He eheehehhehe I got a review and im all like woah I should update this for the hell of it.!


Here's chappie 3!

What Flowers Can Mean


A Rose Part 3


Yoh walked into the flower shop and many fragrances started to take over his nose. He walked through the many rows of flowers looking at all the lilacs, daises and tulips. He paused and turned his head to face a flower called a "dragon snapper". He gently took both sides of the flower and squeezed it so it looked like a mouth was opening and closing.

He smiled and laughed gently and took around five pinks of the flowers.

"May I help you, sir?" asked a salesman's voice.

"Ya, can I get five red roses, four white daisies, three purple lilies and 5 white roses." Yoh said looking around the flower shop.

"Okay sir if you some with me up to the front ill have those ready for you in no time," the salesman smiled and walked up to the front in a very business like manner.

When Yoh got to the front he noticed that they had "Make your own chocolate kits".

"Excuse me may I also get one of those?" Yoh asked as the man came with the flowers. Yoh looked at the arrangement of flowers and hoped Anna would like them.

"Of course, and would you like us to hold these flowers until a certain time or have them delivers?"

"Yes, can I pick them up at Seven please?"

"Of course your name sir?"

"Oh Asukura, Yoh Asukura. That's A-s-u-k-u-r-a"

"Thank you we will have this for you at seven Mr. Asukura,"

"Thanks," Yoh said as he walked out of the flower shop and headed to the all purpose store. "Full of everything you ever thought you needed!" was there slogan. There he would find the perfect menu for what he had planned for tonight.


Ok well there is my chappie uhhh please review!! And I shall try to update as soon as possible!

Flames are gladly appreciated to I like seeing many peoples opinions!

-Bongo Monkeys