Disclaimer- I don't own the Boy Meets World Characters! I wish I could
but...I don't.
Please R&R! I totally accept flames! Remember though, this is fanfiction so
I have a right to say what I want!
Chapter 1- The Return of Minkus
The tall blond man sat staring out the window. His deep blue eyes looked out the window, as if he would find comfort in the fluffy clouds. He was a handsome man, about twenty one. His deep blue suit was in good condition, with gleaming silver buttons on the cuff and running down the side. The man's leather suitcase shone with recent purchase. A gold nameplate shone on the front reading:
Stewart Minkus, Attorney at Law
Looking at him, Angela wondered what he was thinking of. He had not spoken the entire flight, which lasted about two hours. What was a man like Stewart Minkus doing going to Pittsburgh? Especially in leaving New York City?
Probably visiting family and friends, like me, thought Angela. She had reccently left for Europe, but she had the opportunity to return, so she seized it. She wished to see all her friends. Sean, especially. He had been so upset when she went with her father to Europe. Angela knew he wouldn't take it well when she made her decision, but she had to go. She knew in time Shawn would get that. What Angela didn't know, was that Stewart Minkus knew Shawn as well. And was going to see Shawn, Cory and Topanga at that moment.
It had been three years since Minkus had seen Cory, Shawn, and Topanga. In those years he enjoyed the time spent away from the two men who had caused him such grief in middle school. He was a different man now. Gone were the days of sweater vests and glasses. He was a musclar man now, the object of many girl's affections. A few months ago, when the package was delievered to him, Stewart Minkus knew what he must do.
His personal private investigator, Frank, located Cory almost immediately. He never left Pennyslavina, this caused Minkus much joy. While he, Minkus, had gone out to see the world, Cory stayed at Penbrook.
Cory's sheltered life would be ruined by the news Minkus brought and the package had carried with him. It would destroy everything he had loved. Why do this? Revenge of course. Because of Cory and Shawn's endless taunting, Minkus had been sent to a psychatrist for his high school career. After all his sessions, he realized he could be a powerful man. His genius could be trained into something great. Minkus headed off to Yale after high school and graduated early with honors in Law. He knew what he was going to do was legal, since he knew the law like the back of his hand.
It wasn't as if he, Minkus would kill him, no, much better than that. His life gone, Cory would have to leave Pennsylvania. He might even have to see a shrink. In the days before his flight, he kept picturing Cory's expression when he would walk in and see him. Better yet, he thought of Topanga's. His matters really dealt with her, after all.
Minkus heard from his P.I. that Cory married Topanga right out of high school. That didn't surprise him. Not at all. After all, they were so close in high school. Well, most of the time.. Then again, their arguements seemed to happen alot. Good relationships have few arguements, thought Minkus with a smirk.
"We're about ten minutes from landing. It's about 65 in Pittsburgh, partly cloudy with a chance of rain later in the day. Please give your trash to the flight attendents as they come by. Put your tray tables up and put your seats in the full upright postion. We expect a bit of turbulence coming in." the captain's voice crackled over the intercom.
The woman next to him got a cellphone out and dialed a number. "Shawn? This is Angela. My flight's on time, we'll be landing shortly.."
Minkus looked over at her in surprise. Shawn Hunter, perhaps? One of his tormentors? This must be the Angela Minkus had seen him with. Shawn always treated his women with such indifference. They never meant a thing to him. Minkus was proud of himself at not treating his admirers like that. He learned from Shawn's mistakes. Then again, Shawn had made a scene with Angela in high school. Minkus briefly wondered if they were still together. Probably not. Shawn always had issues. Considering his trailer trash past and all.
Angela hung up the phone.
"Excuse me, did I hear you talking to Shawn? Could that be Shawn Hunter?" Minkus questioned, with a look of sincerity.
"Why yes. Do you know him?" Angela said.
"You could say we go way back," laughed Minkus.
"Alright. He's meeting me at the airport, you should say hi," Angela offered.
"I'm going to stop by later on. Would you mind not mentioning me? I'd like my visit to be a surprise," Minkus instructed.
"I'm sure Sean will like that." Angela responded.
"Yes, I'm sure he will," Minkus surpressed a manical laugh. He found himself laughing every time he thought about his encounter with Cory. Only time kept him from bearing his news to the happy gang of his past.
End of Chapter 1 Please R&R! Its my first fic!!
Chapter 1- The Return of Minkus
The tall blond man sat staring out the window. His deep blue eyes looked out the window, as if he would find comfort in the fluffy clouds. He was a handsome man, about twenty one. His deep blue suit was in good condition, with gleaming silver buttons on the cuff and running down the side. The man's leather suitcase shone with recent purchase. A gold nameplate shone on the front reading:
Stewart Minkus, Attorney at Law
Looking at him, Angela wondered what he was thinking of. He had not spoken the entire flight, which lasted about two hours. What was a man like Stewart Minkus doing going to Pittsburgh? Especially in leaving New York City?
Probably visiting family and friends, like me, thought Angela. She had reccently left for Europe, but she had the opportunity to return, so she seized it. She wished to see all her friends. Sean, especially. He had been so upset when she went with her father to Europe. Angela knew he wouldn't take it well when she made her decision, but she had to go. She knew in time Shawn would get that. What Angela didn't know, was that Stewart Minkus knew Shawn as well. And was going to see Shawn, Cory and Topanga at that moment.
It had been three years since Minkus had seen Cory, Shawn, and Topanga. In those years he enjoyed the time spent away from the two men who had caused him such grief in middle school. He was a different man now. Gone were the days of sweater vests and glasses. He was a musclar man now, the object of many girl's affections. A few months ago, when the package was delievered to him, Stewart Minkus knew what he must do.
His personal private investigator, Frank, located Cory almost immediately. He never left Pennyslavina, this caused Minkus much joy. While he, Minkus, had gone out to see the world, Cory stayed at Penbrook.
Cory's sheltered life would be ruined by the news Minkus brought and the package had carried with him. It would destroy everything he had loved. Why do this? Revenge of course. Because of Cory and Shawn's endless taunting, Minkus had been sent to a psychatrist for his high school career. After all his sessions, he realized he could be a powerful man. His genius could be trained into something great. Minkus headed off to Yale after high school and graduated early with honors in Law. He knew what he was going to do was legal, since he knew the law like the back of his hand.
It wasn't as if he, Minkus would kill him, no, much better than that. His life gone, Cory would have to leave Pennsylvania. He might even have to see a shrink. In the days before his flight, he kept picturing Cory's expression when he would walk in and see him. Better yet, he thought of Topanga's. His matters really dealt with her, after all.
Minkus heard from his P.I. that Cory married Topanga right out of high school. That didn't surprise him. Not at all. After all, they were so close in high school. Well, most of the time.. Then again, their arguements seemed to happen alot. Good relationships have few arguements, thought Minkus with a smirk.
"We're about ten minutes from landing. It's about 65 in Pittsburgh, partly cloudy with a chance of rain later in the day. Please give your trash to the flight attendents as they come by. Put your tray tables up and put your seats in the full upright postion. We expect a bit of turbulence coming in." the captain's voice crackled over the intercom.
The woman next to him got a cellphone out and dialed a number. "Shawn? This is Angela. My flight's on time, we'll be landing shortly.."
Minkus looked over at her in surprise. Shawn Hunter, perhaps? One of his tormentors? This must be the Angela Minkus had seen him with. Shawn always treated his women with such indifference. They never meant a thing to him. Minkus was proud of himself at not treating his admirers like that. He learned from Shawn's mistakes. Then again, Shawn had made a scene with Angela in high school. Minkus briefly wondered if they were still together. Probably not. Shawn always had issues. Considering his trailer trash past and all.
Angela hung up the phone.
"Excuse me, did I hear you talking to Shawn? Could that be Shawn Hunter?" Minkus questioned, with a look of sincerity.
"Why yes. Do you know him?" Angela said.
"You could say we go way back," laughed Minkus.
"Alright. He's meeting me at the airport, you should say hi," Angela offered.
"I'm going to stop by later on. Would you mind not mentioning me? I'd like my visit to be a surprise," Minkus instructed.
"I'm sure Sean will like that." Angela responded.
"Yes, I'm sure he will," Minkus surpressed a manical laugh. He found himself laughing every time he thought about his encounter with Cory. Only time kept him from bearing his news to the happy gang of his past.
End of Chapter 1 Please R&R! Its my first fic!!