Disclaimer: I don't own anything that has to do with the hotties. If I did, I'd be rich and they'd be having a whole lot more fun. *suggestive wink* However, I do own what passes for a plot in this little ficlet, so I'd appreciate it if you wouldn't steal, not that you'd want to anyway, right?

Warning: This fic contains SHOUNEN-AI. So, if you have anything against two guys sharing a romantic moment, don't read this. It's as simple as that.

Ok people, this is my first fanfic ever, so please be kind. I'd appreciate any and all polite suggestions on how to improve my writing skills. (Not that I'm claiming to have any skills.) Please feel free to let me know if I have made any errors. Any reviews you might be kind enough to give will be squealed over muchly. Now, I'll stop rambling and let you get on with reading the story. Enjoy!

First-aid Lesson

By: ChibiChula

It was a lovely bright spring day, the kind of day that held the promise of romance in the air. The kind of day when crushes were revealed and young lovers spent the day simply walking around holding hands, whispering of their love. The kind of day that meant big business for a flower shop.

They were all going about their day jobs in the normal fashion, with the customary mob of fan girls both inside and outside the shop. Yoji was nearest the front, watering the flowers on display in the shop's windows and checking out all the older girls that surrounded him at the same time. Aya was near the back, putting together arrangements of long stemmed roses and baby's breath with his customary scowl in place. Ken was rearranging some clay flower pots in the corner near the register, trying to reach one that had been requested. Omi was at the register itself, ringing up some orchids for a pretty young girl, while fending off her advances. They were all being kept very busy.

Aya looked up from time to time, quickly casting a glance around the entire shop. His eyes paused and flashed a bit when Omi was practically crushed by the girls that were fighting for his attention. Normally Aya would be having almost the same amount of trouble holding off the girls who crowded the shop, but today they seemed to be staying away from him, perhaps sensing his strange mood.

He looked down again, knowing that he wasn't paying as much attention to what he was doing as he should be. Removing the thorns from long stemmed roses was a bit of a hazardous task, and required concentration. Concentration that Aya wouldn't admit he was sorely missing at the moment.

At the sound of a shocked cry, Aya quickly looked up. Having recognized the voice as Omi's, he looked towards the younger boy, quickly spotting the reason for the cry. Omi had finished ringing up the previous girl's purchase and had been helping another one choose which flower she should buy. It seemed that when Omi had bent over a bit to point out a particular flower, one of the more aggressive girls had reached out and slid her hands into the back pockets of Omi's jeans, startling him enough so that he yelped.

Suddenly realizing that the girl's hands were still lingering on Omi's butt despite his attempts to remove them, Aya's eyes narrowed and his hand involuntarily clenched shut, closing tightly around the rose he'd just picked up. Unfortunately, the rose he was clutching was still in possession of all its thorns.

When he realized what he'd done, he let out a quick grunt of pain and rapidly opened his left hand, revealing the bloody mess he'd made of it. The rose was stuck to his hand, thorns completely embedded in his palm. Grabbing the rose with two fingers of his uninjured right hand, he quickly pulled the rose and most of its thorns from his palm, ripping his flesh up quite a bit in the process.

The wound was bleeding quite freely now, and throbbing in pain. No matter how many times he'd gotten hurt before, he still found the sight of his own blood to be a bit sickening. Especially with wounds like this one, which only served to remind him how much blood was truly on his hands, figuratively as well as literally.

Aya let loose a string of curses at the thoughts running through his mind. He was quite disgusted with himself, not only because of the slight nausea he was now feeling, but because he'd been stupid enough to let his annoyance take control of his actions and cause him to hurt himself.


Omi was a bit shocked and quite embarrassed. That girl had just stuck her hands in his pockets, caressing his butt without a care about where she was or of who might be watching. Still, he hadn't meant to let out that yelp and was now a bit nervous that the other guys would tease him about it later.

Suddenly he heard a low sound of pain coming from the back of the shop. A muffled string of curses followed. He knew it had to be coming from Aya. No one else's voice could capture his attention quite so thoroughly.

Quickly looking at where he knew Aya was standing, he let out a small sound of dismay at the sight of Aya's hand dripping blood. Excusing himself hastily to the girls surrounding him, he quickly made his way over to where Aya was now staring at his hand in what seemed to be disgust, making no effort whatsoever to stop the bleeding.

"Aya, what happened?" He said, while reaching for the injured hand to inspect the damage.

Aya said nothing, simply giving him one of those trademark dark looks and trying to keep Omi from grasping his hand.

Omi decided that, though he figured he'd get no response from Aya, he wouldn't let him get away with ignoring his injury. Quickly, he called out to Ken and Yoji, letting them know they would be on their own for a bit, and grabbed Aya's elbow to lead him off somewhere to tend to the wound.

Surprisingly, Aya allowed this, letting Omi lead him off to the bathroom in the living quarters over the shop. Once there, Omi quickly reached for Aya's injured hand again, a distressed sound leaving his lips when he saw the extent of the damage.

'Cleaning this up is going take a while', he thought with a slight wince.

Pulling Aya over to the sink, he turned the cold water on with very low pressure and quickly stuck the hand beneath the flow. He needed to get rid of the excess blood so he could see the true extent of the damage.

Not a single sound came from Aya, though Omi knew that his hand had to be hurting terribly. He peeked up quickly and noticed that Aya wasn't paying the least bit of attention to what was being done to him. Instead, he seemed to be staring at Omi with an unreadable expression on his face and in his eyes. For some reason it made Omi decidedly nervous.

As soon as the cold water had washed off and slowed the flow of blood, Omi pulled Aya's hand out from under the flowing water and gently patted it dry with a small towel. He now had a clear look at the injury that had been hidden by the blood and could see that there were bits and pieces of what looked like thorns embedded in Aya's palm.

Omi let go of the injured hand, smoothing his thumb quickly over Aya's wrist in sympathy. He turned around and reached into the medicine cabinet for the first-aid kit, missing Aya's start of surprise at the feel of the quick caress.

Setting the kit on the edge of the sink, he quickly opened it and pulled out the tweezers that he had known would be inside. Reaching for Aya's hand again, he put the tweezers to work, gently removing all foreign objects found in the flesh. Aya's wrist received a light, soothing caress after each one was pulled out.

Finally he found and removed all the thorns that had remained under the skin. He gently cleansed the entirety of Aya's hand, making sure that no bit of dirt would remain to cause infection. Reaching into the first-aid kit again, he pulled out antibacterial cream and gauze bandages.

Completely aware of the fact that Aya was still staring at him, he fumbled a bit while removing the cap from the cream. Not wanting to hurt Aya any more than necessary, he forced himself to calm down and very carefully smooth the cream gently on the wounded area. He then carefully placed some gauze padding over the worst of the injury, wrapped the entire palm with more gauze to hold the padding in place, and then added a bit of tape to hold the whole thing together.

"There. All done. Now, doesn't that feel much better?" Omi said cheerfully, letting go of Aya's hand and replacing things inside the first-aid kit, then returning the kit to the medicine cabinet.

Still, Aya didn't say a single word and the silence was beginning to wear on Omi's nerves. The staring wasn't helping either.

"Well? Aren't you gonna say anything?" He said, spinning around quickly to glare/pout at Aya. "You could at least thank me for helping you, you know."

At that, Aya's amethyst eyes got an even stranger look to them. Omi had never seen that particular look in Aya's eyes before. It would have been disturbing, if it hadn't been completely fascinating.

At last, Aya deigned to speak, managing to say the last thing that Omi would have ever expected to come out of his mouth.

"Aren't you going to kiss it better?"


Aya couldn't believe how tenderly Omi was taking care of him. It had been so long since someone had tended his wounds so carefully and lovingly. Not since his mother had been alive had anyone bothered to fuss over him like this.

He told himself that was the only reason why he couldn't take his eyes off of Omi. Wanted to believe that it was simply soothing whenever Omi gave him one of those quick sympathetic caresses. Of course, remembering how each of those small caresses had sent little shock waves through his system and the annoyance he had felt when that girl had touched Omi's butt, he couldn't deceive himself for long.

That was why he hadn't spoken a single word during all of Omi's tender ministrations. He simply didn't know what to say. He knew that he could never -under any circumstances- be considered a talkative person...but he could usually manage a word or two for the chibi. However, the war that was currently being fought between his mind and emotions wouldn't allow any words to pass his lips.

Apparently Omi had gotten annoyed with his silence. He was trying to glare and pout at the same time, something which Aya felt was entirely too cute for his peace of mind.

Figuring out that he had to say something, Aya opened his mouth to say thanks. Except that somehow, on the way from his brain to his mouth, the simple plain 'thank you' that he had planned to say evolved into something entirely different. Something he would have never, ever said under normal circumstances.

"Aren't you going to kiss it better?" He heard himself ask in disbelief.

Apparently Omi was just as stunned, because he simply stood there with his back to the sink, his expression showing his complete shock at the question.

Aya let the silence go on for a while, trying to figure out what Omi was going to do. Deciding that Omi was completely frozen in shock, he was about to just turn around and leave when Omi made his move. Then it was his turn to freeze in shock.

With a lovely smile spreading on his face, Omi took one step forward, reached for Aya's hand and bent his head down a bit to gently kiss the center of it. He then proceeded to spread kisses to the rest of the palm, and up each finger, making sure to kiss every bit that could possibly hurt and then some.

By the time Omi was done, Aya's breathing was unsteady. He had never expected to say something so crazy in his life, but he was suddenly fiercely glad he had. He'd never had someone kiss his hurts quite like that before and it seemed even more of a precious gift coming from Omi, who he knew would not have done that for just anyone.


Omi finally looked up from kissing Aya's hand and noticed the reaction he'd gotten. Despite being a bit flustered about what he'd done, he was quite pleased with himself. He knew that Aya didn't normally let his emotions show so readily. Witnessing the heavy breathing and the glittering hot stare that were the results of his actions caused a glowing smile to appear on his face.

"There. Did that make it better?" He said, with a questioning quirk to his eyebrow.

Suddenly Aya seemed to decide something. Omi could see it in how his face got that hard determined look, the look that practically screamed out: 'I'm gonna do what I want and you can't stop me'. It almost made him take a step back. He barely had time to wonder what Aya was going to do before he found out.

"No, that didn't make it entirely better, but I know what will..." Aya said, and reached out to pull Omi firmly against his body.

Omi managed to let out a quick gasp before it was smothered by Aya's lips. He hadn't expected to be kissed by Aya. But... If he'd given any thought to it before, he would have guessed that a real kiss from Aya would be a bit rough, darkly passionate, and very skilled.

And for a few seconds, that's exactly what it was. However, as soon as Omi started kissing back, the nature of the kiss changed entirely. It slowed, becoming an incredibly tender exploration that urged Omi to wind his arms around Aya's neck and let him do what ever he would.


Aya couldn't control himself anymore. The feelings Omi aroused in him were so strong that he felt he would explode if he didn't let them out somehow. That was why he'd kissed him, to purge himself of these feelings once and for all.

Of course, he should have known that it wouldn't work out that way. The moment he'd felt Omi accept the kiss and begin to respond, he had simply wanted to please Omi. So he decided to let himself do so. After all, in pleasing Omi, he was only pleasing himself, right?

So he slowed the kiss, infused it with the same amount of tenderness that Omi had used to patch up his hand. With rather mind bending results.

Sliding his lips gently against the soft trembling ones beneath him, he gently nibbled the lower lip then ran his tongue lightly over the nibbled flesh, savoring the flavor his teeth had released. Omi let out a sound that was half moan and half groan, inspiring Aya to repeat the process on his upper lip. This time Omi's reaction was less verbal, sagging against him and parting his lips to invite Aya's tongue inside the dark sweetness of his mouth.

It was an invitation that Aya quite simply couldn't and wouldn't decline.


The taste of him was marvelous. Omi couldn't get enough. That soft tongue explored every corner of his mouth and left no area that wasn't thoroughly charted. Whenever it tried to withdraw even a bit, Omi would suck lightly at it, causing a shudder to run through Aya's body and the kiss to continue on and on...

Until it could go on no longer. They, unfortunately, had to breathe. Aya finally forced the issue by pulling his tongue back quickly, and moving back, pausing to take one last taste of his bottom lip before pulling completely away.

Omi found that he couldn't stand without Aya's support, ending up holding on to the sink behind him to keep from collapsing on the floor in a heap of trembling limbs. He simply looked at Aya, his eyes opened wide with shock and filled with desire. He couldn't speak. Could barely think.

Aya seemed to be in much better shape, though he was trembling a bit and breathing hard. Omi could barely manage to stay on his feet, while Aya only looked like he'd had a bit of a light workout. It was almost infuriating.

Then Aya reached out his uninjured right hand, rubbed his thumb over lips that Omi could feel were kiss swollen, and finally spoke.

"Now that is the best way to kiss it better," he said quietly, "though it does have the slight disadvantage of causing an entirely different kind of pain."

And with that admission Aya leaned forward for a last chaste brush of lips and was gone.

Omi just stared at the spot where Aya once stood. He wasn't quite sure what had happened quite yet, or what it would mean later, but he did know one thing.

"That's one lesson I'm not going to forget anytime soon." He said out loud with a quick smile.

Omi then decided to get himself back to the shop and back to work. He noticed that Aya had stayed in the living quarters, which was probably the best thing right now.

However, even without the distraction of having Aya around, only half of his attention was on his job. The other half was wondering when he would get a chance to demonstrate to Aya what a fast learner he is...

The End
For now, that is. Hehehe...

Well? How was it? Not a lot of dialogue, I know, but who needs talk when you can snog? *grin* Anywayz, I hope I didn't bore you too much. Like I said before, this is the first fan fiction I've ever written, but my friends liked it so I thought I'd post it. Think they were just being nice?

By the way, for those that didn't catch it, I'm thinking of writing a second part to this. Should I? Is anyone else curious whether or not Omi will get a chance to demonstrate to Aya what a fast learner he is? Or am I just fooling myself to think that anyone would care? Let me know people, and thanks for giving my fic a chance. Bai!