Hey all of my fellow Trigun fans! I am happy to bring you my first Trigun story! I can't wait to hear what all of you think. Tell my the truth but go easy on me, I know I'm an awful speller and my grammar isn't so great. I have checked for problems a millions times but sometimes they still seem to slip through on me. I hope you like it and if you have any Ideas of suggestions pleas tell me! So ENJOY!!!!

I've been struggling with the age ratting so it might change.


Disclaimer: I don't own Trigun of any of it's characters. But a girl can wish!



Marvel was a beautiful woman who made the mistake of saving Vash the Stampede now she couldn't get rid of him if she wanted to. Knives lay in bed recuperating and pushing everyone buttons. Will Meryl be able to take care of Knives with out killing him?

Chapter 1: Dawn

Gun smoke a desert planet home of outlaws, marshals, and innocent bystander a like. One man wanted to end it all stop the heart beat of this planet. Kill those who gave it life to this planet, humans. Another man wanted to stop him from doing this and in a bright flash of brilliant light and a charge of gunfire the world was saved, for at least one instant.

The room was baron little sat on the floor made of wooden planks. A chair, bed, and small nightstand table were all that sat in the space. Vash had taken everything else out protect everyone. Nothing but what was needed he said. But it didn't seem to matter Knives hadn't moved since Vash brought him to this room, and it had been six days. Light shined through the window illuminating his handsome face. He almost looked like an angel with his soft bond hair and his eyes closed. Too bad Millions Knives was a wolf in sheep's clothing.


The small saloon in the center of town was full of town's people. They laughed, danced, but mostly they drank. They drank because they were happy, they dank because they were sad, they drank to get away from it all, and Vash just watched them and he smiled. He thought of why he was always here too. If you wanted to find Vash the Stampede just look wherever they served alcohol.

Meryl Stryfe noticed the blond spiky haired man sitting at the bar from the doorway. His body hunched over the bar back to her with a beer in hand. He hadn't donned his red coat since the day he brought Knives into town. His leather body armor fastened with its silver buckles was his normal everyday attire now. Meryl dragged herself in and sat next to him. Her black hair out of place and petite frame was droopy. Gray eyes were noticeably weary and she seemed exhausted.

"Hey Meryl you seem kind of tired! You should …I don't know take a nap or something." Vash smiled and took a big gulp of his cold frosty beer.

"Well you know Vash I would but someone has to stay up and take care of your oh so dangerous brother and some how I got volunteered!" Meryl gave him an irritated look only she could give him. " How the hell did I get this job any way? Isn't he your evil bent on world destruction brother? Why aren't you watching him?"

"Well Meryl," Vash jumped up and casted a finger to the sky his blue green shining bright. "Someone has to protect this world form evil and promote love and peace all over! I must keep Gun Smoke safe!"

"And you're doing this from a bar stool how?"

Vash plopped himself down next to her again. "Hey man needs a drink."

"One of these days you're gonna drink yourself to death!" Meryl watched the barmaid as she poured Vash another drink.

"Well at least I'd die a happy man!" Vash howled with laughter.

Meryl slid her hand over and slipped her hand around Vash's mug. Then she promptly smashed him over the head with it. Vash's face was firmly planted into the wooden bar with a large thud.

Vash rubbed the large lump on his head, his face glowing red where it made contact with the top of the bar. He cried out "Hey what the hell ways that for!" with tears streamed down his face.

"Just proving a point you big baby!"

"And what would that be!"

Meryl smiled. "Drinking Hurts!"

"Well you got that right." Vash continued to rub the back of his head

"All right Mr. Love and peace I need you to go two towns over for some medical supplies. I've looked all over this town and I just can't find the stuff I need. Take this list and go to the general store in Preble Town. They should have everything we need" She slid him the list.

Vash looked at the list then took another swig of his beer. He noticed Meryl's red, angry face glaring at him. "Oh, you mean now."

"YES I MEAN NOW, SO GET GOING YOU IDIOT!" Everyone in the saloon watched on as she huffed and puffed.

Vash scrambled to his feet quickly "OK! I'm going, leaving now, right out the door!" Right before he stepped out he looked back at Meryl in the small tavern. "Meryl, if he wakes up I want you to know he's extremely dangerous. If he gets life -threatening under no circumstances do I want you to try to handle him yourself, ok? Take the people of this town and go some place safe. I'll return as soon as possible. Lets hope it doesn't come to that." Vash gave a small wave then went about his new journey.

Meryl watched the doors swing closed behind him and thought to herself * Some times I just want to give that guy a hug, but most of the time I just hit him on the head with some thing. But still, I wish his heart pounded for me like mine does for him. If I could only tell him maybe he feels the same. *


He couldn't remember a thing. There was a shot, the church, a bright flash of light, and then darkness. After that the as a burl of people, sounds, and light, it was memories from his lifetime of living. Then there was a felling of peace. And then he heard a voice, a beautiful voice of a woman. The voice told him every thing he needed to know. They weren't ready for him yet. He had to go back it wasn't his time and he had more good to do.

"Go back Nicholas, go back and protected them. Protect all our children. Go do what you know is right."

Then there was blackness again, then nothing.