AN: As per usual protocol, none of the characters you recognise belong to me, I'm just borrowing them for a bit of play. I promise I'll return them to the toybox with nary a scratch. Girl Scout's honour.

Just an idea I had whilst in the shower - you know, one of THOSE things (that Dumbledore must have quite often), thought it might be interesting to see how it played out if I actually wrote it. And I decided to bring you along for the ride. I know, I know, lucky you, how considerate of me...Not really, you'll find; I expect it to be a fairly bumpy (but exciting) ride, so buckle up.

Teachers' Sons and Lemon Drops

"Hermione, it is simply wonderful to see you!" Dumbledore exclaimed, getting up from behind his desk as his newest staff member arrived in his office.

"And you too," Hermione replied politely. "I'm sorry I'm late; I got caught up in the memories."

"Quite alright," Dumbledore's eyes were twinkling characteristically as he smiled at her. "Are you ready for the school year?"

Hermione laughed. "What kind of a question is that? I don't think I'll EVER be ready, but I'm as ready as I can be, under the circumstances."

"Yes - Hermione, I wanted to ask you a favour, if I could."

She laughed again, a sound that was music to Dumbledore's ears. "Of course. Merlin knows I owe you more than I can remember, let alone count."

"It is good to know that I can count on you."

"Oh, of COURSE, Headmaster, you always could."

"Minerva, as you know, suffered an injury during the defeat of Voldemort, and though she will still continue to be the Transfiguration Professor, she feels that she can no longer do an adequate job as the Head of Gryffindor House. As the only other Gryffindor alumni at Hogwarts who is eligible for the position, the staff would be very honoured if you would consider taking over that position."

Hermione was obviously taken aback; whatever she had been expecting, it was nowhere near this.

"O - Of course, I would be honoured to ACCEPT that position," Hermione stammered. "If you think I can do it, sir."

"I have complete confidence in you, Hermione." Dumbledore added, "And please, call me Albus - you are no longer a student here."

Hermione blushed. "Yes, of course, Albus."

"Very good, it's all settled then. The Feast is set to begin in an hour or so, with the students arriving just before, as always. You may want to go prepare."

"Yes, thank you." Hermione got up to leave, but Dumbledore's voice stopped her one more time. She turned around, expecting nothing more than something regarding a staff meeting, or something of the like.

"There's one more thing before you go, Hermione, I suppose I should tell you - Severus' son is a second year."

She glanced at Dumbledore sharply. "Excuse me?"

"Yes, Hermione, Severus the Second - Sev, he prefers to be called - is a second year here at Hogwarts," Dumbledore said, quite calmly.

Hermione seemed furious, breathing heavily for a moment, then calming down as well. Perhaps this would not be so bad. "What house?"


Eyes widening for but a second, Hermione fell back in a dead faint.

Looking to Fawkes with a mild expression, Dumbledore asked, "Do you suppose I should have offered her a lemon drop first?"