Our Guardian Gendo by DoomaWriter

Author's notes: Just when you thought all of your kind words have gone unnoticed, I update with another chapter. I would of done it earlier but I was busy catching up on a couple of deaths that needed avenging. It's my fault for wanting to use a magical sword. They're always on top of mountains or in dungeons or something. But forget that, thanks for the reviews everyone.


Chapter 5: Dinner with Dad


Gendo had arrived home late as usual. Of course it wasn't like he was trying to get home early. He spent most of his time at NERV headquarters and liked it that way. As he reached into his pocket for the key card to his door, he heard a slight sound and glanced over his shoulder. But there wasn't anyone or anything behind him. After a moment, Gendo merely forgot about it, opened his door and walked inside.

"That was close, but I don't think he saw me," said a figure dressed in black, popping his head around the corner. He wore black boots, black pants, and a black long-sleeved shirt. His face was bare except for a pair of glasses which he adjusted with his middle finger. The teen inched his way to the door ever so slowly, trying his best not to be heard.

When he reached the door, he kneeled down and placed an ear against it. His mission was going well. Unfortunately the door soon slid open and he found the barrel of a gun aimed at his forehead. NERV's commander had noticed him!

"What are you doing here?" Gendo asked with his usual stern voice. "Who sent you?"

The figure, knowing that he was defeated, stood up and raised his hands in surrender. "No one sent me," he explained. "I am doing this of my own will. It is my duty to Misato-san!"

It was all clear to Gendo now! This boy was nothing more than a pawn in a plot devised by Misato for revenge of what had happened earlier today. It was a bit surprising that she would act so soon, two hours after their last encounter. Well this wasn't something Gendo would take lying down. Oh no. Apparently another punishment is in order.

Of course, there was still the matter of what to do with the person who was now standing in front of him. The commander couldn't shake the feeling that he's seen the boy's face from somewhere before. Maybe one of the many forms at NERV headquarters. At the moment the boy's face was looking quite frightened, and yet it wasn't because of the gun, he was looking to the side, toward the horizon.

"A....Angel!" the boy said in total fear.

"What!?" Gendo exclaimed. He turned to the horizon and saw the horrible sight of....nothing. There was no Angel at all. He faced forward again only to find the boy was out of sight yet his quickened footsteps could still be heard. No matter, it would of been a pain in the ass to fill out the forms necessary to justify his death.


About an hour before, Misato had returned home, aching to get to sleep. Of course her severe drowsiness had made her a demon on wheels during her drive home. Luckily her car didn't suffer one scratch. Though the same thing couldn't of been said about the eight cars piled up in front of her apartment complex.

Misato walked up to her home and walked right past a large object in front of her door. Whatever it was, it could wait until the morning. Her door slid open and Misato stumbled past her kitchen. On the table was a well- made dinner, prepared by her room mate who was now sleeping in his cooler. The dinner, too, would have to wait. She slid open her room shoji, walked in, and closed it behind her. The last noise she made was the large thud of her body smacking the floor. Yes it hurt, but the pain could wait until she woke up too.


The next morning, Shinji rubbed his eyes as he wondered into the kitchen. He was surprised to see that Asuka was sitting down with her arms folded across her chest and one of her index fingers was tapping a shoulder. That look jogged Shinji to full awareness. *NO!* Shinji thought in a panic. *How long have I been asleep!? Has she been waiting for her breakfast? There's nothing in the house to eat but instant ramen, why couldn't she of made some for herself?!? I know why! Because she's looking for an excuse to beat the living crap out of me! Some higher force is getting a sick laugh out of my pain!*

"It's the weekend," Asuka said. "You know what that means?" She stood up and walked in front of Shinji. Her hand became a fist and she raised it high. Knowing what was to come next, Shinji cringed and blocked his face with one of his hands. "Ha! I win!" Asuka said happily.

Shinji opened his eyes and saw that Asuka's fist had come down in front of him and now had two fingers extended. "Our scissors beats your paper!" she said and then hurried to write upon a piece of paper on the table with a marker. "That means that you've got breakfast duty for Monday mornings! Now let's decide for Tuesdays!"

The whole experience had left Shinji in shock. He wasn't even aware that Rei had been standing to his side the whole time. Her hand was also in a scissors formation. And so for the next ten minutes the three played the game of chance to see who had what chore to do. Of course whenever Asuka would lose the rules suddenly became best two out of three and then best three out of five. And it wasn't as if Shinji could think straight during all of this. The sight of Asuka making a fist scared him each time. Not to mention the sight of Asuka bending over the table to write down the information while wearing short shorts. Her attitude left much to be desired but Shinji couldn't deny her looks.

At the end of the game, Shinji and Rei were the only ones who had to tend to any chores - though Shinji had to do the majority. *Just like living with Misato-san* he thought to himself dryly.

Asuka finished writing down the last bit of information and then capped the marker. "So, that means it's the favorite's turn to cook breakfast today."

Shinji wanted to ask that if by "the favorite" did Asuka mean Rei or herself, but of course that wouldn't of been a wise decision. So instead, he headed back to his room, knowing full well that she couldn't of meant him.

"Oh, and Shinji," Asuka called. As the Third Child turned around, a punch to the gut left him holding his stomach on the floor. Rei's eyes widened as Asuka held her fist up proudly. "You hentai! Don't think that I didn't notice you staring at my butt! I would of aimed for your face but we all know what happened the last time!"

"Yes, ma'am," Shinji squeaked, overcome with the pain.


Later that day, Shinji was lying down in his room while listening to music, shutting out the rest of the world in the process. He rubbed his stomach. *Still hurts* he thought to himself. *I don't know why I'm surprised. She had so much practice to perfect her punch from the ten thousand other times she hit me since I met her.* His stomach's growl for food made the pain worse.

For the fifth time that hour, Shinji searched the fridge for something to eat. He hoped against hope that there would be a stick of butter or something that he missed the first four times. When it was apparent that his search was fruitless, (in more than one sense of the word), the starving boy closed the door and looked at the cupboards in dismay. *I had ramen for breakfast and lunch* he thought. *And I'll most likely have ramen for dinner. If I never see another noodle for the rest of my life it'd be too soon.*

Convinced that an in-between ramen-meals ramen-snack wasn't what he wanted, Shinji began heading to his room where he'd have to resume starving. Yet as he passed the bathroom door, he could hear the sound of water spraying. Someone was probably taking a bath, nothing to be concerned with. Shinji walked past the door and kept going.

"What are those!?" Asuka's voice shouted from within. Instantly, Shinji stopped in his tracks and casually stood by the door in an attempt to make it seem that he wasn't interested.

"Do you not know what they are?" a monotone voice responded. It had to of been Rei

"Well of course I do! But why do YOU have them? They're no use to you are they!?" Asuka responded. Shinji had to stop himself from falling to the floor. There was a long silence, meaning that Rei didn't answer the question. At this moment, Shinji wondered how disgraceful he was being and decided that he'd better quit with some pride.

Inside the bathroom, Rei was sitting quietly in the water while Asuka stared at her angrily, awaiting a reply. Finally, the red head gave up and turned her head away. The First Child was not worth the trouble. She looked over to where Rei had laid her school clothes. Next to them was an object which contained what they had been arguing over. A glasses case. *I'm in her same class, so I know that she doesn't need glasses* Asuka thought.

Rei's usually emotionless eyes opened wide at the site of Asuka grabbing the case of her precious treasure. She couldn't take the site of the case being opened and carelessly tossed to the ground as her partner examined them. "Please," Rei protested. "Don't touch those."

Needless to mention, Shinji was back in front of the door. His face turning red.

"What, I suppose only you and the commander can ever see them?" Asuka complained. "I don't see why I can't even touch something he's had on his face."

Shinji could hear the sound of a loud snap in his head. He placed a hand to the side of his head and found out that he was bleeding out of his left ear. A greater surprise was that Gendo was standing next to him. "F- Father!" Shinji said with a look of shock and embarrassment. "How long have you been standing there?"

"Long enough," he answered before sipping at his cup of soup.

"I didn't hear the door. When did you come back from NERV?"

"I didn't leave. I planned on spending this morning at home."

Another troublesome snapping noise preceded a trickle of blood from Shinji's right ear. With that, the male Eva pilot fainted. The commander took a long look at his fallen son and then reacted in the caring way he was known for. By taking another sip of his ramen.


After opening his eyes, Shinji found himself in a familiar white room. He looked around and found himself inside NERV's infirmary yet again. Bandages were wrapped around his head. He sighed and laid back. "I'd like to spend at least one week without winding up in here," he told himself.


Still unsure of how long he had been out, Shinji opened the door of his new home and was instantly grabbed and his mouth was muffled. Asuka moved her hand from his mouth and then motioned for him to stay quiet. *What now?* Shinji thought in a somewhat tired mood. He was led to the kitchen and the two peeked in the doorway to see Rei at the counter. "Ayanami? What is she- "

"Baka da!" Asuka whispered. "Don't you remember that it's her turn to make dinner today?"

Normally, Shinji would've pointed out the fact that he hadn't been given the chance to memorize the chart. Yet after remembering whom he was speaking to, he decided that he preferred breathing over being right.

"Don't you want to know what someone like her would cook?" Asuka asked.

"Well," Shinji answered. "I'd rather lie down. My head sort of hurts and-"

"You're such a boring person!" Asuka pouted.

"It isn't as if we can't guess what she's going to serve," Shinji said. "There's only one thing in this entire house."

Not too long after his chat with Asuka, Shinji found that he was right. Ramen for all. There were four bowls of noodle soup set out and Gendo thanked Rei whole-heartedly before taking his seat at the table and eating the meal. His son slouched at this sight and decided to focus on his food. *He never thanked me* Shinji thought. *He didn't even look at the food I prepared for him. Then why Rei?*

Shinji glanced up to look at the party which replaced his happy little atmosphere he had when eating with Misato. Asuka was quiet, most likely because she didn't feel that comfortable around Gendo. Rei was quiet, most likely because she was Rei.

The young boy took a sip of his soup and then mumbled to himself. "Cold....just the way I like it..." he mumbled sarcastically.

To be continued....


Jikai: Lots of stuff will happen. Stuff most likely dealing with Shinji getting hurt and Gendo being cruel.


Author's notes: I've learnt not to count my eggs before they're hatched.