Disclaimer and explanation:

Firstly! I do not, how brilliant it might be, own The Labyrinth. Those are the rightful properties of that master mind.

Those characters you won't recognize from the movie, are probably mine, or added out of request from readers and friends. (Yes I do tend to do something like that. Just mail me the characters name, looks and persona, and whether you'd like to decide what his or her fate will be. or if you give me free reigns, which I like as well. Of course .)

That's the Disclaimer part.

This story has been pre-written on paper. Ok 50 % of it is done on paper. I only need to upload it. Which is a major pain in the butt, quite literally. It is painful to sit up to four in the morning and feel your butt has fallen asleep while typing on the laptop. It's painful. Still.

For those who have read the fic "My Sweet Prince" this might be a useful piece of info:

The story of "DoaFA" occurs before any HP related stories of mine. Why? Because the Labby ficcies were written before the Harry Potter ones. And then it is the part of how my brain works. Don't ask, but let's just say that it would make Disneyland seem like the worlds most boring place ever. Hey! Maybe D-land is that for someone? I don't know. I still do have a tendency, as the majority of the young and talented authors on this earth, to have a gazillion ideas at once. Not that the storyline is accurate either! Before they are put in a straight line (or a straint jacket) they jump around and scream at me : "WRITE MORE IN US!!! PLEASE!!!" so that's mainly why they nearly never really get completed.

Enjoy your stay!!

Tiani Lunaris
