Disclaimer: I don't own it, so please don't sue me, I'm just having fun! J

"So how was Divination?" asked Hermione Granger as she joined her two best friends, Harry Potter and Ron Weasley for lunch in the Great Hall. It was only three days into their 7th year at Hogwarts and classes were already becoming demanding. But that didn't change how glad Hermione was to be back at Hogwarts with Harry and Ron. She often wondered what she was going to do without it next year. It had seemed like only yesterday that they were all huddled together as they nervously waited to be sorted. 

          "Do you really need to ask?" scowled Ron as he reached for more bread.

"Before long, I'm going to need a gas mask just to walk into that room!"

          She stared at Harry questioningly.

          "Just the usual," he answered as he bit into a ham sandwich.

"Trelawney predicting my death, telling Ron he's not concentrating hard enough on his tea junk, praising Lavender and Parvati, blah blah blah. It's all the same."

          "Well then why did you take the class again? You didn't have to," Hermione pointed out.

          "I took it because Harry was," Ron insisted and Harry gave a small shrug.

          "I thought it might be useful if I want to be an Auror," he said.

Hermione sighed, the two of them were definitely something else, but she wouldn't trade them in for the world.

"So, uh, Ron, care to share with the class what's wrong?" she asked casually, reaching for a sandwich.

          "Why are girls so bloody confusing?!" Ron suddenly blurted out.

          "It's ok Weasely, it's not your fault that your brain is so small, how could you possibly comprehend the female mind with a brain like that! I've met trees smarter than you," announced Draco Malfoy, with a smirk on his face as he approached their table. He gave Ron a once over and then added,

"And better looking."

          "Sod off Malfoy," Harry stared at him from across the table.

          "Oh, keep your pants on Potter. Believe me; I'm not here for a social hour. As much as I would love to stay and chat about Weasely's inability to grasp the concept of women, now that he's all grown up, I have better things to do with my time."

          Ron shot him a look of utter hatred.

"I'm here to get Granger, Professor Dumbledore has requested to see us both," Draco added.

          "Alright, I'll see guys later I guess," Hermione sighed as she grabbed her bag, leaving her unfinished sandwich on the table.

          "Wonder what that's all about?" said Harry.

          "I can understand girls just fine thanks!" Ron shouted after him. The entire Great Hall turned and stared at him. He flushed red and slowly sat down, as laughter broke out amongst the tables.

          "Here," Harry passed Ron his piece of pie, stifling a laugh.

"You definitely need this more than I do."

          "Thanks mate."

Well, that's my first chapter! Hi everyone! This is my first time posting a fanfiction and I'm really nervous about it. I don't know if I'm the only one, but I always wonder if my writing is any good. It seems ok to me, but I'm not exactly the best judge! LOL! Anyway, I would really appreciate any reviews! I know it's short, but if I continue (if people want me to!) chapters will definitely be longer. I know there are some really talented writers on this site, I've read quite a few fanfics and they're quite good. Well, thanks for your time and please review!
