Author's Note: Hi! I finally found the time to write this story in my mind. I've been wanting to write a Trunks-Pan story for quite a while. Anyway, this is my first time to write a Trunks-Pan so if the characters appeared to be too OOC, just tell me and we'll see what we can do about that, ne?
Disclaimers Applied!!!
Deceive Me NotChapter 1: Did She Just Slapped ME?
"What? What do you mean Mr. TV Briefs is not around?" Pan shouted at the secretary after being told that the person she's looking for is not around to see her.
"Just exactly what I've said, miss," the secretary said, expressionless. "Mr. Briefs is not around to see you."
"But it's an office hour! It's impossible that he's not around," she said, then glared at the secretary. It's good that Mr. Briefs secretary has her own office outside her employer and not outside with the other staffs, or else, the whole floor would hear Pan's yells. It would surely be a scene to catch their interest.
"Do you doubt my word, miss? I told you that Mr. Briefs is not ar-"
"Listen here, miss," Pan interrupted. "I've traveled a hundred miles on a public transportation just to talk to Mr. Briefs, whoever he is, and I won't easily accept the reason that he's not around. Why the hell wouldn't he be here when he's supposed to be managing his goddamn company?"
Instead of being intimidated, Rycah only scowled at her. She had handled many situations just like this in the past when one or two of Mr. Briefs women drop by his office to see him. He often avoided them and let his secretary do her job, and because of that, she was generously compensated.
However, she noticed that this woman is different. She didn't seem to be here just to cling to her employer. In fact, she has a reason to believe that the woman hadn't met the handsome bachelor yet. She would have shown her to Mr. Briefs but the problem is, her employer really isn't around. "Ms. ah – well, if you've forgotten, Mr. Briefs is the owner of Capsule Corporation. And while what you said about him managing his business is quite logical, Mr. Briefs take amusement in sneaking out of the building as much as he can. He reasoned out that his office is too stuffy, and right now, he really isn't around so if you would like to –"
"I've got no time for this nonsense," Pan muttered to herself but Rycah clearly heard her. "Where do you think can I find him?"
"I don't really know, ma'am," she said softly when she noticed that Pan had already calmed down and quit her yelling like a lunatic.
But her answer proved to be the one that Pan didn't want to hear because Pan raised one questioning eyebrow at her. "You don't know and you're his secretary. Pardon me but you're not doing your job very well, he might as well fire you. Don't you have any appointment book or something which might give me an idea where I could find him?" she asked and when the secretary would retaliate, she raised her hand, stopping whatever the secretary had to say, and continued. "I'm not dumb, miss secretary. I earned my college degree in business and if there's one thing I hate, it's people who assumed I'm stupid just because the clothes of Jennifer Lopez would fit me just fine. Now, tell me where I could find your employer in that appointment book I saw in your desk before I decide that murdering him would do some good to this goddamn planet."
"But I told you already, ma'am. Mr. Briefs is not here and I don't have any idea where he could be found," the secretary said, exasperated. "Mr. Briefs seldom stick to his schedule and today is no different. He come and go whenever he wants to."
At that, Pan almost blushed with embarrassment. She had been harassing the poor woman when all the while, she had been telling the truth! "I'm sorry, miss, for being so rude. It's just that, I've come from a very far place for me to be put off like that. And I need to see Mr. Briefs badly. This is an emergency. Don't you have any idea as to where I could find him?"
Rycah shook her head and Pan had to sigh at that. So that means she had to go back home and return again tomorrow. Not only was the travel too long, it's also tiring as well.
If only Mr. Briefs is not a happy-go-lucky bastard, then her business might have been finished already. And then, she grimaced.
Her business with Mr. Briefs wouldn't be finished if she had seen him today. In fact, as far as she is concerned, it would only begin when she had finished talking to him.
However, a little smile crept on her face when the secretary looked at her and said, "I have an idea as to what he's doing when he can't be found," she said that it brought little hope to Pan that her trip to Capsule Corporation hadn't really been wasted.
"Really?" she asked hopefully. "Please tell me. It would really be a great help to me."
But Rycah only smiled weakly at her. "I don't think if this is going to be a great help to you but Mr. Briefs often spend his free time with his women."
At that, Pan cringed. Just what kind of a man is this Mr. Briefs? Based on what she'd heard, she's starting to dislike the man very much. "Women?" she managed to choke out.
"Yes, ma'am," Rycah told her cheerfully, not aware that the woman she is talking to is close to exploding and about to grab one's throat to release some frustration. "But don't ask me where you could find his women because they are scattered all around Japan. Mr. Brief's is quite the lady's man."
"Well, I think I'll just come back tomorrow," she said weakly. "Just tell Mr. Briefs that Ms. Son had come to look for him."
"Alright. Don't you want him to contact you?" Rycah asked, though not looking at her this time, as she was busy jotting down notes for Mr. Briefs when he returned.
"No need. I wish to talk to him in person. That's all," she said, then turned around and walked away.
Goten was busily lecturing Trunks as they entered the Capsule Corporation that afternoon. They had just been out, wandering around for some time when they decided to return in their office to doze off for a few hours.
"I'm telling you, man. What you did to Aphen was cruel," he said and frowned when Trunks only snorted at him.
"Real smooth, Goten. As if you haven't broken a hundred hearts before," he said as he strolled down the hallway, nodding at every person who greeted him.
Of course, he should maintain his image, too, of being a nice employer. His father would skin him alive if he found out that he's being arrogant towards them just because he's the owner of the Capsule Corporation.
"But the woman loves you, you should have been gentle with the break up with her, at the least," Goten argued and glared at him when Trunks frowned.
"She loves the Capsule Corporation, not me," he corrected his friend. Everyone knows of the wealth of the Briefs family because of the Capsule Corporation. And because of that, many women around the world wanted to be Mr. TV Briefs to be able to get their hands on their treasure.
"Well, you couldn't really blame them, right?" Goten admitted, then smiled to himself.
"Say, Goten, old friend," Trunks began and when Goten looked at him, he continued, "do you think I could find a woman who wouldn't care about CC?"
"What are you talking about? Trunks –"
"Don't mention that! You're the only person outside my family who knew my real name," Trunks interrupted and almost covered his friend's mouth in surprise.
"Gee, sorry. A slip of tongue," Goten said rather nonchalantly, then looked straight ahead. "Hey, Trunks?"
Trunks frowned at him. "Are you doing it on purpose or what? I told you to stop calling me that!" Trunks said, rather annoyed.
"Sorry, okay?" Goten apologized again. "Why the hell do you have to keep your real name a secret, anyway?"
"Beats me. It was my dad's psychotic idea," he said then shrugged.
"And you're following him?" Goten asked incredulously. "You must be psychotic, too!"
"Hey, what can I do? Everyone calls me TV ever since I could remember," Trunks said defensively.
"Sure, sure. Whatever you say, TV," Goten said, then, "Where'd she go?"
"Huh? What are you talking about?"
"A woman. With short black hair. Rather pretty," Goten said and when Trunks frowned at him, obviously not recognizing the woman, Goten sighed. "I saw her getting out of your office."
"My office?" Trunks repeated, startled. "What is she doing in my office?"
"How the hell would I know? Why don't you ask your secretary," Goten suggested, then shrugged.
"No. Show me the woman. I want to know who she is," Trunks said, err, demanded and almost dragged Goten from walking too fast.
"But I told you, she disappeared. I didn't know where she went," Goten said, exasperated.
"Well, then, we're going to look for her," Trunks said stubbornly as he turned from one corner to another, eager to find the woman.
"Why do you want to see her, anyway? I'm telling you, man, she's pretty but not as beautiful as the other women you dated," Goten said as he craned his neck, hoping to find the woman from where they are.
"Nothing. I'm just curious, you know. What did she want from me?" Trunks explained, but Goten easily saw through the lie. He knows his friend just want to take a good look at the woman and assess if she could be 'collected' like one of his women.
"Come on, man. For all we know, she's a friend of your secretary. Or a cousin. Or a sister. Rycah has black hair, right? Or maybe she's just lost and is really looking for me instead –"
"Goten." Trunks interrupted. "Shut up."
Goten only shrugged, then, "Hey, there she is!" he exclaimed and immediately chased after her.
Trunks followed closely behind and tried to look for a woman with short, black hair. He thought he had spotted her already before she turned in a corner, and when they followed her there –
"She's gone." Goten said, a look of confusion on his face. "I don't believe it. We lost the woman for the second time."
"Tell me something I don't know," Trunks muttered, then scratched his head. Obviously, he, too, was baffled by the woman's sudden disappearance.
"Can you believe it? The woman must be some kind of a witch to disappear like that, TV! And there's nothing here but an out-of-order bathroom and a fire exit," Goten rambled, his astonishment showing on his face.
"Yeah, I know," Trunks said and looked at his watch, "What do you say we just forget the whole incident and go get something to eat before returning to our office?"
Goten looked at him and grinned. "That's more like it," he said as they headed for the elevator.
Nothing could ever make her day worse than it is.
Pan had decided to check-in into the nearest hotel so that she could go back here tomorrow without traveling that far. But when she felt the need to go to the bathroom, it took her a long time to reach the place because of the crowd – only to find it under construction.
Irritated with what's happening, she decided to go downstairs, using the fire exit, hoping against hope that the bathroom on the next floor is also beside the fire exit.
But, as bad luck would have it, the bathroom was so crowded, and, not having the patience to wait, decided to just go ahead and control her urinary glands until she had checked in already in a hotel.
At least, the hotel is just across the Capsule Corporation so she does not have to suffer long.
She headed straight to the elevator, and because she was looking for her cellphone inside her bag when the elevator opened and she stepped inside, she failed to notice the two tall men behind her exchanged astonished glances.
Trunks and Goten tapped their left foot impatiently while waiting for the elevator. If there's one thing that the two men dislike (aside from being forced by their parents to marry and settle down), it's to keep them from eating.
And the ever so slow elevator is keeping them from eating now, that the two men are already frowning when the elevator opened.
They stepped inside hurriedly and nodded at the people inside who greeted them, after all, they held the top two highest positions in the Capsule Corporation.
When the elevator opened again at the next floor, the woman they've been chasing a while ago stepped in, oblivious to all the people inside as she was busily looking at her bag that the two men looked at each other in astonishment.
"I don't believe it," Goten mouthed to Trunks for fear that the woman might hear them.
Trunks only looked at the woman from head to toe before grinning naughtily at Goten, "Nice ass," he mouthed in return.
Goten looked back at the woman and grinned back to Trunks to show his agreement. Before Trunks could think of what his friend would be doing, Goten groped the woman's bottom.
The rest happened so fast to Trunks, he never saw any of it coming.
After Goten's one-sided groping, the woman turned around to look at them. Of course, Trunks, being the natural charmer, smiled at her when he realized that she really is quite pretty.
The woman looked at him with fury in her eyes before slapping him so hard, he thought his jaw might have been dislocated.
"Pervert!" the woman yelled as soon as the elevator opened, and immediately went out. Leaving there the gaping employees of the Capsule Corporation, for surely, for the first time, Mr. TV Brief's charms did not work for his advantage.
Goten's face was flushed because of stifling his laughter when his best friend looked at him, and holding his stinging cheek, he asked in obvious shock, "Did she just slapped me?"
Author's Note: So, there, it's done. My first chapter. What do you think? Some clarifications, though:
Pan didn't know Trunks or Goten Vegeta was the former president of CC, not Bulma That stupid thing because Pan is sexy that she can fit into J. Lo's clothes is because people tend to presume that when you're sexy, you're brainless or something because you care for your appearance so much. Just like when they sometimes presume that blondes are stupid or something. (I know, it's discrimination!)For updates of this story, please subscribe in my mailing list: