((A/N I'm sorry about the last chapter, I will be editing the story when I'm done writing it, and just to let you know, I haven't watched the Cell saga for almost two years due to the fact that I only have cable every other weekend in the school year when I go to my Mom's house. I know other things happened before Goku fighting Cell and I feel horrible for doing that to him, but my memory was to fuzzy to be trusted. If you happen to have any useul hints at what happened and how it went down, please, email me and tell me. IE, Cell Jr and how they were created? *hint hint * ))

Gohan couldn't say that he was surprised when Goku called him up onto the arena, but he was surprised that Goku had given him a sensu bean. Wasn't the object of this 'game' to kill Cell?

/Oh well, don't think about that now. I'll kill him anyways./ He thought as walked up to the arena, a hard, cold look on his face.

"My, my. I didn't know that clown boy here had any power in him. I thought he was just here to provide entertainment after I killed all of you. I guess once no one else is foolish enough to fight me, you send in a clown, who's job is to act the fool."

"I'm not a clown Cell. I'm going to be your death." He said apathetically. Cell almost doubled over with laughter.

"That's a good joke kid. What else do you got?"

"Enough power to kill you where you stand." Gohan retorted, quickly growing weary of Cells' jokes and mind games, "Let's just get this over with grasshopper boy." At the mention of Grasshopper Boy, Cell seemed to grow eerily quiet and somber as he glared at the 11-year-old boy, hatred seething in his face.

"Very well then kid. Let's begin." He said jus before he flew At Gohan so fast, that the boy barely had time to deflect the kick that had been aimed for his chest. That single attempt at the blow seemed to open up the floodgates for both Cell and Gohan. The android and the half ling were fighting viciously, rising up into the air, and then plummeting to the earth at breakneck speeds. For those that actually could see what was going on, the fight between Gohan and Cell was a flurry of kicks and punches, almost none of the blows hitting their intended marks. A choreographed dance almost.

Finally they stopped long enough for normal eyes to see the fight. Both parties were battle damaged and looked as thought they had been beaten unconscious, but still they fought. Gohan had been holding off using ki blasts to attack Cell, he didn't want to waste that energy quite yet, but now it was apparent that a torrent of physical attacks wasn't going to do enough damage, not on their own at least.

"Hm, I'm impressed." Cell said jovially, a smirk on his face, "I thought that you were going to be weaker then that man earlier, but I guess you do have a small amount of strength under that childlike exterior. But that isn't going to be enough to defeat me!" Cell suddenly flew at Gohan yet again, catching the boy off guard. Gohan came away from the attack, a small trickle of blood running from the side of his mouth. He raised a hand to wipe away the blood and stared at it for a moment, slightly amazed that he was actually bleeding from the little hit in the jaw.

"Nice one, it actually stung a bit." Gohan said coldly, smiling a bit as he launched himself at Cell, their battle now returning to the small blurs of light. The only difference this time was that every now and then, you'd see someone get hit by a small ki blast, or just barely avoid getting hit by one. Goku watched Gohan anxiously.

/Why hasn't he killed Cell yet? / He wondering to himself, /Gohan's stronger then this, he only going to wear himself out if this keeps up for much longer./

As Gohan fought, he suddenly kept feeling the icy feeling return to him. It happened every time he was about to fire a blast that would finish Cell off. In a way, Gohan knew that if he succumbed to the feeling, or lack there of, and if he killed Cell in that state, there would be no stopping him. Gohan would just continue killing until he was killed himself. But he knew that he had to do something. He couldn't keep this pace up indefinitely. By now, he could even see the strain this battle was putting on Cell, however, considering that he was an android, the damage was obviously less.

"Come on Clown Boy." Cell teased, "I know that you're stronger then this. I can tell by the way you fight, you're holding back something. I want to see your full power, so that I know just how weak you truly are compared to me." Gohan gritted his teeth in anger as Cell laughed at him. Still, he refused to let go and kill Cell. Not yet.

"What, are you still not going to try and kill me? Well then, maybe you just need a little incentive then." With that, Cell aimed a ki blast at the television truck and promptly blew it up along with all its passengers. Inwardly Gohan recoiled, and then started shrieking in anger, but he kept an outwardly cool posture.

"Nice trick, but do you honestly think I care what you do to three or four humans? I've blown entire planets up, completely wiping out species, what makes you think I'm any more attached to these humans then the others?" He asked quietly, knowing exactly what was so special about the people of this particular planet. His mother and little brother Goten for starters.