Disclaimer: I don't own H/H. JKR does. She's a goddess! I'm just borrowing them for your entertainment. =)

***Please note this might not make much sense unless you have read Camp Muggle which can be found under my profile by clicking on my name***

TO MY READERS: In light of Order of the Phoenix coming out, I will rewrite my universe a bit. At the beginning of Camp Muggle, I said that nothing had happened though Voldemort was at large. Well, just assume book five happened (too keep JKR's timeline) and that Voldemort then went into hiding as I described at the beginning of Camp Muggle. All okay on this? So Book five happened, now all is quiet . . . too quiet.

Summary: The future in encroaching. Before they know it, Ron, Harry, and Hermione are closer than ever to the freedom of becoming adults. But not everything is as it seems. Will they be able to survive their final year at Hogwarts? And what ever happened to Meegan?

AND SO, here it is. It's ALMOST the one-year anniversary from when I posted the first Chapter of Camp Muggle. I hope you like this story. This is just the beginning. I have much more in store for you all and a lot of things I know you all want resolved. So without further ado, I bring you:


Falling Forward (the Sequel to Camp Muggle)

Chapter One



Dear Ms. Granger,

We at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry would like to inform you that you been given the honor of Head Girl for this upcoming school year. Enclosed you will find your new Head Girl Badge. Congratulations!


Deputy Head Mistress, Minerva McGonagall

Hermione folded up the letter she'd just received by owl post and set it on her bureau. Picking up the envelope it was delivered in, she tipped it upside down and shook a shiny gold badge into her hand. The words "Head Girl" were emblazoned across its face.


She hesitated with it for a moment, the realized she couldn't resist and pinned it on to her tank top. The strap promptly sunk to the side. Hermione wrinkled her nose and removed the badge, setting it gently next to her letter.

"Harry? Ron?" she called as she exited her room and walked out into the hallway. They all had just three more days until they were schedule to return to camp. Tomorrow, they would be doing their school supply shopping at Diagon Alley. For now, they were just relaxing and enjoying the end of summer at the Granger's Residence.

Well, they were attempting to relax. Harry and Hermione still had her parents eyeing them every once in a while. Of course they approved of the couple, just not necessarily the fact that they were currently sleeping in side-by-side rooms.

Ron was also having trouble enjoying the end of his summer. His daily routine consisted of sitting at his desk and staring at a picture of he and Meegan that she gave to him at the end of camp a few weeks prior. That was, when he wasn't furiously writing her letters by Muggle post (which Hermione had taught him to do since he still didn't want to reveal to Meegan that he was a wizard).

Hermione walked into Harry's room next to hers. Harry was alone near the window reading his own Hogwarts letter similar to the one Hermione had just read. He looked up from his letter as he heard her enter. She gazed at him expectantly, waiting to hear what he had to say.

Harry wrinkled his nose a bit as a perplexed look seemed to permeate on his face. Then, he reached inside his envelope without saying anything to Hermione and produced a badge identical to her own.

Hermione gaped at him. She now understood why he was also at a loss for words. She needed an explanation as to how Harry Potter, not even being a Prefect, could be holding the Head Boy's badge in his hand.

"Letter from Dumbledore," mumbled Harry as he handed it over to her. He was still incredibly shocked to be holding the badge.


Dear Mr. Potter,

We at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry would like to inform you that you been given the honor of Head Boy for this upcoming school year. Enclosed you will find your new Head Boy Badge. Congratulations!


Minerva McGonagall. Deputy Head Mistress

P.S. - Harry, I know you weren't a Prefect, and we talked about why I should have made you one. I feel that you deserve this. You've known all along I felt you deserved it. I want everyone else to know how you deserve it as well.


Albus Dumbledore


"You two had talked about it?" said Hermione curiously as she rose an eyebrow at him. Harry snatched the letter back from her and stuffed it back into the envelope along with the Head Boy badge.

"At the end of fifth year. He knew how much I'd been going through, and still have to go through," said Harry a bit distraught over the memories of his fifth year. "He didn't want me to experience any more pressure or responsibility than I already had, willingly or unwillingly, placed upon me."

"Oh Harry," said Hermione as she walked over to him and gently wrapped her arms around his shoulders. She never wanted anything to ever hurt him. It was almost like as long as he was in her arms, at least then she knew he was safe.

"It's okay Mione," smiled Harry. "We have to look on the bright side. We get to share a room this year!"

"We what?!" said Hermione in surprise.

"The Head Boy and Head Girl share their own small dorm. It's their separate bedrooms and a shared common area; with an entrance to Gryffindor and another entrance out to the school. Come on, I thought you'd have known this already Miss. 'I've read "Hogwarts: A History" a million times'!"

"Oh shut up Harry!" she giggled and slapped him on the arm. "Of course I knew that. I just wasn't thinking when you said share a room with you. All these possibilities started swirling through my mind . . ." Hermione's voice dropped into a lower, enticing tone as she stepped closer to Harry.

Harry swallowed and looked at her. She was so incredibly beautiful. Before he could react, she had her arms around his neck and was snogging him senseless. They got on for a few minutes before a loud male voice cleared itself in the doorway.

"Don't you two ever come up for air?" said Ron in a rather exasperated tone as he walked in and flopped down in the middle of Hermione's bed, keeping his head turned until they'd detangled themselves.

"Yes Ron? Can we help you?" said Hermione crossing her arms. Though she never minded his company, he always had bad timing.

"I just wanted to see if you two got your Hogwarts letters. Got mine, still Prefect. But I bet you moved up, 'ey Mione?" said Ron as he pulled a saran-wrapped sandwich out of his pocket and began to eat. Harry and Hermione both gave him a strange look as to why he'd suddenly materialized a sandwich.

"Yes I did," said Hermione with a large smile. Remembering that she was now Hogwarts' Head Girl easily erased her anger at Ron for barging in on her and Harry.

"Comgrabdulasions," mumbled Ron while chewing. He seemed to forget that he'd even interrupted something. One would suppose he'd just gotten used to seeing those two snog. They did it nearly twenty-four-seven. It was a wonder Hermione's parents hadn't given them a proximity limit yet.

"Harry, tell Ron your good news," said Hermione suddenly jabbing him in the side.

"Ow, Mione that hurt," he grumbled rubbing the spot where she'd poked him.

"Tell me what?" asked Ron between bites.

Hermione glared at Harry to speak, but he just stood there rubbing his side. Finally she left out a loud exasperated sigh before saying, "Harry made Head Boy."

"WHAT?!" yelled Ron, a few pieces of sandwich flew across the room. "But how? You weren't ever a Prefect."

"Dumbledore," said Harry, "Long story actually, but it's true."

"Wow! Congratulations Mate! That's fantastic. Glad it's wasn't me," he grinned. "Don't know if I could have put up with living with Hermione all year. OW! You know it really hurts when you do that!" Ron too was jabbed in the ribs for his remark. Hermione groused a bit and walked out of the room leaving both Ron and Harry rubbing their sides in pain. Nothing had changed. They were still the same old best friends. Just now, Harry and Hermione were kissing on a regular basis.


"RON! Mail came for you!" yelled Hermione running up the stairs with a letter in hand. She didn't even reach the top before Ron came barreling out of his room and nearly took her down. He snatched the letter from her hand before she could even get another word out. "Bugger, I was going to bring it to you," she sighed and walked into Harry's room. He was sitting at a Muggle computer that Hermione's dad kept in the guest bedroom. He loved playing with it since he'd never been allowed to touch Dudley's.

"Ron get another letter from Meegan?" asked Harry as he turned around in the chair having heard Hermione enter the room.

"Yes, and he nearly killed me again today. I should just send him out for the post. I swear, one of these days, he'll knock me right down the stairs," she sighed and sat down in Harry's lap.

"You know, he just misses her a lot," said Harry as he snaked his arms around her waist. "I'd probably do the exact same thing if I couldn't be with you." He smiled and kissed her cheek.

"Really?" she asked turning and facing him.

"Of course baby," he smiled, "I'd be lost without you." Hermione smiled as their lips met and sealed together.

Meanwhile, Ron had already opened Meegan's letter as quickly and carefully as possible without damaging the letter at all.


Dear Ron,

I miss you so much! I hope you don't mind that I write you everyday, I just think about you so often. I hope I will still be able to write to you while you are at school. Is that possible? I don't know if I could go months without talking to you. Will it still be possible for us to visit on holidays? I'm already awaiting our Christmas holiday, but that is months away. Not being able to see you is killing me. I know we only spent a few months together, but I feel such a strong connection to you. It's like nothing I've ever felt before. I didn't do much today. Allison is still here. She told me not to worry. She seems to think I'll have no trouble keeping in contact with out. I hope she's right. Please write back (not that you don't always) but especially if you have anything you want to tell me ever, you know where to find me. Bye!

Yours truly,



Ron sighed and took out a piece of parchment. He loved getting letters from her, but every one just made him miss her more. He knew he'd have to tell her soon that he was a wizard if he wanted to contact her at all while he was at school. There was only Owl Post there. Meegan was bound to notice something was up if his letters suddenly started getting delivered by a small, continually hyper owl. He had no choice, either tell her within the next two days, or not talk to her until Christmas. That was how it was going to have to be; if he could only make a decision as to what to do.