
Torashi opened her sapphire blue eyes. Her head throbbed painfully and she placed her left hand on her temple. A few seconds passed before the pain ebbed away.

Torashi sat up, looking around. She realized the place that she hid around in at the beach. It used to be a storage shed, but something happened and Torashi took it over.

"Ah, Torashi-chan. You're up. I was beginning to worry about you." A woman late in her years walked in. She sat on the end of Torashi's bed.

Torashi looked at her adopted okasan's eyes, picking out her emotions and smiled. "You were not. You know me too well. I'll always come back, no matter what.

"Ok, fine. You got me. You little rascal, next time tell me before popping off for two days. We found you lying on the beach."

"I'm sorry, but it wasn't intentional. I just needed a break from this place for a while."

Ha. No use telling her I needed a break from this world. She'd think I'm crazy or something.

Torashi's okasan stood up, walking to the door. "I sure hope you were being good, Saotome Torashi. Now get some rest, you look tired," she finished, leaving.

Torashi lay back amongst the sheets. "Okasan, you don't have the slightest idea," she muttered to the ceiling.

Torashi woke up fully refreshed. It was dark outside, and a full moon was rising over the water, able to be seen from her window.

She looked around again. There was a vase with a single flower poking out of the top on the table Torashi used to put food. The flower was hidden in the shadows, not yet visible. Torashi smiled, walking over to the window.

She sighed. "Maybe it was all just a dream. My dreams usually mean something, but probably not this one. It is too good to mean anything," Torashi mused quietly.

She leaned against the windowsill, head propped up on her left hand, right arm dangling out.

A glint of green blended in with the light of the moon. Startled, Torashi looked down at her wrist and smiled sadly. It was the bracelet Kurama had given her.

Torashi shook her head. The dream wasn't a dream after all. No way in hell. Either that, or I really am crazy.

She laughed quietly, and then looked around to make sure no one was there to watch her make a fool of herself, thinking like that.

But the only thing there was a red rose. Torashi smiled and cried softly to herself.

"I'll make it back someday, Kurama-kun. I promise," she whispered.

In the dimension Torashi had left, Minamino Shuichi, more commonly know as Kurama to her, was standing on the balcony of his room, watching the full moon rise with a small red pendant dangling from his hand, reflecting light, listening to Torashi's promise.

A white rose in the morning
Reminds me of what we were.
A red rose at night
Stirs memories forgotten.

Ok, I made up this poem, mainly to make this sweeter. THAT'S THE END!!!!!! I kinda intended for the other chapter to be cute, but I think I went overboard!!!!! Well, thanks all you readers who have stuck with me, and thanks muses too for helping me. Kurama is romance, and Jin is humor. I'm going to revamp the chapters, getting more help. I loved doing this and....... Wait a second........THIS IS THE FIRST STORY LINE I'VE EVER FINISHED! Heck yeah, I'm free. Just joking. Right now, I'm working on other fan fics, so check my name every once in a while. I'm working on an Inu Yasha cross over with my own character from yu yu, a full Ranma ½ fic with Torashi, and a Yu Yu/ Bifrost Guardian cross over. Bifrost is a book by some guy, and it's really good. You don't need to know much in order to read the fic, tho.

This has been MuseQueen, sighing off for now!