Dove: This is my ten some! ^__^ Also my karaoke redo!

Raven: Now if anyone gets lost just tell us and we'll help out!

Dove: Yup, Yup! Um. For the lyrics, don't beat me if they're wrong in any way! I did my best and for 'It's my Life' that one is cut off a little. Okies!

Raven: Now lets see how we do! PLEASE REVIEW!

Dove: One with the flic!


Chappie 1 ~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*

Yami, Seto and Anzu have been looking to see where everyone went at night. Yugi, Otogi, Honda, Bakura, Ryou, Mai, Isis, Malik, Ishtar, Jou. Everyone.

Yami was looking to know where his friends were at night and where his new lover Yugi goes, they haven't officially got together yet and all but Yami has noticed that Yugi goes out and comes back tired and sleepy from being out so late.

Seto came because Yami promised a duel if he helped, he helped a great deal by being able to track everyone coming here by cities cameras and some detectives.

Anzu came because her lovers Mai and Isis have never told her where they went. They would just say, "Work."

The were dressed up, sitting at a table, drinking in the middle of a crowd of a club/bar called 'Heat Wave.' (It's a real place in LA but I'm making all this up.)

Yami was wearing his black leather shirt that zipped up his back, tight black leather pants with his two belts and various leather buckles and wraps on his arms.

Anzu had on a light blue turtleneck top with a black leather skirt. Over it was a leather coat that stopped at the shoulders and went down passed her ass. She had jewelry here and there. Mostly bracelets and boots that went passed her knees.

Seto had on his white trench coat outfit without the trench coat. He still had on the metal cuffs and leather buckles on his arms though. All black and silver.

Anzu said she saw Mai leave with her purple outfit that she wore to battle city and Isis left wearing a tan tie-dye top that were long sleeves but a cut at the shoulders to show them off and a black leather skirt. They both were wearing the same boots as Anzu. Their own color and size of course.

Yami said that Yugi left in a t-shirt and jeans but he highly doubted that Yugi would come in here dressed that way; he guessed that he changed here.

They had to pull a number out of a bowl at the door when they entered and they got 'lucky number one.'

They found out later that they had to sing on stage in front of everyone with a dancer of the club but only two could go up.

Anzu said she couldn't sing and proved that a LONG time ago. Anzu wasn't that bad of a person but she just couldn't sing for her life. She was a dancer not a singer. (Like me!)

Yami and Seto got up, onto the stage and grabbed the two head mikes. "Alright, fine. Who's dancing?" Seto asked the band. They saw that it was Honda at the drums, Malik at the keyboard and Ishtar and Bakura were holding guitars.

Everyone shrugged. They knew, just wouldn't tell. They pretended that they've never seen Seto and Yami in their whole lives. "It's a new lead dancer every night. The dancer's decide who." Stated Bakura. He had on his blue and white stripped tank and blue leather pants.

Malik spoke up. "Oh, wait man. It's the same as last weekend. They gave the dude the job, only works weekends though. I'll tell you this, he KNOWS how to dance." Malik said with a grin. He was wearing his white tank hoodie with the gold chains on them and stopped to show off his mid drift. He also had on tight blue kakis.

"Now we back sing and you two sing together. We're playing 'Whip it.' Get it?" Snapped Ishtar. He was wearing a tight black tank top and tan kakis on. Honda was wearing a tan long sleeved shirt that he shoved up to his elbows and black leather pants.

"Yah, yah." Murdered Seto. They finally found them but if they paid attention they would have seen that Isis gave them their drinks and Mai made them. Yami just snickered. Yah, too much to drink for him. We'll not enough to act ridiculous and stupid but enough where he's on a stage in front of a huge crowd and he was able to be relaxed.

Honda lifted his drumsticks as a spotlight hit them all and tapped them. "One, two, three, four."

The music started and Seto looked as if he was bored to death. He slowly bobbed his head to the music with Yami. The four wasn't bad at the music at all. In reality it was as if they've been playing for years. Seto lifted his mike and began to sing just as he saw a group of four figures step out on the other stage across the room.


Dove: How was that?

Raven: They are probably scratching their heads and asking themselves how this is going to turn into a ten some?

Dove: Ok, that sounds right.

Raven: *Smirk* *looks at readers* This is the first time Dove actually thought ahead and typed the _whole_ thing and it worked out.

Dove: Shut up! I think!

Raven: shut up, you think? It's either shut up or not... *sarcastically*

Dove; *pout*

Raven: *fingers 'boo boo lip'* You know that seems to be the only thing you do. Pout.

Dove: *glare*

Raven: *grasps throat, acting as if being choked* that's the first time you've ever glared at ME!

Dove: *walks up to her, glaring*

Raven: *clasps to ground* *holds throat* *gasps*

Dove: See Dragon Yami DragonDreamer! I can take care of myself! *jumps up clapping*

Raven: *gets up, unhurt* *rolls eyes*

Dove: *ignores Raven, continues to jig*

Ja ne!