Everyone was getting a little impatient they were all waiting in their home
trying to get something to eat but Ryoko had yet to show up. It was very
strange to them all that Ryoko was skipping out on something that made them
think she was getting sick. No wait, she would still eat even if she were
sick so they were really getting worried that something might have happened
to her.
Washu was the only one that seemed to be waiting patiently still but that didn't stop the rumbling that was coming from her stomach. She decided to just start a conversation with someone and the closest person to her was Nobuyuki, she had been meaning to talk to him anyways. "Um Nobuyuki. Remember that request that you wanted me to do?" asked Washu and Nobuyuki just nodded a little hopefully. "I have tried but I am sorry to say that I can't do it at the moment. There are things even the greatest scientific genius in the universe can't do, and bringing back the dead is just a little much for anybody, even me," said Washu with a disappointed look on her face.
"It is ok Washu. I understand. Maybe my request is a little too much anyways. I bet that wherever my wife is, that she is happily watching over us," said Nobuyuki with a sigh but a small smile still there.
Ayeka just couldn't take all of the waiting anymore. "Why don't we just eat already? I don't see why we are all waiting here for the demon to get back. It means that we will have a bit more food since she isn't pigging out on it all!" yelled Ayeka with a slight vein popping out of her head at the moment. She wasn't exactly in the best of moods since earlier that day and waiting for Ryoko was really starting to get on her nerves.
"Please stop yelling Ayeka. It is the nice and proper way to wait for her to come back," said Sasami a little ironically because it was Ayeka who should have known this because she was the first princess of the Jurai royal family, not Sasami.
"I already know that Sasami but is it really proper to keep us all waiting for about the past hours?" asked Ayeka a little more calmly because she really didn't feel like yelling at Sasami, she was saving it for Ryoko when she returned.
"Please calm down Ayeka. How about this, we wait for five more minutes and if Ryoko doesn't show up then we will start eating and just save her some," said Tenchi not wanting to see Ayeka's wrath.
Ayeka let off a sigh before saying, "Yes, of course lord Tenchi. I am sorry for losing my temper," said Ayeka with a small blush. She was about to say something else when they heard the front door open. 'Strange, Ryoko never comes through the front door,' thought a stunned Ayeka since everyone else was at the table.
Sure enough, Ryoko came floating into the kitchen only a few moments later with a rather grim look on her face. "Hey everyone. I see dinner is ready," said Ryoko instantly brightening up at the sight of all of the food. Ryoko floated over and took her normal seat by Tenchi on the opposite said of Ayeka. "Sasami, would you say there is enough food?" asked Ryoko earning curious stares from everyone else.
"I guess so. There should be enough here for everyone to be able to have a few extra servings," said Sasami very confused about Ryoko's behavior because she wasn't immediately stuffing her face like she usually was.
"Good, because I hope you don't mind but I invited someone over," said Ryoko who looked at a stunned Nobuyuki who merely nodded a bit dumbly. "Good," said Ryoko and then she snapped her fingers.
The door to the room slid open and a person walked in that shocked the daylights out of everyone. "Sakuya!" yelled Tenchi shocked to see his girlfriend standing before him and it was Ryoko that had brought her nonetheless. He looked at Sakuya who was blushing with a bit of embarrassment at all of the stares that she was receiving including a furious one from Ayeka.
Sakuya opened up her door with a shocked gasp when she saw that it is Ryoko that was standing before her instead of someone like Tenchi. Sakuya wasn't even aware that Ryoko had know that she was even back so it left her a little afraid.
"So it was you. I thought as much. Tenchi did seem a little happier now a days," stated Ryoko with a sad look on her face. "Don't worry, I am not here to get rid of you this time," said Ryoko seeing Sakuya's fearful look although it did bring a bit of satisfaction to her.
Although Sakuya wished to get away, she knew that it might do too much good since Ryoko knew that she was back. She moved off to the side and signaled for Ryoko to come into her apartment. Sakuya watched as Ryoko flew into the room with a stern look on her face. "How did you know that I was back?" asked Sakuya walking behind Ryoko and taking a seat in a chair.
"I have been noticing many strange thing happen and it has all just seemed to click together after a while. I originally found out when Yugi sensed you a few days ago. It is not really any mystery how you are here when Yugi recombined with you. It had to be Washu," said Ryoko with a slight laugh and a smirk.
"Sorry that we didn't tell you about it when it happened. Everyone thought it would just be wise to ease it onto you and Ayeka little by little before they told you exactly. Everyone was a little afraid with how you would react," admitted Sakuya with an embarrassed blush.
"I guess that I really can't blame all of you. Now that I think about it maybe I would have acted like that if I weren't aware that this day would eventually come. I bet you are wondering why I am even here despite the fact that I didn't like you," said Ryoko knowing that she was right and she got her answer when Sakuya silently nodded her head. "I am merely here to talk this time, not to hurt you. So just calm down already," stated Ryoko with an aggravated sigh noticing a slight shivering going through Sakuya, it wasn't much but it was driving her nuts.
"Sorry," said Sakuya managing to calm down upon hearing the tone of Ryoko's voice. She seemed to be talking pretty honestly and only seemed mildly angry when she had seen Sakuya upon opening the door. "Why are you here exactly? I thought that you hated me," said Sakuya with a mild case of curiosity.
"I do, I did, I really don't know. I don't have any other purpose for coming here except for Tenchi. I am just going to get right down to the point. What is it that you and Tenchi feel for each other? No wait, it is clear that Tenchi loves you because of how he acted when you disappeared. I guess I should ask you how you feel and you had better be truthful because I do not take lying lightly," said Ryoko with a placid expression on her face while staring at Sakuya waiting for her reply.
"I love him with all of my heart. It is really as simple as that. I do realize that you and Ayeka have feelings for him as well but I really just can't deny what my hearts wants for that reason alone. I hope that you understand," said Sakuya with a hopeful look in her eyes.
Ryoko looked away with a sad expression on her face. She hated to admit it but she knew what she had to do to make Tenchi happy. "If that is the way that you feel then I will step aside for now," said Ryoko and upon seeing Sakuya's shocked face she continued. "But I am warning you. If you slip up in any way and make Tenchi unhappy then you will be in for a world of pain and then I will take Tenchi all for myself," said Ryoko with a smirk because she really liked the idea.
Sakuya nodded and she understood completely what it was that Ryoko felt for Tenchi. It was the exact same thing that she felt for him. She felt kind of bad but oddly at ease at that moment except for Ryoko's threat. "I understand," she said with a slight smile.
"Good, now come on," said Ryoko flying up into the air slightly. She saw Sakuya's confused expression like she didn't know what she meant. 'How could I have lost to someone like this?' Ryoko thought with a sigh but she found it oddly funny. "I am taking you back with me. It is time you stopped hiding," said Ryoko with a small smile.
***End Flashback***
"What the hell is this?" yelled Ayeka upon seeing Sakuya. Everyone seemed to flinch a little at the tone of her voice but they all kept quiet unsure of what it was they should say to the furious princess.
"Shut up Ayeka. I don't think that everyone feels like listening to your yelling," said Ryoko looking at all the food with a look of longing. Besides, she is the guest it as a princess aren't you supposed to know that you are supposed to treat guests kindly," said Ryoko with a smirk because she knew that she had Ayeka with her response.
"Why is it that you did that Ryoko?" asked Ayeka turning her glare towards the one woman that she hated as much as she hated Sakuya.
"I did it for Tenchi. What is it that you are going to be able to do for him?" asked Ryoko without even looking at Ayeka. "Besides I told her that if she screwed up then I was going to take him for myself. I don't think you would even stand a chance if we didn't allow him to do what he felt like. So I am just going to step aside, for now at least," said Ryoko getting impatient because there was food in front of her an no one was going to be able to eat it for a while at that rate.
Tenchi was too shocked by seeing Sakuya there and hearing Ryoko's words. Of all of the responses he expected to here from Ryoko about the situation, he never thought that the words that Ryoko used were what she was going to say. 'I must say that Ryoko seems to have grown up quite a bit, but then again I guess I see why she did it anyways,' thought a dumbfounded Tenchi.
"Now can we eat already? I am starving and I don't think I can just continued to watch the food go uneaten," said a now drooling Ryoko. She saw Sasami nod with a smile and she reached out to grab some food but Ayeka stood up so quickly that it startled Ryoko.
After standing up, Ayeka stormed over towards Sakuya and grabbed her by the front of the shirt. "Who do you think that you are just coming back here? Everything was going just fine with lord Tenchi and I and then you just come back expecting to take him again!" yelled Ayeka while everyone tried to stop her.
"Ayeka! Stop it!" yelled Tenchi trying to pry her hands off of Sakuya but he was not having much luck as Ayeka continued to run her mouth off. "Stop it!" he yelled once again but this time Ayeka looked at him.
"Lord Tenchi, how can you just stand there and yell at me after all the things we have been through?" asked a slightly hurt Ayeka.
"What sort of 'things' are you talking about Ayeka? We were never together, you have got to realize that," said Tenchi slightly losing his temper at how Ayeka was acting. "I love Sakuya. You need to realize that and accept it. Ryoko pretty much knows what she was talking about for once," said Tenchi and hearing Ryoko crash to the ground with a growl at the words 'for once'.
Ayeka was shocked by what Tenchi had said to her. she was hurt as well. "H- h-how could you," stuttered Ayeka before she turned around and ran out of the room as fast as she could.
Everyone just seemed to stare at her without doing anything. Sakuya was confused. "Isn't anyone going to be going after her?" she asked feeling a little bad at that moment.
"Don't worry so much about Ayeka. She is just a little mad and she will be back soon enough. When that happens she will just have to accept the truth and continue to live peacefully or find something else to do except complain all day. She does enough of it as it is," said Washu with a smile just waving off what had happened as everyone once again sat down.
"Ayeka will be just fine Sakuya. It is nice of you to be worried but this sort of thing happens a lot with people just running off out of anger and stuff like that," said Tenchi and everyone seemed to look at Ryoko who just had a sweat drop coming down her head. "Come on, lets get something to eat, we will just have to save her some for when she gets back because it won't happen for a while with how steamed off she was," said Tenchi with a smile and Sakuya just nodded silently.
The two of them walked up to the table where everyone was talking nicely. Ryoko wasn't really taking it too bad, she may have stepped aside but that didn't stop her from flirting shamelessly with Tenchi, but Sakuya just seemed to find it a bit amusing.
"Eat up Sakuya. If you are going to be with Tenchi then I guess you are part of this family as well. Even if I don't like the idea, I guess it is inevitable," said Ryoko with a shrug of her shoulders.
Sakuya looked down at her plate and a small smile lit her face. 'I guess I can handle all of this. Now I guess I really do have a family,' she thought with a smile as everyone went on with their talking happily.
Washu was the only one that seemed to be waiting patiently still but that didn't stop the rumbling that was coming from her stomach. She decided to just start a conversation with someone and the closest person to her was Nobuyuki, she had been meaning to talk to him anyways. "Um Nobuyuki. Remember that request that you wanted me to do?" asked Washu and Nobuyuki just nodded a little hopefully. "I have tried but I am sorry to say that I can't do it at the moment. There are things even the greatest scientific genius in the universe can't do, and bringing back the dead is just a little much for anybody, even me," said Washu with a disappointed look on her face.
"It is ok Washu. I understand. Maybe my request is a little too much anyways. I bet that wherever my wife is, that she is happily watching over us," said Nobuyuki with a sigh but a small smile still there.
Ayeka just couldn't take all of the waiting anymore. "Why don't we just eat already? I don't see why we are all waiting here for the demon to get back. It means that we will have a bit more food since she isn't pigging out on it all!" yelled Ayeka with a slight vein popping out of her head at the moment. She wasn't exactly in the best of moods since earlier that day and waiting for Ryoko was really starting to get on her nerves.
"Please stop yelling Ayeka. It is the nice and proper way to wait for her to come back," said Sasami a little ironically because it was Ayeka who should have known this because she was the first princess of the Jurai royal family, not Sasami.
"I already know that Sasami but is it really proper to keep us all waiting for about the past hours?" asked Ayeka a little more calmly because she really didn't feel like yelling at Sasami, she was saving it for Ryoko when she returned.
"Please calm down Ayeka. How about this, we wait for five more minutes and if Ryoko doesn't show up then we will start eating and just save her some," said Tenchi not wanting to see Ayeka's wrath.
Ayeka let off a sigh before saying, "Yes, of course lord Tenchi. I am sorry for losing my temper," said Ayeka with a small blush. She was about to say something else when they heard the front door open. 'Strange, Ryoko never comes through the front door,' thought a stunned Ayeka since everyone else was at the table.
Sure enough, Ryoko came floating into the kitchen only a few moments later with a rather grim look on her face. "Hey everyone. I see dinner is ready," said Ryoko instantly brightening up at the sight of all of the food. Ryoko floated over and took her normal seat by Tenchi on the opposite said of Ayeka. "Sasami, would you say there is enough food?" asked Ryoko earning curious stares from everyone else.
"I guess so. There should be enough here for everyone to be able to have a few extra servings," said Sasami very confused about Ryoko's behavior because she wasn't immediately stuffing her face like she usually was.
"Good, because I hope you don't mind but I invited someone over," said Ryoko who looked at a stunned Nobuyuki who merely nodded a bit dumbly. "Good," said Ryoko and then she snapped her fingers.
The door to the room slid open and a person walked in that shocked the daylights out of everyone. "Sakuya!" yelled Tenchi shocked to see his girlfriend standing before him and it was Ryoko that had brought her nonetheless. He looked at Sakuya who was blushing with a bit of embarrassment at all of the stares that she was receiving including a furious one from Ayeka.
Sakuya opened up her door with a shocked gasp when she saw that it is Ryoko that was standing before her instead of someone like Tenchi. Sakuya wasn't even aware that Ryoko had know that she was even back so it left her a little afraid.
"So it was you. I thought as much. Tenchi did seem a little happier now a days," stated Ryoko with a sad look on her face. "Don't worry, I am not here to get rid of you this time," said Ryoko seeing Sakuya's fearful look although it did bring a bit of satisfaction to her.
Although Sakuya wished to get away, she knew that it might do too much good since Ryoko knew that she was back. She moved off to the side and signaled for Ryoko to come into her apartment. Sakuya watched as Ryoko flew into the room with a stern look on her face. "How did you know that I was back?" asked Sakuya walking behind Ryoko and taking a seat in a chair.
"I have been noticing many strange thing happen and it has all just seemed to click together after a while. I originally found out when Yugi sensed you a few days ago. It is not really any mystery how you are here when Yugi recombined with you. It had to be Washu," said Ryoko with a slight laugh and a smirk.
"Sorry that we didn't tell you about it when it happened. Everyone thought it would just be wise to ease it onto you and Ayeka little by little before they told you exactly. Everyone was a little afraid with how you would react," admitted Sakuya with an embarrassed blush.
"I guess that I really can't blame all of you. Now that I think about it maybe I would have acted like that if I weren't aware that this day would eventually come. I bet you are wondering why I am even here despite the fact that I didn't like you," said Ryoko knowing that she was right and she got her answer when Sakuya silently nodded her head. "I am merely here to talk this time, not to hurt you. So just calm down already," stated Ryoko with an aggravated sigh noticing a slight shivering going through Sakuya, it wasn't much but it was driving her nuts.
"Sorry," said Sakuya managing to calm down upon hearing the tone of Ryoko's voice. She seemed to be talking pretty honestly and only seemed mildly angry when she had seen Sakuya upon opening the door. "Why are you here exactly? I thought that you hated me," said Sakuya with a mild case of curiosity.
"I do, I did, I really don't know. I don't have any other purpose for coming here except for Tenchi. I am just going to get right down to the point. What is it that you and Tenchi feel for each other? No wait, it is clear that Tenchi loves you because of how he acted when you disappeared. I guess I should ask you how you feel and you had better be truthful because I do not take lying lightly," said Ryoko with a placid expression on her face while staring at Sakuya waiting for her reply.
"I love him with all of my heart. It is really as simple as that. I do realize that you and Ayeka have feelings for him as well but I really just can't deny what my hearts wants for that reason alone. I hope that you understand," said Sakuya with a hopeful look in her eyes.
Ryoko looked away with a sad expression on her face. She hated to admit it but she knew what she had to do to make Tenchi happy. "If that is the way that you feel then I will step aside for now," said Ryoko and upon seeing Sakuya's shocked face she continued. "But I am warning you. If you slip up in any way and make Tenchi unhappy then you will be in for a world of pain and then I will take Tenchi all for myself," said Ryoko with a smirk because she really liked the idea.
Sakuya nodded and she understood completely what it was that Ryoko felt for Tenchi. It was the exact same thing that she felt for him. She felt kind of bad but oddly at ease at that moment except for Ryoko's threat. "I understand," she said with a slight smile.
"Good, now come on," said Ryoko flying up into the air slightly. She saw Sakuya's confused expression like she didn't know what she meant. 'How could I have lost to someone like this?' Ryoko thought with a sigh but she found it oddly funny. "I am taking you back with me. It is time you stopped hiding," said Ryoko with a small smile.
***End Flashback***
"What the hell is this?" yelled Ayeka upon seeing Sakuya. Everyone seemed to flinch a little at the tone of her voice but they all kept quiet unsure of what it was they should say to the furious princess.
"Shut up Ayeka. I don't think that everyone feels like listening to your yelling," said Ryoko looking at all the food with a look of longing. Besides, she is the guest it as a princess aren't you supposed to know that you are supposed to treat guests kindly," said Ryoko with a smirk because she knew that she had Ayeka with her response.
"Why is it that you did that Ryoko?" asked Ayeka turning her glare towards the one woman that she hated as much as she hated Sakuya.
"I did it for Tenchi. What is it that you are going to be able to do for him?" asked Ryoko without even looking at Ayeka. "Besides I told her that if she screwed up then I was going to take him for myself. I don't think you would even stand a chance if we didn't allow him to do what he felt like. So I am just going to step aside, for now at least," said Ryoko getting impatient because there was food in front of her an no one was going to be able to eat it for a while at that rate.
Tenchi was too shocked by seeing Sakuya there and hearing Ryoko's words. Of all of the responses he expected to here from Ryoko about the situation, he never thought that the words that Ryoko used were what she was going to say. 'I must say that Ryoko seems to have grown up quite a bit, but then again I guess I see why she did it anyways,' thought a dumbfounded Tenchi.
"Now can we eat already? I am starving and I don't think I can just continued to watch the food go uneaten," said a now drooling Ryoko. She saw Sasami nod with a smile and she reached out to grab some food but Ayeka stood up so quickly that it startled Ryoko.
After standing up, Ayeka stormed over towards Sakuya and grabbed her by the front of the shirt. "Who do you think that you are just coming back here? Everything was going just fine with lord Tenchi and I and then you just come back expecting to take him again!" yelled Ayeka while everyone tried to stop her.
"Ayeka! Stop it!" yelled Tenchi trying to pry her hands off of Sakuya but he was not having much luck as Ayeka continued to run her mouth off. "Stop it!" he yelled once again but this time Ayeka looked at him.
"Lord Tenchi, how can you just stand there and yell at me after all the things we have been through?" asked a slightly hurt Ayeka.
"What sort of 'things' are you talking about Ayeka? We were never together, you have got to realize that," said Tenchi slightly losing his temper at how Ayeka was acting. "I love Sakuya. You need to realize that and accept it. Ryoko pretty much knows what she was talking about for once," said Tenchi and hearing Ryoko crash to the ground with a growl at the words 'for once'.
Ayeka was shocked by what Tenchi had said to her. she was hurt as well. "H- h-how could you," stuttered Ayeka before she turned around and ran out of the room as fast as she could.
Everyone just seemed to stare at her without doing anything. Sakuya was confused. "Isn't anyone going to be going after her?" she asked feeling a little bad at that moment.
"Don't worry so much about Ayeka. She is just a little mad and she will be back soon enough. When that happens she will just have to accept the truth and continue to live peacefully or find something else to do except complain all day. She does enough of it as it is," said Washu with a smile just waving off what had happened as everyone once again sat down.
"Ayeka will be just fine Sakuya. It is nice of you to be worried but this sort of thing happens a lot with people just running off out of anger and stuff like that," said Tenchi and everyone seemed to look at Ryoko who just had a sweat drop coming down her head. "Come on, lets get something to eat, we will just have to save her some for when she gets back because it won't happen for a while with how steamed off she was," said Tenchi with a smile and Sakuya just nodded silently.
The two of them walked up to the table where everyone was talking nicely. Ryoko wasn't really taking it too bad, she may have stepped aside but that didn't stop her from flirting shamelessly with Tenchi, but Sakuya just seemed to find it a bit amusing.
"Eat up Sakuya. If you are going to be with Tenchi then I guess you are part of this family as well. Even if I don't like the idea, I guess it is inevitable," said Ryoko with a shrug of her shoulders.
Sakuya looked down at her plate and a small smile lit her face. 'I guess I can handle all of this. Now I guess I really do have a family,' she thought with a smile as everyone went on with their talking happily.