A/N: wwwweeeee hi ppl, yes I have started on something neewww (and to think I'm not done with the first fic I wrote, o well it wasn't any prize) ok so yah I alwayz thought I didn't know enuff of Yu Yu to ever make a fanfic about it, but I think I do... *thinks about it for a second* yah I think I do, o well I'm going to make it anywayz since I have written down a lot so far. As some of you know (well only the ones who know me) I adore Hiei (maybe because I can be just as cold as he can be.. hmm..) yes anywayz getting to the disclaimer I do NOT own Yu Yu Hakusho or any thing else I have added in here that I seemed to be forgetting. O YES or lord of the rings *smile* not that I think I could get sued for the use of a lord of the rings poster.... o well just to be on the safe side.. Anywayz ON WITH THE FANFIC!!!

Chapter 1: The Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers.. poster

Kat slowly woke to a cold dark night. As she sat up she waited for her vision to clear. Instead of seeing her The Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers poster, she saw immense darkness. As she went to put her hand down on her bed, she found nothing to be there and fell the to the space that was once her bed. She hit the ground hard on her back. Kat waited a couple of seconds as she tried to breath, She attempted to sit up, but that wasn't a good idea because she had found that she had also hit her head hard too. As she felt the bump on her head she gave a shocked look. Her hair.. was it..spiked?? No it couldn't be, her hair was too long for her to be able to spike it and besides, she didn't remember doing it. She lay on her back thinking about the day. The only thing that struck her as odd was that afternoon. She was walking to her house when she had seen this kid, or would have thought to be except he was dressed in black and looked to have a pretty bad attitude. This wouldn't have really occurred as being odd, but when she was passing him, she felt a sharp pain run through her body. She had looked back at the boy and saw he was looking directly at her. She turned her head to the side. "That really makes no difference, was I sleep walking.. then climbing.. Then sleep styling my hair to make it do the impossible?? No, Kat you moron.." She thought to herself, "Then...What?"

Hiei stood in an open field. He looked out and the sky went almost immediately dark. Yukina came into view, walking towards him, then almost as mysteriously as she appeared, disappeared. He held out a hand attempting to yell out her name and found himself to be mute. All of a sudden the field shifted into a busy street, and now he was walking. Hiei noticed a strange girl and as he passed her by a deep pain hit his entire body. He looked back and saw her looking straight at him with a sort of shocked look on her face. He sat up quickly, panting a bit. Hiei closed his eyes and put his hand over his face. He opened his eyes again expecting to see pitch black. Instead the scene his eyes saw was a wall not to far away from his feet. There was a rather large poster on the wall with the reading The Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers. Hiei raised an eyebrow and looked around. Was he on... a bed? He put his hands down and pressed. It moved slightly, making a watery sort of sound. "A water bed?" He thought to himself as he cautiously swung his legs over the bed, then stopped suddenly. When he moved, he noticed something on his shoulder move. He carefully moved his hand over to it and felt what it was. Was this.... hair? He moved his hands back and forth on his head. "My hair is spiked, and not nearly this long..." he thought as he stood up, still rubbing his head in fascination. He stopped suddenly and looked quickly to his right. Hiei's eyes widened as he gazed upon the sight the mirror gave him. There was a bump (or rather two) on his chest. His eyes almost popped out of his head at that. He stared at the mirror then down to his now 'mid-drift', mirror, mid-drift, mirror, mid-drift, mirror again until it hit him hard. He backed up, hoping this was a dream and accidentally tripped over some shit that was lying on the floor. That sent him falling backwards, hitting the side of the bedside table, knocking him unconscious.

A/N: hiyah doods, sry this was sooo short, but when I wrote it out on paper it was 2 and a half pages (I lie it was only 1 and a half). XD but I promise the next chapter will be longer, its 3 and a half some odd pages written out (I lie again its only about 2 and a half now.. it shall get longer..... I think) well I leave you with this page now. TELL ME WHAT YOU THINK, I need to know if I'm sinking to the bottom of the Atlantic or if I'm on a good track. So you know what THAT means.... yes my fellow fanfic writers... I mean review (and I would greatly appreciate it too, see I hate to beg like this, it makes me sound like such a bad writer.... wait I am a bad writer *blushes*) so I bid you adieu till the next chapter *waves retardedly* BAI BAI