Ah, why not update now? I don't see why not! Sorry, it's gotten a bit angsty. But I'm just trying to go with it. I won't let the humor element leave, that's impossible for me.

Chapter 7

Lavender was standing over her, quite startled. "You were, you were moaning, and so I-I thought I should wake you. Then you screamed 'no' so loud the whole Gryffindor tower is probably awake. Are you ok?"

"Err, just a bad dream. Thank you. Sorry that I scared you." Hermione said softly. "What time is it?"

"It's about 3 in the morning. Are you sure you're alright?"

"Yes, yes, sorry I woke you. I'll try to be quiet." Said Hermione.

"Ok, as long as you think you're fine." Lavender retreated to her own bed and was asleep within minutes.

But Hermione remained awake. The dream she had just had disturbed her. She couldn't go back to sleep. So instead, she pulled out her History of Magic book and her wand, and making sure her "lumos" wasn't too bright, she read.


She read until she heard people stirring outside her door. She looked at her watch and saw that the earliest breakfast was being served now, and left to go get a bite to eat.

When she got to the Great Hall she was one of few. She sat down at her normal seat at the Gryffindor table and started to nibble on some toast. She didn't know why, but she wasn't hungry. She ate anyway, knowing she'd need her strength if she was going to spend her entire evening in a chair in the infirmary again, so she piled some scrambled eggs and bacon onto her plate.

Several bites and a lot of stirring later she got up. She headed towards the infirmary, knowing that Madame Pomfrey could probably use the help, and she had nothing better to do. All her homework was done and she had read almost all her textbooks last night.

She stepped into the room and as she made her way to the office, she was headed off by Madame Pomfrey.

"Oh, bless you! Just in time." She shoved a list into Hermione's hand.

"What's this?"

"Why a list of supplies of course! Run it down to Professor Snape, and make sure you get plenty of everything." She shoved the young girl out the door and went back to work.

Hermione got down to the dungeons without encountering anyone. She reached for the door, but stopped. Someone was walking towards her.

She looked down the hall and saw Snape approaching her.

"A little early for class, isn't it Miss Granger?" Queried Snape malevolently.

"That's not what I'm here for, Professor," said Hermione politely. "Madame Pomfrey has sent me with a list of ingredients that she needs. I was looking for you."

"Well, it's fortunate for you that you didn't touch that door, or you might've had a nasty rash for a couple weeks." Hermione's eyebrows raised. "I put a spell on the door that allows only me entrance until I use the counter curse. I had a problem with disappearing ingredients a couple of years ago."

Hermione blushed a bit, but said nothing. She knew that she, Harry, and Ron had broken into his room in their second year to steal ingredients for the illegal polyjuice potion they were making. She also clearly recalled that the house elf Dobby had stolen gillyweed for Harry in their fourth year.

She handed Snape the list and followed him into the classroom, making a mental note to tell Harry and Ron about the door when they were friends again. That is, if she ever forgave them. She sighed.

Balancing a few too many bottles, she cautiously walked back up to the infirmary. When she got there, Madame Pomfrey helped her put the ingredients away.

Hermione had to ask, it was in her nature. "Um, Madame Pomfrey? If Professor Snape has all these ingredients why doesn't he make the salve for you? It'd save you time."

"Well, that's what he was kind enough to do for the first week or so, but then the quantity needed became too much. I relieved him of that duty because he needs to do his own things in his time."

Hermione nodded and let the question slide.

"Won't you check on Mr. Malfoy, dear? Oh, and please give him the restoration potion. We're hoping he'll be well soon."

She walked over to his bed and found the said potion on the night stand. She measured it into a spoon and then stopped. How was she supposed to get Malfoy to drink this stuff if he was unconscious? Hermione ended up opening his mouth with one hand and poured it in. It was the best she could do.

She was about to leave when she heard coughing. She quickly turned around and saw Malfoy violently choking. *Oh, crap! He's dying and it's all my fault!*

She ran through the crack in the curtains and looked for Madame Pomfrey. She was no where. Not in her office, not next to any of the beds, no where. She then returned to Malfoy's bed and started to really panic.

Then he stopped. But her relief was short lived. Shock filled the void of panic.

Malfoy's hand was tightly gripping her wrist and his eyes were open. He was awake! But his brow was furrowed. *He's pissed. This is bad.*

She tried to pull away from his iron grip, but he was too strong. Finally Hermione gave up and said, "Let go of me, Malfoy."

"What?" He said.

"You heard me! Now let go! I'm sorry, I didn't mean to choke you!"

"Who are you?"

Hermione was stunned. "What did you just ask?"

"I said: who are you?"

She became very suspicious. "What do you mean by that, Malfoy? You know very well who I am! It's me, Hermione Granger, the mudblood." She winced at the name. She hadn't meant to say it, but it was really all she could think about in when she was near him.

"Hermione? That's a pretty name. Hello, I'm Draco Malfoy. I think." He smiled, let go of her wrist and held out his other hand.

A/N: bwahahaha!!!!!! I shall leave you here! And who knows when I'll update next!??!!?

*gets pinched by Draco*

OW! Hey, what was that for?

You shouldn't be so evil. That's my job. I think.

Oooookaaaaay, whatever.