Slam Dunk most sadly does not belong to me.




teh tarik


            Basketball. If there is one word that can jolt all our short attention spans with a snap back to reality and capture all our interest at once, then it is this word. It is a game where every player has only one goal, one obsession stamped hard into his mind; and that is to fight for that orange sphere and guide it to where it belongs; the basketball net.

            Look into our eyes and you will see how much this game means to us. You will see something far beyond the mere want of playing this game. No, the raging fire burning in our eyes is fuelled by something more than that; desire. We burn with a hungry insatiable desire to play this game. No one will ever understand how we feel. The crowd cheering and catcalling from the stands and a million others who say they appreciate basketball do not and will never even have the slightest clue to what we feel, because they do not play the game, but we do. Look into our eyes, and you will see what we feel for this game, but you will not define it. What is mirrored in our eyes is not definable.

            This game…it is our life. Many people say this sort of thing often, but when we say it, our voices resound and reverberate with determination, an ardent desire and an insatiable hunger for victory. We mean it when we say that basketball is our life. Every step we take on the court, every time the ball we all fight so fervently for comes within our grasp, we are filled with an indescribable joy. We do not run, but we seem to soar. We do not jump, but we spread our wings and fly. Nobody can play like us, if they do not burn with the flame of determination like we do. Nobody can ever okay like us if they do not possess the unfathomable and unwavering love we possess for this game.

             Every victory will leave a glorious, heavenly taste in our mouths. It is a taste that will make us crave to savour it again and again. It is an obsession, a powerful, intoxicating drug that leaves us with a great satisfaction and the need to have more. Every lost game, every bitter defeat is an agony and a heartbreak for all of us. It is an agony so great that tears rush to our eyes and our muscles turn to water as we collapse in disbelief and painful anguish for the time being. Yes, for the time being.

            We may have been defeated, but we are not conquered. We will never be conquered. Nobody can conquer us. Nobody can shatter our unbreakable, indomitable spirit that rages in our very veins. Sometimes, fires do burn low, but in the end, after being refueled, they will flare up again brighter and more furious than ever.

            We do not hold the future for basketball within our fists. We are the very future itself. In this game, we live, with more joy than our eager hearts can spill. In this game, we fight with all our devastating, fervent might. In this game, we win, a victory that will forever resound with all its triumph in the vaults of our minds. We are indestructible. We are invincible. We are destined to win.

            Go home Shoyo. Go home Kainan. Go home Ryonan. You cannot beat us. You cannot steal our victory, for we gurad it too jealously. We will bring you crashing down, down to the pit of defeat. You cannot beat us; we are unbeatable. You cannot destroy us; we are indestructible. We are invincible. That we believe. You cannot win because you play the game…but we…we live in it.


Wrote this out of pure inspiration. Hope it isn't too crappy! Review and tell me what you guys think!