Warning: Slash. Shounen Ai, and a touch of of yaoi maybe. A.k.A. If you are uncomfortable with homosexual relationships…then I suggest you get out of here…fast.
Disclaimer: None of the characters save for 'twins' and the 'auntie' are mine. They belong to J.K. Rowling. But seeing as she's probably NOT going to be writing any Harry/Draco into the books… us fans have to make do, ne?
Draco Malfoy was feeling particularly bored that one fated day of sixth year. He didn't feel like hanging out with the other Slytherins at the moment. Sometimes their lack of intelligence, humor, wit, cunning, and finesse got to him. Though saying sometimes was a bit of an understatement.
The twins were out with their friends, and had rudely said that Draco was not to come. He felt miffed and underappreciated. Being their guardian was a pain in the arse as they often caused mayhem and mischief. Though, Draco thought back to the years that that the Weasley twins were at Hogwarts, The words mayhem and mischief are sure to come along with every set of twins in the world. And it's just my luck that auntie leaves me with TWO.
And just then… as if the angels above felt like answering his prayer for release from boredom and sulkiness… was Harry Potter strolling along without Granger or Weasley. Ha, ha, thought Draco gleefully. Aggravating Potter was one of his favorite pastimes, and he was NEVER bored when Potter was around. (A/N: Gee, I WONDER why…)
An added bonus was that he hadn't had the chance to strike at the boy since the twins were placed under his custody. Constant attention had to be given to the little brats… He hadn't even time to slick back his hair anymore! But not that it mattered anymore. He had officially lost his title as the total and complete ice prince of Slytherin since the day Pansy had saw him mothering the twins when she had come by the villa his auntie had left for him. The word had then spread in Hogwarts that Draco was as a mother hen as a mother hen could possibly get. His evil image was forever ruined.
He scowled. Apparently people thought Draco Malfoy mothering two sets of twins was CUTE, and more interesting than Harry Potter being a bisexual. HUMPH.
And he STILL hadn't gotten her to him how she knew he was there. He shivered. Pansy was a nice girl sometimes, but there was something… off about her. He hated to deign to think that she was stalking him. Stalkers were creepy. (A/N: Uh huh, yeah sure. Like you're one to talk.)
But at least he had gotten her back for it, with the help of the twins. And the villa now had a concealment spell on it to avoid any future unwelcome visitors. He smiled as he remembered Pansy, blue skin and all, and then he gagged.
And with that, our young mister Draco Malfoy hopped off of the window ledge, and glided silently after the other taller boy without another one his musings for the time period.
Harry Potter was feeling a bit put out at the moment. Ron and Hermione were out on a date. They had kindly asked him to join, but he knew better than to intrude. All the other Gryffindors were off doing something, and he didn't want to stay put for fear of unpleasant memories arising. He had to keep his mind occupied.
As Harry rounded the corner… he suddenly realized that someone was following him. He growled. Voldemort couldn't have possibly infiltrated Hogwarts yet. Though the war was getting worse and worse as time flew by… Voldemort had never been able to get into Hogwarts since fourth year. Who then? He whirled around just in time to see a silver flash of hair duck behind armor.
Malfoy? He thought. But Malfoy hadn't had enough time lately to bother with Harry anymore. That thought somehow annoyed Harry. But it was somewhat amusing to watch as Malfoy raced through the door, his silken tresses a mess, his clothes buttoned all wrong, his cheeks slightly flushed and him out of breathe.
Snape always gave him a bemused smiled, which Harry thought a bit creepy, before asking Malfoy the same question he had always asked with a tinge of sadistic laughter, "How are they, your charges?" Malfoy would narrow his eyes at the Potions master, scowl, bite out a comment like," Healthy enough as they seem to ripped a couple of buttons off of my shirt, Now may I please sit down Professor?"
At first everyone thought Malfoy was getting shagged… by more than one person. Though Ron and Hermione seemed horrified… Padma said it was because they had a biased opinion of the effeminate blonde. Harry dug into his mind, trying to remember the exact words she had used. "Malfoy may be an insufferable git most of the time," earning some reproachful looks from both Ron and Hermione," but he's an ATTRACTIVE insufferable git. Just because he's nasty on the inside, doesn't mean he's nasty on the outside." Harry had to admit, that Malfoy was attractive, but his negative personality outweighed any possibility of any rational human falling for him.
It's been a while. I wonder what he's up to. Harry thought. He grinned. "Hey, Malfoy! I already saw you, so there's no need to hide." Harry waited patiently for a while before a fleck of silver poked out from behind the armor… and then Malfoy's head. Harry's grin widened some more. "Hey, Malfoy. Long time no see. So why are you stalking me?" The other boy just scowled.
"I am not stalking you!" Draco said testily. He frowned. Following him didn't qualify as stalking did it? While Draco was still hiding behind the armor thinking, Harry took the opportunity to walk over to the other boy. He bowed his head a little, and peered into the other boy's face, startling him.
"W-what are you doing, Potter?" stuttered Malfoy, and then he mentally slapped himself for stuttering. Harry grinned. "Bloody hell." thought Draco. "This is not good. Why does he keep doing that???? He should be frowning… he should be scowling…he should be doing anything but grinning!!! Bloody prat's doing this on purpose. AND MALFOYS DO NOT, UNDER ANY CIRCUMSTANCES, STUTTER!!!!!!"
Harry then suddenly said," You're cute."
To which Draco Malfoy replied with," WHAT?" And he looked fervently around, wondering for the first time about the whereabouts of every bloody student and/or teacher in the school. Harry just grinned at him. Making Malfoy flustered is fun. He's adorable when he's not trying to be a poor imitation of a death eater. Though he is losing his evil touch. Must be his mother henning. He thought. Well, at least he's much more bearable now. MUCH better than the previous years.
Draco tried to piece together his scowling face… but it was getting to be a bit hard right now… "Damn," he thought. "The twins are making me go soft. I am so losing my evil touch." Harry's face was inching closer to Draco's and he looked nervously about for an escape. As if sensing his thoughts, Harry merrily pinned Draco to the wall with his hands above his head. "Oh Bugger. I am so screwed."
Draco said nervously," Ah, Potter, what in Merlin's name are you doing?" Harry lost all signs of playfulness and stared intensely at Draco, making the blond more uncomfortable by the second. But he was determined not to squirm.
"I thought you swore by Salazar." Said Harry finally.
Draco blinked. Eh?
"I do."
"But you just swore by Merlin."
Draco squirmed under Harry's intense look. "Bloody hell, he does have mesmerizing eyes…" he thought a bit dreamily, aware that he was drifting off topic.
"I have mesmerizing eyes?" inquired Harry to which Draco stared at him, shocked.
"Oh bugger. I did not just say that out loud." Draco moaned. Harry fidgeted a little now. Gah, I want to take him right now.
"Stop getting off subject. I thought you swore by Salazar."
"I do. I just occasionally like to say Merlin. It's a bloody fascinating name. All right?" He tried scowling once again at the boy called Harry Potter, but the time with the twins was taking its toll, and all he could manage was a somewhat pouty and somewhat sulky look.
Harry looked at Draco again… and Draco found himself shivering under that intense green gaze. He looked up with his own silvery gray eyes and was about to say something when Potter's lips crashed down on his own. Having left his mouth often, Potter slipped his tongue inside.
Soon Potter's lips left his own and glided down towards his white buttoned up collared shirt… and then he tore the buttons off with his teeth. Draco watched a bit dazedly as Harry pushed the fabric of his shirt off his shoulders, and pulled back to look at Draco's pale face tinged with a bit of pink. He grinned.
Draco gulped, looked around skittishly, and started to shout," Bloody hell! Someone help! Potter's gone ma-". MUMPH. He blinked in surprise and realized that Potter had taken the liberty to silence him through means of a second kiss. He felt the heat rise to his face in embarrassment. Why me? Why am I being molested by Potter? Why is Potter acting like this? Why am I actually enjoying it? Oh Salazar, where the fuck are you?
Harry looked at the slightly slimmer and shorter boy as he was musing in his thoughts and released Draco's hands, moving his own down to other boy's waist and drawing him closer as Harry kissed his way down Draco's neck. Draco moaned, his hands entwined around Harry's neck, and Harry chuckled into his collarbone. Draco sighed. Harry was all smiles inside and out. He was keeping occupied and he was having fun. He liked Malfoy like this.
Suddenly though, Draco realized that he had just let out a sound of pleasure at Potter's slobbering on his neck. Well, it wasn't really slobbering his other self reasoned. After all, it did feel nice… Wouldn't it be nice if he did that in some other places? And Draco promptly told this other voice to shut up as he was going to put a stop to this … this sexual assault right now. The other voice whined in disappointment and called Draco a pansy arsed ferret boy before disappearing, leaving an extremely irritated Malfoy in its wake.
And a moment later a certain Harry Potter was left standing in the corridor, blinking at the spot where a very cute and luscious boy at been, having torn away from him rather quickly with unbidden strength. He turned his head and watched with a bit of amusement and irritation as Malfoy ran away. He sighed in disappointment. He had been planning on doing lots more to the other boy; plans which included some fruits, cream, and a certain fair haired young man in his bed…naked.
Draco Malfoy was extraneously relieved to find that Potter had not followed him and slowed down to a brisk walk. He had to get back to his dorm room quickly. It wouldn't do to have anyone see him in such a disheveled state. Well, he could always take points off it was a student… but if it was a teacher… He shook his head of such thoughts and started walking faster, unaware that his surname was being called.
Harry was about to just walk away when he remembered something. Wouldn't it be nice he paid Malfoy back for stalking him? He grinned. Oh this was going to be so much fun! He started scheming as he pulled out his handy Marauders Map and started walking in the direction of a tiny dot labeled Malfoy. Now… where would he take the other boy? Back to Gryffindor Tower? No, that was bit too risky. Astronomy Tower? No, chances were that some couple was already there going at it. "!" and suddenly he thought back to fifth year and grinned. The Room of Requirement would be perfect!
Draco kept walking and Harry frowned as he had been calling Malfoy for quite some time now. Hmmm…. "Oh Draco dear! Come back here and give me a kiss!" he called quite cheerfully and teasingly.
Draco had been walking for quite some time now…losing himself in his worries when he suddenly heard a voice he did not want to hear right now. And the words… he found himself blushing as he whirled around and spat angrily," In your dreams Potter!"
Harry found himself to be the recipient of some of Draco's saliva and thought that there could be better places where that could be. Draco seemed shocked that Harry was so close and he took advantage of that to suddenly sweep Draco off of his feet.
Draco realized the fact that his feet were no longer on the ground at that he was being carried somewhere a bit too late… and he smacked himself with the palm of his hand. The twins are definitely getting to me. He thought rather miserably.
Having given up completely, Draco asked Harry rather sulkily," Where are you taking me?" Harry smiled at him and Draco froze. He's rather handsome when he smiles… he thought.
Harry said happily," We are going to a private place where I can sexually assault you to my heart's content."
Draco muttered," Great… out of all the people… it had to be Potter… stupid oaf… might as well club me in the head like a barbaric ogre and drag me back to his tower to shag… Why couldn't it have been someone with more style and finesse… I would have liked to have been courted before this…"
Harry said sweetly," Sorry, did you say something Draco?" He received a glare and as Draco was going to open his mouth to bite out a nasty reply, Harry said with a smile on his face," Why, aren't you eager? Do you want another kiss that badly?" Draco clamped his lips shut in time and looked away as his cheeks began to turn that becomingly familiar shade of pink.
"I hate you Pot-" MUMPH.
-The End-
^_^ Heh… Are you disappointed? Welps, leave a review and maybe I'll see if I'll write some more… My face was red most of the time I writing this…. ^^;;;