I sit here, on my tree branch just on the outskirts of the forest that overlooks Robotropolis, gazing upon the bright pinpricks of light known as stars that fill the inky black sky. Not a soul knows just how much I spend out of the city I call my home, just looking upwards at the night sky.

For, after all, I'm nothing but a horrid, uncaring beast that delights in causing others pain.

I shake my head clear of those thoughts and settle my gaze back on the stars. Somewhere in the back of my mind, I can feel a near-overwhelming sadness that I don't dare go near.

For near that darkened emotion lies its reason. An entirely different feeling, one I've heard causes great joy at times and makes you wish you could just die at others. This is a single emotion that I keep locked away for nothing - absolutely nothing - should know I am capable of feeling it.

I was built to be perfect, but now I know nothing is. I used to fight for a dark man, now I do nothing at all as his other robots are destroyed, his city being taking back from him by the "rebels". I used to harbor a deep, dark hatred for one being, but it has fizzled out. It has burst into flame and from its ashes a new, more passionate feeling has arose…

I'm sorry. At times I just don't know what I'm thinking until I do.

But this feeling - and the knowledge of who it's directed at - unnerves me slightly. I feel as though I can't control what I should be able to.

… I wonder if this means I'm not the beast everyone takes me as…

Suddenly, my scanners flare up and I instinctively throw a cloak around myself, shielding my body from prying eyes - and robotic scanners. I peer through a gap in my tree's branches and resist the urge to gasp like some mortal.

It's him.

The one for whom this damnable emotion burns for.

The one from whom I would, if I were flesh and blood, run to and act like that annoying pink thing.

I shake my head once more and resume watching him, amazed at how still he is. All the times I have come into contact with him, he has been running, walking, jumping, moving at all times. To see him just standing there, looking out at the same city of my creation shocks me. But, his stillness provides me an excellent opportunity…

As he brings his gaze over the city, I carry my own up and down his body, taking in that sight of his body like a thirsting man takes in water.

I stand corrected. There is perfection in this world. And I am looking at it right now.

Abruptly, he whirls around, looking at where I sit with his gorgeous eyes narrowed in suspicion. I freeze where I am, though I know that he can not see me. It is impossible.

However, he seems to know I'm right here for a split-second before closing his eyes and giving his head a light shake. He turns about and walks back into the forest - not running amazingly.

Once he is out of sight, I lean against the tree trunk, a feeling of weariness that comes from relief that he didn't notice me and a deep sadness from the same reason.

Slowly, I turn my eyes to the heavens once more.

If I were flesh and blood I would not hesitate in the slightest when it comes to telling you.

Telling you that I, your own metal counterpart, am in love with you.

Sonic the Hedgehog….

Yay! *huggles muse* You actually gave me a vague plot thingy!

Tails: *choke*

Metal Sonic: … Why am I even here?

Angel: *lets go of Tails; glomps Metal* Cause I like you.

Tails: *rubs neck; hopeful* Does that mean I can go now?

Angel: Nope - you're stuck with me.

Tails: *cusses*

Angel: Anyway, *glances at clock* … I need sleep seeing as how it's one in the morning!

MS and Tails: Never bothered you before.

Angel: Quiet you two. *yawn* Me no own Sonic or anything relating to it. G'night… zzzzzz….