Dance In Paradise

A short fic in reply to Lisa Oceans Potter's Dance Challenge!

Hope you enjoy it, look out for special comedy appearances from Fred & George, Crabbe & Goyle and many more...

Chapter 1.

A hush fell over The Great Hall as the elderly, tall wizard stood to speak.

"Welcome to another term at Hogwarts." Dumbledore said, "A special welcome to our new students." His eyes swept the eager, fresh faced 1st years scattered among the tables.

"I have one important announcement before we begin the feast. This year we have decided to have an additional ball at the beginning of the year." Dumbledore's eyes twinkled as a buzz of interest rose in the hall.

"The ball is named, 'Dance in Paradise'" Dumbledore continued ignoring the derisive snort from Professor Snape, to his left, whose lip was curving into an amused sneer. "… As I suppose the name suggests there will be much emphasis on dancing."

A spattering of groans emitted, and Dumbledore smiled benignly.

"There will be a prize for the best composed dance. Any styles will be accepted. To any music you wish. I think the ball will be a great success!" He beamed looking utterly delighted at the prospect and apparently oblivious to his fellow staffs' nauseated expressions.

"All persons wishing to take place should place a scrap of parchment containing, their name and the names of others accompanying them in the dance, and the song title they wish to perform to. These should be placed in the box in the entrance hall. That is all. Enjoy your dinner!" Dumbledore finished and with a flourish the empty plates bloomed in food.

On the rowdy Gryffindor table, Ron Weasley, a tall 6th year with deep auburn hair, began choking on a brussel sprout.

"What!" He spluttered hysterically in a mixture of laughter and coughing. Across the table, his girlfriend Lavender Brown tossed her long silky blonde hair and frowned at him.

"What do you mean what?" She asked raising an eyebrow at his beetroot face. Ron snorted with laughter, having dislodged the constricting vegetable.

"Well, you must be joking right? You're not honestly thinking of taking part?" He said eyeing her in disbelief, Lavender didn't answer so he turned his attention to the girl next to her, mounds of glossy chestnut curls surrounded her face and her deep chocolate brown eyes sparkling in amusement. "Hermione?" Ron pleaded, "Tell me you kidding."

"Nope." Hermione Granger, his best friend of six years answered grinning, "I think it will be fun, right Gin?" She said glancing across the table at Ron's younger sister. Ginny nodded eagerly then directed her stare at her brother.

"Yeah I'll do it, why, are you not up for it Ron?" She said challengingly, twirling a tendril of fiery red hair around her finger. Ron chuckled again.

"Hell no. You with me Harry?" He asked. Harry Potter grinned running a hand through his messy black hair, pushing it off his forehead.

"Yes, definitely. But watching should be fun." He said laughing. Ginny shrugged.

"Shame Ron. I expect you would have won with those fantastic moves you pulled at Percy's wedding." She sniggered. Ron scowled as the group erupted in laughter.

"Oh shut up." He growled turning his eyes back to his plate of food. Lavender pouted prettily.

"So does this mean you're not going to accompany me in the dance?" She asked in an innocent voice. Ron grimaced at the sugary tone and stubbornly shook his head.

"No I am not. Especially not after you just mocked my moves." He said reproachfully. Lavender bit her lip then burst in laughter again.

"I'm sorry. I'm sorry." She giggled clutching his hand and trying to stop the fits of hysteria that kept hitting her as she pictured Ron's night fever style dance moves. Ron tried hard to look hurt but a grin spread across his face after a while and he pointed an accusing finger at Harry.

"Harry's not much better." He complained playfully. Harry shrugged and pulled a face at Hermione's poorly concealed sniggers.

"What are you planning on dancing to then?" He asked looking mildly indignant. Hermione glanced at Ginny and Lavender and shrugged.

"I'm not sure yet. I'm sure we'll come up with something though." She said with a flippant grin.


Later that evening, Ginny, Lavender and Hermione were sprawled across the giant bed in Hermione's new room. Upon being appointed Prefect she had gained a spacious, private bedroom with en-suite bathroom which led through to the male prefect's room, newly occupied by Harry.

"So, ideas we have so far are…" Lavender said reading from a scrap of parchment across which was scribbled a long list of suggested song titles.

"Candy, Mandy Moore?" She supplied. Hermione shook her head.

"No way, I can imagine that being one for Pansy to take up." She said laughing and rolling her eyes. Ginny nodded,

"Nope, next?"

"Uh... Stellar, Incubus." Lavender read.

"No." Ginny said shaking her head making the springy curls swing from side to side. "Great song but how the hell do we dance to that?"

"We need something, risqué." Hermione said her forehead furrowing in thought. Lavender scanned the list.

"Prodigy, Smack My Bitch Up?" She chirped.

"Uh, maybe a little too risqué." Hermione grinned. Lavender shrugged and her eyes continued searching the scribbles.

"Got it!" She shrieked excitedly, "Dirrty, Christina Aguilera. Easy to dance to, risqué enough to be fun…"

"And the costumes can be wicked!" Ginny chimed in an evil grin spreading across her face. "I'm thinking seriously seduction attire." She said her hair falling about her face as she laughed heartily.

"All agreed?" Hermione asked, Lavender and Ginny nodded enthusiastically. "Good." Hermione said with a smile.


After a long and relaxing bath, Hermione wrapped herself in a huge fluffy dressing gown and quietly padded across the bathroom floor, a folded tee shirt in her hands. She knocked lightly on the door adjoining the bathroom to Harry's and listened for an answer.

"Come in!" She heard him say and she pulled open the door.

"Hey 'Mione," He greeted her with a warm smile patting the bed beside him and putting down the quill he had been using. Hermione scurried across the room and jumped onto the bed.

"Here I came to return this." She said sheepishly holding out the shirt. Harry took it and shook it out, it was a large tee shirt, which had originally been the blood red of Gryffindor but had faded to a pale maroon. The corner was emblazed with the house crest, and the fabric was worn very thin and was soft to touch. Harry laughed.

"I had given up hope on getting this back." He said with a laugh. Hermione punched him lightly on the arm,

"It's my favourite shirt." She complained.

"It's my shirt." Harry pointed out with a grin and Hermione wrinkled her nose.

"Okay, okay." She sighed, "Well I gave it back didn't I?" Harry chuckled quietly and pushed the smooth top back into her hands.

"You can keep it 'Mione," He said Hermione beamed.

"Really! You sure you don't want it back?" She asked, Harry shook his head.

"No, you suit it better than me anyway," He said grinning as she slipped off the dressing gown and yanked it over her head.

"Well that's true." She joked. "Thanks Harry." She said leaning over to kiss his cheek lightly, he laughed,

"No problem."

Hermione flopped back against his pillows and propped herself on one elbow.

"So, have you reconsidered your immediate decision about partnering me at the dance?" She asked raising an eyebrow. Harry lay back onto the mattress and laughed.

"Well, I reconsidered and came out with the same answer… Thanks but no thanks." He said grinning. Hermione scowled playfully.

"Fine. You're loss." She said prodding a finger in his chest. Harry sighed.

"So what song have you decided on?" He asked. Hermione's lips curved into a sly smile.

"That would be telling… but I think you're going to be pleasantly surprised." She said with a wink. "I'm going to bed now. Night." She added leaning across and kissing his cheek. Harry wrapped his arms around her and breathed in the light lemony fragrance of her hair. He smiled and kissed her cheek, his lips grazing the corner of her mouth.

"Night." He replied, watching her slip off his bed and scurry through the bathroom to her own room. A huge contented smile spread across his face as he pulled the sheets over his body and drifted off to sleep.


The slender figure crept silently down the curving staircase that led from the Gryffindor girl's dormitory to the common room. It tiptoed around the plush armchairs thankful for the deep carpet which absorbed any footsteps. Slipping soundlessly through the portrait, the silhouette entered the cold, stone corridor. Shivering, it wrapped the slightly tattered dressing gown around its elfin frame and began to make its way gingerly down the dimly lit passage. After making several twists and turns, the figure way beginning to climb a steep winding set of narrow stairs and upon passing a particularly dark nook in the stone wall a hand reached out and clamped itself around its mouth.

"Ginny. It's me." A voice whispered and the captured figure relaxed its frantic struggling. Instead, Ginny twisted round in the grip and crushed her lips to the person in front of her. Drawing back several minutes later Ginny stifled a laugh at the sight before her. Draco Malfoy was staring at her, his pale skin, moonlit and two glowing red flushes graced each highly chiselled cheekbone. His deep grey eyes, usually so cold and calculating were reverberating intense emotion, most recognisable were passion and lust. His naturally full lips were slightly swollen from the bruising kiss, and his ice blond hair was tousled and the angelic curls, tamed for an age in gel were free to hang around and across his face like a halo. He smiled and Ginny brushed a stray golden curl away from his eyes.

"You scared me." She said lightly, staring at him. Draco smirked, an unshiftable habit. He raised his eyebrows.

"Sorry." He whispered, not sounding it, and manoeuvring himself so Ginny was caught between the wall and his body. He pressed against her, and his mouth dropped to her ear. "Let me make it up to you." He said huskily, his hot breath grazing her neck as he moved down to act on his statement. One of Ginny's hands grabbed the collar of Draco's shirt pulling him even closer to her the other curled round his neck and toyed with the loose, silky curls. Draco had pushed Ginny's dressing gown to the floor and was kissing light trails along her neck, working his way to her mouth. When they met, the fire that continually simmered between them ignited, and they both poured themselves into the kiss. Each finding it astounded how every kiss they shared got better, was more mind-blowing, more knee trembling. Every time they broke apart, they reeled from the feelings, the aftershock, the heat, and the sudden incompleteness. Breathing hard Draco stared at Ginny her red curls hung messily across her face. Her brown eyes stared back at him, deep and uninhibited. He took her hand.

"C'mon lets go." He said quietly, leading her out onto the staircase. They continued upwards, pausing, some forty steps up Draco pulled his wand from his pocket and tapped it against a tiny carving in the stone. The carving, a small bird, began to beat its wings and flew a curving arc, leaving a shining trail. Ginny smiled in anticipation and watched the stone within the arch melt away, and the entrance appear. The couple darted through and felt the stone reappear behind them. Ginny pulled off her dressing gown and directed her wand at the small fire grate, at once a warming orange fire crackled into life. Smiling contentedly, Ginny sat down on the small, soft sofa and gazed around the room. It was diminutive and cosy; the stone walls were hung with drapes in a deep, burgundy. A sofa and two armchairs almost filled the room, leaving room for a table, small bookcase and window. She remembered idly, how they had discovered the room, a year ago. After a bitter argument with Ron she had stormed away blindly and ended halfway up the staircase where she met Draco. One of his sly remarks had broken a barrier and Ginny had snapped and hit him. Draco's own temper had sparked into life and he had grabbed her roughly, Ginny, absolutely irate and perhaps strengthened by her initial fear of him, had slammed him against the wall. Drawing her wand to hex him, she had prodded the wall behind him, causing them to both tumble into the hidden room. Ginny smiled at the memory, and feeling Draco slip into the seat beside her she thought again at how her feelings for him had changed in such a huge, irreversible way since they had both first entered the room.

Draco's eyes devoured her; he loved the way she looked when she thought. Her dark coffee eyes became distant and warm. He could watch her forever, taking in each tiny freckle, each shining auburn tendril. He saw her turn to him and his mind stopped working entirely. The only thought he could muster was that he needed her lips on his, every fibre of him was screaming to make the contact. Then it happened, and for the countless time, his mind exploded with the rush. He could never tire of kissing her, the experience was timeless, endless, and never the same. Every time, the perfections repeated, joined by new sensations, that made both mind's whirl. Neither Ginny nor Draco could seem to keep time when they were together; it appeared to take on a life of its own. Hours could pass in seconds within a kiss, but then other times seconds could hold, statuesque, frozen and appear to last for ages. It was exciting and scary, much like their relationship Ginny though wryly. Her head was on Draco's chest, his fingers lacing carelessly through the red curls, when the question they always avoided tackling became so insistent she had to speak. Sitting up, Ginny swallowed nervously, recalling that the subject she was about to grace usually resulted in blazing rows followed by tears. However, it needed to be confronted.

"Draco." She said watching him with a steady gaze.

"Hmm?" He replied as his fingers danced along the smooth skin of her thigh. Ginny wriggled away and pulled her knees up to her chest.

"Draco. You've been getting on well with Ron recently you know, friends almost." She said, careful to keep it a statement with no opportunity for retort.

"We're on civilised terms Ginny, there is a difference." Draco said, anticipating the turn in conversation. Ginny shrugged.

"You don't fight anymore."

"We grew out of it. It doesn't mean anything." Draco said stonily, knowing the climax of the growing tension was coming.

"When are we going to tell him?" She asked. The question hung in the air. Draco gritted his teeth.

"Ginny, do we have to talk about this now?" He asked the bite of irritation clearly audible in his voice. Ginny felt her temper rising.

"Yes." She retorted curtly. "Otherwise we will keep avoiding it. Like we always do." Draco rolled his eyes.

"Why can't we just…" He began. Ginny stood up fuming.

"You might be happy with a pathetic relationship based on deceit and hiding Draco. But I'm not. I value my family and friends and I am not going to keeping lying to them." She snapped. Draco rose and faced her hostilely, his eyes taking on a steely glint.

"You know we can't tell people Ginny. What would they think? Your family? You think they'd accept us?" He said his voice was cold and had taken on the cruel, malicious tone that was rarely heard recently and most rarely directed at her. Ginny didn't answer her jaw was set in a furious expression.

"Just because me and Ron are not tearing each other apart. You honestly think it would stay that way if he found out about you and me? How naïve are you?" He snarled icily. Ginny stared at him furiously her eyes blazing. She grabbed her discarded dressing gown and swept from the room. Taking the stairs at a run she made her way back to the common room. She was angry, mostly because he didn't care enough about her to let their relationship be public. She scowled, an old concern resurfacing, that he was ashamed of her and their bond. The thought made her angrier. Draco had been one of the most influencing features that formed her new, fiery tempestuous character. After years of being walked over, used and ignored and those years climaxing in a huge row with Ron she had met him and her real personality had been unleashed.


The next morning Ginny woke late and rushed clumsily around the dormitory washing, dressing and charming the telltale red rims from her eyes. She set off towards the hall at a run and eventually flopped into a seat beside Hermione breathless.

"Morning Gin. Oversleep?" Hermione said with a smile. Ginny nodded trying to catch her breath and pouring a bowl of cereal. As she began eating, Dumbledore rose at the top table.

"I would like to thanks everyone for the enthusiastic response to the ball." He said a knowing smile spread across his face, "I think everyone, participants and spectators alike will enjoy the entertainment immensely. One more thing… I think I may have forgotten to mention a slightly important part of the ball. If dancers are performing to songs with lyrics then they should be obliged to sing them." Dumbledore finished looking rather sheepish.

"That's all, thank you." He sat back down. During the short speech, Ginny's gaze had wandered to the Slytherin table. Draco was sat beside his best friend Blaise Zambini, a dark featured and handsome boy. Draco's eyes had met hers for an instant before both stubborn parties snapped their stares away. Hermione stared open mouthed at the top table.

"What?!" Shrieked Lavender in astonishment.

"No way." Hermione shook her head flabbergasted. "Can either of you sing?" She asked anxiously. Lavender shrugged,

"Ginny?" Hermione asked urgently.

"Huh?" Ginny said tearing her gaze from the back of the blond head she was staring at.

"Can you sing?" Hermione repeated.

"Nope. Well, not well anyway." Ginny said with a grimace. "What are we gonna do?" She asked. Ron had been listening to the frantic exchange and he leant in with a smile his eyes on Lavender.

"You don't have a problem." He said calmly. Hermione frowned.

"Uh, yes we do." She said impatiently. Ron shook his head, his gaze still on Lavender who was shifting uncomfortably.

"No. You don't." He said again. Ginny and Hermione exchanged confused looks. Ron grinned broadly.

"Lavender has an amazing voice." He said confidently. Hermione stared at Lavender who was blushing and squirming in embarrassment.

"Shuddup Ron!" She muttered, Hermione bounced in her seat.

"Really? I never knew Lav!" She exclaimed happily. Lavender looked mortified.

"Well, I used to sing, at my old school…" She shrugged Ron frowned.

"And the rest." He urged.

"I've been having lessons for a while." She said quietly, now shooting murderous looks at Ron who was positively beaming.

"There you go." He said cheerfully. "Lavender can sing. I mean I've heard Ginny's attempts in the shower." He shuddered dramatically, "And 'Mione's humming isn't even up to much." He added sniggering. Hermione punched him playfully on the arm.

"Hey! So Lavender you up for it?" She asked. Lavender fidgeted agitatedly,

"Umm…" She faltered searching for an excuse. She glanced up to be faced by two sets of huge, liquid brown puppy dog eyes.

"Please Lav, Hermione pleaded.

"Go on." Urged Ginny. Harry and Ron snorted with laughter, and Lavender sighed in exasperation.

"Okay, okay." She gave in with a hopeless shrug. Hermione and Ginny let out piercing squeals of excitement clapping their hands and beaming. The conversation flowed through breakfast and half an hour later the three girls were walking side by side down the corridor towards their first lessons. Hermione gripped her armful of books and flipped her curls over her shoulder.

"So, I think we should have our first rehearsal tonight." She announced with a grin. "The empty charms classroom, at nine shall we say?" Lavender and Ginny nodded in agreement and with a wave Ginny ducked into her transfiguration class. Lavender clambered up a step ladder and through a trapdoor to divination. Hermione carried on down the corridor and pushed open the door to her arithmancy lesson. She glanced around and with a twinge of irritation saw that Pansy Parkinson had taken her usual seat.  Hermione glanced at the smug, satisfied expression spread on the Slytherin's face, she was willing Hermione to make a fuss, a scene. Deciding not to give Pansy the gratification Hermione rolled her eyes in amusement at her and shot her a bored look. Her gaze swept the room for a spare place, she only knew a few people in the class and they were already absorbed in their texts. Hermione caught the eye of boy sat at the back of the room. He had sparkling dark eyes, and his hair fell in loose chocolate coloured curls around his face. He flashed a smile, his teeth were very white and even, he looked friendly, so Hermione returned the smile and made her way to the seat beside him.

"Hey." He whispered as she fell into the seat next to him. Hermione grinned gratefully at him, noticing that his eyes were in fact a deep navy blue.

"Thanks." She muttered, "I can't be bothered to start anything with her." She added cocking her head in the direction of Pansy. The boy rolled his eyes and nodded understandably.

"I'm Blaise. Blaise Zambini." He said offering his hand in a polite handshake. Hermione gripped it lightly.

"Hermione Granger." She answered, their heads snapped to the front of the class as Professor Vector swept into the classroom.


After an exhausting hour of compiling dance moves to the beginning of the song. Lavender, Ginny and Hermione collapsed onto the floor of the deserted classroom.

"I am so unfit." Giggled Ginny, her cheeks flaming red. Lavender laughed trying to catch her breath. Hermione was laid flat on her back, when suddenly she sat straight up.

"Hey." She said. Lavender raised an enquiring eyebrow and pushed her damp streaky blonde hair out of her face. Hermione jumped up and pulled off her sweatshirt. Dressed in her scruffy, baggy trousers and strappy top, she began to move her hips in one of the moves they had composed, muttering to herself.

"Hey!" She repeated a moment later her face bright. "How good would our dance be if we got three guys to dance with us!" She exclaimed. Lavender nodded.

"Yeah, it would be great." She agreed. "But Ron has refused point blank. And I don't think he'd be too happy with me bumping and grinding with someone else." She said biting her lip. Hermione frowned then shrugged.

"It's his fault for not taking the opportunity." She replied. "Aww c'mon it would be so great! Don't you think Gin?" Hermione said glancing at Ginny who was tucking stray curls into her bun.

"It would be good." Ginny granted, groaning inwardly at the prospect of finding someone to dance with. Then a thought sparked in her, it would be a perfect chance to show Draco that she could cope without him and what he would be missing out on if they didn't make their relationship public. A grin spread across her face,

"Let's do it!" She exclaimed. They laughed and Lavender raised her wand and flicked it at the CD which was suspended in the air, it began to rotate and the opening lyrics sounded throughout the classroom.

"Ah, Dirrty…Filthy…Nasty…Too dirty to clean my act up…" A deep male voice boomed out, Lavender sat up and swished her wand to stop the CD.

"Uh, we have a problem." She said her forehead creased slightly. Ginny frowned in confusion.

"What now?" She asked. Lavender sighed.

"Well Redman is featured in the song isn't he? I'm gonna sound even more bloody stupid if I have to rap as well as sing." She explained. Hermione bit her lip thoughtfully then snapped her fingers.

"Got it!" She cried. "Lee!"

"Lee?" Lavender repeated looking bewildered by Hermione's ecstatic expression. Hermione nodded vigorously.

"Lee Jordan. Oh my god, yes! He can rap. He can be your partner for the dancing, and he is amazing at street dancing too! He can freestyle at some point! He'll be wicked. I'm a genius." She added grinning broadly.

"Well okay. I'll ask him I guess. We'll need to practise the singing together." Lavender said glancing at her watch. "I better go now, I said I'd see Ron before it got too late." She explained apologetically.

"Okay. Well me and Gin will find a partner each and you and Lee try and practise tomorrow night maybe. We can all meet up partners and all on Thursday night, here." Hermione suggested. Ginny nodded.

"We should all go down to Hogsmeade Friday to get our costumes." Ginny added then with an afterthought she yelped. "We have hardly any time! I mean we're forgetting the dance is on Saturday!" She gasped. Hermione shrugged confidently.

"It'll be fine. I mean, we can bluff." She said boldly. "Right I better be going I said I'd help Harry with some homework, and I need to find a partner. You coming Gin?" She asked. Ginny shook her head, knowing she wouldn't be able to sleep for hours yet, due to her messed up body clock thanks to too many late night meetings.

"No, I'll run through a few more moves. I'll be up soon." She said watching Hermione and Lavender scurry from the room