Hey everyone! I'm finally starting a new story! YAY!! Well, anyways here it is…
"Welcome to the real world Miss Son." Mrs. Yoshimara stated coldly. Pan stared at her with a mixture of emotions growing inside of her. She had been taken into the school deans' office because of a confrontation she had had with one of her male classmates.
"You can not strike one of your fellow students because of a snide remark. You must come and report them to us." Mrs. Yoshimara was the meanest person on earth let alone the most evil employee at Orange Star High School.
"But I tried to say something to you guys a long time ago but nobody listened to me now they did." Pan stated. Her temper was rising and that was never a good thing as poor little Tenshi Okamara found out just a few hours previously.
"Now I am going to have to contact your parents and tell them about your little escapades."
"This is bull… crap." Pan was highly upset but she knew that there were certain things she most definitely couldn't say even in the predicament she found herself in at the moment. Instead of cursing the broad out like she wanted to she just played with the many safety pins in her black skirt.
"Excuse me Miss Son. What was that?" Mrs. Yoshimara asked her eyebrows rising up her forehead as the words passed through her lips.
"What's wrong Pan why are you so upset? You put this upon yourself."
"It's just… sometimes the people up here act so stupid. I mean he should be the one in here not me." Pan said shaking her head.
"What did you just call me?"
"Huh?" Pan felt like she had just missed a step in their conversation.
"Are you calling me stupid?" Mrs. Yoshimara asked.
"No!" Pan answered absolutely confused.
"Yes you did."
"No I didn't."
"So now you're calling me a liar?" Mrs. Yoshimara asked. Turning her swivel chair around to type the events into her computer. "See now you've messed up. I was going to let you go with a slap on the wrist, but, see you just couldn't keep your mouth shut."
"What the hell are you talking about? I didn't call you stupid!" Pan stated her voice was now rising in frustration.
"You said the people up here are 'stupid'", Mrs. Yoshimara said while making the quotation marks with her fingers, "and last time I checked I worked up here." She said while continuing to type.
"Fine. If you want to be called stupid, then I'll call you stupid." Pan murmured while re-lacing her knee high black leather boots.
"Hello, Son Gohan, this Yoshimara-san from Orange Star High School and I'm calling to speak with you about your daughter, Pan."
Pan's eyes widened as she realized what was happening. 'This bitch called my dad!!!' Pan thought as Mrs. Yoshimara handed her the phone so that she could get chewed out by her Otousan.
"What the hell is wrong with you? How dare you call a school administrator stupid!!" Came Gohan's voice booming through the telephone.
"Dad I didn't call-" Pan tried to argue before getting cut off by her dad.
"You know what, I'll have to talk to you when I get home." Before pan could answer her father she heard the dial tone. She handed the receiver back to Mrs. Yoshimara, who had a smile plastered across face.
Pan snatched the suspension notice out of Mrs. Yoshimara's hand. "Kami, I wanna slap you." She said looking Mrs. Yoshimara straight in the eyes. The smile on her face disappeared quickly as she heard this. Before she could even say anything Pan was walking out of the building.
Yeah!! First chapter done!! The Dean obviously didn't know who she was missing with. In case you didn't notice, Pan is a rocker. Next chapter will be up soon.
Rock On!! \m/ ^_^\m/