Chapter 15 Monday miracles

The next morning Julie was up and dressed even as there was a knock on her door.  Opening it she found Dwayne, hat in hand waiting for her.  The cowboy looked as always dressed for a day on the range and she almost smiled at his appearance. Even after a year and a half in Minnesota he'd not changed one iota. 

"Dwayne what are you doing here.  She then thought to ask.  He was usually with Russ and ken.  Where were they anyway?  They had breakfast in twenty minutes. 

"I got first watch    and I rec'n we should hit the trail a little early so you won' have to over work on them there things."  He pointed to her crutches."  He reminded and she then remembered the guard schedule she now had.  First it would be him for breakfast, and since they were in a lot of the same classes in the morning and then ken would take over at lunch and after Russ would take over" After practice the bash brothers would be on duty" it was sure to be a long day, she knew so decided to get it started.  


Arriving in the dining hall Julie found Portman and Fulton already seated at the long table most of the ducks shared.  Dwayne motioned for her to go to the table and when she shook her head he frowned. 

"What's wrong?" 

"I have to get my food."  Julie explained as if it were the most natural thing in the world. 

"Awe now filly you don't think I'd be so uncivilized as to make you try and crutch with a trey?"  The sky cowboy teased and she frowned even as Portman was approaching them. 

"Hey cowboy, Jules," Portman said as he came to see what was the matter. 

"Portman maybe you can get Miss Julie to sit down while I get her vittles."  Cowboy asked hopefully. 

"Right."  Portman said turning to Julie and smiling.  "Come on Jules you can protect Guy from Connie's Rath." 

"Oh no, what did he do now?" 

"Hey it wasn't me."  Guy muttered and Connie shot him a glare.

"you were talking to that cheerleader."  the pretty girl scoffed. 

"Hello I said hi."  Guy muttered. 

"No, you said it like you were interested."  Connie accused and Portman spotting Julie Fulton rolled his eyes. 

"And thus begins another day of higher education."  Portman muttered and Julie laughed at the sudden normalcy of the situation. 

When Charlie arrived with Adam and Goldberg things really got back to normal. 

As he sat there Portman studied the others at the table, he knew from what they'd learned last night that most of the group had been ruled out but still it could be one of them.  The thing was Adam was the most likely candidate.  He'd had a thing for Julie since she had joined the team.  The cake eater had stuck up for her like a candle on a birthday cake whenever he pissed her off.  Now though Portman wondered if the rich boy would be that obsessed about anything other than his future in hockey or winning his father's approval.   Not that either crossed him off the list of suspects but it sort of slimmed the chance of it being Adam down a bit. 

the sound of the bell had Portman's thoughts breaking off as he made t leave. 

"And so it truly begins."  Fulton muttered and Julie rolled her eyes before headed off with her escort.  . 


that afternoon wasn't so bad With Russ but the classes seemed to drag and her ankle ached.  what she really wanted was one of the pain pills the doctor at the hospital had proscribed.  that was why she had him drop her off in her room after their last class and before he went to practice. 

Taking one of her pills Julie lay down to try and relax, she knew the medication would work much faster if she could do that.  So she did and in no time Julie was sound asleep. 


when Portman arrived after practice it was to find Portman stretched out on her bed, sound asleep.  moving inside he moved to take a seat on the side of the bed but he spotted note on the night table. 

Frowning Portman reached out and picked it up.  it was addressed to her in tape written scrawl.  Opening it he scanned the brief missive. 

Warnings given,

Truths now told,

I'll kill the one you think so bold. 

Portman growled in anger, the creep was trying to push Julie away from him.  he knew why, he was angry because the snake hadn't worked.  Silently Portman crumpled the missive and stuck it in his jacket pocket.  She'd not see it, no need for her to worry more.  Besides with his new precautions there was no way that creep would get either of them.  

now though he turned his attention back to her, had she been sleeping when it had bee delivered?  Portman made a note to have Fulton check the tapes in their quarters.  then he said a silent prayer that the spy cam he'd installed above her door had caught sight of the monster.  Maybe if it had this would all be over very soon. 

Julie woke a few minutes later to find Portman gazing down at her a frown on his face.


"Hey yourself."  He said sitting down beside her on the side of the bed once more. 

"I thought you had practice."  Julie said wiping the last of the sleep from her blue eyes. 

"Did, done.  So how long you were out?"  He asked and she frowned a minute. 

"Since I got out of class.  My ankle was bugging me."  Julie admitted and she glanced at the clock to check the time. 

"Hmm, you should have had someone here with you."  Portman said thinking of the note he'd found and it's threat.  He'd never let anything happen to her, not now or ever.  Ok, Portman, talk about being a little nuts?  He asked himself silently.  

"I was fine; besides you guys all had practice."  She pointed out and then was moving to sit up.  Forgetting the weight of the cast she sighed when it made things a bit more uncomfortable. 

"You ok?"  Portman asked frowning at the odd look on Julie's face. 

"Yes, I'm fine."  She grumbled.

"Here."  And he was helping her to sit up against her pillows. 

"Thanks."  Julie gave him a grateful smile. 

"Not a worry.  So how was the rest of the day?" 

"Fine, no strange notes, no dark visitors."  She shrugged. 

Portman wondered what she'd say if she knew the truth about that one. Not that he wanted her to worry anymore than she already was.  With the problems they'd been having with varsity and her ankle she shouldn't have to be concerned with a creep like this. 


"Hmm?"  Portman glanced at her and she looked rather thoughtful. 

"Are you ok? You just had this far away look on your face." 

 "I think we need to talk about yesterday."  He said quietly. 

"Why?  We did that last night."  Julie reminded him. 

"About what happened in the parking lot?"    He elaborated.

"Oh that," Julie blushed and Portman smiled to himself, why was it until recently he'd not noticed how cute Julie was when she did that?  

"Yeah that."  He then watched her fuss with first the hem of her shirt and then a loose thread from her comforter. 

"Look dean, I know it probably wasn't anything big so….  Portman didn't give her a chance to say anything more, leaning forward and pressing his lips to hers. 

Julie was surprised by this kiss it was not innocent like the one yesterday but full of something that had been between them since they'd first met and only now was able to surface.  Wrapping her arms around his neck she kissed him with all of the passion she'd held in check. 

When they pulled apart both were panting and Julie was staring up into his dark eyes, her own wide with the realization of just what was happening and that it hadn't just been a fluke. 

"that's what I think of your idea cat lady."  He said smirking at her wickedly. 

"Well, at least…" she managed on a shaky laugh.  "You're honest." 

"Oh yeah I'm that alright."  Again that smirk.  "I'm also hungry…" the sudden ringing of the phone cut him off and Portman was reaching for it before Julie could even move. 


Julie listened as did Portman to the speaker on the other side of the line.  Her big blue eyes widened with the news they were receiving. 

Portman didn't think, setting down the phone and turning back to Julie.  He could see the hope shining in her face and hoped this was real, that they'd had him.   

"That was Fulton, he checked the surveillance tapes and we just might have him."  Portman told her quietly. 

"What do we do?"  Julie asked sitting up a little straighter. 

"Well we need to be sure." 

"How?"  Julie asked. 

"Let's go meet up with…" once more Portman was cut off this time by the knock on the door. 

Both Portman and Julie  turned to face the new comer.  "Who is it?"  Portman asked and as the door was opened they found Fulton standing there.  He looked sad, his features solemn and his eyes grave. 



Hmm, wonder who the big bad stalker is…?  Well you'll just have to stick around if you want to know.  In the mean time I wouldn't mind a few reviews.  I'd like to know if this is getting boring.  Either way hope you liked this installment.