Jean settled back in her chair and sighed gratefully. "Finally, some peace and quiet!" she muttered.

"Hey! That's mine!" someone shrieked, further back in the mansion. Jean looked over her shoulder at the disturbance, and frowned. The shrieking girl was probably Kitty, but why would she be yelling at someone? She normally just phased right through their hands and grabbed whatever they'd taken from her – or at least, she tried to. Her control wasn't always up to it.

"Go shove your head in the blender!" someone else shouted. Jean sat bolt upright, astonished. That had sounded like Kurt! But he was always the relaxed type, and besides, he liked Kitty.

Jean winced as a series of crashes shook the house. Kitty suddenly ran through the wall, looking terrified. "Kitty, what-" Jean started, when Kurt teleported into the room and leapt at her. Kitty phased out, and Kurt went straight through her. He landed on the floor with a thump, and teleported himself back to where he could jump at her again. Jean grabbed him with her power, holding him in midair. He struggled helplessly, then slowly stopped, until he was hanging quietly, staring around him. "What – what happened?" he asked softly, fear gleaming in his eyes.

Kitty stared at him in disbelief. "You go totally psycho on me because I try to get my CD back, and you don't even remember it?"

Kurt looked blank. "CD?" he asked perplexedly, looking towards Jean as if he expected her to explain what was going on. Kitty glared, and carried on talking at him. "Yes, CD, as in the extremely cool CD that you stole from me and have hidden somewhere in this – this mausoleum! And when I ask you to give it back, which is a perfectly reasonable request, you try to kill me! What kind of a nut job are you, you elf!?"

"But – but – I didn't! Did I? I – I didn't know," Kurt began to stutter, twisting in the air as if he was trying to find an escape route. Jean looked at him curiously. He was telling the truth about not knowing, but there was something else that he was keeping to himself. She wondered if she should try digging a little deeper…

Kurt, come into my office please, Professor X suddenly projected. Jean set Kurt down, feeling glad that the professor was going to take care of this. Kurt started off down the corridor, muttering to himself; Jean wasn't sure what, as she didn't know much German.

Is something wrong with him, Professor? she asked mentally, hoping to hear that she was overreacting. There was a pause, and then Xavier projected sadly, Yes. I am very much afraid that there is.