Disclaimer: All characters belong to CLAMP.
Author's Note: This is the sequel to Clow Child. Sorry it took so long. One of my faults is that I must have variety when I write; I can never focus solely on any one story for very long. (Plese note that I came up with the Create before I found out it was already a Clow Card on the show, so they won't have the same powers.) Also keep in mind that it was not my intention to make Syaoran's temporary body look like Eriol. When I began this trilogy, I hadn't seen all of the anime and had no idea that Eriol even existed. I merely wanted the new body to resemble Clow Reed...but of course HE looks like Eriol, so not much I can do.
~...~ are thoughts.
Summary: Meiling grieves over losing the old Syaoran, then runs into the new one...literally.
Syaoran's Quest 1: Missing You
Sakura tried to focus on what the teacher was saying, but she couldn't. Her every thought was of Syaoran. She hadn't seen him in weeks, and neither had Meiling. Of course, Meiling didn't know anything about Syaoran's new body, (Sakura had managed to convince her that it was all a bad dream) so maybe she had seen him and not realized it.
But Sakura had kept an eye out for anyone with long, black hair and blue eyes. So far, she'd had three false alarms, all which ended with her being left red in the face while some total stranger walked away, muttering about the pushy girl that had just grabbed them.
With a quiet sigh, Sakura propped her face up with her hands and stared ahead absently. ~Oh, Syaoran. Where are you? Why won't you let me know you're okay?~
* * * * *
Normally, Syaoran wouldn't have ventured out during the day. He preferred the night, when there were more shadows and the cover of darkness to hide behind. It wasn't that his new body was ugly or anything like that. Apparently, his old body was nocturnal in nature, because that was the only time he could ever find it.
Finding it was easy enough. Whoever Syaoran's current body had belonged to, it was in great shape. The strength, agility, and speed alone were on a superhuman level.
Catching his old body was another matter altogether.
Today was very different. His old body, crimson eyes, brown fur, black wings and all, was sitting on the rooftop of his school. Syaoran wasn't really sure why, but he suspected it was waiting for something or someone. His answer came soon enough.
When the bell rang for school to let out, his old body flew behind some nearby trees and vanished. Syaoran thought about following, but decided to hang around. After all, it had been a while since he'd seen Sakura. He was even starting to miss Tomoyo, as crazy as that sounded.
* * * * *
"Sakura, are you sure you don't want to hang out at my house for a while?"
Sakura sighed. "No, but thanks, Tomoyo-chan."
Tomoyo frowned. ~Sakura hasn't wanted to do anything since Syaoran disappeared. Staying alone can't be good for her.~ "We could always go to your house."
Sakura shook her head. "I'd rather just be alone."
Tomoyo had had enough. She stepped in front of her friend. "Sakura, you can't keep brushing me off. I know you're worried about Syaoran, but I'm worried about you. You've barely spoken to me in two weeks!"
"Try to understand, Tomoyo-chan. I can't-"
"No, YOU understand! I'm losing my best friend and she doesn't even seem to care! If Syaoran is gone, he's doing something very important and wouldn't want you to worry about him!" Tomoyo lowered her voice a bit. "Now, your house or mine?"
Sakura stared at her blankly. "Your house...?"
"Good. We just got a new pool, and I've been dying to show it off." Tomoyo grabbed Sakura's hand and dragged her away.
* * * * *
The walk home was a lot longer for Meiling these days. She had no one to talk to, no one to share memories of old with. She even missed the way Syaoran had glared at her whenever she mentioned how cute he was.
~I can't believe you're really gone, Syaoran. I never thought I'd have to live without you.~
She quickened her pace, wanting to get home as soon as possible. Every time she started thinking of Syaoran, Meiling started crying. It wouldn't do for someone to see her in this state. Still, she couldn't block the image of his face that kept appearing before her eyes.
~It's all Kinomoto's fault! Syaoran, why didn't you listen to me? I told you she was bad news, but you wouldn't listen. You had to go and help her, and now you're...dead...~
Meiling choked back a sob and began to run, not really watching where she was going. She ran until she slammed into what felt like a brick wall. Of course, brick walls don't usually have strong arms that keep you from falling.
"Are you all right?" a gentle voice asked.
Meiling looked up to see a young man. He was much taller than her, and had piercing blue eyes and long, black hair.
"Are you all right?" he repeated, sounding very concerned.
"F-Fine," she stammered, fighting back tears. "I just...need to get home." For some reason, Meiling felt safe and perfectly comfortable in his arms.
"Are you sure? You look as if something is bothering you."
"No, I'm okay," she lied, staring into his eyes.
He reached up to cup her face, gently brushing his thumb against her lips. "Don't worry. He'll come back to you."
Meiling's eyes widened. Before she could speak, the young man was gone, sprinting away with the speed most athletes could only dream of. Though she had never seen him before, Meiling found herself dreaming of the next time they might meet. She walked home slowly from that point on, fondly recalling the simple brush of a thumb that had the definite feeling of a kiss.
* * * * *
Tomoyo had just completed her third lap in the pool when she noticed Sakura hadn't done any yet. Instead, she was treading water in the shallow end, staring blankly at her toes. Tomoyo swam over and threw a handful of water in her face.
Sakura gasped in surprise and nearly went under.
Tomoyo grabbed her arms. "Sakura, wake up! That's the tenth time today! Are you sure you're okay?"
"Um...sure," Sakura muttered, looking a bit embarrassed.
"You have got to stop spacing out like that."
"I can't help it. I keep thinking about Syaoran, and...and...what's that?!"
At first, Tomoyo thought her friend was playing the oldest trick in the book. "I'm not going to fall for that one, Sakura. You're trying to get me to turn around, and then you're going to splash me."
"Tomoyo, look out!" Sakura screamed.
Tomoyo did turn around, and it was a good thing, too. She had just enough time to duck her head into the water before the talons could scratch her. Instead, they grazed her hair, taking a few black strands with them.
Sakura scrambled out of the pool and over to her beach chair, where she had left her change of clothes, and more importantly, the Key of Clow. She had just found it when the talons dug into her arms and lifted her into the air.
Tomoyo finally resurfaced, only to watch Sakura being carried away by a bat-like creature. From her friend's descriptions, she recognized it as Syaoran. At least, what had been Syaoran's old body. Now it was possessed by the same evil force that had once controlled Tomoyo's own body, as well as Sakura's.
Suddenly, there was a flash of blue light, and the bat creature gave a loud shriek. Tomoyo looked up to see it release Sakura and quickly vanish over the tall fence that surrounded the mansion. Sakura hit the water a few seconds later and came up sputtering for air. Tomoyo swam over to her friend and pulled her out of the water.
"Sakura, are you okay?!" Tomoyo nearly screamed.
"I'm...okay," Sakura answered, staring right through her.
Tomoyo suddenly noticed that a large shadow had fallen over them. She slowly turned around, half expecting the bat creature to be looming over them. Instead, she found a pair of blue eyes that seemed to freeze her in place.
"Sorry I was late," he apologized, "but I got distracted."
"Syaoran?" Tomoyo guessed.
He nodded. "I know I must look very different to you, Tomoyo."
Tomoyo looked him up and down. Physically, he was very different. His voice was deeper, and he was much taller. He still had the same taste in costumes, though. He wore a large, flowing cloak, which bore the familiar Yin-Yang symbol on the front. In the center of the symbol was the image of a Clow Card. When he turned slightly to sheath his sword, Tomoyo could see a dark, red stain on his arm.
Syaoran followed her gaze. "Not mine," he confirmed.
"I guess it's mine, then," Sakura said, noticing the bleeding wounds on her arms for the first time.
"Let me get some bandages for that." Tomoyo rose and started to rush into the house.
"Wait," Syaoran said, placing a hand on her shoulder. He kneeled next to Sakura and took her hands in his own. "Heal Card, come forth and obey my command," he whispered, closing his eyes.
Tomoyo watched in awe as Syaoran's hands glowed bright blue. The glow gradually washed over Sakura's body, then faded.
Syaoran opened his eyes and inspected Sakura's arms. They were totally healed.
"I've never heard of that Card before," Sakura admitted.
"That's because it's new," Syaoran replied, wrapping an arm around her shoulders as they stood. "It was just created last night."
"Created? By who?" Sakura asked.
"Well...me," he responded, doing his best not to look too proud. "It's one of the powers I have as the Clow Child, remember?"
"Oh. I forgot." Sakura stared at the Card on his cloak.
"This is the Create," he explained. "It's the very first one I made."
"Are there more?" Tomoyo asked.
"A few," Syaoran replied. "For now, I can only create Cards when I need them."
"When did you need the Heal?" Sakura asked, worry creeping into her voice.
"After my first battle with my old body," he said. "I...didn't win."
"Why didn't you ask me for help?"
Syaoran hesitated. "I didn't want you to get hurt, Sakura. It's going to take more than the old Clow Cards to beat this thing. If it wasn't for this body, I wouldn't dare try facing it myself."
"But you do need help," Tomoyo pointed out.
"You could say that," he mumbled.
"Why not ask Meiling, too?"
Syaoran frowned. "Absolutely not. I don't want to involve her in this."
"Why not?" Sakura asked. "She is a great fighter, Syaoran."
"Sakura, she still thinks I'm dead. I'd rather not tell her what's happened until I can get my old body back. She's taking this harder than I imagined, and she blames you for it."
"Oh," Sakura whispered, lowering her eyes.
Syaoran lifted her chin up. "It's not your fault. Never think that."
"But you-"
He pressed a finger to her lips. "I would have given up a long time ago if it wasn't for you."
"What do you mean?" she squeaked.
"Ever since I got this body, my dream was to find a way to get my old one back. I long for the day when that happens, so you'll be able to see the boy you fell in love with again, instead of...well...this."
Sakura hugged him tightly. "Syaoran, I love you, no matter what you look like. I can adjust."
"But you shouldn't have to," he said, pulling away from her. "And I won't let you, Sakura." With that, he turned and leaped over the fence.
* * * * *
For the first time in weeks, Meiling went to bed with a smile on her face. She couldn't stop thinking about the young man she'd met earlier. There was something about his eyes...they almost seemed familiar to her. And the way he'd held her, firmly enough to show concern, but gentle enough to be an embrace.
~Maybe it's a sign. Maybe he's the one I was supposed to fall in love with, instead of Syaoran.~
Meiling rolled onto her side, staring at the full moon.
~I'll never forget you, Syaoran, but I don't want to be alone anymore. I need someone to remind that there are still things worth living for...like love...~
With a happy sigh, Meiling closed her eyes to dream of a pale face framed by black hair, and deep, blue eyes that she could get lost in forever. She could almost feel them watching her just then, never even knowing that they were, indeed, watching, from just outside her window.
The eyes gave a solitary blink, then slowly shifted to the night sky.
~I'm sorry, Meiling, but I won't hurt you any more than I already have. It's best that you be left alone, to dream of things other than me.~
With a pain in his chest and a tear in his eye, Syaoran leaped away from her window and faded into the shadows. It was time to continue his quest.
Continued in Part 2: The Guard
Syaoran makes a Card that grants the powers of a CardCaptor to a normal human, but will he choose Tomoyo or Meiling?
Author's Note: This is the sequel to Clow Child. Sorry it took so long. One of my faults is that I must have variety when I write; I can never focus solely on any one story for very long. (Plese note that I came up with the Create before I found out it was already a Clow Card on the show, so they won't have the same powers.) Also keep in mind that it was not my intention to make Syaoran's temporary body look like Eriol. When I began this trilogy, I hadn't seen all of the anime and had no idea that Eriol even existed. I merely wanted the new body to resemble Clow Reed...but of course HE looks like Eriol, so not much I can do.
~...~ are thoughts.
Summary: Meiling grieves over losing the old Syaoran, then runs into the new one...literally.
Syaoran's Quest 1: Missing You
Sakura tried to focus on what the teacher was saying, but she couldn't. Her every thought was of Syaoran. She hadn't seen him in weeks, and neither had Meiling. Of course, Meiling didn't know anything about Syaoran's new body, (Sakura had managed to convince her that it was all a bad dream) so maybe she had seen him and not realized it.
But Sakura had kept an eye out for anyone with long, black hair and blue eyes. So far, she'd had three false alarms, all which ended with her being left red in the face while some total stranger walked away, muttering about the pushy girl that had just grabbed them.
With a quiet sigh, Sakura propped her face up with her hands and stared ahead absently. ~Oh, Syaoran. Where are you? Why won't you let me know you're okay?~
* * * * *
Normally, Syaoran wouldn't have ventured out during the day. He preferred the night, when there were more shadows and the cover of darkness to hide behind. It wasn't that his new body was ugly or anything like that. Apparently, his old body was nocturnal in nature, because that was the only time he could ever find it.
Finding it was easy enough. Whoever Syaoran's current body had belonged to, it was in great shape. The strength, agility, and speed alone were on a superhuman level.
Catching his old body was another matter altogether.
Today was very different. His old body, crimson eyes, brown fur, black wings and all, was sitting on the rooftop of his school. Syaoran wasn't really sure why, but he suspected it was waiting for something or someone. His answer came soon enough.
When the bell rang for school to let out, his old body flew behind some nearby trees and vanished. Syaoran thought about following, but decided to hang around. After all, it had been a while since he'd seen Sakura. He was even starting to miss Tomoyo, as crazy as that sounded.
* * * * *
"Sakura, are you sure you don't want to hang out at my house for a while?"
Sakura sighed. "No, but thanks, Tomoyo-chan."
Tomoyo frowned. ~Sakura hasn't wanted to do anything since Syaoran disappeared. Staying alone can't be good for her.~ "We could always go to your house."
Sakura shook her head. "I'd rather just be alone."
Tomoyo had had enough. She stepped in front of her friend. "Sakura, you can't keep brushing me off. I know you're worried about Syaoran, but I'm worried about you. You've barely spoken to me in two weeks!"
"Try to understand, Tomoyo-chan. I can't-"
"No, YOU understand! I'm losing my best friend and she doesn't even seem to care! If Syaoran is gone, he's doing something very important and wouldn't want you to worry about him!" Tomoyo lowered her voice a bit. "Now, your house or mine?"
Sakura stared at her blankly. "Your house...?"
"Good. We just got a new pool, and I've been dying to show it off." Tomoyo grabbed Sakura's hand and dragged her away.
* * * * *
The walk home was a lot longer for Meiling these days. She had no one to talk to, no one to share memories of old with. She even missed the way Syaoran had glared at her whenever she mentioned how cute he was.
~I can't believe you're really gone, Syaoran. I never thought I'd have to live without you.~
She quickened her pace, wanting to get home as soon as possible. Every time she started thinking of Syaoran, Meiling started crying. It wouldn't do for someone to see her in this state. Still, she couldn't block the image of his face that kept appearing before her eyes.
~It's all Kinomoto's fault! Syaoran, why didn't you listen to me? I told you she was bad news, but you wouldn't listen. You had to go and help her, and now you're...dead...~
Meiling choked back a sob and began to run, not really watching where she was going. She ran until she slammed into what felt like a brick wall. Of course, brick walls don't usually have strong arms that keep you from falling.
"Are you all right?" a gentle voice asked.
Meiling looked up to see a young man. He was much taller than her, and had piercing blue eyes and long, black hair.
"Are you all right?" he repeated, sounding very concerned.
"F-Fine," she stammered, fighting back tears. "I just...need to get home." For some reason, Meiling felt safe and perfectly comfortable in his arms.
"Are you sure? You look as if something is bothering you."
"No, I'm okay," she lied, staring into his eyes.
He reached up to cup her face, gently brushing his thumb against her lips. "Don't worry. He'll come back to you."
Meiling's eyes widened. Before she could speak, the young man was gone, sprinting away with the speed most athletes could only dream of. Though she had never seen him before, Meiling found herself dreaming of the next time they might meet. She walked home slowly from that point on, fondly recalling the simple brush of a thumb that had the definite feeling of a kiss.
* * * * *
Tomoyo had just completed her third lap in the pool when she noticed Sakura hadn't done any yet. Instead, she was treading water in the shallow end, staring blankly at her toes. Tomoyo swam over and threw a handful of water in her face.
Sakura gasped in surprise and nearly went under.
Tomoyo grabbed her arms. "Sakura, wake up! That's the tenth time today! Are you sure you're okay?"
"Um...sure," Sakura muttered, looking a bit embarrassed.
"You have got to stop spacing out like that."
"I can't help it. I keep thinking about Syaoran, and...and...what's that?!"
At first, Tomoyo thought her friend was playing the oldest trick in the book. "I'm not going to fall for that one, Sakura. You're trying to get me to turn around, and then you're going to splash me."
"Tomoyo, look out!" Sakura screamed.
Tomoyo did turn around, and it was a good thing, too. She had just enough time to duck her head into the water before the talons could scratch her. Instead, they grazed her hair, taking a few black strands with them.
Sakura scrambled out of the pool and over to her beach chair, where she had left her change of clothes, and more importantly, the Key of Clow. She had just found it when the talons dug into her arms and lifted her into the air.
Tomoyo finally resurfaced, only to watch Sakura being carried away by a bat-like creature. From her friend's descriptions, she recognized it as Syaoran. At least, what had been Syaoran's old body. Now it was possessed by the same evil force that had once controlled Tomoyo's own body, as well as Sakura's.
Suddenly, there was a flash of blue light, and the bat creature gave a loud shriek. Tomoyo looked up to see it release Sakura and quickly vanish over the tall fence that surrounded the mansion. Sakura hit the water a few seconds later and came up sputtering for air. Tomoyo swam over to her friend and pulled her out of the water.
"Sakura, are you okay?!" Tomoyo nearly screamed.
"I'm...okay," Sakura answered, staring right through her.
Tomoyo suddenly noticed that a large shadow had fallen over them. She slowly turned around, half expecting the bat creature to be looming over them. Instead, she found a pair of blue eyes that seemed to freeze her in place.
"Sorry I was late," he apologized, "but I got distracted."
"Syaoran?" Tomoyo guessed.
He nodded. "I know I must look very different to you, Tomoyo."
Tomoyo looked him up and down. Physically, he was very different. His voice was deeper, and he was much taller. He still had the same taste in costumes, though. He wore a large, flowing cloak, which bore the familiar Yin-Yang symbol on the front. In the center of the symbol was the image of a Clow Card. When he turned slightly to sheath his sword, Tomoyo could see a dark, red stain on his arm.
Syaoran followed her gaze. "Not mine," he confirmed.
"I guess it's mine, then," Sakura said, noticing the bleeding wounds on her arms for the first time.
"Let me get some bandages for that." Tomoyo rose and started to rush into the house.
"Wait," Syaoran said, placing a hand on her shoulder. He kneeled next to Sakura and took her hands in his own. "Heal Card, come forth and obey my command," he whispered, closing his eyes.
Tomoyo watched in awe as Syaoran's hands glowed bright blue. The glow gradually washed over Sakura's body, then faded.
Syaoran opened his eyes and inspected Sakura's arms. They were totally healed.
"I've never heard of that Card before," Sakura admitted.
"That's because it's new," Syaoran replied, wrapping an arm around her shoulders as they stood. "It was just created last night."
"Created? By who?" Sakura asked.
"Well...me," he responded, doing his best not to look too proud. "It's one of the powers I have as the Clow Child, remember?"
"Oh. I forgot." Sakura stared at the Card on his cloak.
"This is the Create," he explained. "It's the very first one I made."
"Are there more?" Tomoyo asked.
"A few," Syaoran replied. "For now, I can only create Cards when I need them."
"When did you need the Heal?" Sakura asked, worry creeping into her voice.
"After my first battle with my old body," he said. "I...didn't win."
"Why didn't you ask me for help?"
Syaoran hesitated. "I didn't want you to get hurt, Sakura. It's going to take more than the old Clow Cards to beat this thing. If it wasn't for this body, I wouldn't dare try facing it myself."
"But you do need help," Tomoyo pointed out.
"You could say that," he mumbled.
"Why not ask Meiling, too?"
Syaoran frowned. "Absolutely not. I don't want to involve her in this."
"Why not?" Sakura asked. "She is a great fighter, Syaoran."
"Sakura, she still thinks I'm dead. I'd rather not tell her what's happened until I can get my old body back. She's taking this harder than I imagined, and she blames you for it."
"Oh," Sakura whispered, lowering her eyes.
Syaoran lifted her chin up. "It's not your fault. Never think that."
"But you-"
He pressed a finger to her lips. "I would have given up a long time ago if it wasn't for you."
"What do you mean?" she squeaked.
"Ever since I got this body, my dream was to find a way to get my old one back. I long for the day when that happens, so you'll be able to see the boy you fell in love with again, instead of...well...this."
Sakura hugged him tightly. "Syaoran, I love you, no matter what you look like. I can adjust."
"But you shouldn't have to," he said, pulling away from her. "And I won't let you, Sakura." With that, he turned and leaped over the fence.
* * * * *
For the first time in weeks, Meiling went to bed with a smile on her face. She couldn't stop thinking about the young man she'd met earlier. There was something about his eyes...they almost seemed familiar to her. And the way he'd held her, firmly enough to show concern, but gentle enough to be an embrace.
~Maybe it's a sign. Maybe he's the one I was supposed to fall in love with, instead of Syaoran.~
Meiling rolled onto her side, staring at the full moon.
~I'll never forget you, Syaoran, but I don't want to be alone anymore. I need someone to remind that there are still things worth living for...like love...~
With a happy sigh, Meiling closed her eyes to dream of a pale face framed by black hair, and deep, blue eyes that she could get lost in forever. She could almost feel them watching her just then, never even knowing that they were, indeed, watching, from just outside her window.
The eyes gave a solitary blink, then slowly shifted to the night sky.
~I'm sorry, Meiling, but I won't hurt you any more than I already have. It's best that you be left alone, to dream of things other than me.~
With a pain in his chest and a tear in his eye, Syaoran leaped away from her window and faded into the shadows. It was time to continue his quest.
Continued in Part 2: The Guard
Syaoran makes a Card that grants the powers of a CardCaptor to a normal human, but will he choose Tomoyo or Meiling?