Pirates of the Caribbean: The Curse of Love

Disclaimer: I do not own the movie, and anything related to it. I just own Jack Sparrow in my crazy mind.

A/n: This is my first movie fic, I hope you like it. Based upon the new movie from Disney, Pirates of the Caribbean.

Summary: Jack left Port Royal happy and content with his scallywag lifestyle. When he decides to visit Will, he discovers something that he didn't have in his life before.Love.

Captain Jack Sparrow, that's what his crew called him, but in the small town of Port Royal, he was still known has just plain old Jack Sparrow. Since he regained his ship, The Black Pearl, from his enemy Barbossa, he felt rather happy and content. As for an old friend, a man named Will Turner, things were just the same.

Will Turner stood in his blacksmith shop, banging away at the hot metal, molding them into swords. He wiped his forehead on his shirt and continued pounding away. He hadn't shown it at all but, deep down he missed being out on the sea. He now was happily married to the woman he loved, Elizabeth Swann, who now took on the name of Elizabeth Swann Turner. Just thinking of her raised Will's spirits. He sung softly while pounding away. A woman around Jack's age walked in, she wasn't a usual, and she didn't even wear what the other women wore. The woman wore brown breeches and a loose black blouse. Her choppy brown hair was pulled back into a short ponytail covered by a black bandanna. A sword was in her hand and a pistol was clipped to her belt, her eyes gazed around the premises and landed on Will. Will stopped singing and looked up at the figure, anyone could clearly tell that she didn't fool around, but Will knew she was a pirate.

Will grabbed a sword that hung off a wall and got ready to fight if he needed too. He muttered something under his breath that oddly sounded like, 'Why do they always come here?' The lady pirate smirked at Will and unsheathed her sword. The silver blade glistened in the sunlight that peered through the small window.

"What's your business 'ere?" Will called out, his eyes following her wherever she went. The pirate smirked again and eyed the swords on the wall.

"These swords are finely made, who made them." Her voice lingered in his mind as his gaze was still fixed on her.

"I made them, all perfectly balanced and easy to wield." Will replied shifting his feet to get a better view of her. A thought raced to his mind, 'Does she know Jack Sparrow?' there was only one way to find out.

"Do you know a pirate by the name of Captain Jack Sparrow miss?" Will inquired looking right at her. He could tell she was surprised by that question, a smile played upon his lips. The woman sheathed her sword; there was no reason to fight with a man that knew Captain Jack Sparrow.

"Aye, I've heard about him, got 'imself into a bit o' trouble here didn't he?" Will nodded briefly hoping she had news of where he had been. Jack had been his only friend, besides his wife Elizabeth.

"Do.do you know where's he's been?" Asked Will hoping the outcome of the answer was positive. The lady looked at him and sat down on a chair sighing. Will's hopeful face fell, she had no clue. 'I bet she didn't even know him, just heard old tales of the friendly pirate captain.

"So mate, what's yer name?" the older woman spoke from where she was sitting. Will ran a hand through his hair and merely replied, "Will Turner." She nodded smiling a bit, her green eyes concentrated on him. He sighed and looked back at her. "What's your name miss?" Will asked her setting down the sword which he still clutched in his hand. The lady pirate blinked and sighed rubbing her arm. "The names Aki, Aki Birch." She replied getting up and walking around the small shop. Aki smiled and picked up a sword off the stand and looked at it carefully, checking the blade, seeing how balanced it was. Will began to go on the defensive side again, he didn't know if she was going to just run out or not, he didn't trust many pirates, not after what happened 2 years ago to his beloved Elizabeth.

2 years ago, Elizabeth was abducted from her home and was supposedly the 'key' to unlock the curse set on a band of pirates. Though she wasn't the person they wanted, who they really wanted was him, Will Turner.

(A/n: Hmmm I'm thinking of ending this hear..should I? Could I? I could definitely because you're not the one writing it ^_^ just to end your suffering I'll write a bit more)

Will inched to his sword; ready to grab it but, then Aki untied a pouch and looked Will square in the eye. "How much do ye' want fer it?" she asked opening the small pouch and poured out a couple of golden coins. Will blinked; a pirate was willing to pay for something? This was to good to be true. He stared at her and stopped inching for the sword. "Err how about 4 of those coins?" Will wasn't sure, he didn't know how much those coins were worth because he never seen them before. They had a strange marking on them, almost Latin it seemed like. Aki nodded and tossed him 4 of the thin, glimmering coins. Will caught the gold coins and set them onto his work table and looked at her again. "Is that all miss?" he said wiping his hands on his pants. Aki was too busy looking at the sword and looked up when he spoke. She blinked and rubbed her arm again. "Errr. no, that'd be all Mr. Turner, and please call me Aki, I cannot stand formality, I'm sorry if I errr, insulted you in anyway." Aki put the scabbard on her new sword and, nodded goodbye to Will and walked out of the tiny shop.

A few minutes later, the door burst open and a loud, familiar voice was heard from the doorway.

Authors note: WEEEEEEE this is the first chapter and, I think I'm going to like this story, I just need some suspense and stuffs.hmmmmm leave a suggestion in a review!