Chapter 1

Disclaimer: I don't own Harry Potter. They are the property of JK Rowling.

The rain tapped constantly against the glass window as Cho Chang sat alone trying to study. It was long past midnight and finals were coming up soon. All her time was spent eating, sleeping and reviewing for the up coming finals. As the rain tapped against the glass window and the sounds of thunder roared she couldn't help but let her mind wonder.


"Cho do you want to go with me to Hogsmeade this weekend? That is if you don't have anything else to do. I understand if you don't want to. You know if you are too busy or something," mumbled a teenager with a lightning bolt scar on his forehead. He had a doubtful look on his face and was very embarrassed. He had basically answered his own question and had prepared to leave when Cho grabbed his hand.

"I would love to go with you Harry." She could see the happy look on Harry's face.

"Great, um I'll see you Saturday morning then? We'll meet at the Great Hall ok?"

"Ok," said Cho smiling.

The next few days were spent deciding what to wear. Cho must have gone through all her outfits at least half a dozen times each.

"All this and I have nothing to wear!" yelled Cho.

"How about this black skirt?" said her best friend Valerie in a very amused tone.

"You know I don't look good in skirts Val."

"Well this skirt is a little too short for a first date anyways."

"It's not a date! Harry just asked me if I wanted to go to Hogsmeade with him. Plenty of other people were going."

"He didn't mention anyone else was going now did he?"

"Well, no. I'm sure he just forgot."

"Yeah, right. Just give me the juicy stuff when you get back," said Val once again with her amused tone.

"There's not going to be any juicy stuff! Harry just wants to be friends," said a slightly embarrassed Cho.

"Then why are you so worried about what to wear? You aren't usually worried about what you look like."

"Um. I just wanted to look nice that's all."

"Oh this shirt is cute!" said Valerie browsing through Cho's closet. "Try this on."

"That shirt makes me look fat!"

"Oh puhlease," replied Valerie rolling her eyes.

On Saturday morning Cho arrived at the Great Hall to find Harry waiting for her at the door. "Wow does he look handsome" thought Cho. Harry had just gotten a haircut so his hair no longer covered his lightning bolt scar. His clothes looked like he had spent hours ironing them. Cho could have sworn she saw a one or two burn marks but thought nothing of it.

"Hi Harry," said Cho with a big smile on her face.

"Hi Cho," replied Harry with a grin.

"Shall we go then Mr. Potter?" said Cho.

"Oh yeah of course. Lets go," said Harry stumbling on words. "That's so cute," thought Cho.

The two teenagers made their way through the Hogwarts gate to the town of Hogsmeade.

"So how is Quidditch going for you?" asked Harry trying to break the silence.

"Oh it's great! We have a really good team this year. Just be prepared to have your ass handed to you Mr. Potter," said Cho laughing.

"We'll see about that. Who won the Quidditch cup last? I seem to remember it wasn't Ravenclaw," said Harry laughing. Cho looked a little hurt by this. "Oh I didn't mean that Cho. I'm really sorry," said Harry. He then proceeded to hugging her and that made her feel better.

"Let's get something to eat at The Three Broomstricks," said Cho.

"Sure," replied Harry more confidently now.

The two teenagers were seated in the corner with a window view. After what seemed like minutes but was really hours they were about ready to leave. Harry went and paid for all their food against Cho's protest who offered to pay half.

"I have something to tell you Cho. I hope you don't think differently of me after this and I hope we can still be friends," said Harry.

"This sounds serious," replied Cho with a worried expression on her face.

"I don't know how to say this."

"So just say it," replied Cho while grabbing Harry's hand. She got herself ready for the worst.

"I.I like you Cho. More than just as a friend. More of like the whole boyfriend and girlfriend kind of deal. I think about you all the time. You are the only thing that is ever on my mind. Every time I look into your eyes, it is like looking at an angel. I know you don't like me like that but I thought you should know. If you don't ever want to talk to me again I'll understand," said Harry as he turned away from her and got ready to leave. Once again Cho grabbed his hand and turned him around. Harry did not dare glance up and look at her in the eyes. He knew what was coming and wanted to spare himself the agony of looking into her eyes. Cho ran fingers down his face and lifted his chin up. Now Harry was forced to look at her in the eyes. He wasn't sure how she felt because it seemed like she was in complete shock. Slowly she rose up on her toes and kissed him right on the lips. The look on his face was a mixture of shock and happiness.

"I think I like you too Mr. Potter," said Cho. She looked into his eyes and resumed to kiss him again.

*End of Flashback*

Cho suddenly remembered what she was doing and tried to resume studying. Her heart was aching. Slowly her red watery eyes looked down at her hand and another memory came to her mind.


It was Valentines Day during Cho's 7th year at Hogwarts. Two teenagers were having a picnic out by the lake of Hogwarts. The sun was shining that day. It was warm as Spring was approaching. The water showed the reflection of the two teenagers in each others arms under a tree.

"Cho, I have something for you," said Harry.

"Harry! I told you not to buy me anything," replied Cho.

"I know but I really wanted to. I couldn't resist it." Harry reached into his pocket and pulled out a velvet black box. "Cho, you have been my girlfriend for the past several months. In all that time I have never said those three little words to you. I know that I love you and wanted to show you how much I love you by giving you this ring." Harry proceeded in popping open the box. The box revealed a golden ring with a green emerald that matched the colors of Harry's eyes.

Cho gasped! "Oh Harry, I couldn't accept this. It's too much!"

"Cho, this is a symbol of my love for you. I know I love you and I always will." Harry took the ring out of its box and placed it on Cho's finger.

"Harry, this is the nicest piece of jewelry I own. I'll never take it off!" She couldn't believe it. He said he loved her. He had given her this very special ring. All she could do was look at it in awe.

"I take it that you like it," chuckled Harry.

"Of course I like it you git!" replied Cho. She then proceeded in turning around and kissing him harder than she had ever done before. Harry was obviously taken off guard and fell back.

"Wow! That was the most amazing kiss Cho."

*End of Flashback*

Cho slowly cried and the tears fell onto her textbook as the pages became soaked. Slowly she cried herself to sleep. The next morning was cloudy following the previous storm. Cho woke up in front of her study table and recalled the night previous. Slowly she dragged herself into the shower and turned on the radio. As the radio station went from song to song it came across one that caused her heart to stop.


"May I have this dance," asked Harry at her graduation dance.

"Certainly," replied Cho. She moved forward and practically melted into his arms. The DJ waved his wand and put on a muggle song.

Everybody's got something they had to leave behind

One regret from yesterday that just seems to grow with time

There's no use looking back oh wondering

Oh wondering

How it could be now oh might have been

Oh might have been

Oh this I know but still I can't find ways to let you go

Cho rested her head onto Harry's shoulder. She was in a state of bliss and this was her moment. Nothing could take that away from her. She felt as if nothing bad could ever happen as long as she was in his arms.

I never had a dream come true

Till the day that I found you

Even though I pretend that I've moved on

You'll always be my baby

I never found the words to say

You're the one I think about each day

And I know no matter where life takes me to

A part of me will always be with you

Slowly the two danced. Nothing else mattered at the moment except each other.

Somewhere in my memory I've lost all sense of time

And tomorrow can never be cos yesterday is all that fills my mind

There's no use looking back oh wondering

Oh wondering

How it should be now oh might have been

Oh might have been

Oh this I know but still I can't find ways to let you go

"Cho, you are going out into the world. I'm going to be in school for another year. Will you wait for me?" asked Harry.

"I would wait until the end of time for you. You are my one and only, Harry James Potter."

I never had a dream come true

Till the day that I found you

Even though I pretend that I've moved on

You'll always be my baby

I never found the words to say

You're the one I think about each day

And I know no matter where life takes me to

A part of me will always be

"Do you mean that Cho?" asked Harry.

"Yes Harry, because you have stolen my heart. I think I'm in love. Wait, I know I'm in love."

You'll always be the dream that fills my head

Yes you will say you will you know you will oh baby

You'll always be the one I know I'll never forget

There's no use looking back oh wondering

Oh wondering

Because love is a strange and funny thing

And funny thing

No matter how I try I try I just can't say goodbye no no no no

Slowly Cho raised her head from Harry's shoulder and looked into his eyes.

I never had a dream come true

Till the day that I found you

Even though I pretend that I've moved on You'll always be my baby

I never found the words to say

Never found the words to say

You're the one I think about each day

You're the one I think about each day

And I know no matter where life takes me to

A part of me will always be with you

A part of me will always be with you oooohhh

Tipping up on her toes while still having her arms around his neck they slowly kissed.

*End of Flashback*

A/N: The song I Never Had A Dream Come True was borrowed from Sclub7. I wrote this story because I like the idea of Harry/Cho. I was very disappointed with JK Rowling's OOTP though.