Thanks guys for Reviewing. I hope that there is more to come. But I really must warn you, this fic is going to get weird and some of you might not like it. So I hope that you guys won't criticize that much because I already told you about it. Anyway, I don't mind flames. I actually enjoy them like I do with reviews. And I do hope that everyone who reads this will review. Here's chapter one.

The usual disclaimer.

Title: Don't Read Me

Chapter One: Hidden Diaries

" Guys, I don't know what is going on exactly, but I'll find out sooner or later. Right now, I suggest that you take this outside," Ayako step out from the shadows and went near the quartets. Ayako gave them a warning look, her fan resting on her shoulders. Youhei scowl and turn away from them, going out of the gym. The other three followed.

Once they are gone, the gym is filled with noises and whispered. All four former captions of Shoyo, Shohoku, Ryonan and Kainan instantly gave their infamous glares (Fujima glare? That's weird) immediately, the gym quiet down and resumes its practice. Except for Rukawa who has a sprained ankle from an accident and is require taking a rest. That and Sendoh won't let Rukawa play.

Is it just coincidence that Rukawa decided to station himself near the door for today or not? Anyways, from the position he has, he can see and hear everything the Gundan and Youhei are saying, oh, his listening all right. Listening intently.

" Youhei, you got to understand. We can't always protect Hanamichi. He has to grow up," Noma gently said, not wanting to draw any more attention to them. " The only reason I haven't gone and chase Hanamichi down is because I can't find a job that will pay for a boat trip within a day. Be thankful for that," Youhei answered with a deep growl, his eyes blazing with anger.

" Yes, we are very thankful for that," Takamiya replied sarcastically.

" Youhei, look at this, this way, Hanamichi said that he is ready and willing," Yuji pointed.

" Ready and willing to hurt himself. Again," Youhei retorted stubbornly.

" Okay, enough! We can't do anything anymore. Instead, why don't we think of something for Hanamichi's another problem," Noma suggested, surprisingly wanting to make peace. " What about it?" Youhei ask. " You know what it does to Hanamichi. He hardly had any sleep this pass few weeks. We must do something. Besides, don't laugh, but I don't want to see Hanamichi hurting anymore than he has to. And seeing Rukawa and Sendoh together hurts him," Noma answered, blushing.

" It's almost similar to the last problem," Takamiya stated.

" Except that Sendoh hasn't exactly tried anything, yet," Yuji added.

" I'll handle it," Youhei answered, his voice sounded calm. The four started to walk away from the gym. " What are you planning to do?"

" I'll make sure that Hanamichi will be Rukawa-free by the time he returns on Monday. It's the least I can do," Youhei answered, expertly avoiding the question, ask.

Rukawa's side:

"That do'aho has a problem with us? And what did they mean about Akira not trying anything yet? What's wrong with the do'aho? Why am I even thinking of the do'aho?" Rukawa thought to himself, very troubled, his face is contorted into a frowning one.

" Because he's your friend and you care for him," a voice whispered to him.

Rukawa's head shot up in surprise, looking around if anyone is near him. Seeing as to nobody is; he decided that it is only the fatigue that took over him. Deciding to take an early rest for today, Rukawa bid Sendoh good-bye and left the gym. Actually, Sendoh kiss Rukawa good-bye, but it's a normal occurrence so everybody was used to it, everybody but Hanamichi, which is good that he is gone.

Walking quickly back to their flat, Rukawa entered the room and stop at Hanamichi's room. Rukawa and Sendoh's room is connected with Hanamichi. In order for the two aces to go to their room, they will have to pass on Hanamichi's room, giving Hanamichi more headaches, because Rukawa would sometimes pass by naked or Sendoh and Rukawa kissing each other to death coming in.

Now that Hanamichi is gone, Rukawa realize how empty the room looked and felt. Whenever he comes back, Hanamichi is always there, either studying or sleeping. He stopped calling Rukawa names and vice versa, but there is still a lively aura surrounding Hanamichi that Rukawa felt himself alive by that aura.

And another thing that bothered Rukawa…

The first day that the three moved in, Rukawa saw Hanamichi put something on the first drawer of his study table, locked it and hid the key. Rukawa never saw Hanamichi opened the drawer at least once or twice a month. But every time Hanamichi would do that, he goes into great deal of secrecy just doing so as if keeping something from the world.

Hanamichi wears the key around his neck and only takes it off when practice starts, putting it on a small golden, metallic lock that Hanamichi would always bury deep within his duffle bag. Occasionally, Rukawa notice that Hanamichi would look at his bag with slight panic whenever a teammate or just any human being get close to his duffle bag. He doesn't know if the redhead takes it off when he showers because after practice, Hanamichi would immediately go back home. It's like his paranoid of something or someone taking the key away from his grasp.

And Rukawa's sharp eyes noticed that Hanamichi wasn't wearing the necklace a few minutes back.

Looking over at the table, Rukawa instantly notice the necklace innocently lying on the surface. Closing the distance in long, quick strokes, Rukawa look at the object with rapt interest. "That do'aho must have left it here when he showed this morning. Whatever his affairs today and tomorrow, must be really important for him to forget his precious key," Rukawa thought to himself. His hand inches forward and grasp the small metallic object, felling the coldness it emits through his warm ones.

Rukawa debated whether he should invade Hanamichi's privacy or not. The thought of that Hanamichi doesn't like him and him back flew from his mind. Even the thought of why he is doing such a thing when he was suppose to not care about the red-head, disappeared. Deciding to finally do his long awaited whim, he turn to look at the wall clock that hand above the bed of his flat mate, he is please to see that he has a long time to waste before Sendoh returns home. Not to mention that it is a Friday night and that Sendoh would probably go out with Koshino and Uozumi for a drink or two.

Slowly, Rukawa open the lock drawer. He carefully pulled it open and watch with rap interest of the content of the rectangular box. It was filled with red, hard-bounded notebooks, to which Rukawa guess to be is that those are Hanamichi's diaries. Right now, all logical thought flew from the basketball player's mind and curiosity took full control.

Rukawa gingerly took hold of the diaries and place them on top of Hanamichi's bed. Each of the diaries is labeled with a number. But one particular diary is colored bright violet with golden rims and a small keyhole glittering, as if mocking Rukawa's integrity. Ignoring it since it cannot be open without a key, Rukawa tries to decide which number would he firs read.

Contrary to popular belief, Rukawa is actually curious Hanamichi's past. He has only heard of the boy's father and fifty heartbreaks, but never about him and his past. One time, Ayako and Youhei were talking, when Ayako ask if Hanamichi has any sibling. Youhei instantly turned cold and expertly eluded the topic. It seems, to Rukawa's keen eyes, that Youhei was enrage by Ayako's innocent question, and it only serve to fuel Rukawa's curiosity even more.

Finally deciding that with all the time in the world to waste, he'll start reading the first one.

Diary One

Entry One

Okaa-san gave this diary to me for onii-chan's and my thirteenth birthday. She told me that I should write down the things that happened to my thoughts and me so that when I grow up, I'll have memories to look back to. Even Onii-chan is given one. His was colored light violet and has this small lock to it since onii-chan manages to misplace his things around. Mine has none because okaa-san said that between onii-chan and me, I am more responsible.

Onii-chan didn't mind at all. I think that he even likes it when he is irresponsible. Like one time, onii-chan was the one who was suppose to clean our room because it was his turn, he just left dragging me to a basketball court to play. When I ask him why he did that, he just answered "I want to spend time with my adorable, sweet twin brother."

He got into trouble afterwards.

Onii-chan is weird sometimes. He hardly talks to anyone, but me; and he hates Youhei-chan for some reason. I don't understand why though. Youhei-chan is very nice and friendly with me and I have known him since we were three. Onii-chan refused to like Youhei-chan since we were three, saying that he'll just steal me away from him.

I told him that Youhei-chan would never do such a thing and besides the fact that I am his twin, I won't be going anywhere.

And then there's Okaa-san and Otou-san. They always have this "alone-time" with onii-chan. I don't know what their talk is all about, but it always ends up with shouting and screaming. I would always rush right back to our room and bury my head under the piles of pillow I insist on having. A few minutes later, onii-chan would come up and smuggle with me on my bed. Whenever I ask him about it, he'll just shush me away and hug me tightly. It happens often and it became a habit for him to sleep on my bed instead of his.

Okaa-san would, the next morning after the fight, tell me to stay away from onii-chan and try not to give him hugs and kisses. I didn't understand why and whenever I ask them why, they'll look at me wearily and murmur and "Nevermind".

I'll turn to Youhei-chan and ask him why and he'll just tell me that it isn't normal for guys to give hugs and kisses.

I really don't understand. Are they saying I'm weird? Onii-chan is my twin brother, isn't it normal for me to give him a kiss and a hug whenever he needs it, or when I want to. I even do it sometimes with Youhei when he fell sad and lonely because his father would be going someplace dangerous again. Actually, onii-chan doesn't like it when I do it to other people, especially to Youhei-chan. He doesn't show it, but I could tell.

(Yawn) I'm very sleepy now. I'll just write tomorrow, after I finished my homework.

Oyasumi Nasai…

Rukawa smiled at the way Hanamichi writes on his dairy. He sounds more like a nine-year old then a thirteen. And he can't believe how naïve and innocent Hanamichi until now. "That do'aho didn't realize what his parents were trying to tell him. Even that Youhei guy understands. Nevertheless, I didn't know that he has a twin brother and that he used to play basketball." Shaking his head, Rukawa picked up the number five diary, skipping the number two, three, four and leaving the number one unfinished.

Lenin: A cliffhanger?!? Sorry about that, but my enthusiasm is deteriorating. Anyway, I know that some of you already noticed the strong scent of incest, but please, don't flame me. There will be more and if anyone don't wan to read such things, you can stop right now. Anyhow, in the next chapter, which will be much more longer I promise, if anyone review, Rukawa will read something very shocking for him and he'll realize something. I'll be focusing more on Hanamichi and his twin brother's past.

I am warning everybody thought, it'll start to get weirder and weirder.

Please Review.