Author's Note: After months (ack! Almost one year!) of not updating this fic, I finally found the courage to finish it.
And without further adieu, here it is.
Disclaimers Applied!
Thanks for the reviews:
QueenPan1295, xinghua, Ghettogurl123, iridian, AnimeFreak-TrunksPan-Lover4ever, Newbie GK, aquaprincess1, Crazy-Fan-Fic-Addict, bebex2xsweet, Forgotten Beauty, R3mZ!MLU, arkhato, KawaiiYamato, Megan Consoer, demonman21, reader, CorpsexBride, Snug, TweetyzGal, Samantha, Tiff, Momo Shinobi, babegalanime, The Leaky Pen, Saiyachick, beautiful crimson, Fayes Love, Funfact, Murphyangel, Angelwarrior1, anime-maniac-1001, Takuma, supersaiyanx
Deceive Me Not
Chapter 16:Happy Ending
He was still in that same position, not budging an inch, two hours later after that incident when he heard the door opened and slammed shut.
He looked up, but did not stand up to find out just who the hell was barging in his house uninvited. Right at that moment, whoever that person was just didn't seem to matter to him.
"You are really going to let me go just like that?" a livid, hands-on-her-hips, eyes-glaring Pan yelled as soon as she entered his room.
To say he was stunned was an understatement. He refused to believe that Pan was really standing there, yelling at him things he could not even begin to fathom.
Maybe he was just hallucinating.
Dreaming of her being this fiery just the way he wanted her. Or maybe, with her sudden departure from his life when he was beginning to once again see the light with her, his brain had finally took pity on him and just malfunctioned on his own.
Either way, he knew that Pan could not be possibly be here. Because the Pan who left him awhile ago was eerily cold and distant; unforgiving.
The Pan standing before him was angry as hell. A volcano about to erupt anytime.
She could not possibly be here; nevertheless, he humored himself by answering, "Pan –"
"Just for the record, I want you to know that you are the world's biggest moron," she said again, calmer this time, but still oozing with anger.
"Uh?" he said, and before he knew what he was doing, he stood up, crossed the room, towards her until he was close enough and took her hand to his. "Pan?" he tried again, but before he could ask what was going on, she jerked her hand away and burst into tears.
"Pan –"
"She looks like you!" she accused, shoving him lightly as her shoulders shook with emotion.
"What are you talking about?" he asked, getting more confused with each passing second.
"She looks so much like you," she whispered then threw her arms around his neck and cried her heart out.
The elevator door opened and Pan walked out, carrying her suitcase, when the girl she saw earlier stopped her.
"Pan Son, right?" she asked.
Pan nodded, though not saying anything. She was so not in the mood for this. She was not ready for another lame excuses and empty lies. She was not in the mood to try to understand just what in the world the matter with them is.
She tried everything in her power to make it work, for them to be a family, even swallowing her pride and making the first move for them to get back together. And now, this.
"Here," the girl said, handing her assorted things she don't have any idea what to do with.
"What are you –"
"I know you wouldn't listen to me even if I tried to talk to you, so, this is my passport," the girl interrupted, then paused then pointed at her name in the passport, "it says here that I'm a Briefs," paused again to flip the pages until she reached the "In Case of Emergency" page, "and my brother was the one to be contacted in case something happens to me."
Pan tried to understand what was happening as she listened to what the girl was saying, "Why –"
"Then, this is our childhood family picture. I always carry it," the girl continued, not even letting Pan speak, handing the picture to her. "This is me," she said, pointing at the little girl, "and this is Trunks," she continued, pointing at the little boy with the same shade of lavender hair.
"So, that's about it," she said, took the documents from Pan's grasp and put it inside her bag.
"Just what do you think you're doing?" Pan managed to ask this time, anger slowly rising from her.
If ever the girl noticed, she paid no heed to it, instead, she smiled brightly and offered her hand, "I'm Bra Briefs. Nice to meet you. Are you going to be my sister-in-law?"
And that was when Pan looked at her closely. Not the glance-type looks, but to really look at her. With her smiling like that, she can see the boyish grin Trunks always gave her whenever he was going to ask something from her.
With her eyes crinkling like that, Pan can easily see the amused eyes Trunks showed whenever he played with their son.
Removing the mask brought about by makeup, Pan saw Trunks beneath the girl's face. And she knew, if Trunks had been a girl, he would look exactly just like her.
Without the hard angle of his jaw, replaced with soft, high cheekbones; remove the piercing eyes of a business skeptic, swapped with flirty eyes, daring men to approach her; Substitute the hard mouth of a man experienced in kissing with a pouty lips of a brat; the girl standing in front of her is Trunks' exact counterpart.
Pan spoke up finally, "I think so."
And that was when Bra dragged her to a little coffee shop to wait while her idiot-of-a-brother searched for them.
But that was two hours ago. Trunks-the-idiot did not call nor look for her. He simply sat there as if waiting for something to happen.
Trunks held her tighter as she continued to cry, still not understanding what any of this meant. Women are incomprehensible, even when they try not to be. It was in their nature, he suddenly decided. "Pan, are you going to start making sense or not?" he tested his luck with this question, he knew, but then, he could not go around not asking anything.
Curiosity killed the cat, he knew; but then, he was not a cat, and besides, as a businessman, he ought to be skeptic and curious or he would risk losing money.
But Pan only looked up at him, her eyes, though glazed with tears, were still blazing angrily. "Tell me. Were you really just going to let me go just like that?"
His jaw dropped. She's accusing him now of letting her go? He'd never courted anyone this hard before! And she was the one who walked out on him, in the first place! "Of course not, Pan, how can you –"
"Then why didn't you come after me?" she asked angrily, jerked away from his hold and shoved him with all her might.
"I…what?" he asked, still hopelessly confused. "Who says I'm not going to come after you?"
"We were waiting for you at the lobby for two hours, yet you didn't show up. What do you think would I think?" she said, still in her accusatory tone.
"I was –"
Pan cut him off. "Oh, please, spare me, Trunks. You would have come after me if you really are serious with me –"
She stopped because she suddenly found his lips against hers, his arms wrapped around her tightly, he was crushing her. And when he felt that she was lost to him again, he suddenly pulled away.
"I was not letting you go, I'm merely giving you time to run, because when I chase after you and caught you, I would give you a good spanking for even thinking that I am cheating on you," he whispered in her ear and though he knew she could not see it, he smirked.
"Really now?" she whispered in return, pulled her head away to look at him in the eye.
"Yes, of course," he answered confidently.
"Or are you just afraid that if you follow me so soon before I calmed down I would make quite a scene that would make you the headline for tomorrow's news?" she challenged.
He smiled sheepishly. "That, too."
She laughed. "I love you, Trunks," she said in between breaths, still laughing.
He was taken aback and suddenly looked serious. "What did you just say?" he asked as he looked at her with hope in his eyes that she could feel her cheeks getting warm.
"Don't make me say it again, Trunks," she groaned and pulled him tighter to her.
He chuckled. "Alright, so long as you mean it," he said, then pulled away from her embrace when he heard his son crying from the other room and went to check on him.
Pan followed him and watched as his eyes shine with care as he handled his son his milk. The little one happily sucked on his bottle as he stared at Trunks, then eventually closed his eyes to go back to sleep. It was, apparently, his napping time.
"Trunks," she began in a hushed tone, and when he looked at her, she hesitated for a moment or two and then, "Are you serious with making this work?"
"Yeah," he said, cocked his head to one side and give her one of his boyish grin, then put his hand on her shoulder as she led him out of the room, afraid that their talk might wake the baby again.
"Then, will you marry me?" she asked timidly, not really sure if he heard her. But when his hand on her shoulder stiffened, she knew he heard her, alright.
He turned her so that they were facing each other, but she refused to look at him, instead, found that her shoe is more interesting than the person standing in front of her. He turned her face to him so that she would look at him, and when she still refused, "Look at me," he ordered softly.
She sighed and complied only to see him looking at her naughtily. The bastard! He was making fun of her now.
"Do you, by chance, have an engagement ring you would like me to wear?" he asked and smirked.
"No?" he asked.
She scowled. "I cannot afford it with the meager allowance you give me," she said.
He laughed because they both know it was a lie. Her allowance, not including that of their son and for their groceries and housekeeping, is almost as much as what his managers at Capsule Corporation is earning in a month, she always complained that she have to think of ways on how to spend it all without buying the whole store.
In the end, she keeps half of it in her bank account and donates most of what was left to charities, feeling a little guilty that Trunks is so rich he can pay the whole debt of a third world country from the World Bank, yet doesn't seem to be doing enough charity work.
She smiled. He didn't say a straight yes, but the way his eyes crinkled with joy was as though he accepted her proposal. He kissed her hair, then dug at his pocket for the engagement ring that he had been carrying with him all the while and handed it to her. This time, she accepted without a word and slipped it on her ring finger.
"So," Trunks began, leading her to their room, his hand around her shoulder, "Are you going to tell me how you changed your mood so suddenly? What did my brat sister tell you?"
She looked up at him and smiled mischievously at him, "No."
"No?" He asked then smirked at her, "Then, I would just have to cut your allowance for keeping secrets from me, what do you think?"
She smirked back at him, "I think I'll tell you what happened if you increase it."
His eyes danced merrily in amusement but his face remained serious, "That's not a very good deal, Pan. If you want to have a deal with the President of Capsule Corporation, you have to offer me something better than that."
"Is that so?"
"Yes, it is so," he said and nodded.
"Well, what if aside from that, I tell you that," she paused then faced him and smiled seductively, "I'm wearing a very sexy underwear right now," she whispered in his ears and to prove her point, grabbed his hand and led it under her skirt to settle on her butt.
His eyes darkened with desire, "I'll double your allowance," he managed to choke out as he almost dragged her to bed.
She chuckled. "Alright, I'll tell you how Bra persuaded me to stay with you. When I –"
The words died on her mouth as his lips met hers for a brief kiss. "Screw that, Pan. That can wait for a few hours."
"Hours?" she managed to choke out.
"Yes, hours. And when I'm finished with you, I doubt you would have the strength to talk," he said arrogantly as he stripped her of her clothes.
Author's Note: There. After three years of this project, I finally found the inspiration to make a decent ending out of it.
Hope you all like it!
Reviews and criticisms are appreciated.
I didn't make Trunks confess to her or say 'I love you, too' because he had already told that to her a thousand of times already. Also, it would not be consistent wit his character if he acted mushy and lovey-dovey. Ne?
Also, thanks for those who suggested an ending for this fic, but this ending has already been embedded in my mind since its conception, I just can't put it into words enough to write this last chapter.
For those people who wanted for me to write more chapters for this, well, I would have wanted it as well, but just like my other multi-chaptered fanfiction, when it was time to end it, no matter how much I enjoy writing it, I end it. No use to holding on to something that's already supposed to end, right?
Well, as writing would always be my life, I would continue to write, (fanfiction, originals, blogs) so, thank you for the warm support for this fanfic. It had been a great challenge for me to penetrate the world of Dragon Ball Fanfiction.
Email me. Let's all keep in touch til I found the time to write another fanfiction again.
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