Disclaimer: I do not own any of the Harry Potter characters. I'm sure you
all know this by now.
A/N: Ok, this chapter will contain the romance you've all been waiting for. I promise!
Chapter 7
Severus Snape was woken up at 5 am on Monday morning by an owl frantically tapping on his window, trying desperately to get in. Muttering obscenities, Severus forced himself out of bed to let the creature in before it went through cardiac arrest (if owls could have heart attacks, he wasn't exactly sure). It wasn't until the owl had dropped a letter at his feet that he got a closer look at it. The tawny bird was his parents' owl, Quibble. Imagining that it was only his parents' pleas for him to come home and visit that woke him so early, Severus reluctantly opened the letter and read it.
Your father is very sick, and the remedies that the healers are using are not working. We fear this might be the end. Come home as quick as possible. I cannot get through this alone.
Dropping the letter, Severus yanked on some robes and ran to Dumbledore's office.
An hour later, Hermione was woken up by her alarm clock, which told her that somebody was standing outside her bedroom door. Wondering who could be needing her so early on a Monday morning, she threw on her pink bathrobe and answered her door. Opening it, she found Severus waiting somewhat impatiently, and flushed at his seeing her in this disheveled state. He wore a troubled look, but it was not his usual sneering one, no, this look was more of the upset and nervous variety. Concerned, she took no time in asking, "Severus! What's wrong? Please come in."
Impatiently stepping through the door, Severus looked at her. "Hermione, my father is very ill and I received an owl from my mother this morning requesting my immediate return home. She fears today might be his last, as the remedies that the healers are making do not seem to be improving his status. I have already spoken to Dumbledore, requesting to take a leave of absence, and I will not have my students slacking off while I am gone. Therefore, I am requesting that you teach my classes until I return - you are more informed on the subject than anybody else I know. Albus says that Madame Pomfrey can do without you for however long I am gone. Will you do this for me?"
For a moment Hermione did not even consider the enormous compliment that Severus had just paid her. Instead, all that she could think about was how much she wanted to help him. "Of course, Severus. If there is anything else that I can do, please tell me. I'm so sorry.I hope he gets better." Without another thought, Hermione rushed towards him and threw her arms around his neck, pulling him into a kind embrace.
Shocked by her impulsive movement, Severus patted her back and smiled grimly at her. "Thank you, Hermione. It is very much appreciated. My notes are inside my desk, they include what we have covered so far and future lesson plans. I shall remain in contact with both you and Dumbledore, either by owl or floo. But I must be going now. Goodbye."
"Goodbye." Having said that, he left, briskly walking towards the door of the castle. Hermione watched him through her window, as he walked out of the building and towards the Forbidden Forest, where she knew he would disapparate. Sighing, she turned back towards her room, quickly showering and dressing, and then walked towards the Great Hall to get some breakfast.
After breakfast, Hermione strode through the dungeons until she finally got to the one that Snape held class in. Reminiscing, Hermione remembered all the days in her childhood when she had hated Severus Snape with all of her heart. She would never have guessed that just a few years later she would be teaching in his classroom, as a favor to him, no less. Opening his desk, she found his papers neatly organized inside his top drawer and pulled them out, reading over all the recent activities of his classes.
The first class that morning was a 4th year Gryffindor/Slytherin mix. Hermione prepared herself for a lot of trouble, knowing that if the class was anything like hers had been it would certainly be difficult to control. As the class filed in and sat down, she immediately knew she was correct in her assumptions, seeing the familiar bickering among the students. She stood up, and the class quieted down. "Good morning. For those of you who don't know me, I am Hermione Granger, the Potions mistress in this school, Professor Snape's assistant, as well as Madame Pomfrey's. I will be teaching this class while Professor Snape is away on personal business. I am not a Professor, so you needn't address me as such, you may call me Ms. Granger. Today we will be brewing a Lengthening potion. When you are finished, please come up to the desk with a sample of your potion and I will test it on an object on my desk." Turing, she wrote the ingredients on the chalkboard and let them get to work. Walking around the classroom, she helped students who were struggling and praised others on good work. Knowing Severus, his pupils probably didn't get enough of that in his classroom. This class was difficult however. The Slytherin students, who liked Professor Snape, were cold and unresponsive to her, whereas the Gryffindors seemed to be all too excited at her presence. Although their attitude was much more favorable than that of the Slytherins, some of their comments angered her. Towards the back of the room, a young boy muttered to his partner, "The class is nice with her. I wish we could have Miss Granger all the time instead of that bastard Snape." Hermione's first instinct was to let it go, remembering Ron saying about the same thing in her day, but another part of her, that knew Snape better, felt it was backstabbing to allow others to treat him with such disrespect. Turning abruptly, she walked towards the student. "What is your name?"
"Kevin Lawson" answered the boy in a slightly apprehensive tone.
"Kevin, I had the misfortune to overhear a comment you just made which showed blatant disrespect to Professor Snape. I will not take away points this time, but I want you and the rest of the class to treat this as a warning. You will never show anything less than a respectful attitude towards your Professor in front of me."
"Sorry, ma'am"
Having said that, Hermione walked back to her desk and began testing potions. It was going to be a long day.
Severus walked in the door of the large manor his family owned, dropping his bag on the floor. Immediately the family's house elf, Dottie, came up to him. The family had freed her long ago, but for some reason the elf had continued to serve them, and neither he, nor his parents, had complained about the arrangement. "Good morning, Sir. It is so nice to see you. Mistress is at St. Mungo's hospital with your father, and she told me to ask you to come as soon as you got in. Before you leave, though, Sir, would you like some tea, or anything to eat?" squeaked Dottie.
"No, thank you Dottie. I will go to see my father now. Please take good care of my bag, I do not wish anything to be broken."
"Yes, sir."
Immediately, Severus apparated and appeared at St. Mungo's hospital. Stopping at the front desk, he hastily inquired after the whereabouts of his father, and the woman working there informed him of the room number. After weaving through the people and getting through all the wizard security, Snape finally arrived at room 724 and ½. Immediately his mother saw him and rushed over to hug her son. "Severus! You've come.and not a moment too soon. The new potion they've tried has failed as well.everyone is beginning to lose all hope." With those words she broke down, crying softly into his robes.
Severus sighed and gently patted her head. "Mother, please. I will do whatever possible to make sure he gets through this." Just then an older woman came in and began inspecting his father, taking his vitals. "Excuse me, I am Radcliff Snape's son, the Potions Master at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry," he told the healer. I want to know the exact potions that you have administered my father, and at what times. I'd also like to speak to a qualified healer and know exactly what my father's illness is." As he hoped, the firmness in his words led to an immediate response.
"Yes, sir. We believe your father is suffering from an Ischemic Cascade, more commonly known as a stroke, especially by Muggles. Mr. Snape here seems to be suffering from the worst of it, having seizures, cranial swelling, and he seems to be getting blood clots. We have so far tried the Hemorrian potion, and Clopidogrel, and neither seem to be making any difference. We are truly sorry, but I must urge you to prepare yourself. It is quite likely that Radcliff will not make it through the night."
After nearly 8 hours at the hospital with the healers trying every spell and potion they could think of, Regina Snape urged Severus to return to the family home, eat something, and get settled in for a few nights, promising that she would immediately contact him should there be any change. Reluctantly, Severus agreed, knowing that instead of eating, he needed to speak with someone that he knew could and would help if anybody could. Upon arriving at the manor, he threw some floo powder into the fire and placed his head in, calling out "Hermione Granger's chambers". Immediately he found his head inside her fireplace, hoping that she would be nearby.
Hermione had suffered from a very long day, teaching Severus' classes. Not only was she not used to teaching, not going to the potions lab that evening was a shock to her. Surprised by the amount of free time she possessed, instead of enjoying it, all she could think about was how much she missed him. Curling up by the fire that evening, she started reading a book that Harry had given her for her birthday in September. Because of her incredibly busy schedule, she hadn't even opened the cover yet. However, her mind was much engaged elsewhere and she could not concentrate at all. Just as she was ready to give up her efforts and just go to bed, she heard a familiar ringing in her fireplace. Looking up, she saw Severus' head pop into her room. Gasping, she ran over. "Severus! How are you? Is your father alright?"
"I am tolerable under the circumstances, and no, my father is steadily declining. You have done so much for me already and I hate to ask people favors and rely on their goodwill. But I have no choice; this may be my father's last chance. Hermione.I need you now. The healers believe my father has had a stroke. They've tried multiple spells, and several potions." He listed all the names to her, and she wrote them down on a sheet of paper. Please - try and remember everything that you know about strokes, and if you must, read some books or something. There might be a spell or potion that could save his life. If you find one.will you contact me, immediately?
"Of course. I'll begin right now.I don't know much about strokes, but I'll go to the library and see what I can find out. Should I contact you at your home, or at the hospital?"
"Try the hospital. The only fireplace with a floo connection is at the front office, ask the worker there to get me to come down, and we'll talk then. Tell her I'm in Radcliff Snape's room, number 724 ½. If I'm not there, then try the manor."
"And Hermione.thank you," said Snape before giving her a true smile and disappearing. Taking a deep breath, Hermione got up and headed for the library.
Ten hours and 6 books later, Hermione began another large book entitled Common Cranial and Cardiac Illnesses. Finding a chapter on strokes, Hermione read, her eyes blurring with exhaustion. She had spent the entire night reading in the library, and had not found a single cure that Snape hadn't already listed. Just as she was ready to give up, Hermione's eyes rested on a potion named Artilarius, which was supposed to be used in only the most severe cases of stroke. The ingredients were rare and obscure, and the directions were extremely complicated. It would take twelve hours to brew. Immediately Hermione ran downstairs to her room, knowing that with Severus' classes, it would be difficult to tend to the potion.
Throwing floo powder into the fire, Hermione's head arrived at St. Mungo's hospital, and she asked the woman working at the front desk to fetch Severus. Several minutes later he showed up, almost running through the building, anxious to hear her progress.
"Hermione! Have you found anything?" he asked, praying that the girl had discovered something.
"Yes, I think so. It's a potion called Artilarius. You didn't list it with all the potions they've tried, and I think it might be worth a shot. It takes twelve hours to make, however, and it's got some of the most complicated ingredients I've ever seen. I think you've got them all though, in your private storeroom." Quickly she told him what the potion was supposed to do, regulate blood flow to the cranium from the aorta. "Do you want me to try it? I'm not sure what to do with your classes, though. I couldn't teach them while making this potion, it requires too much maintenance, and if I didn't start it until tonight it may be too late."
"I never thought I'd say this.but cancel class. We need the potion as soon as possible. I'll contact Dumbledore and tell him to announce it to the students at breakfast."
"Alright. I'll need to use some of your materials; I don't have all of them in my possession."
"I don't care. The password to my store room is 'pewter'. Thank you for doing this."
"Of course." With that, Hermione disappeared and went to begin the potion. Running down the stairs into the dungeons, she opened his closet, wondering if the password had been put there after the ingredients from his cupboard were stolen her second year, and pulled out the materials. Working hastily, but accurately and carefully, Hermione started the potion.
Twelve and a half hours later, Severus paced back and forth across his father's hospital room, hoping that the potion was going well, and waiting for a messenger to come and fetch him. The seconds ticked on the clock across the room, and each one seemed to last a decade. Finally a rustling noise at the door made Severus turn, and he found Hermione standing there. She looked tired, her face was pale and black circles had formed under her eyes. He knew that his pleas had caused her not to sleep all night, and that she probably hadn't eaten all day either. "Hermione!" he gasped, hurrying over to her.
"I have the potion. I talked it over with a healer in the hall who said that she treated your father, and she agreed to let him take it, knowing that it may be his only chance. Here is a vial." She reached inside her cloak and pulled out a thick purple-tinted potion, handing it to him. Hermione then hurried over to his ailing father and helped him open his mouth. Gently she poured the drops down his throat and rubbed his throat to help him swallow. The healer had stepped in to watch the potion being administered, and she took his pulse once the entire potion had been swallowed. Gasping, she turned to the family and Hermione. "His pulse is getting stronger!" A quarter of an hour later, Radcliff was showing definite signs of improvement, and within a half hour, he opened his eyes and looked around, eventually responding to questions. After being hugged by Severus and Regina and informing Severus of the ingredients that she had used, Hermione decided to go and let the family get some peace.
Once she was safely back inside Hogwarts, Hermione went straight to the kitchens and got some food from the house elves. She hadn't eaten for more than twenty-four hours, and she was starving. Once the food had satisfied her, she started to return to her rooms for some sleep, meeting Dumbledore in the hallway. "Hermione, I just wanted to congratulate you on the amazing task you just completed today. I know that you probably want some sleep, but I thought I'd tell you how much your work is appreciated. Thank you for helping him.what you did means more to him than he will ever say. Goodnight, Miss Granger."
Inwardly wondering if the man truly knew everything, Hermione wished Dumbledore a good night and entered her chambers. Falling into the soft bed, she fell into a deep sleep.
Severus stayed with his mother until his father was allowed to come back home, fully cured, and then returned to Hogwarts to reassume his teaching position. It was a Friday night when he returned, and after seeing Dumbledore and informing him that he was indeed back, the first place Severus headed was Hermione's chambers. He hadn't gotten much chance to speak with her at all since that day in St. Mungo's, and he wanted to fully thank her for all that she did. Knocking on her door, he found her in the same pink robe that she had been wearing on Monday morning.
"Severus, you're back!" she cried, excited to finally see his face again. She had missed him terribly while he was gone.
"Yes, my father came back home this afternoon. Can I come in?" he asked in a gentle tone that she had only recently gotten acquainted with.
"Of course. You will be resuming your classes on Monday?"
"If I must," he answered in a teasing sarcastic voice. "Were they any trouble for you?"
"No, things went fairly smoothly for the most part. I hope you'll find that my teaching was satisfactory."
"I'm sure it will be, and even if it is not by normal standards, you were facing numerous distractions as well, so those will give you vouchers. Hermione.I.I cannot describe my thanks for your help this week," he stuttered.
"Severus Snape, speechless? That is enough thanks for me," she teased. No, seriously though, I would never have considered doing anything else."
"But you did it for me.nobody has ever tried so much to help me as you have.
"The fact that it was for you made me want to do it more. Severus.I'd do anything for you. Anything."
Wondering if she'd meant what he thought she had, Severus took a step closer. "Do you mean that, Hermione?"
"Of course I mean it. I want you to know.I love you, Severus. Ever since I came here I've been feeling it, but it wasn't until this past week that I truly realized that. I missed you while you were gone, missed you company, your sarcastic remarks, missed your presence in general. When I was given an opportunity to do something to help bring you back, to make you happy, I jumped at the chance. I didn't care about food or sleep because the thing I need the most is you." She stopped abruptly, looking into his face for a response.
At first, there was none. His expression changed from blank, to disbelief, to joy, to uncertainty, and then back to disbelief, which he seemed to settle upon. "Hermione.are you positive that is what you want? I never want to hurt you, never."
"I am certain."
His face turned to pure joy, a look that she had seen only once before, that day at St. Mungo's. He looked down into her eyes and said softly, "I love you too. I have ever since you walked back in this building. If my age doesn't bother you, which it hasn't so far, then I'm willing to take this farther. I also have missed you this week.and I've wanted you ever since the beginning. Your intelligence stuns me everyday.and you look beautiful."
At that, Hermione ran over and wrapped her arms around him. He pulled her chin up towards his face and gently placed his lips on hers. The emotion that washed through her then was unlike anything that she had ever felt, and she allowed his tongue entrance to her mouth, deepening the kiss. He let out a small moan as he tasted her, and she smiled.
They stood there kissing for nearly half an hour, until exhaustion wore over both of them. Eventually they both sat down on her couch, and Severus pulled her into his arms. As the fire died, darkness cast over the room and the couple fell asleep in each other's arms.
A/N: Ok, this chapter will contain the romance you've all been waiting for. I promise!
Chapter 7
Severus Snape was woken up at 5 am on Monday morning by an owl frantically tapping on his window, trying desperately to get in. Muttering obscenities, Severus forced himself out of bed to let the creature in before it went through cardiac arrest (if owls could have heart attacks, he wasn't exactly sure). It wasn't until the owl had dropped a letter at his feet that he got a closer look at it. The tawny bird was his parents' owl, Quibble. Imagining that it was only his parents' pleas for him to come home and visit that woke him so early, Severus reluctantly opened the letter and read it.
Your father is very sick, and the remedies that the healers are using are not working. We fear this might be the end. Come home as quick as possible. I cannot get through this alone.
Dropping the letter, Severus yanked on some robes and ran to Dumbledore's office.
An hour later, Hermione was woken up by her alarm clock, which told her that somebody was standing outside her bedroom door. Wondering who could be needing her so early on a Monday morning, she threw on her pink bathrobe and answered her door. Opening it, she found Severus waiting somewhat impatiently, and flushed at his seeing her in this disheveled state. He wore a troubled look, but it was not his usual sneering one, no, this look was more of the upset and nervous variety. Concerned, she took no time in asking, "Severus! What's wrong? Please come in."
Impatiently stepping through the door, Severus looked at her. "Hermione, my father is very ill and I received an owl from my mother this morning requesting my immediate return home. She fears today might be his last, as the remedies that the healers are making do not seem to be improving his status. I have already spoken to Dumbledore, requesting to take a leave of absence, and I will not have my students slacking off while I am gone. Therefore, I am requesting that you teach my classes until I return - you are more informed on the subject than anybody else I know. Albus says that Madame Pomfrey can do without you for however long I am gone. Will you do this for me?"
For a moment Hermione did not even consider the enormous compliment that Severus had just paid her. Instead, all that she could think about was how much she wanted to help him. "Of course, Severus. If there is anything else that I can do, please tell me. I'm so sorry.I hope he gets better." Without another thought, Hermione rushed towards him and threw her arms around his neck, pulling him into a kind embrace.
Shocked by her impulsive movement, Severus patted her back and smiled grimly at her. "Thank you, Hermione. It is very much appreciated. My notes are inside my desk, they include what we have covered so far and future lesson plans. I shall remain in contact with both you and Dumbledore, either by owl or floo. But I must be going now. Goodbye."
"Goodbye." Having said that, he left, briskly walking towards the door of the castle. Hermione watched him through her window, as he walked out of the building and towards the Forbidden Forest, where she knew he would disapparate. Sighing, she turned back towards her room, quickly showering and dressing, and then walked towards the Great Hall to get some breakfast.
After breakfast, Hermione strode through the dungeons until she finally got to the one that Snape held class in. Reminiscing, Hermione remembered all the days in her childhood when she had hated Severus Snape with all of her heart. She would never have guessed that just a few years later she would be teaching in his classroom, as a favor to him, no less. Opening his desk, she found his papers neatly organized inside his top drawer and pulled them out, reading over all the recent activities of his classes.
The first class that morning was a 4th year Gryffindor/Slytherin mix. Hermione prepared herself for a lot of trouble, knowing that if the class was anything like hers had been it would certainly be difficult to control. As the class filed in and sat down, she immediately knew she was correct in her assumptions, seeing the familiar bickering among the students. She stood up, and the class quieted down. "Good morning. For those of you who don't know me, I am Hermione Granger, the Potions mistress in this school, Professor Snape's assistant, as well as Madame Pomfrey's. I will be teaching this class while Professor Snape is away on personal business. I am not a Professor, so you needn't address me as such, you may call me Ms. Granger. Today we will be brewing a Lengthening potion. When you are finished, please come up to the desk with a sample of your potion and I will test it on an object on my desk." Turing, she wrote the ingredients on the chalkboard and let them get to work. Walking around the classroom, she helped students who were struggling and praised others on good work. Knowing Severus, his pupils probably didn't get enough of that in his classroom. This class was difficult however. The Slytherin students, who liked Professor Snape, were cold and unresponsive to her, whereas the Gryffindors seemed to be all too excited at her presence. Although their attitude was much more favorable than that of the Slytherins, some of their comments angered her. Towards the back of the room, a young boy muttered to his partner, "The class is nice with her. I wish we could have Miss Granger all the time instead of that bastard Snape." Hermione's first instinct was to let it go, remembering Ron saying about the same thing in her day, but another part of her, that knew Snape better, felt it was backstabbing to allow others to treat him with such disrespect. Turning abruptly, she walked towards the student. "What is your name?"
"Kevin Lawson" answered the boy in a slightly apprehensive tone.
"Kevin, I had the misfortune to overhear a comment you just made which showed blatant disrespect to Professor Snape. I will not take away points this time, but I want you and the rest of the class to treat this as a warning. You will never show anything less than a respectful attitude towards your Professor in front of me."
"Sorry, ma'am"
Having said that, Hermione walked back to her desk and began testing potions. It was going to be a long day.
Severus walked in the door of the large manor his family owned, dropping his bag on the floor. Immediately the family's house elf, Dottie, came up to him. The family had freed her long ago, but for some reason the elf had continued to serve them, and neither he, nor his parents, had complained about the arrangement. "Good morning, Sir. It is so nice to see you. Mistress is at St. Mungo's hospital with your father, and she told me to ask you to come as soon as you got in. Before you leave, though, Sir, would you like some tea, or anything to eat?" squeaked Dottie.
"No, thank you Dottie. I will go to see my father now. Please take good care of my bag, I do not wish anything to be broken."
"Yes, sir."
Immediately, Severus apparated and appeared at St. Mungo's hospital. Stopping at the front desk, he hastily inquired after the whereabouts of his father, and the woman working there informed him of the room number. After weaving through the people and getting through all the wizard security, Snape finally arrived at room 724 and ½. Immediately his mother saw him and rushed over to hug her son. "Severus! You've come.and not a moment too soon. The new potion they've tried has failed as well.everyone is beginning to lose all hope." With those words she broke down, crying softly into his robes.
Severus sighed and gently patted her head. "Mother, please. I will do whatever possible to make sure he gets through this." Just then an older woman came in and began inspecting his father, taking his vitals. "Excuse me, I am Radcliff Snape's son, the Potions Master at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry," he told the healer. I want to know the exact potions that you have administered my father, and at what times. I'd also like to speak to a qualified healer and know exactly what my father's illness is." As he hoped, the firmness in his words led to an immediate response.
"Yes, sir. We believe your father is suffering from an Ischemic Cascade, more commonly known as a stroke, especially by Muggles. Mr. Snape here seems to be suffering from the worst of it, having seizures, cranial swelling, and he seems to be getting blood clots. We have so far tried the Hemorrian potion, and Clopidogrel, and neither seem to be making any difference. We are truly sorry, but I must urge you to prepare yourself. It is quite likely that Radcliff will not make it through the night."
After nearly 8 hours at the hospital with the healers trying every spell and potion they could think of, Regina Snape urged Severus to return to the family home, eat something, and get settled in for a few nights, promising that she would immediately contact him should there be any change. Reluctantly, Severus agreed, knowing that instead of eating, he needed to speak with someone that he knew could and would help if anybody could. Upon arriving at the manor, he threw some floo powder into the fire and placed his head in, calling out "Hermione Granger's chambers". Immediately he found his head inside her fireplace, hoping that she would be nearby.
Hermione had suffered from a very long day, teaching Severus' classes. Not only was she not used to teaching, not going to the potions lab that evening was a shock to her. Surprised by the amount of free time she possessed, instead of enjoying it, all she could think about was how much she missed him. Curling up by the fire that evening, she started reading a book that Harry had given her for her birthday in September. Because of her incredibly busy schedule, she hadn't even opened the cover yet. However, her mind was much engaged elsewhere and she could not concentrate at all. Just as she was ready to give up her efforts and just go to bed, she heard a familiar ringing in her fireplace. Looking up, she saw Severus' head pop into her room. Gasping, she ran over. "Severus! How are you? Is your father alright?"
"I am tolerable under the circumstances, and no, my father is steadily declining. You have done so much for me already and I hate to ask people favors and rely on their goodwill. But I have no choice; this may be my father's last chance. Hermione.I need you now. The healers believe my father has had a stroke. They've tried multiple spells, and several potions." He listed all the names to her, and she wrote them down on a sheet of paper. Please - try and remember everything that you know about strokes, and if you must, read some books or something. There might be a spell or potion that could save his life. If you find one.will you contact me, immediately?
"Of course. I'll begin right now.I don't know much about strokes, but I'll go to the library and see what I can find out. Should I contact you at your home, or at the hospital?"
"Try the hospital. The only fireplace with a floo connection is at the front office, ask the worker there to get me to come down, and we'll talk then. Tell her I'm in Radcliff Snape's room, number 724 ½. If I'm not there, then try the manor."
"And Hermione.thank you," said Snape before giving her a true smile and disappearing. Taking a deep breath, Hermione got up and headed for the library.
Ten hours and 6 books later, Hermione began another large book entitled Common Cranial and Cardiac Illnesses. Finding a chapter on strokes, Hermione read, her eyes blurring with exhaustion. She had spent the entire night reading in the library, and had not found a single cure that Snape hadn't already listed. Just as she was ready to give up, Hermione's eyes rested on a potion named Artilarius, which was supposed to be used in only the most severe cases of stroke. The ingredients were rare and obscure, and the directions were extremely complicated. It would take twelve hours to brew. Immediately Hermione ran downstairs to her room, knowing that with Severus' classes, it would be difficult to tend to the potion.
Throwing floo powder into the fire, Hermione's head arrived at St. Mungo's hospital, and she asked the woman working at the front desk to fetch Severus. Several minutes later he showed up, almost running through the building, anxious to hear her progress.
"Hermione! Have you found anything?" he asked, praying that the girl had discovered something.
"Yes, I think so. It's a potion called Artilarius. You didn't list it with all the potions they've tried, and I think it might be worth a shot. It takes twelve hours to make, however, and it's got some of the most complicated ingredients I've ever seen. I think you've got them all though, in your private storeroom." Quickly she told him what the potion was supposed to do, regulate blood flow to the cranium from the aorta. "Do you want me to try it? I'm not sure what to do with your classes, though. I couldn't teach them while making this potion, it requires too much maintenance, and if I didn't start it until tonight it may be too late."
"I never thought I'd say this.but cancel class. We need the potion as soon as possible. I'll contact Dumbledore and tell him to announce it to the students at breakfast."
"Alright. I'll need to use some of your materials; I don't have all of them in my possession."
"I don't care. The password to my store room is 'pewter'. Thank you for doing this."
"Of course." With that, Hermione disappeared and went to begin the potion. Running down the stairs into the dungeons, she opened his closet, wondering if the password had been put there after the ingredients from his cupboard were stolen her second year, and pulled out the materials. Working hastily, but accurately and carefully, Hermione started the potion.
Twelve and a half hours later, Severus paced back and forth across his father's hospital room, hoping that the potion was going well, and waiting for a messenger to come and fetch him. The seconds ticked on the clock across the room, and each one seemed to last a decade. Finally a rustling noise at the door made Severus turn, and he found Hermione standing there. She looked tired, her face was pale and black circles had formed under her eyes. He knew that his pleas had caused her not to sleep all night, and that she probably hadn't eaten all day either. "Hermione!" he gasped, hurrying over to her.
"I have the potion. I talked it over with a healer in the hall who said that she treated your father, and she agreed to let him take it, knowing that it may be his only chance. Here is a vial." She reached inside her cloak and pulled out a thick purple-tinted potion, handing it to him. Hermione then hurried over to his ailing father and helped him open his mouth. Gently she poured the drops down his throat and rubbed his throat to help him swallow. The healer had stepped in to watch the potion being administered, and she took his pulse once the entire potion had been swallowed. Gasping, she turned to the family and Hermione. "His pulse is getting stronger!" A quarter of an hour later, Radcliff was showing definite signs of improvement, and within a half hour, he opened his eyes and looked around, eventually responding to questions. After being hugged by Severus and Regina and informing Severus of the ingredients that she had used, Hermione decided to go and let the family get some peace.
Once she was safely back inside Hogwarts, Hermione went straight to the kitchens and got some food from the house elves. She hadn't eaten for more than twenty-four hours, and she was starving. Once the food had satisfied her, she started to return to her rooms for some sleep, meeting Dumbledore in the hallway. "Hermione, I just wanted to congratulate you on the amazing task you just completed today. I know that you probably want some sleep, but I thought I'd tell you how much your work is appreciated. Thank you for helping him.what you did means more to him than he will ever say. Goodnight, Miss Granger."
Inwardly wondering if the man truly knew everything, Hermione wished Dumbledore a good night and entered her chambers. Falling into the soft bed, she fell into a deep sleep.
Severus stayed with his mother until his father was allowed to come back home, fully cured, and then returned to Hogwarts to reassume his teaching position. It was a Friday night when he returned, and after seeing Dumbledore and informing him that he was indeed back, the first place Severus headed was Hermione's chambers. He hadn't gotten much chance to speak with her at all since that day in St. Mungo's, and he wanted to fully thank her for all that she did. Knocking on her door, he found her in the same pink robe that she had been wearing on Monday morning.
"Severus, you're back!" she cried, excited to finally see his face again. She had missed him terribly while he was gone.
"Yes, my father came back home this afternoon. Can I come in?" he asked in a gentle tone that she had only recently gotten acquainted with.
"Of course. You will be resuming your classes on Monday?"
"If I must," he answered in a teasing sarcastic voice. "Were they any trouble for you?"
"No, things went fairly smoothly for the most part. I hope you'll find that my teaching was satisfactory."
"I'm sure it will be, and even if it is not by normal standards, you were facing numerous distractions as well, so those will give you vouchers. Hermione.I.I cannot describe my thanks for your help this week," he stuttered.
"Severus Snape, speechless? That is enough thanks for me," she teased. No, seriously though, I would never have considered doing anything else."
"But you did it for me.nobody has ever tried so much to help me as you have.
"The fact that it was for you made me want to do it more. Severus.I'd do anything for you. Anything."
Wondering if she'd meant what he thought she had, Severus took a step closer. "Do you mean that, Hermione?"
"Of course I mean it. I want you to know.I love you, Severus. Ever since I came here I've been feeling it, but it wasn't until this past week that I truly realized that. I missed you while you were gone, missed you company, your sarcastic remarks, missed your presence in general. When I was given an opportunity to do something to help bring you back, to make you happy, I jumped at the chance. I didn't care about food or sleep because the thing I need the most is you." She stopped abruptly, looking into his face for a response.
At first, there was none. His expression changed from blank, to disbelief, to joy, to uncertainty, and then back to disbelief, which he seemed to settle upon. "Hermione.are you positive that is what you want? I never want to hurt you, never."
"I am certain."
His face turned to pure joy, a look that she had seen only once before, that day at St. Mungo's. He looked down into her eyes and said softly, "I love you too. I have ever since you walked back in this building. If my age doesn't bother you, which it hasn't so far, then I'm willing to take this farther. I also have missed you this week.and I've wanted you ever since the beginning. Your intelligence stuns me everyday.and you look beautiful."
At that, Hermione ran over and wrapped her arms around him. He pulled her chin up towards his face and gently placed his lips on hers. The emotion that washed through her then was unlike anything that she had ever felt, and she allowed his tongue entrance to her mouth, deepening the kiss. He let out a small moan as he tasted her, and she smiled.
They stood there kissing for nearly half an hour, until exhaustion wore over both of them. Eventually they both sat down on her couch, and Severus pulled her into his arms. As the fire died, darkness cast over the room and the couple fell asleep in each other's arms.