
Some people were wanting to know how old the Serena and Darien are so I thought I'd tell you. Serena23 and Darien26, the girls are about 24 or 25.


"What are you girls up to?" asked a suspicious black with light blue tints haired and light blue eyed woman as she looked around at the three widely smiling women standing in front of her.

"Nothing, can't we just have fun ever now and then, Amy?" asked a hurt sounding Mina.

"Mina, this whole scenario seems vaguely familiar." Amy retorted.

"Fine, fine! You've caught us red handed!" Lita said as she throws her hands up in the hair in mock surrender.

"What is it?" Amy asked, still not believing what was going on.

"Follow us and you'll see." Said a giddy sounding Serena as she grabbed Amy's hands and lead her up to narrow wooden stairs and through an open door to a room filled with baby yellow, blue, and pink balloons along with rattles and pacifiers hanging from the ceiling.

"Serena!" Ami squealed as she took in everything around her.

"What?" Serena asked in an innocent voice with a wide grin on her face.

"I told you not to tell!" Amy said with an accusing voice.

"Oh well, it's out now so let's have some fun." Lita said as she walked into the room with a tray of drinks.

"Your right Lita." Raye replied as she walked into the room withthe girlsbehind her.

"Where's Darien at?" Serena asked as she looked around the room.

"He said he would meet us all here after he stopped by his realtors." Nate said as he came into the room with Jordan following closely behind.

Laughing at the scared little four-year-old, "Jordan, I setup an N64 in the guest bedroom upstairs, if you want to go up there and play it." Serena told him as she led him to the stairs.

"Thank you Aunt Serena." He squeaked as he fled up the stairs quickly.

"You're welcome." Serena yelled up the stairs after him and started giggling as she turned back around and headed back into the main room (living room).

"Daddy," Cecilia said as Darien got back into the Suburban from talking to his realtor about any new houses.

"Yes, pumpkin." Darien answered as he turns around to face her.

"When are we going to see Ms. Serena?" Chloe asked, looking at Darien.

"Why?" Darien asked quizzically.

"Because we want to play with Rini again, she's fun!" Cecilia replied with a smile on her face.

"Well, you just so happen to be in luck. Ms. Serena and Aunt Lita invited us to a little party, where I'm pretty sure Rini well be along with those other girls that you played with the other day." Darien told them as he started up the SUV.

"Really! Yippie!" Chloe and Cecilia exclaimed as they bounced up and down in their seat.

Chuckling, he pulled out of the parking spot and headed towards Serena's house.

A little while later Darien pulled up to Serena's house.

"Come on girls" Darien said as he unbuckled them from their car seats, lead them up the steps, and knocked on the door.

"Yes? Oh hello Darien. Serena and the girls moved the party to her little cottage at the last minute and she wanted me to give you these directions." Irene said with a cheerful smile as she handed him a piece of paper, "She also wanted me to also tell you that she's sorry and that she hopes to see you there." Irene continued.

"Thank you Mrs. Milloy" Darien replied as he and the girls headed back to his SUV.

"What's going on Daddy? How come we aren't staying?" Cecilia asked fearfully.

"Miss. Serena and everybody else moved the party to Miss. Serena's cottage at the last minute." Darien replied as he buckled the girls back into their car seats.

"Are we going?" Chloe asked.

"I guess so. Aunt Lita and Miss. Serena are expecting us, so we might as well." Darien said with a shrug, then gets into the driver seat, and as he studies the directions.

"This doesn't seem that far away," he mutteres to himself as he startes up the car and begins to follow the directions.

"Serena, how did you all set this up?" asked a guy with long silver hair which is put up in a long ponytail and yellow eyes, who was simply amazed at everything he saw.

"Zack, you should know us by now! We just got together and planned." She replied with a shrug.

"Aunt Serena, Aunt Serena!" squealed a little girl around the age of three with mid-back dirty blonde hair and violet eyes up to Serena.

"What is it Ebony?" Serena asked as she kneeleds down to Ebony's eye level.

"Rini isn't sharing her jewelry." Ebony replied with her hands on her hips.

"Okay. Calm down Ebony, take me to her and I'll tell her to share." Serena replied in a calm voice.

"Okay" Ebony replied with a grin as she took Serena's hand and started to drag her to a room that was painted with white fluffy clouds, birds, and a sun on the walls.

"She's right there!" Ebony replied as she pointed to Rini who was dressed up as a princess with a tiara and everything.

"Hey mommy! Do you want to play dress up with us?" asked a beaming Rini.

"Maybe later, but what is this that I'm hearing about you not sharing your jewelry?" Serena asked with a raise of an eyebrow.

"Ebony's wanting to wear my special pearls!" Rini whined with a pout.

"I don't care. Are you wearing your pearls?" Serena asked.

"No" Rini replied.

"Then let Ebony wear them!" Serena tells her as she looks down at Rini.

"Fine!" Rini said with a scowl.

"Thank you" Serena tells her and then turns to Ebony, "It's okay honey. Eeverything's fine now." Serena tells her with a smile and then walked out the room, with Rini still scowling.

"Serena! Somebody else is at the door!" Mina yelled from the main room.

"Okay!" She yelled back to them as she walked over to her Oak front door and opened it.

She opened the door with a smile plastered on her face, "Hello!" she greets whoever is at the door in an over cheerful voice.

"Hello Miss. Serena!" yelleds two voices in unison.

"Hey Chloe! Hey Cecilia! Do you want to go and play with Rini and the other girls?" Serena asked as she bends down to the identical little girls.

They both looked at their daddy with pleading eyes.

"Go on ahead" he told them with a smile as the girls smile back at him and then turn to Serena.

"Come on girls and I'll take you to Rini's playroom." She smiles down to them as she leads the girls with Darien following close behind.

"Here you go girls, and if Rini gives you any trouble just come to me, okay." She told them as she opens the door that leads into the over cheerful room that was packed with the giggles of little girls.

"Thank you Miss. Serena" they tell her as they disappeared into the group of girls.

Chuckling at the girls in the room, "They're really into make-up huh?" Darien asked with amusement.

"Yeap and its all Mina's fault!" Serena exclaimed as she shut the door and lead Darien towards the Main Room.

"Who designed Rini's play room?" Darien asked, hoping to get a little information out of her.

"I did." Serena replied with a tint of a blush on her cheeks, "It looks like a professional did it. You have a real talent at decorating." Darien told her with a smile as they entered the noised filled room.

They have finally arrived at Serena's little cabin. It wasn't little at all. On the contrary it was huge, and what made it look even more beautiful than it already was is that it's located in the middle of a wild flower field that stretches for miles without ending.

The girls practically dragged Darien up to the front door, which by the look of it was pure wood and had a design of flowers and birds along the doorframe.

Cecilia knocks on the door, filled with excitement at meeting her new friends again.

Serena answers the door with her long blond tresses, which she wore up the other day were now down with a few little clips worn to hold a few fly-away wisps back, wearing a pale pink sundress that seemed to go nicely with her pale skin tone and accent her light blue eyes nicely.

Chloe and Cecilia quickly speak up once they see her face appear from the now opened door, "Hello Miss. Serena" they yelled, like always, in unison.

Serena bends down to their eye level, "Hey Chloe! Hey Cecilia! Do you want to go and play with Rini and the other girls?" she asked with obvious fake enthusiasm, but she also seemeds genuinely happy to see them.

Darien could suddenly feel two pair of pleading eyes on him. He looks down, and sure enough, Chloe and Cecilia's eyes were on him.

"Go on ahead" Darien said to them as he smiles at the girls. They smile back and then suddenly their eyes and attention were on Serena.

She smiles at them with genuine care, "Come on girls and I'll take you to Rini's play room." She told them with Darien following behind closely.

'A play room? Serena is obviously a single parent and she has this gorgeous house in a beautiful location, so that obviously costs more money than she's making as a horse vet and running the horse stable. How could she afford all of this and still have more than enough money to give Rini a playroom?'

Darien asked himself as he follows the three girls and is suddenly jolted from his head with the sight of Rini's playroom.

'It looks like a professional has been in here. Not to mention that this room is packed with everything a little girl could ever want."

He hears the girls tell Serena thank you and watches as they disappeared into the giggly pack of girls. Before they close the door, he notices that all of the girls are holding some form of make-up and are wearing something on their faces.

Suddenly chuckling at the thought of five-year-old girls wearing make-up like adult women.

"They're really into make-up huh?" he asked, with the thought still in his head.

"Yeap and its all Mina's fault!" He hears Serena reply in exasperation, sees a long slim perfectly toned pale arm close the door, and then sees her as they walk towards a room packed with people.

Still wondering about who designed the room and how she could have afforded it, "Who designed Rini's playroom?" he asked along with hoping to get some information out of her on her life in general.

Seeing Serena blush slightly, "I did," she mumbleds.

'Wow! She must have majored in art or interior decorating!'

"It looks like a professional did it. You have a real talent at decorating." He comments with a smile as they walked through a doorway that has baby blue, pink, and yellow streamers hanging from the top and the same colored balloons with the words 'It's a baby' written on them pinned in groups of 3 all down the doorframe.

Darien lookeds around the room and sees that it's big enough to hold a small party such as this easily without any discomfort of any kind. He looks at the ceiling and sees that it's done in a cathedral style and also that their were paintings hung, but only around the beginning of where the ceiling began to rise.

Suddenly, he felt a small hand on his shoulder that brought him back from his gazing. "Come on Darien. There are a few people that want to meet you." Serena told him, still smiling at him and then took his hand gently and leads him toward a little group of people who were talking quietly that is until Serena made the a noise as if she was clearing her throat.

"Oh, hello Serena dear." A woman who looks around her late 40s with dull brown hair that' was pulled up into an old fashioned French twist told her with a smile that had a look of adoration but also protectiveness.

"Hello Mrs. Ridgefield, how are you enjoying the party?" Serena replied in a more loving voice.

"It's one of the best so far. You girls have truly out done yourself this time! Who might this young man be?" the woman replied with a slight wiggle of her eyebrows.

"Thank you Mrs. Ridgefield and this is Darien Spencer, Lita's brother-in-law." Serena answers with a small gesture towards Lita, who was at the moment talking with a group of old women.

"Oh, hello Darien! I've heard a few things about you; it's nice to finally meet you." The old woman said in a somewhat hopeful tone, for some reason.

Putting ona polite smile, "Thank you Mrs. Ridgefield and it's nice to meet you as well." He replied as he offers his hand, which she takes and they shake each other's hand.

A few other people came over to say hello to Serena and to meet Darien.

After about 30 minutes of having to stand there with a smile that he now felt was permanently etched onto his face, Serena politely excused them out of the huddle of men and women who all seemed to greatly adore her and seemed to keep a very watchful eye on him. She took him out of the Main Room and to a set of sliding glass doors that had butterflies and flowers painted on them, which she slide open soundlessly and stepped out onto the wooden deck. There was a wooden rocking chair along with a glass table and five metal chairs with an umbrella on one side of the deck.

Serena walks over to the glass table and plops down in the closest chair.

"Sorry about all of that, but every time a new guy comes into town some of those women try their best to hook me up with them." Serena told him as she massages her temples slowly.

"Don't worry about it. Nate and his parents do the same thing to me all of the time." Darien replied as he walks over and seats down next to her.

"Did you also paint the sliding glass doors?" Darien asked with a somewhat knowing grin.

"Yea. When I get bored or stressed out, I have a big tendency to paint or redecorate." Serena explains with a blush rising up her cheeks.

"I always thought women cooked when they got bored or stressed out." Darien replied with a chuckle.

"That's just Lita. Mina, the blonde that wears her hair up in the red bow, likes to go shopping or try on cloths. Amy, the black hair with bluish tints, is either working or has her nose in a book no matter what. And Raye, the black hair and has a really fiery temper, will usually snap your head off so fast she leaves you blind sighted for a few minutes." Serena told him as she gradually relaxs into the chair.

"So I take it, stay away from Mina, and keep your distance from Raye?" Darien replied with an amused smirk as he gazes at Serena.

"Basically. Tell me something about yourself Darien." Serena said with a smile as she tries and shifts the conversation.

"Well, what do you want to know?" Darien asked with a raised eyebrow.

"Where are you from? What is your line of work?" Serena replied as she motioneds with her hands.

"Well, the girls and I moved from the cityto here because my job transferred me and I'm more or less in small words into the political side of business." Darien answered with ease.

"Do Chloe and Cecilia like it here?" Serena asked with a gentle rise of her eyebrow.

"Yea, they seem to be enjoying it here. Sure, they miss their friends, but, as you can see; they seem to have made a few friends here." Darien replied with a thoughtful smile.

Darien and Serena stayed outside passing the time with subtle talk.

"Hey girl! We've been looking for you. The party is wrapping." Mina said breathlessly.

"Oh, okay. I didn't realize we were out here for so long." Serena replied with a half smile as she swiftly gets up.

'Damn it! I was actually enjoying his company!'

"Do you need any help with picking up?" Darien asked as he gets up swiftly got up and pusheds the chair back under the table.

"Sure! The more people, the faster we get out of here!" Mina quippeds as she turneds around and skippeds back into the Main Room.

Chuckling, "Is she always hyper? Or is it because of the party?" Darien asked with humor.

"This is a normal Mina." Serena replied with amusement as she walkeds in.

"Serena! Serena!" exclaims an alarmed brunette with light red highlights bleeding into the brunette, but making it look natural.

"What is it Mol?" Serena asked as she grabs her shoulders so that the young woman could calm down.

"You'll never guess what just happened!" Molly replied with a giddy voice, but with her accent of probably Irish.

"What?" Serena asked with a little giddiness.

"Melvin just proposed to me!" Molly exclaimed as she showed off her engagement ring, which was just a simple gold band with diamonds embedded into it.

"OH MY GOD!" Serena screamed as the two girls started jumping up and down together and hugging each other in happiness.

"I can't believe it! I mean I knew he was going too eventually but I didn't know he was going to do it NOW!" Molly replied as she calmed down.

"What's all of the screaming about?" Raye asked as she comes out holding a cup of punch.

"Molly just got engaged!" Serena replied smiling happily.

"OH MY GOD!" Raye, Lita, and Molly screamed when they came out of the room.

"Umm, I'll let you girls be alone." Darien muttered under his breath as he scooted rushed out the room and rushed into the room.

"He seemed a little uncomfortable." Mina replied as she laughed at his retreating back.

"Yea" Lita and Raye agreed as they untangled themselves from the hug.

"So what were you two doing outside on the patio?" Mina asked with a little wiggle of her eyebrows.

"Eww! No! Darien and I were just talking and I was just taking a breather from the party." Serena answered."Suurre! Then how come you guys seemed so…comfortable?" Mina asked with an arched eyebrow.

"What do you mean?" Serena asked with a wrinkle of her nose.

"You were a little too comfortable with him. Normally you're all straight back when you're alone with guys." Lita answered.

"Whatever. I'm gonna go and check on the kids and Jordan." Serena said as she turns around on her heel and headed forgoes towards the playroom.

Serena cracks open the door, poked her head in, and see the girls playing a game of Candy Land. She closes the door back softly, not wanting to disturb their fun and makes her way up to the room where Jordan was playing the N64.

"Come on Uncle Jason! Give me back my controller!" came Jordan's whining from behind the door.

"O brother!" Serena muttereds under her breath as she opens the door to see Justin, Jason, Nate and Zack seating around the game console and Jordan tugging at Jason's arm.

"What do you four think you're doing!" Serena yelleds as she puts a hand on her hip.

"Uh-Oh!" mutters a blonde with hair just above his green-blue eyes.

"What?" Zack asked with an innocent look.

"Every time Raye does that I always end up sleeping on the couch for at least a week." The blonde replied.

"What do you four think your doing taking away the N64 from Jordan! You just wait until I tell your wives!" Serena exclaimed as she twirls around on her heels and storms out the room and down the stairs with a grin on her face and walked into to the room where the party was being held.

"What's up with the grin Serena!" Lita asked with suspicion.

"You might want to go and check up on your husband and Jordan." Serena replied with a glint of mischief evident in her eyes.

"Why?" Lita asked, as if trying to figure out what she was's thinking.

"Oh, just tell them a little bunny told you." Serena told her as she winks and walks away.

"Hello Serena darling." Said a deep voice behind her.

'Oh god! Why me?' Serena mentally pleads and then turns around with a smile whichis obviously fake.

"How are you doing? This party is just wonderful!" said a guy with dark brown hair that is so long that it's in a ponytail, and has light blue eyes.

"I'm doing fine and thank you, Seiya" Serena replied with a fake cheerful tone as she quietly searchs for one of the girls or someone to save her from this guy.

"So Serena, how come you haven't called me since our date last week?" he asked as he comes uncomfortably close.

"Oh, I've just been yea know…busy with the horse stable, Rini, and having to get stuff ready for the Rodeo." Serena told him as she tries to get subtly away from him.

"Um…Seiya, I see a guy I need to talk to about somehorses." Serena told himas a wave of relief washes over her at the sight of Darien standing off in the corner of the room.

"Okay, I'll talk to you later about maybe going on another date this weekend." Seiya told her with a somewhat seductive smile.

"Oh, sorry Seiya but Rini and the girls are coming over this weekend for a slumber party and I'm supposed to watch them." Serena replied as she walks over to Darien.

"Thank you so much!" Serena told him as soon as she had gotten up to Darien.

"Why are you thanking me?" he asked with a confused expression.

"For being here." Serena replied as she slumps against the wall next to him and leans a little towards his broad shoulders.

"Um…uh…okay" Darien mumbles as he nervously looks around.

'He's got really broad shoulders. I wonder if he works out any, probably.' Serena thinks to herself.

"Bye Serena!" a familiar voice screames at her from across the room.

Serena looks up and sees Lita dragging Nate by the ear with Jordan scurrying behind them quickly.

"Bye!" Serena said as she waves at them and trying not to laugh.

Raye comes storming down the stairs with Jason trudging behind and Ebony in front of her.

"I'm sorry to have to go so early, but"

"Don't worry Raye, go on and I'll call yea in the morning." Serena interrupts and waves at Ebony.

"Same here, I'm afraid. You're sleeping on the couch for at least a month for that little stunt!" Mina said as she grabs Justin's elbow and drags him out with Marcella and Alissa snickering behind them and huge grins on their faces.

"Bye!" Serena said as she winks at the two young grinning girls.

A few hours later,

Serena's standing at the front door and waving at the last of the guest to leave.

"So, who's all going to help you clean up?" Darien asked as he carries a sleeping Cecilia and Chloe in his arms.

"Nobody" Serena said with a shrug and opens the door for him.

"I'll see you in the morning?" Serena asked with a tired smile.

"How about I lay these two down and I'll help you clean up this mess." Darien said with a smile as he puts his hand on hers and closes the front door.

"You sure? You've got a long drive back to Lita's house." Serena said as she quickly snatches her hand from the door.

"Yeah, plus I don't think I should be in any hurry to get to Lita's anyways." Darien told her as he smiles weakly at just the thought of what waits for him there.

"Yeah, you're probably right. Come on. I have an extra bedroom that you can lay the girls in." Serena said as she leads him to a door with a green frog that's handing you a pale yellow flower in the middle of the white door.

Serena openes the door. Painted on the border of the room are frogs dressed up from everything to bathing suits to formal gowns, and painted on the walls is a garden of flowers of all colors and types around the room.

"Wow Serena! Did you do this yourself?" Darien asked in wide-eyed astonishment.

"Yeah, what can I say?" Serena shrugs, "It was a rainy day, I was bored, and Rini was sleeping." Serena slightly laughed in embarrassment.

"It looks extraordinary!" Darien told her as he softly lays Chloe and Cecilia on the full size bed that was decorated with a white background on the comforter with a spring garden, butterflies, and birds scattered all over.

"Well...um…let me put Rini to bed and we can get cleaning." Serena told him quietly as she walks out the room and walks to the playroom door, which is on the other end of the house from the bedroom; Chloe and Cecilia are sleeping in.

Serena quietly tipped toed into the playroom where Rini was sprawled out on the pink flower rug still dressed up in her fake fancy dress and make-up all over her face. She picked her up gently and just as quietly tip toed out and with Darien behind her all the way, goes up a staircase that's behind a door in-between where the playroom and the entrance to the living room is.

Still walking quietly, Serena opens a wooden door with a white plaque hanging in the middle of the door with the words 'Rini the Princess' written on it. She turns on the light to see Baby Pink walls, white carpet, a 13x16 pink round rug with the words 'Princess' written in a silver scrawl, plain white dresser, chest of drawers, and a mirror along with a full size bed with a white comforter that hads pink writing all over it and a huge silver tiara in the middle. The sheets where white and has the small pink writing on it.

Serena pulls back the comforter and gently places her in the bed and takes off her fake jewelry and fake dress. Then, she just as gently pulls the comforter up to her chest and tucks her in and then just as quietly creeps out, pulling Darien out as well, and then turns off the light just as she closed the door.

"Darien, give me a minute. I need to change real quickly and we can start cleaning." Serena whispers and then disappears into a door that's at the other end of the hall from Rini's door.

'Damn! Why did he have to stay and help me clean up? I could have done this by myself!' Serena rants to herself as she undresses into nothing except her bra and panties.

'Damn me and damn him! I don't need this!' Serena screams to herself as she pulls up a pair of navy blue sweat pants and a white t-shirt with the words 'County Rodeo Rider' written on top and underneath the words is a bucking bull with a cowboy on top and swinging a rope around his head.

"Okay Darien!" Serena exclaimed as she walked out her room and quietly closes her door.

"Alright" Darien smiles as Serena takes his, as she finally realizes, muscled arm. You could practically feel the muscles bulging through the casual jacket he wore, but not bulging as in their enormous, but more like it was definitely obvious he works out and a lot.

After about an hour of cleaning and them still not being anywhere near to halfway done.

"So Serena...how did you and the other four girls meet? You all seem really close." Darien asked as he puts a soaked napkin into the huge and very thick trash bag he was holding.

"Oh, um…I meet Amy when I was in 8th grade and I kind of nosed my way into her life, I guess you could say. Raye and I kind of ran into each other at the local grocer constantly and if not there than at other places I usually always hang out at and we just kinda...clicked, I guess. Lita stuck up for me when one of the local drunks came up to me and was hassling me. She got rid of him for me and ever since then we just started hanging out. Mina…..that's kind of a weird friendship. I met her at a rodeo a few years back, I was kind of having problems with my hair and she, I guess over heard, and helped me with it. For some odd reason we all just clicked together and we've been almost inseparable." Serena told him as she worked her way from the huge windows to the couch in the middle of the room.

"Hmm…, that does sound weird." Darien comments as he plops down into the chair across from her.

"Oh well" Serena muttered as she lays back against the couch and close her eyes.

"Maybe you should get some sleep. We could always finish in the morning." Darien told her as he dumps a half-empty cup of punch into the bag.

"Yeah, you're right. You can sleep in one of the extra bedrooms." Serena said as she roughly gets up and drops the black garbage bag in the middle of the floor.

"No, no. It's okay., I'll come back in the morning so you won't have to do all of the cleaning on your own." Darien told her as he walked out of the room where the party was held.

"I insist! It's-", Serena looks down at her watch on her right hand, "2:25 and not to mention you're obviously tired and Chloe and Cecilia are already sleeping in an extra bedroom." Serena explains as she walked up the stairs.

"Alright, I didn't even realize it had gotten to become so late." Darien replied under his breath, which Serena could plainly hear.

Darien walked back up the stairs after Serena, once again, and watchs as her hips swayed back and forth.

'Even under sweatpants she looks gorgeous. I wonder how she's able to keep that kind of figure after all of the other stuff she obviously does?' Darien rambles to himself until Serena knocks him out of it when she said something.

"Hmm, I'm sorry what did you say? I was kind of spacing out." He replied meekly as he weakly chuckles to himself.

"I asked if you wanted to borrow some cloths to sleep in? I have plenty of baggy cloths you could barrow." Serena told him as she opens her door and turns on the light.

The room has cream walls, all kinds of white flowers decorating it all around the room. A queen size bed with a deep burgundy comforter set, medium dark oak chest of drawers, dresser, mirror, and a trunk which stood at the end of her bed along with an oak night table which hads glass in the middle and sheer deep burgundy drapes on both sides of her sliding glass doors which went out into a very small balcony that could barely hold a person.

"Here you go." Serena replied as she thrust a pair of black pajama pants and a white wife beater into his arms.

Darien simply raiseds an eyebrow at what was given to him, "Are you sure this stuff will fit me?" he asked.

"I'm positive. You wouldn't believe how much stuff those knuckle heads leave every time they get into a fight with one of the girls, especially Jason and Nate. Plus, I also like to wear extremely baggy cloths when I'm cleaning or just wanting to relax." Serena replied with a shrug as she leads him out of her room.

"You can sleep in here. The guys seem to like it enough." Serena told him, a grin on her face.

"Okay" he replied as Serena opens a door near the stairs and turns on the lights for him.

A room that has walls painted completely black with the night sky painted onto the walls, on the ceiling was all of the constellations. A king size bed was in the middle of the wall closest to the window with a night sky blue on the comforter and a single full moon in the middle of the comforter and it was the same thing with the pillows and the sheets were just a plain night sky blue. There were also sheer black drapes on either side of the window.

"Thank you, Serena." He told her with a thankful smile as he steps further into the room.

"Don't worry about it. I'll see you in the morning." Serena replied as she waves at him and closes the door. She goes back to her room, and falls asleep before her head even hits the pillow, with Darien's smile the last thing on her mind.

"No wonder the guys like this room!" Darien exclaimed as he just stares breathlessly around him and takes in everything around him.

After a few minutes of just mindlessly staring, he quickly changes and puts his clothes on top of a chair that was in the corner, right beside the obviously huge closet.

'I wonder if Serena did this room as well? I wonder how, since she's kind of short and it would have been hard to do the ceiling.' Darien muses to himself as he snuggles deeply into the king size bed as he just stares up at the ceiling and begains to name all of the constellations and gradually falls asleep with a blonde headed woman on his mind.

Okay, that was it. I hope you liked it!

Feed back is greatly welcomed!

Also, would like to thank as usual my beta Allison
