasha sat up to look at the quickly fading moon, his heart heavy with nameless fears.

Kagome wouldn't use me like that!… would she?

The wind was harsh and cold, whistling in the night giving no comfort to the unspoken fears of Inuyasha's broken heart.

A.N. okay first off, I am very sorry it took so long to finish this chapter. I'm sorry if the end seems rushed or if Sesshoumaru is out of character, I finished this with out really being in the mood to write Inuyasha so sorry. For anyone who cares to know my reasons for the long update here they are:

I usually typed every Friday night on this story but I found my BEST friend was moving in less than two months. She hadn't wanted me to worry so didn't tell me until then, so I was mad at her for a while and then stopped writing so that I could spend as much time with her as I could. She moved in June of last year and to live through the depression I got myself a job for the summer babysitting two boys from six in the morning to seven at night to keep myself busy. After that senior year started and I finished my Novel (at least the rough draft) titled, "A Secret's Unknown Price". It's 233 pages so far and my teacher is helping me edit it so if I ever get published look for it by the author of Lessa Okkerse. - well, anyways… I also got my first boyfriend this year and then we broke up just after spring break, and somewhere in the middle I watched the end to the anime of Inuyasha and got really pissed at the shitty ending and also found Chrno Crusade which is my current obsession right now. So sorry for the long wait, and I do not intend to make you wait another year for the next update. Please review if you aren't too angry with me and se you next chapter!
