A/N: Woo, I've been putting this off too long. I actually kept thinking I'd do it tomorrow, but that tomorrow never came. O_o My computer's messed- up once again, and I can't get online, so I'm lucky if this even gets posted. I apologize for the delay, but here's the next chapter to "Fallen Hero", enjoy! ^_^

Disclaimers in Chapter 1

Fallen Hero ~Chapter 3~

Upon reaching the fortress, Sheik gracefully dismounted the horse, hidden in the shadows along the backside of the menacing castle. Using a hookshot, he grasped a ledge high up near a window and let the contraption pull his weight up, then swung into the opening. The interior of the building had a old, musty smell, and the air felt damp.

The sheikah slowly made his way to the doorframe of the room he was in, poking his head out just enough to look each way down the corridor. Seeing only one guard, he easily took him out with a throwing knife, then cautiously made his way down the dark hall, grabbing a lit torch up on the wall as he went. The golden haired man was worried for his friend. If he was feeling himself, Link would have broken out of this place by now, on his own. Sheik looked in most of the rooms he passed in the musty corridor, also being totally alert of what was going on around him. If he were caught, him nor Link would escape this place.

The last door the man looked in proved to be the right one. He smelt blood, and sex, which he didn't like. Taking a deep breath, Sheik slowly pushed the door, causing it to creak open. The blond sheikah almost gasped at what he saw with the dim light of the torch flame.

Sitting against the wall, his head lolled forward limply, showing off the crack in the back of his skull was Link. The blond hylian was naked, revealing cuts and lacerations, which Sheik assumed from a whip, covering his once perfect skin. He was very thin, so much that his rib cage was quite visible, and his whole body now looked very frail. On top of that, Link was also bleeding from several places, including his rear end, that being the proof of the sexual abuse inflicted on him. Dried blood was matted into his hair, also dried streams of the red fluid was crusted onto his chest, stomach, arms, legs, and the corner of his mouth. He had bruises around his wrists where the shackles were, proving he had not been able to move for some time, and there was a struggle.

Sheik was shocked. This was awful. No one but Ganondorf himself deserved such a punishment. The golden haired Sheikah slowly stepped forward. "Link?" No answer. He quickly knelt down by the hurt boy and tilted his head up, seeing that his eyes were open, but dull, as if in a daze. He then checked to see if Link had a pulse. It was faint, but there.

After taking another quick look around, Sheik slipped a pick out of his turban, quickly picking the locks on the fairy boy's shackles. Once freed, the blond man picked up his hurt friend, gently pulling him up onto his back and holding the hylian's arms around his shoulders, then stood. To lift Link was a hardly an effort at this point. He had most likely only been fed enough to barely hang on to life.

Sheik so badly wanted to kill Ganondorf for doing this to the fairy boy, but he needed help as soon as he could get it. Getting his mind off revenge, the Sheikah poked his outside the door and looked both ways down the corridor. Seeing there were no guards coming, he quickly made his way back to the cell he came in through, but now he had another problem: how to get down safely without hurting Link.

There wasn't much time to just stand around and think, so the masked man just decided on the easiest solution. He slid Link off his back and supported him with one arm, then carefully swung his legs over the window sill and lowered himself down a little, his hand gripping a crack in the wall. Sheik then used the chain from his hookshot to climb down very slowly, only having use of one arm. All the time, Link never moved, and it began to worry the man holding him.

Once he'd reached the bottom, the golden-haired Sheikah pulled his hookshot back and tucked it away, then hurried over to the waiting horse. Epona showed her concern for her master by making a quiet whinny sound and gently nudging him with her nose. Sheik just pet her snout and climbed onto her back, along with Link who he held in front of him. "You'll be ok, my friend," he whispered to the hylian. With that, the masked man gave the chestnut horse's sides a light kick and rode off as fast as Epona would carry him and his hurt companion.


So how was it? Man, I'm real sorry it took so long for me to get this up. I started redecorating my room and then school started and I totally forgot about my fics. Also, sorry my chapters are so short -.- I seem to have a problem with making them longer, but I'll try harder on the next chapter! ^_^ Please R&R, and sankyuu!