Hello all this is my first story so please be nice! =) Anyways what would it be like if Ferio, Lantis and Ascot went to school in the real world. Can our favorite heroes conquer the monster science, English and worst of all math? Not really an A/U fic

I don't own Rayearth if I did the story would have been very different!

No I present..Conquering High School

Umi hummed to herself as she stared at her full length mirror. She hadn't changed much, she kept her hair long growing a little taller making it easier to look at Ascot in the eye. She was still the most outspoken of the knights and due to her training with a sword in Cephiro her position as fencing captain was never challenged. She was inspecting the outfit that she wore a gray pleated skirt that went slightly passed her knee, a white dress shirt and a matching gray business coat. To enhance the look she added a blue tie. This choice of clothing could only symbolize one thing.the start of school. Now like most people Umi loathed the thought of the first day of school but this year it was going to be different, better. After Hikaru, Umi and Fuu completed Jr. High they went on a quest to attend the same high school and with a lot of studying they managed to get high enough test scores to go to the same school. This was now their last year in high school and they would be having three more guests with them.

*FLASHBACK* On one of their trips to Cephiro Ascot found one of Umi's math books that she brought to study which Fuu insisted on. He started to read it marveled at a practically new and different language so he asked her to bring him some more of those books. "Hey Umi next time you come can you bring me some more of these books?" "Uh sure." She agreed amazed that anyone other than Fuu would want to spend their time studying textbooks. So Ascot delved into the different subjects from Math to History and English they all interested him "Yea we have to read these things everyday in school. Its so boring and takes up so much of our time that's why we can't come up here as much as we want cause we have homework and after school activities to do." So Ascot began to formulate and idea if this school was what was keeping him from his favorite knight then he would just have to go there and conquer it and he knew that there were two other people who would join in on his plan.

"If we study enough then we can get into this skool thing and we'll be able to see the knights everyday." Lantis flipped through the book. "I'm in this can't be worse than learning from Zagato." Ferio stared at the book as though he was trying to say "I'm not afraid of you." "I don't know you guys reading when your could be sleeping? And they're so long how can anyone get through these things?" But the one phrase rang in his head. 'We'll be able to see the knights everyday.' "Ok I'm in." So months they studied hard and Ascot found out that you had to test to get into skool. Umi began to wonder at the questions that he had especially when he wrote down what days the testing would be but brushed it off thinking that it was simply curiosity. So on one of those days with much begging and pleading with Clef they were granted to go to earth and take this test. They had only been to earth one time before so it was very unfamiliar to them but with a little bit of luck they were able to find Umi's house. Ascot had gotten the address out of her knowing that when they did go to earth they would need some help. "Hello?" Mrs. Ryuzaki said answering the door. "Hi, Mrs. Ryuzaki. I'm Ascot this is Ferio and Lantis, we're friends of Umi's and I was wondering if you could tell us where the entrance exams are being held at. We are new to the city and do not know where everything is." "Sure dear now let's see you see that light at the end of the street turn left and go all the way down there is going to be a big gray building with a big sign you can't miss it." "Thank you" The chorused together. "No problem boys." "Mrs. Ryuzaki I have a favor to ask could you please not tell Umi that we came here she doesn't know that we are trying to test in and we would like it to be a surprise." "Sure, I'm sure that she will be delighted to see her boyfriend at school with her." She stated with a huge grin "Um yes thank you again bye" Ascot said blushing as they walked down the street. As seniors Fuu, Hikaru and Umi did not have to retest they were simply there to help. Fuu was examining the boards when she noticed a familiar name. 'No it can't be.' She went up and got a closer look and sure enough there it was in big bold letters FERIO PRINCE if this wasn't shocking enough she saw next to his name Lantis Cail and Ascot Palu their positions in Cephiro following after their name. She turned around in shocked and motioned for Umi and Hikaru to see what she had found and soon all their faces had the same shocked look on their face which only intensified when they saw similar heads of brown, black and more distinctly green. They saw their faces and smiled.


Once they had gotten over the initial shock they learned that they had been studying so that they could go to school with them. They planned to stay on earth in an apartment they rented out for the days that there was school and whenever they could return to Cephiro. They were all amazed at how they managed to pull all this off especially with the fact that they had some of the highest scores. Fuu was shocked at how high Ferio scored. She loved him and knew that he was smart but she saw him as her prince charming who swung around a huge sword not at a sweater vest wearing book worm. To which Ferio laughed admitting that he didn't think that he would get in but he had an inspiration to score high.

So now this was it the last year of high school and they were all together. As Umi locked the door to her house she thought to herself. 'This is going to be a very interesting year'

"Hey Hikaru. Hey Fuu." Umi called out to them as they approached the school. "Hi Umi." "Hello Miss Umi." Hikaru was still a bubble of energy and sweetness but she finally grew from the last battle in Cephiro she had grown a total of five inches thus making it obvious that she was not as young as everyone instantly assumed. Despite their protests at the Miss additions to their name Fuu remained as polite and smart as ever. She had gotten over some of her shyness and when people were able to see more into her personality they fell in love with it never realizing that underneath the shy meek persona there was a strong willful fun person. Umi caught up to them walking in step with them. "Can you guys believe it? The first day of school those three have no idea what there are getting themselves into." Umi laughed imagining one of them trying to fight the evil cafeteria food. "Well it will be quite an odd experience for them compared to the lives that they lead in Cephiro this is pretty boring." Fuu added avoiding the glares directed at her by Kusara Ishigi who has hated her ever since Jr. High although Fuu never understood why she never did anything to elicit any hostility from her. "It'll be so fun though. I mean we get to see them everyday and this time it is on our turf. We depended on them in Cephiro now they need us if they want to survive here. Think of how jealous they will all be when they see us with them." Hikaru remarked practically skipping with excitement. The continued walking towards the building thinking about what the first day would hold and how the rest on the year would play out.

*Well that's all for now I have the second part typed out but I just wanted to see how this story would work. Oh yea if you like please R+R cause I really want to know if people like it or am I wasting my time but please don't flame that's just mean constructive criticism fine but I don't want a long paragraph saying why you hate this story.