A/N: This is it guys, the last and final chapter. Don't hate me for it, but I needed to finalize it. It is angst anyway. Hope it satisfies you. If any of you don't like it, e-mail me and tell me why. If enough of you hate it I might be up to considering a re-write. As for me, I'm quite happy with it. So long for now, and look for future updates of my other story, seeing as how that's my next project. Thanks for all of your support guys, it means a lot to me!
The sky rained upon the earth, drenching the soil under the feet of the hundreds of morbid guests. One by one they approached, sharing condolences with the friends and family. The aged outer Senshi stood faithfully by their husbands as they wept, shedding tears themselves. Their children stood behind them, gently consoling them. Trowa and Michiru's son held their father as he wept bitterly, holding the umbrella above them. Wufei and Hotaru held their daughters between them, sobbing as their son held the umbrella for them. Quatre and Setsuna stood silently to the side, each with a hand on their young daughter, Quatre holding the umbrella for them. It was Hiiro and Haruka that wept the most, their youngest son standing before them and ineffectively consoling them. Their daughter held up the umbrella for them, tears steadily streaming her own face.
Then, behind the back of the coffin, stood two lone figures. No umbrella could be found above their heads as they stood shoulder-to-shoulder, emotionless as the rain drenched them to the bone. The elder stood with a hand on his sister's shoulder, holding her protectively. They looked almost identical, save the color of their eyes. They had their father's hair, even down the traditional braid that even their mother had worn. His father would have been proud to see him wearing an outfit similar to his own, priest like in many aspects. The cross would have made his smile. Their mother would have smiled and laughed to see her daughter wearing the same outfit, her wedding ring on a chain around her daughter's neck. They watched as one by one their friends came to say their farewells. Each placed a white rose upon the closed coffin, rain streaming off it in rivers. When Hiiro and Haruka had placed their rose, the two children went before the coffin.
For some time they stood their, waiting as the guests came to them. Hundreds gave condolences yet were met with deaf ears. The children were as hard as stone, not even shivering in the cold autumn rain. Their friends came and stood by their sides, abandoning their parents for a short while. Yet even they couldn't reach the two souls. When the pilots and Senshi came to them, Rei grabbed her brother's hand. He turned his head to see her better, gently squeezing her hand in return. She wasn't alone in this, nor would she ever be.
"He was a great man, your mother would have been proud." Michiru's words brought back memories to both children.
It brought them to their childhood, to when she had still been alive. She had always been smiles and laughter, never had they seen her shed a tear. She'd given them everything from toys to pets to all her love. Materialistic items had never mattered to her, only her ring. When she'd told them of her past, it had first been as a fairy tale story for bedtime. It wasn't until they were older and had seen the old periodicals in the library that they'd come to realize it was the truth. That their aunts, Haruka, Setsuna, Hotaru and Michiru, had been the outer Senshi. That Rei had been named after her mother's best friend, and that Seiya had been named after a dear friend of the past. Artemis and Luna had been her guardians, and Diana had been her past daughter's best friend. Their respect and love had grown for her greatly that day.
Their father's story had come out much later, when they'd seen the silver cross in a black onyx box in his drawer. By then mother had already died, her heart finally failing her. Even when she'd been in all that pain she'd never let them know. It wasn't until the final hour that she'd let it all out, moaning in pain. They'd been amazed at hoe strong the bond between their parents had been. Even on her deathbed she wanted to make sure he was happy, that he would be alright. It made their hearts warm to think about that love, to know that it had been given to them as well, that they had shared in it. They'd had the perfect family.
With a soft sob little Rae finally fell to her knees before the coffin, resting her head on it. The guests had all gone; all that remained were their Aunts and Uncles. Their best friends, also their cousins, stood several feet behind them in silence. Seiya knelt next to her, wrapping his arms around her from behind. Her fourteen-year-old body was wracked with sobs as she sat there, the rain and thunder drowning them out. Desperately Seiya tried not to cry, telling himself that he was too old to cry. He had been seventeen when his mother had died; he'd been allowed to cry then. But now, now he couldn't. He was three years older, three years wiser and stronger. He was supposed to be here for Rae now. A hand on his shoulder made him look up.
"It's okay to cry." Seeing Hiiro like that, tears streaming down his face and mixing with the rain broke his barriers. Turning he flung himself into the arms of his father's best friend. Haruka knelt on the ground next to Rae, stroking her back as she cried into her shoulder.
Three hours later found the group of seventeen adults and children sat in Quatre's large living room. The children were sitting on the floor, wearing sweaters and wrapped in blankets while popping popcorn. The adults sat on the couches, holding their loved ones. They were watching the videos of Usagi and Duo's marriage and life after. They were currently on the video of Seiya's birth. Hiiro was filming, walking into the hospital room where Usagi lay propped up on pillows, Seiya in her arms. She was disheveled, her hair clinging with the damp sweat to her face, her face pale. Duo sat on the bed next to her, stroking her head. Looking up at the camera he smiled before looking back at his wife.
"Isn't she the most beautiful thing you've ever seen?" Tears came to everyone's eyes. She looked horrible for she had just given birth, and here he was saying she was beautiful.
"Oh, Duo." Shivers went down everyone's spine at the sound of her voice. Kissing her gently Duo then touched the nose of his son. The look on Usagi's face, the love. That's when they realized he was right. Usagi was the most beautiful thing they'd ever seen. Her love, her kindness, her joy, everything that she was, that's what made her beautiful. Even at her worst moment her qualities shone through, making her look like an angel.
Scooting over so that he was next to his sister, Seiya wrapped his arms around her as they watched the next videos. Rae was a little girl and Seiya was playing with her in the park. Their mother and father stood off to the side, smiling gently. When Usagi reached up to the necklace, a small silver light emanated before quickly disappearing. Reaching up Rae clutched the necklace as well, holding the memory of her mother. Seiya kissed his sister's forehead, embracing her tightly.
"They're in heaven now Rae, no more pain for either of them." Rae nodded in return, a soft smile upon her face.
No one knew quite why Duo had died. They'd refused an autopsy, claiming that it was a broken heart. And in a way it was. The bond they had shared for so many years, that bond of love, had linked them in more ways then one. Her pain was his, as his was hers. The death of his beloved had proven it. He'd lasted for three years for one reason and one reason only. His children. Her love existed through them, yet it simply wasn't enough. When Seiya had reached an appropriate age, as well as Rae, he'd simply given up. It wasn't long after that he'd been reunited with his love in Heaven.
Years down the road Seiya and Rae would also find that love. Seiya eventually married Ami, Wufei and Hotaru's eldest daughter. Rae married Allen, Trowa and Michiru's son. The love between those couples mirrored the love they'd been shown by Duo and Usagi. The love that had formed bonds of friendship between enemies and had overlooked all flaws. That love lasted for centuries, growing more and more with each generation it lived through. It was through that love that Usagi's legacy was carried out. She may not have been alive to protect the planets, but her love was. Hers and Duo's love.