"Lonely streets"

Pairing: Possible SasuNaru
Rating: pg-13 ---language warnings
Settings: AU takes place in a modern city, not ninja related.


The wind howled through the near deserted streets and alleyways, the remains of last weeks snowfall clung to the pavement in scattered piles of misshapen ice. Few people roamed the city at this hour, especially not when it was this cold out. One solitary figure walked the long empty span of frozen street, he trudged tiredly huddled in his hooded jacket. Whose pockets he kept his gloved hands jammed into, pulling one arm loose long enough to check his watch. Why did he have to work so late? It was 2 am, and he was still a good 4 blocks away from his nice warm apartment. Muttering a few curses about the horrid weather, he continued the seemingly endless walk home.

 Until he neared one particular alley, where the sounds of fighting fell upon his frozen ears. "LET GO ASSHOLE!" "Grab his legs!" This halted the young man, as he wavered between ignoring it, or getting involved. The sound of garbage cans crashing seemed to will him to help, as he found him self rushing into the dimly lit passage. The sight that greeted him struck him as a tad unfair, four men were trying to get a hold of a struggling individual.

"He needs to learn a lesson" Laughed one of the offenders, "He sure does." Growled another, rubbing his cheek where he had been kicked by the boy they were trying to pin down. The boy in question seemed to have been wrangled by the other two, although that didn't stop him from struggling between them and screaming profanities. All five jumped in surprise as they suddenly found they had company, the young man who had decided to intervene launched himself upon the first two men.  Knocking one of them over with a sweeping low kick, and elbowing the other in the stomach. With a surprising amount of speed, he kneed one of the captors in the groin.  The boy stumbled free, and cracked the fourth guy upside the head. Ignoring the man who had helped him, he darted out of the alley. Having delivered a few more kicks all around, the man in the hooded jacket walked out. Looking for some sign of the boy he had aided.

 He didn't have to look far, for the lad had tripped over a frozen snow bank and was struggling to get to his feet. The world seemed to be spinning, he must have been hit harder then he thought. He managed to collapse against the side of a building, as he attempted to collect his thoughts. But frowned once he realized the guy still hadn't left. "If you're waiting for a thank you, might as well go away." The shabbily dressed boy snapped.

  The young man tipped his head slightly, quietly observing the other. Partially spiky jet-black hair, that parted to reveal a pale bloodied face. Whose owner was dressed in a torn up pair of jeans, and an old hoodie that had seen better days. The dark haired boy bristled under the scrutinizing gaze, and in return glared darkly at the one who had helped him. "What?!" Gloved hands pulled back the fur trimmed hood, giving the other teen a good look at the youthful face of other boy, 3 strips marked each cheek and good natured blue eyes beamed at him from under spikes of blood hair. "Your pretty beat up, where do you live I'll walk you back." He offered. "I've had worse, and I don't have a home so fuck off." Was the rather ungracious reply, the rescuer frowned slightly, his eyes sliding shut as he regarded the standoffish boy. "Its almost below zero, your hurt. And you really have no where to go?" "No I don't, so get lost."

  The fair-haired one paused, torn once more. He weighed his options, and glanced once more at his sorry excuse for a victim. After a long bout of silence he finally sighed, "Oh what the hell."

Throwing his better judgment aside the blond youth reached down and grabbed hold of the other boys arm. Black eyes startled open, and regarded his "savior" with blatant distrust and irritation. "What the hell do you want now?!" He snarled hoarsely, trying to wrench his arm free with out much success. "Get up, you're coming with me." Was the others "friendly" order, there was a bright smile on his whiskered face and a determined gleam those baby blue eyes.

~~~~~~To be continued?


 This is an experiment of sorts, I haven't written any actual stories for a while now. I have done nothing but draw and work on my comics, but it's not the same as sitting down and writing a detailed story. How ever I recently had to write a short story for my creative writing class, which seems to have sparked my "writing itch". And here I was so certain it was out of my system. -_- I was musing over things, and this story started to form. Maybe I'll continue maybe I wont, my writing is a little rusty. If I get a good response I might keep going, I dun know maybe I should leave writing to the real writers. -_-;;;;