Chapter 23
As June rolled around Harry and the rest of the school were immersed in their end of the year exams. He felt he had done exceptionally well in Charms, Transfigurations, and Defense Against the Dark Arts, however, his Potions final was another story. Snape appeared to have made it his personal vendetta to keep him from making a descent score on his Potion's exam.

"Don't worry about him Harry, even though you didn't get your potion just right, I'm sure you did okay on your written exam," said Hermione as they walked out of the Potions class after there exam.

"Bloody git, he makes me so angry sometimes Hermione, I feel I could just explode whenever he talks to me," said Harry through clenched teeth.

"I know, he makes us all feel that way, except for the Slytherins, but that's not the point" said Hermione as they both wondered down to the lake where they were supposed to meet Ron and Sarah.

"Harry!" Yelled Sarah as he and Hermione approached a rather large tree by the lake that Sarah and Ron were sitting under.

"Hey mate, Snape didn't give you to much heat did he?" Asked Ron.

"Nah, about the same as always, I'm just glad the tests are over, I'm exhausted.

"Yeah me to, no more studying till next year," said Ron brightly.

"You okay Harry, you seem kind of tense," said Sarah as she rested her hand on his arm.

"Yeah, just got a lot of things on my mind," said Harry.

"Well here, maybe this will help," said Sarah as she moved around behind him and began to message his back and shoulders. "Feel better?"

"Yeah, thank you," said Harry.

"That's what I'm here for," said Sarah brightly.

"Hey Hermione, how about it," said Ron as he watched longingly as Sarah rubbed lazy circles on Harry's back.

"No way, don't even think about it," said Hermione.

"Come on, I'll give you one afterwards," said Ron. "Please."

"Fine, but only for a little bit," said Hermione exasperatedly.

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Back in Dumbledore's office things where not quite so calm. "I just don't get it, he began like he did the last time he began his rein of terror, but now he's laying low. It just doesn't make any since," said Moody gruffly as he paced back and forth in front of McGonagall and Dumbledore.

"Has Harry had any more visions?" asked McGonagall.

"No, I think he has finally managed to block most of Voldemorts attempts to enter his mind," said Dumbledore.

"Well, I am sure he would tell you if he had another one," said McGonagall.

"That I am not so sure of any more Minerva. Harry still trust me, yes, but after denying him entry into the order, not telling him the prophecy like I should have, and avoiding all contact with him last year. Harry and our relationship is not as close as it once was," said Dumbledore with a small sigh.

"The boy still has an enormous amount of respect for you Albus," said Moody.

"Yes, but an old man's mistake has left a jagged scar on his heart that is taking some time to repair," said Dumbledore.

"Do you know that he has been coming to me for help twice a week for the last month on Transfigurations?" Asked McGonagall looking for a topic to brighten her friend and colleague's heart.

"Yes I am, and has he succeeded transfiguring an object into a phoenix?" Asked Dumbledore.

"Y-Yes he has, he Transfigured a goblet into a phoenix yesterday, but how did you know that?" Asked McGonagall dumbfounded.

"Alas Minerva, I have kept my eye on young Harry ever since he stepped through those great oak doors six years ago," said Dumbledore. "I have rejoiced along with him and felt his heartache with every step he has taking while in this castle."

"He still loves you Albus, make no mistake on that," said McGonagall.

"Thank you," said Dumbledore. "Moody have you made arrangements for Harry's watcher the first week home from school?"

"That's why I'm here Albus. Tonks has tried her hardest to get off work, you know how close she has gotten with him now, but Fudge the old fart has laden her with a pile of paper work. Remus will be out of commission if you know what I mean. Molly could not do much in the sort of protection, and Aurthur is in the same boat as Tonks. I've tried all my other sources, but we have everyone else out on assignment. Do you think he would be alright for a week till our people get back?" Asked Moody.

"It appears I have more bad news to trouble Harry with now," said Dumbledore sadly.

"What do you mean?" Asked McGonagall.

"Harry will not be able to leave his house at all till a guard can be with him," said Dumbledore.

"But you can't expect him to stay confined inside a house with those Muggles for a whole week. They are horrible," said McGonagall.

"I know, which is why I am afraid this will put another riff into our already strained relationship," said Dumbledore without a hint of twinkle in his blue eyes.

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"Harry, do you really think Voldemort is going to attack you at the next solstice?" Asked Ron as he turned around to return the favor to Hermione shoulders.

"Probably," said Harry as he began to turn to return the favor to Sarah as well.

"No it's all right Harry, I like drawing shapes on your back, besides you have been the one under all the added pressure. Just, how can you be so calm about all of this? I'm terrified for you," said Sarah.

"Yeah, Harry you are under a lot of pressure, and I still think you should tell Dumbledore about your dreams," said Hermione.

"Listen Hermione, Dumbledore has enough to deal with without him having to listen to my dreams. Besides, the prophecy said that I have to defeat Voldemort, so it really doesn't matter if Dumbledore is their or not," said Harry.

"But aren't you even a little worried about what will happen if he shows up at your house?" Asked Sarah.

"Yes and no. I'm tired Sarah, all of this has been looming over my head for so long that it's a relief that it could all be over in another week," said Harry.

"Well it's beginning to get late, maybe we should head to the Great Hall for dinner," suggested Hermione.

"Yeah, I'm starved. Hey mate, after you defeat Voldy-You-Know, do you want to come stay at the Burrow for the rest of the summer?" Asked Ron.

"Yeah Ron, that would be great," said Harry smiling at the confidence his friends had in him.

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As the last week of school passed and everyone was boarding the train at Hogsmead station Harry found he was having a hard time pulling his eyes away from the place he called home for so long. He made it a special point to say a goodbye to all of his professors minus Snape, and to all of his friends that he knew he wouldn't see on the train. The only dampening point throughout his last week was when Dumbledore had called him into his office to tell him that he had to stay inside the house with the Dursleys for a whole week. However, he couldn't bring himself to voice his disapproval with is aged and beloved Headmaster.

"Oi Harry, now you take care of yourself now, you'll be back here before you know it," said Hagrid as Harry hugged him before he got on the train.

"Hagrid, you want to know something before I leave?" Asked Harry as he stepped back from the door of the train.

"What's that," said Hagrid with a big grin on his hairy face.

"You were the first friend I ever had, and I'll never forget that. I made a wish the day I turned eleven, knowing full well that it wouldn't happen. I wished that just once, for one day, I would have a real friend who would take me away from the Dursleys. You made that wish come true Hagrid, and that was the greatest gift you could have ever given me," said Harry. "I'll see yah Harid."

"B-bye Harry," said Hagrid, as he seemed to have become fixated to where he was standing.

On the train ride home the weather seemed to be the complete opposite of the way Harry was feeling inside. With a bright blue sky and warm weather, everyone seemed to be in high spirits, except for Harry, Ron, Hermione, and Sarah.

"Harry this isn't a good idea, we have to tell someone, please!" Cried Hermione as tears poured down her cheeks.

"Hermione, you know this is how it has to be, remember what Hagrid told us at the end of our fourth year? What will come, will come, and that is when we must do something about it. Well, that time has come for me, and I'm going to do something about it. Besides, I tend to fight better alone," said Harry.

"You be careful mate, you're my best friend you know, and I don't particularly feel like finding a replacement," said Ron.

"Yeah, and it's to hard to find a new boyfriend, especially when I prefer the one I got," said Sarah as she rested her tear stained face on his shoulder.

"I love you guys," said Harry. "But I do need you to play it cool when we get off the train. I don't want to be alerting any of the order members."

"Don't worry about that Harry, I'll make sure everything goes okay," said Ron.

With those last words the rest of the journey passed pleasantly as the four of them relished in the remaining time they had promised to each other. Harry wished it could have gone on like this for the rest of his life, to be normal, but as he had learned on to many occasions, time would never slow down when something unpleasant awaited him. As the Hogwarts Express pulled into the train station, the four of them gathered their things, and prepared to leave the train.

"Watcher Harry!" Have a good trip?" Said Tonks as she gave him a big hug.

"Yeah, I wish it could have lasted forever," said Harry as Mrs. Weasley swooped in for her death hug on Harry.

"It's so good to see you again dear, I promise we will have you out of your relatives house in no time," said Mrs. Weasley.

"Well, I'm going to hold you to that now," said Harry, as Remus rested his hands on his shoulders.

"There here Harry, you want me to help you with your stuff?" Asked Remus.

"Nah, it's okay, I was wondering though if you would keep this?" Asked Harry as he handed Remus and closed letter.

"Sure, what is it?" Asked Remus.

"Nothing of great importance, just don't open it," said Harry.

"Got yah, don't open it. Well, what do you want me to do with it then."

"Just hang on to it, it may come in useful," said Harry as he shocked Remus by hugging him before he left.

Walking away from the ones he began to look at as his true family was the hardest thing Harry had to do, but with great determination at a strong will to make sure he kept up his end of the bargain, he walked with his head up in front of the Dursleys out of the train station to meet his fate.

```````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````` ```````````````````````````````` Ah, only a couple of more chapters left. See I told you I wouldn't stop this fiction before it was finished. So look for the next chapter next Saturday, but if I am delayed, then it will be out no later then the following Saturday. Until then, have fun reading, and stay safe.