Ok so yeah I started this story a wwwhhhhhoooooollllle like 2 and a half years ago! Dude if anyone is still out there who wants to read this u are mad awesome! Even better if there is anyone out there who's been reading this since the beginning u are hella hella mad awesome! I know each time i start a chap i say that the new chaps won't take as long but honestly i don't know how long these chaps will take to get posted all that i can promise is that the fic will eventually get finished. oh and whatever happened to the original version of this chapter is a mystery to me cuz i sure can't find it or remember what i had originally wrote...

Oh and long live my new addiction MYSPACE! anyone who likes my fics can look me up on there at the screenname is Kitty Von Slausenberger! lata and on the newest chap:

Trunks, the present day version, sat in his office behind his large oak desk fuming. How could Pan, the girl who had been madly in love with him for the past like five years, suddenly forget about him for this new loser-imitation Trunks! Okay he did kind of diss her that one night but seriously he had just gotten into an argument with Marron and if Pan really liked him so much and if she really did want to be with him then she would have done whatever he wanted her to do, right? Was he the only one who saw the sensibility in this whole situation? But no, she had to act like a kid and throw a hissy fit before storming out and trying to hook up with a replacement. 'And might I add a shitty one at that!' Trunks thought as he tapped his pen against his desk.

There was no way in hell that he was going to let a sissy like Mirai Trunks take what he had already marked as his territory all that this meant was that he was gonna have to pull out his bag of tricks and turn up the charm until little Miss Son saw what she was missing out on... The real, the almighty Trunks!

"Um, I'm sorry Sir, would you like me to come back?" Asked Mai, Trunks' geeky yet quite hot secritary. She had walked in to find Trunks standing on top of his desk fist raised to the sky in what looked like a victory pose... although what he had won was unbeknownst to her. He actually kind of reminded her of that on strong man many years ago. Her parents always talked about him and she had even seen old film reels of the man talking... what was his name? Ah, Hercule also known as Mr. Satan! What a loser!

"Eh, no. What is it that you wanted, Mai?" Trunks asked as he climbed down off of the desk. "There was a spider hanging over the desk, and , I , well, whatever! Why are you in here?" Trunks new that there was no way to talk himself out of such a stupid situation so the best course of action was to be mean to the little lady.

"It's just that you recieved a few phone calls and since you wanted to left in privacy for a while I took down the messages." Mai answered her voice trembling.

"And who are they from?" Trunks asked recovering his oh-so-smooth demeanor.

"Well, one is from a Ms. Hanoko, another from a Ms. Kaia, one from a Ms. Sakura, and the last one is from Ms. Marron"

Trunks could tell that Mai was nervous, every ounce of her was trembling in his presence. Just how he liked his woman innocent and slightly afraid, that made it all the more fun to ruin them. He made a mental note to seduce his secritary. "Close the door and read the messages to me, please." Trunks stated sliding down a little more comfortably in his seat.

"Um, Okay." Mai started as she pulled the door close and began reading the messages. "Hi babe, I really injoyed myself last night..." Mai stopped as Trunks raised his hand shushing her.

"First off, take down your hair. That bun of yours is much to tight. And lose the glasses, you remind me of my high school librarian. And lastly stop sounding so monotonous. Loosen up, you know it's like reading lines in a play."

Mai, turned her back on Trunks as if trying to gain her composure before removing her glasses and turning back around and beginning to read again. Trunks breath caught in his throat, for such a little pip squeak Mai was kinda hot when she loosened up. Trunks made a mental note to ask her out for a drink. He wanted to see just how loose she could get, figuratively speaking of course.

"'Hi babe, I really injoyed myself last night. I hope that I can see you again soon.' Um. here's the next one: 'Trunks honey I never knew that I could have so much fun in a swimming pool. All these years of swim could have never prepared me for you.' Ms. Sakura wanted to know 'where did you learn such amazing moves?' and, um, I think that you had better read this one yourself sir." Mai stated handing the note to Trunks.

"I don't pay you to think." Trunks answered cooly. After reading all the other notes he knew that Marron must have said something extra dirty if Mai felt uncomfortable. Trunks readjusted himself in his seat and waited for what he knew would be the highlight of his day.

Mai waited a few seconds trying to compose herself before beginning- "'You sick shit! How could you do this to me! after all the years that we have been together your monkey ass would go and fuck all these women! Yes, I know about everything, all the nights in the bars, the chick in the pool, everything! Maybe you shouldn't leave your cell phone sitting sround with all these juicy text messages! I suggest you buy some new shit 'cuz i gave everything away in the best yard sale your stupid ass has ever seen!'" Mai lowered her head too embarrased to look her boss in the eyes. She was extremely excited that some lady had the guts to stand up to a man as vile and disgusting as Trunks. She reminded her self to give Marron a high five if she ever saw her again.

Trunks was shell shocked. Not only from the note that Marron left but at the fact that Mai sounded just like her. 'Why couldn't she act that good while reading the dirty messages?' Trunks wasn't the type of guy to get all worked up over a woman. He knew Marron would come back eventually. She could never really leave him. Besides right now the only thing that he really wanted to put any energy into was bringing Pan to her knees. He had a feeling that she would end up being his most formidable conquest yet. Trunks excused Mai from his presence and set forth to a plan that would make Pan crumble...

sooooooooooo now we know what's going on inside of trunks' mind... he's a bad bad dirty boy who doesn't like getting beaten. let's see if he can really bring pan back into his clutches... find out on the next chap

Muah peoples... oh and for a new taste of music recommendations... Panic! At the Disco is the shit!