3 a.m.
Harry stepped out of the cab and handed the driver a twenty pound note. "Keep the change." The poor man deserved it, having to drive around town at 3 a.m.
The cabby's eyes lit up. "Thanks!"
Harry smiled and stumbled up to stairs to his flat, taking out his keys. He rubbed his tired eyes. Man, he couldn't wait until he could just crash and not wake up until noon. That club had worn him out. Wizards really knew how to party.
As he unlocked the door, he remembered that Ron and Hermione, were staying the night. The week, actually, as Ron was getting another room added to his house, in anticipation for Hermione's moving in with him. He had been thrilled when she'd agreed, though less thrilled to discover it was merely a stall tactic on her part. She wasn't ready for an engagement yet, she'd told him. But insofar, Harry thought his best friend happy with the situation.
Closing the door, Harry passed through the living room, grinning when he noticed the made-for-a-romance-book scene on the couch. Ron and Hermione had fallen asleep while watching a video together, which was the reason Harry had headed for a night out in the first place, in deference to the couple's wish for a quiet night alone. Ron's arms were wrapped protectively around his girlfriend and her head was cuddled up under his chin. A small blanket was draped over their resting bodies. Harry guessed Ron had slipped it over them before falling into a deep sleep.
Taking a pit stop in the kitchen for a cup of cold water, Harry walked out, yawning and concentrating on not spilling his cup as he stumbled tiredly towards the stairs. Bed, was his only conscious thought.
A voice behind him whispered, "I love you."
He jumped, water sloshing over the edge of the cup. What was that? He turned around. Was it Hermione? Had she been talking to him?
He set his glass on the hall table and walked cautiously toward the couch. He sighed in relief when he noticed that she was still asleep, her chest moving up and down in slow, even breathing. "She was just talking in her sleep," he muttered to himself, running a hand through his unruly hair. "Hell, Ron does it too."
He must've been more tired than he thought if he was going around getting spooked by sleeptalkers.
"…love you…so much. I want…in your arms…forever…"
Harry heard Hermione whisper again, her voice filled with longing.
"…love you so much—"
He smiled. Maybe he should tell Ron about this. His friend would relish the fact that his girlfriend loved him so much. He'd always known they were meant to be.
He froze. Had she woken up?
Harry gasped. What the hell…
"Ron. No…wait…please. Ron!"
Oh God. Was she dreaming about telling Ron?
"I'm sorry…love you Ron…but…I…love Harry." Hermione shifted in Ron's arms restlessly. "Harry…oh…love him…so much. Ron…no! Please understand…"
Harry swore under his breath and grabbed his keys. He was going out again. Suddenly, crashing in his bed didn't sound so appealing anymore. Spending the night under the same roof as Hermione after what he'd just heard didn't sound so appealing either. He didn't love her. Not like that. And even if he did, good God, he wouldn't dream of stealing Ron's woman.
The door slammed shut.
Ron choked back tears.
He'd awakened when Harry had been rummaging around in the kitchen…and had just heard every word of his girlfriend's confession.
He wished he hadn't.
A/N: Please review…o.O Glomps from Draco if you do! Or Harry, if you prefer. Mm…or maybe the Weasley twins. Aww…Fred and George!! *waves Weasley twins flag merrily*